by Rodolfo Carvalho
Add today's experiments. |
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#lang racket |
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;; Explorations with decoding URLs %-encoded in Latin-1 rather than UTF-8
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;; Rodolfo Carvalho
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(require net/url) |
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;; Portions of code taken from uri-codec-unit.rkt from the net/uri-codec collect.
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;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
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(define (self-map-char ch) (cons ch ch)) |
13 |
(define (self-map-chars str) (map self-map-char (string->list str))) |
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;; The characters that always map to themselves
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(define alphanumeric-mapping |
17 |
(self-map-chars |
18 |
"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) |
19 |
20 |
;; Characters that sometimes map to themselves
21 |
;; called 'mark' in RFC 3986
22 |
(define safe-mapping (self-map-chars "-_.!~*'()")) |
23 |
24 |
;; The strict URI mapping
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(define uri-mapping (append alphanumeric-mapping safe-mapping)) |
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;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
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(define (number->hex-string number) |
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(define (hex n) (string-ref "0123456789ABCDEF" n)) |
31 |
(string #\% (hex (quotient number 16)) (hex (modulo number 16)))) |
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(define (hex-string->number hex-string) |
34 |
(string->number (substring hex-string 1 3) 16)) |
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(define ascii-size 128) |
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;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
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;; (listof (cons char char)) -> (values (vectorof string) (vectorof string))
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(define (make-codec-tables alist) |
43 |
(let ([encoding-table (build-vector ascii-size number->hex-string)] |
44 |
[decoding-table (build-vector ascii-size values)]) |
45 |
(for-each (match-lambda |
46 |
[(cons orig enc) |
47 |
(vector-set! encoding-table |
48 |
(char->integer orig) |
49 |
(string enc)) |
50 |
(vector-set! decoding-table |
51 |
(char->integer enc) |
52 |
(char->integer orig))]) |
53 |
alist) |
54 |
(values encoding-table decoding-table))) |
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(define-values (uri-encoding-vector uri-decoding-vector) |
57 |
(make-codec-tables uri-mapping)) |
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;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
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;; vector string -> string
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(define (decode table str) |
63 |
(define internal-decode |
64 |
(match-lambda [(list) (list)] |
65 |
[(list* #\% (? hex-digit? char1) (? hex-digit? char2) rest) |
66 |
;; This used to consult the table again, but I think that's
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;; wrong. For example %2b should produce +, not a space.
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(cons (string->number (string char1 char2) 16) |
69 |
(internal-decode rest))] |
70 |
[(cons (? ascii-char? char) rest) |
71 |
(cons (vector-ref table (char->integer char)) |
72 |
(internal-decode rest))] |
73 |
[(cons char rest) |
74 |
(append |
75 |
(bytes->list (string->bytes/utf-8 (string char))) |
76 |
(internal-decode rest))])) |
77 |
(bytes->string/latin-1 (apply bytes (internal-decode (string->list str))))) |
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(define (ascii-char? c) |
81 |
(< (char->integer c) ascii-size)) |
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(define (hex-digit? c) |
84 |
(or (char<=? #\0 c #\9) |
85 |
(char<=? #\a c #\f) |
86 |
(char<=? #\A c #\F))) |
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;; string -> string
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(define (uri-decode str) |
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(decode uri-decoding-vector str)) |
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;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
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(define (force-utf-8/bytes bstr) |
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(define c (bytes-open-converter "ISO-8859-1" "UTF-8")) |
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(define-values (result-bstr src-read-amt status) (bytes-convert c bstr)) |
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(bytes-close-converter c) |
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result-bstr) |
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(define (force-utf-8/string str) |
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(define in (open-input-string str)) |
103 |
(reencode-input-port in "ISO-8859-1") |
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(port->string in)) |
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(define current-url (string->url "http://www.ufrj.br")) |
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(define resource "http://www.ufrj.br/editais.php?tp=Acad%EAmicos&no=Cursos&idtp=4") |
108 |
;(combine-url/relative current-url resource)
109 |
(uri-decode resource) |