project(ubuntu-calculator-app C CXX) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9) # Do not remove this line, its required for the correct functionality of the Ubuntu-SDK set(UBUNTU_MANIFEST_PATH "" CACHE INTERNAL "Tells QtCreator location and name of the manifest file") find_package(Qt5Core) find_package(Qt5Qml) find_package(Qt5Quick) # Find_package(ubuntu-sdk-libs) #automatically create moc files set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) # Figure out the component install path execute_process( COMMAND dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH OUTPUT_VARIABLE ARCH_TRIPLET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) set(CLICK_ARCH "all") # If you want to add native code to your project, replace the set CLICK_ARCH command # with the following part. # This command figures out the target architecture for use in the manifest file # execute_process( # COMMAND dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH # OUTPUT_VARIABLE CLICK_ARCH # OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE # ) set(QT_IMPORTS_DIR "lib/${ARCH_TRIPLET}") option(INSTALL_TESTS "Install the tests on make install" on) set(APP_NAME ubuntu-calculator-app) set(UBUNTU-CALCULATOR-APP_DIR "share/qml/ubuntu-calculator-app") set(MAIN_QML "ubuntu-calculator-app.qml") set(ICON "graphics/ubuntu-calculator-app.png") # Set install paths set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX /) set(DATA_DIR /) set(DESKTOP_DIR ${DATA_DIR}) set(DESKTOP_FILE_NAME "ubuntu-calculator-app.desktop") # This sets the commandline that is executed on the device set(EXEC "qmlscene $@ ${UBUNTU-CALCULATOR-APP_DIR}/${MAIN_QML}") # Configures the manifest file. The manifest file describes the click package # to the target system. All cmake variables that are defined at this point # can be used in the manifest file and will be automatically replaced by cmake configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/manifest.json) install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/manifest.json DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}) install(DIRECTORY "app/graphics" DESTINATION ${DATA_DIR}) install(FILES "ubuntu-calculator-app.apparmor" DESTINATION ${DATA_DIR}) add_subdirectory(app) add_subdirectory(po) add_custom_target("autopilot" chmod +x ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/app/tests/autopilot/run COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/app/tests/autopilot/run WORKING_DIRECTORY ./app) add_custom_target("check" /usr/bin/qmltestrunner -input ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/app/tests/unit -import ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/backend WORKING_DIRECTORY ./app) add_custom_target("run" /usr/bin/qmlscene -I ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/backend ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/app/ubuntu-calculator-app.qml WORKING_DIRECTORY ./app) # Normally QtCreator would only show files that are part of a target, but we need it to show also files # that are not compiled. Therefore we add a custom target that just does nothing but list the files add_custom_target("ubuntu-calculator-app_ClickFiles" ALL SOURCES "ubuntu-calculator-app.apparmor" "")