#!/usr/bin/perl # The next line is here to help me find the directory of the script # if you have a better method, let me know. use FindBin qw($RealBin); # Next line adds the script directory to the lib path use lib "$RealBin"; use strict; use warnings; use Proc::Spawn; use Functions::Shell qw(check_daemon check_command start_daemon get_daemon_output exit_shell); use Functions::ShellSocket qw(connect_shell_socket receive_shell_msg send_shell_msg close_shell_socket term_shell_ctxt bind_shell_socket); use Getopt::Long; my $command = undef; my $wait_daemon = undef; my $setup = undef; my $help_message = undef; my $interactive = 1; # Variables to store daemon ip and port on distributed test my $daemon_ip = ""; my $daemon_port = "6650"; my $daemon_path = "$daemon_ip:$daemon_port"; # Next variables is used to control when to skip a loop cicle my $continue = undef; # Variables for socket managing my $socket = undef; my $ctxt = undef; my $shell_socket = undef; my $shell_ctxt = undef; my $ret = GetOptions ( "c|command=s" => \$command, "wait-daemon" => \$wait_daemon, "setup" => \$setup, "h|help" => \$help_message ); if (defined($help_message)) { my $help = <<'END'; Usage: cvmfs-test [--i] [--setup] [--wait-daemon] [--c command] -h|--help Print this help and exit. --i Start the interactive shell. Default. --setup Setup the environment. --wait-daemon Wait for the daemon to send its ip. --c command Executes command and exit. END print $help; exit_shell($socket, $ctxt); } if (defined($setup)) { check_command(undef, undef, undef, 'setup'); check_command(undef, undef, undef, 'fixperm'); exit_shell($socket, $ctxt); } if (defined($wait_daemon)) { # Opening the socket to wait for the daemon to send its ip ($shell_socket, $shell_ctxt) = bind_shell_socket(); # Wait fo the daemon message my $answer = receive_shell_msg($shell_socket); # Splitting the message and assigning it to variables my @ip_port = split /:/, $answer; ($daemon_ip, $daemon_port) = ($ip_port[0], $ip_port[1]); $daemon_path = "$daemon_ip:$daemon_port"; # Closing the socket. The same socket will be used to receive tests output. $socket = close_shell_socket($socket); $ctxt = term_shell_ctxt($ctxt); } if (defined($command)) { if (!check_daemon()) { ($socket, $ctxt) = start_daemon($daemon_path); } else { ($socket, $ctxt) = connect_shell_socket($daemon_path); } my ($continue, $socket, $ctxt) = check_command($socket, $ctxt, $daemon_path, $command); unless ($continue) { send_shell_msg($socket, $command); get_daemon_output($socket, $ctxt); } exit_shell($socket, $ctxt, 1); } if ($interactive) { # A simple welcome. print '#'x80 . "\n"; print "Welcome in the interactive shell of the CernVM-FS testing system.\n"; print "Type 'help' for a list of available commands.\n"; print '#'x80 . "\n"; # If the daemon is not running, the shell will ask the use if run it if (!check_daemon()) { print 'The daemon is not running. Would you like to run it now? [Y/n]'; my $answer = ; if($answer eq "\n" or $answer eq "Y\n" or $answer eq "y\n"){ ($socket, $ctxt) = start_daemon($daemon_path); } } else { # Starting the socket to communicate with the server ($socket, $ctxt) = connect_shell_socket($daemon_path); } # Infinite loop for the shell. It will switch between two shells: the first one # is the one used when the shell is connected to the daemon. The second one is used # when the daemon is not running and will have less options available. # Both shell terminates on exit. while(1){ # This is the first shell, the one used to communicate with the daemon while(check_daemon()){ print '-> '; # Reading an input line. my $line = STDIN->getline; chomp($line); # Checking again if the daemon is running, maybe something killed it. unless (check_daemon()) { print "Daemon isn't running anymore. Check logs.\n"; $socket = close_shell_socket($socket); $ctxt = term_shell_ctxt($ctxt); next; } # Checking if the command refer to the shell and not to the daemon ($continue, $socket, $ctxt) = check_command($socket, $ctxt, $daemon_path, $line); # If the command was already executed, passing to the next while cicle next if $continue; # Send the command through the socket send_shell_msg($socket, $line); # Get answer from the daemon get_daemon_output($socket, $ctxt); } # This is the second shell, use when the daemon is closed while(!check_daemon()){ print '(Daemon not running) -> '; # Reading an input line. my $line = STDIN->getline; chomp($line); # Launching the command ($continue, $socket, $ctxt) = check_command($socket, $ctxt, $daemon_path, $line); } } }