Goobi.IndexServer ================= Goobi.IndexServer is just a pre-configured version of Apache Solr. Some files have to be patched in order to add some configuration and security constraints for up to 15 different Lucene cores to be used by Goobi.Presentation. If you need more cores, you have to add more security constraints by yourself. Additionally there are ready-to-use configuration files for the Solr application in the conf/ directoy. Installation instructions ------------------------- 1. Make sure you have Apache Tomcat 6 up and running. Download Apache Solr 3.6.1 from Using later versions may be possible, but is not tested. 2. Apply the patches in patches/* to the respective Solr files and build Solr. 3. Copy solr.xml and conf/* from Goobi.IndexServer to /home/solr and confirm overwriting the existing files. Then move the Solr WAR file to /home/solr and rename it to "apache-solr-for-dlf.war" or change the "docBase" value in conf/context.xml accordingly. 4. Add the roles "dlfSolrUpdate" and "dlfSolrAdmin" and at least one user with both roles to Tomcat's tomcat-users.xml file. 5. Load the application by using conf/context.xml as Tomcat's context file. 6. Restart Tomcat and go for it! Update instructions ------------------- When updating an existing Solr instance for Goobi.Presentation follow the above steps but DO NOT overwrite solr.xml!