by richardb
Add a few more (empty) pages. |
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require "menu.inc"; |
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displayHeader("Download"); |
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by richardb
Convert all toplevel pages to include their content in <TR><TD> |
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by richard
Point to correct locations for tarballs. |
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by richardb
Convert all toplevel pages to include their content in <TR><TD> |
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<h2>Tarballs</h2> |
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by richard
Point to correct locations for tarballs. |
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Several tarballs of the snowball sources are available. |
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<a href="dist/libstemmer_c.tgz">The C version of the libstemmer library.</a><br/> |
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This contains all you need to include the snowball stemming algorithms into a |
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C project of your own. If you download this, you don't need to use the snowball |
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compiler, or worry about the internals of the stemmers in any way. |
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<a href="dist/libstemmer_java.tgz">The Java version of the libstemmer library.</a><br/> |
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This contains all you need to include the snowball stemming algorithms into a |
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Java project of your own. If you download this, you don't need to use the snowball |
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compiler, or worry about the internals of the stemmers in any way. |
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<a href="dist/snowball_code.tgz">Snowball, algorithms, and libstemmer library.</a><br/> |
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This contains all the source code for snowball (but not the generated source files). |
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This is useful mainly if you are wanting to work on the algorithms (tweaking them, |
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or producing new algorithms). |
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<a href="dist/snowball_web_and_code.tgz">Snowball, algorithms, and libstemmer library, and documentation</a><br/> |
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This contains all the source code for snowball (but not the generated source files), and |
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also the full documentation of the stemming algorithms. |
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<a href="dist/snowball_all.tgz">Everything related to snowball</a><br/> |
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This contains all the source code for snowball (but not the generated source files), and |
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also the full documentation of the stemming algorithms. It also contains all |
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the test data files, and is therefore rather large (several megabytes). |
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by richardb
Convert all toplevel pages to include their content in <TR><TD> |
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by richard
Fix wording on download page. |
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Also, tarballs containing just the files related to each individual stemming |
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algorithm described on this site are available from the page for each algorithm. |
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by richard
Point to correct locations for tarballs. |
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We do not make binary (ie, compiled) distributions of snowball available - |
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there are simply too many different platforms and architectures to support. If |
by richard
Fix wording on download page. |
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you are willing to make such binaries available for others, and can provide at |
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least some measure of support for ensuring that they work, feel free to contact |
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us and we will add a link to your work from this site. |
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by richard
Point to correct locations for tarballs. |
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<h2>Subversion</h2> |
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by richard
Couple of final fixes to the website. |
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Developers may wish to access the latest source using the command: |
by richard
Point to correct locations for tarballs. |
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svn co svn://snowball.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk snowball |
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<h2>Web interface to subversion</h2> |
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by richard
Link to browseable SVN repository. |
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The subversion code repository can also be <a href="http://snowball.tartarus.org/viewcvs.cgi/?root=Snowball">browsed online</a>. |
by richard
Point to correct locations for tarballs. |
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by richardb
Add a few more (empty) pages. |
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<?php displayFooter(); ?> |