
Viewing all changes in revision 50.

  • Committer: jhatax
  • Date: 2009-03-10 00:54:14 UTC
  • Revision ID: vcs-imports@canonical.com-20090310005414-yf30cfw4jmyecjps
Bug fixes:
1. All the instance's groups are checked before prompting the user to open
either the SSH or RDP port prior to connecting to an instance
2. ICMP parameters are now correctly specified when authorizing ICMP rules
3. Added tagging for AMIs
4. Tags can be added via a toolbar "edit" button that looks like an 'i'
5. Instance Info is always populated with the AMI Manifest location (for you
Manish). This required adding a new API to the controller - describeImage
6. The AMI.id->AMI.location map is now correctly resurrected every time a call
is made to DescribeImages

M    src/chrome/content/ec2ui/instances_tab_overlay.xul
M    src/chrome/content/ec2ui/snapshotsview.js
M    src/chrome/content/ec2ui/controller.js
M    src/chrome/content/ec2ui/volumesview.js
M    src/chrome/content/ec2ui/client.js
M    src/chrome/content/ec2ui/instancesview.js
M    src/chrome/content/ec2ui/baseimagesview.js
M    src/chrome/content/ec2ui/preferences.js
M    src/chrome/content/ec2ui/volumes_tab_overlay.xul
AM   src/chrome/content/ec2ui/images/info.png
M    src/chrome/content/ec2ui/newpermissionauthorizer.js
M    src/chrome/content/ec2ui/session.js
M    src/chrome/content/ec2ui/amisview.js
M    src/chrome/content/ec2ui/images_tab_overlay.xul
M    src/chrome/content/ec2ui/model.js

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