Python Object Graphs ==================== ``objgraph`` is a module that lets you visually explore Python object graphs. I've used it in the past to go hunt for memory leaks in Python programs as described by this series of blog posts: * * * You'll need `graphviz `_ if you want to draw pretty graphs. .. This is a reStructuredText file. I recommend for viewing it. Examples -------- Try this in a Python shell: >>> x = [] >>> y = [x, [x], dict(x=x)] >>> import objgraph >>> objgraph.show_refs([y], filename='sample-graph') You should see a graph like this: .. image:: sample-graph.png :alt: [graph of objects reachable from y] Now try >>> objgraph.show_backrefs([x], filename='sample-backref-graph') and you'll see .. image:: sample-backref-graph.png :alt: [graph of objects from which y is reachable]