Preview Open Animation note: Should be automated. ------------ This tests the dash preview open animation Setup: #. Open dash super #. Open a lens which supports previewing (e.g. Application, Music, File) #. Enter arbitrary search string and ensure a result is available. Actions: #. Open preview for result. Expected Result: A preview will open by animating a swipe from left to right using an ease in-out curve progression. Preview Left Navigation Animation note: Should be automated. ------------ This tests the dash preview navigate left animation Setup: #. Open dash super #. Open a lens which supports previewing (e.g. Application, Music, File) #. Enter arbitrary search string and ensure at least 2 results are available. #. Right-click the mouse on at least the second result. #. Wait for the preview window to open and finish animating. Actions: #. Click the 'navigate left' icon. Expected Result: The current preview will swipe out and the new preview result will swipe from right to left using an ease in-out curve progression. Preview Right Navigation Animation note: Should be automated. ------------ This tests the dash preview navigate right animation Setup: #. Open dash super #. Open a lens which supports previewing (e.g. Application, Music, File) #. Enter arbitrary search string and ensure at least 2 results are available. #. Right-click the mouse on at most the second last result. #. Wait for the preview window to open and finish animating. Actions: #. Click the navigate right icon. Expected Result: The current preview will swipe out and the new preview result will swipe from right to left using an ease in-out curve progression. Preview Music Tracks note: Should be automated. ------------ This tests the dash music preview track play Setup: #. Open music lens (Super+M) #. Enter arbitrary search string and ensure a result is available. Actions: #. Open a preview for a result. Expected Result: A music preview will open and tracks for the music result will be populated. The Track information will contain a title and duration. Preview Music Track Play note: Should be automated. ------------ This tests the dash music preview track play Setup: #. Open music lens (Super+M) #. Enter arbitrary search string and ensure a result is available. #. Open a preview for a result which contains tracks. Actions: #. Hover over track number for the track you wish to play. #. Click play icon. Expected Result: When hovering on track number, it will change to a play icon. Music Player daemon will start playing track and update status of the track in the preview to playing as well as update it's progress. Preview Music Track Pause note: Should be automated. ------------ This tests the dash preview preview navigate right animation Setup: #. Open music lens (Super+M) #. Enter arbitrary search string and ensure a result is available. #. Open a preview for a result which contains tracks. #. Play first track. (by hovering+click on track number.) Actions: #. Hover over pause icon for the track which is playing. #. Click pause icon. Expected Result: When hovering on play icon, it will change to a pause icon. Music Player daemon will pause the playing track and update it's status to paused. Progress will stop increasing. Preview Application Launch note: Should be automated. ------------ This tests the dash application preview launch action Setup: #. Open application lens (Super+F) #. Enter 'gedit' search string. #. Wait for result. #. Open preview for result. (Right-click) Actions: #. Click 'Launch' action button. Expected Result: Preview should close and launch the gedit application. Preview Open Geometry ------------ This tests the dash preview opens with the correct size and its geometry is updated when changing between form factor (desktop & netbook) Setup: #. Open dash super #. Ensure dash is in windowed mode (not full screen) #. Open a lens which supports previewing (e.g. Application, Music, File) #. Enter arbitrary search string and ensure a result is available. Actions: #. Open preview for result. #. Resize dash to full screen. #. Resize dash back to windowed mode. Expected Result: A preview will open with the correct size initially (no size flicker). When the dash is resized, the preview will center its geometry and stay the correct size. Two highlighted action buttons ------------------------------ This tests that it's not possible to have two highlighted preview action buttons. Setup: #. Open dash. #. Open Files Lens. #. Right-click the mouse on an icon (don't use folder icons because they have just one action button). #. Wait for the preview window to open and finish animating. #. Make sure that an action button is already highlighted (henceforth referred to as the button A) Actions: #. Move the mouse to another action button (henceforth referred to as the button B) Expected Result: The button A must not be highlighted. The button B must be highlighted. Preview Open Wait ------------------------------ This tests that if a preview takes time to open, the preview will open with a spinner while it waits for the preview info to return to unity. Setup: #. Open dash. #. Open Application Lens. Actions: #. Right-click an arbitrary result Expected Result: The preview window will immediately display, and if the preview takes longer than 300ms to open, it will display a spinner while waiting. Preview Open and the Dash Navbar -------------------------------- This tests that the Dash navigation bar does not show when a preview is open ( Setup: #. Open dash. #. Open Files and Folders Lens (or any lens with 3 rows). Actions: #. Right-click a result on the third (bottommost) row. Expected result: The Dash navigation bar should not be seen through the preview. Preview Scrolling Drag ------------------------------ This tests that a preview with a scrollbar can be scrolled by dragging the scrollbar. Setup: #. Open dash. #. Open Music Lens. #. Open a preview for an album which has a scrollbar due to more tracks that can fit on screen. Actions: #. Scroll down the tracks by dragging the scrollbar. Expected Result: The scroll view will scroll down the list of tracks. Preview Scrolling Mouse Wheel ------------------------------ This tests that a preview with a scrollbar can be scrolled by using the mouse wheel. Setup: #. Open dash. #. Open Music Lens. #. Open a preview for an album which has a scrollbar due to more tracks that can fit on screen. Actions: #. Scroll down the tracks by using the mouse wheel. Expected Result: The scroll view will scroll down the list of tracks.