@echo off REM This batch file can be used to build the target directories "dist" and "debug" one layer REM up from here where the release and debug binaries will be compiled to. SET AA_DIR=..\ SET LIBS_DIR=..\..\winlibs SET DIST_DIR_BASE=dist SET DEBUG_DIR_BASE=debug SET DIST_DIR=..\..\%DIST_DIR_BASE% SET DEBUG_DIR=..\..\%DEBUG_DIR_BASE% echo making directory... REM del %DIST_DIR% /S /Q REM del %DEBUG_DIR% /S /Q md %DIST_DIR% md %DIST_DIR%\var md %DEBUG_DIR% echo Your personal configuration will be stored here. Updates will never touch this directory. > %DIST_DIR%\var\README.txt echo generating version.h... for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=:" %%d in ("%time%") do set var=%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2% set datetimestr=%var: =0% echo _alpha%datetimestr% > %AA_DIR%/version.h echo copying files... xcopy %AA_DIR%\arenas %DIST_DIR%\arenas /I /E /Y xcopy %AA_DIR%\config %DIST_DIR%\config /I /E /Y xcopy %AA_DIR%\doc %DIST_DIR%\doc /I /E /Y xcopy %AA_DIR%\language %DIST_DIR%\language /I /E /Y xcopy %AA_DIR%\models %DIST_DIR%\models /I /E /Y xcopy %AA_DIR%\music %DIST_DIR%\music /I /E /Y xcopy %AA_DIR%\sound %DIST_DIR%\sound /I /E /Y md %DIST_DIR%\resource xcopy %AA_DIR%\resource\proto %DIST_DIR%\resource\included /I /E /Y xcopy %AA_DIR%\resource\included %DIST_DIR%\resource\included /I /E /Y xcopy %AA_DIR%\batch\make\sortresources.py %DIST_DIR%\resource\included /I /E /Y xcopy %AA_DIR%\textures %DIST_DIR%\textures /I /E /Y xcopy %AA_DIR%\*.txt %DIST_DIR% /I /Y copy %AA_DIR%\README %DIST_DIR%\README.txt /Y copy %AA_DIR%\README-SDL %DIST_DIR%\README-SDL.txt /Y rename %DIST_DIR%\config\aiplayers.cfg.in aiplayers.cfg rename %DIST_DIR%\language\languages.txt.in languages.txt echo copying binary only dlls ( WATCH FOR ERRORS! )... xcopy %LIBS_DIR%\SDL_image\VisualC\graphics\lib\*.dll %DIST_DIR% /Y xcopy %LIBS_DIR%\libxml2\lib\*.dll %DIST_DIR% /Y xcopy %LIBS_DIR%\iconv\lib\*.dll %DIST_DIR% /Y echo copying installation files... cd %AA_DIR%\win32\required xcopy *.nsi %DIST_DIR%\ /Y xcopy *.bat %DIST_DIR%\ /Y xcopy *.bmp %DIST_DIR%\ /Y xcopy *.url %DIST_DIR%\ /Y cd ..\ echo moving resources cd %DIST_DIR%\resource\included sortresources.py cd ..\..\.. echo making debug... xcopy %DIST_DIR_BASE% %DEBUG_DIR_BASE% /I /E /Y SET AA_DIR= SET LIBS_DIR= SET DIST_DIR= SET DEBUG_DIR= echo done! pause