2019-03-24 22:33:29 UTC
Revision ID:
Added some stuff to english_base so it can be customized.
Fixed looking for the local player with /info, se_GetLocalPlayer() proved to be convienent.
Added se_GetLocalPlayerNotBot, will only return the local player if it is human. se_GetLocalPlayer seems to cause problems in local game, stuff like /console say hi will make the ai bot talk sometimes. Didn't want to mess anything up though.
Edited /colors
Usage: /colors with no parameters returns all players and their colors.
/colors playername returns that specific players color or more depending if the search term is found in other player names
Added /rgb
Usage: /rgb with no parameters displays current rgb
/rgb 15 3 3 Would set our colors to R15 G3 B3
Notes: currently /rgbasd 15 3 3 or /infoads would work for /rgb and /info respectively. Gonna have to figure that out later.
Also '/rgb ' wouldnt work