#define __MODULE__ "AVPROTO" #define __IDENT__ "X.94-07" #ifdef __GNUC__ /* We don't interesting in the some warnings */ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wparentheses" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #endif /* **++ ** ** FACILITY: AVProto - Attribute/Value Pair (Tag Length Value) based protocol ** ** ABSTRACT: Carring data incapsulated in to the AVP microcontainers as payload of the protocol data unit (PDU) ** ** DESCRIPTION: This module contains data structures and constant definition is supposed to be used ** in the core AVProto routines as well as in general API routines. ** ** DESIGN ISSUE: ** This API - is a set of routines to performs encapsulation data into the TVL containers ** and extract data. ** ** See example of using this API at end of this module! ** ** ** SET OF ROUTINES: ** ** int avproto_hset (void *pdu, char *sig, unsigned u_csr, unsigned u_seq); ** - Initialize PDU with given values, reset PDU's length field to initial state. ** ** ** int avproto_hget (void *pdu, char *sig, unsigned *u_len, unsigned *u_csr, unsigned *u_seq); ** - Retreive values from the PDU ** ** int avproto_put (void *pdu, unsigned short pdusz, unsigned v_tag, unsigned v_type, void *val, unsigned valsz); ** - Add new TLV into the PDU (at end); ** ** int avproto_get (void *pdu, [int *context], unsigned v_tag, unsigned *v_type, void *val, [unsigned *valsz]); ** - Retreive TLV from the given PDU ** ** int avproto_lookup (void *pdu, [int *context], unsigned v_tag, unsigned *v_type, void **val, [unsigned *valsz]); ** - Lookup TLV with specified Tag Id (v_tag), return an address of the value (unconversed !) in the PDU's area and size. ** ** ** unsigned short avproto_encode_tag( unsigned short v_type, unsigned short v_tag); ** - Encaplsulate Tag Id and Value Type into the 16-bits variable; ** ** unsigned short avproto_decode_tag (unsigned short w_tag, unsigned short *v_type, unsigned short *v_tag); ** - Decode Tag Id and Value Type from the 16-bits opaque; ** ** ** USAGE: ** #include "avproto.h" ** add avproto.c module into project ** ** AUTHORS: Ruslan R. (The BadAss Sysman) Laishev ** ** CREATION DATE: 20-JUL-2018 ** ** MODIFICATION HISTORY: ** ** 6-FEB-2019 SYS Some redesigning according changes in the AVP's structure. ** ** 15-FEB-2019 RRL Redesigned to exclude using bitfields ... ** ** 18-FEB-2019 RRL Added API routine to lookup functionality. ** ** 22-FEB-2019 RRL X.94-02 : Added destination buffer checking in the avproto_get(); ** moved avproto_hget()/avproto_hset() to .H; ** unhardcoded "Z0magic" signature - now it's parameter; ** ** 25-FEB-2019 SYS X.94-03 : Fixed bug with ptlv pointer computation in the avproto_get(), avproto_lookup() ** ** 26-FEB-2019 SYS X.94-04 : Recoded to make 'context' parameter is optional in the avproto_get()/avproto_lookup() ** ** 6-JUN-2019 RRL X.94-05 : Added zeroing area before copying attribute value in the avproto_put() ** ** 2-JUL-2019 RRL X.94-06 : Parameter 'valsz' of the avproto_put() is optional now for fixed size arguments (WORD, LONGWORD, QUADWORD, UUID) ** ** 29-JUL-2019 RRL X.94-07 : Redeclared avproto_dump(); ** ** ** **-- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utility_routines.h" #include "avproto.h" /* Constants and data structure definitions */ /* * DESCRIPTION: Encapsulate given data to TLV-container at end of the given PDU, * adjust length of the PDU in the header. * * INPUT: * pdu: A Prototocol Data Unit * pdusz: A size of the PDU's area in octets * v_tag: Tag Id of the value (application specific) * v_type: See TAG$K_* constants * val: An address of the value to be encapsulated into the TLV * valsz: Actual size of the value, optional for fixed size 'val' * * OUTPUT: * NONE * * RETURN: * condition code, STS$K_* constants */ int avproto_put ( void * pdup, unsigned short pdusz, unsigned v_tag, unsigned v_type, void * val, unsigned valsz ) { unsigned len = 0; AVPROTO_TLV *ptlv; char *pchar; AVPROTO_PDU *pdu = (AVPROTO_PDU *) pdup; pdusz -= sizeof(AVPROTO_HDR); /* Get current PDU's payload size from the header */ len = be32toh(pdu->r_hdr.u_len); /* Compute pointer to "first free byte" of the PDU's area */ pchar = (char *) pdu->r_tlv; pchar += len; len = pdusz - len; /* Check for free space in the PDU's area */ if ( (sizeof (AVPROTO_TLV) + valsz) > len ) return $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "No free space for tag=%d, type=%d, len=%d", v_tag, v_type, valsz); /* Set TLV pointer to end of the current PDU */ ptlv = (AVPROTO_TLV *) (pchar); /* Pack Tag type and Tag id into the field */ ptlv->w_tag = avproto_encode_tag (v_type, v_tag); /* Put value into the TLV container */ switch ( v_type ) { case TAG$K_WORD: /* 16 bits */ { uint16_t *vptr = (unsigned short *) ptlv->b_val; *vptr = 0; memcpy(vptr, val, valsz ? valsz : sizeof( uint16_t)); *(vptr) = htobe16(*vptr); ptlv->w_len = htobe16( len = sizeof(uint16_t) ); break; } case TAG$K_LONGWORD: /* 32 bits */ { uint32_t *vptr = (uint32_t *) ptlv->b_val; *vptr = 0UL; memcpy(vptr, val, valsz ? valsz : sizeof( uint32_t)); *(vptr) = htobe32(*vptr); ptlv->w_len = htobe16( len = sizeof(uint32_t) ); break; } case TAG$K_QWORD: /* 64 bits */ { uint64_t *vptr = (uint64_t *) ptlv->b_val; *vptr = 0ULL; memcpy(vptr, val, valsz ? valsz : sizeof( uint64_t)); *(vptr) = htobe64(*vptr); ptlv->w_len = htobe16( len = sizeof(uint64_t) ); break; } case TAG$K_UUID: /* 16 octets */ memset(ptlv->b_val, 0, 16); memcpy(ptlv->b_val, val, len = $MIN(valsz, 16)); ptlv->w_len = htobe16( 16 ); break; default: memcpy(ptlv->b_val, val, len = valsz); ptlv->w_len = htobe16( valsz ); break; } /* Adjust PDU's length */ pdu->r_hdr.u_len = htobe32(sizeof (AVPROTO_TLV) + len + be32toh(pdu->r_hdr.u_len) ); return STS$K_SUCCESS; } /* * DESCRIPTION: Find TLV in with specified TAG the PDU from begin of the TLV areas (if contexts is set to -1). * * INPUT: * pdu: A Prototocol Data Unit * ctx: A private context to be used in consequtive calls, must be -1 at first call * v_tag: Tag Id of the value (application specific) * val: An address of the buffer to accept value * valsz: A size of the buffer * * OUTPUT: * v_type: See TAG$K_* constants * valsz: Actual size of the value, optional * * RETURN: * condition code */ int avproto_get ( void *pdup, int * context, unsigned v_tag, unsigned *v_type, void * val, unsigned * valsz ) { int status, pdusz = 0, len = 0, pos = 0; AVPROTO_TLV *ptlv; unsigned short w_len, l_tag = 0, l_type = 0; AVPROTO_PDU *pdu = (AVPROTO_PDU *) pdup; /* Get size of the PDU's payload part*/ pdusz = be32toh(pdu->r_hdr.u_len); /* Compute a pointer to first unprocessed TLV */ if ( context && (*context != -1) ) ptlv = (AVPROTO_TLV *) (((char *) pdu->r_tlv) + (pos = *context)); else { ptlv = pdu->r_tlv; pos = 0; } /* Find TLVs with a given Tag Id */ for ( status = STS$K_WARN; pos < pdusz; ) { avproto_decode_tag (ptlv->w_tag, &l_type, &l_tag); w_len = be16toh(ptlv->w_len); /* Adjust context */ pos += sizeof(AVPROTO_TLV) + w_len; if ( status = (v_tag == l_tag) ) break; /* Jump to next TLV */ ptlv = (AVPROTO_TLV *) (((char *) ptlv) + sizeof(AVPROTO_TLV) + w_len); } if ( context ) *context = pos; /* Not found ? */ if ( !(1 & status) ) return status; /* Check that size of destination buffer is enough */ if ( valsz && (*valsz) < w_len ) return STS$K_ERROR; /* Convert and extract value according the type */ *v_type = l_type; switch ( *v_type ) { case TAG$K_WORD: /* 16 bits */ *((uint16_t *) val) = be16toh(ptlv->w_val[0]); len = sizeof(uint16_t); break; case TAG$K_LONGWORD: /* 32 bits */ *((uint32_t *) val) = be32toh(ptlv->u_val[0]); len = sizeof(uint32_t); break; case TAG$K_QWORD: /* 64 bits */ *((uint64_t *) val) = be64toh(ptlv->q_val[0]); len = sizeof(uint64_t); break; case TAG$K_UUID: /* 16 octets */ len = 16; w_len = $MIN(w_len, 16); __util$movc5 (&w_len, ptlv->b_val, 0, (unsigned short *) &len, val); break; default: memcpy(val, ptlv->b_val, w_len); len = w_len; break; } if ( valsz ) *valsz = len; return STS$K_SUCCESS; } /* * DESCRIPTION: Lookup TLV in with specified TAG the PDU from begin of the TLV areas (if contexts is set to -1), * return type and address of the TLV's data area. * * INPUT: * pdu: A Prototocol Data Unit * ctx: A private context to be used in consequtive calls, must be -1 at first call * v_tag: Tag Id of the value (application specific) * * OUTPUT: * v_type: See TAG$K_* constants * val: An address of TLV's data block (unconverted !!!) * valsz: A size of the TLV's data block * * RETURN: * condition code */ int avproto_lookup ( AVPROTO_PDU *pdu, int * context, unsigned v_tag, unsigned *v_type, void ** val, unsigned * valsz ) { int status, pdusz = 0, len = 0, pos = 0; AVPROTO_TLV *ptlv; unsigned short w_len, l_tag = 0, l_type = 0; /* Get size of the PDU's payload part*/ pdusz = be32toh(pdu->r_hdr.u_len); /* Compute a pointer to first unprocessed TLV */ if ( context && (*context != -1) ) ptlv = (AVPROTO_TLV *) (((char *) pdu->r_tlv) + (pos = *context)); else { ptlv = pdu->r_tlv; pos = 0; } /* Find TLVs with a given Tag Id */ for ( status = STS$K_WARN; pos < pdusz; ) { avproto_decode_tag (ptlv->w_tag, &l_type, &l_tag); w_len = be16toh(ptlv->w_len); /* Adjust context */ pos += sizeof(AVPROTO_TLV) + w_len; if ( status = (v_tag == l_tag) ) break; /* Jump to next TLV */ ptlv = (AVPROTO_TLV *) (((char *) pdu) + sizeof(AVPROTO_TLV) + w_len); } if ( context ) *context = pos; /* Not found ? */ if ( !(1 & status) ) return status; *v_type = l_type; *val = ptlv->b_val; *valsz = len; return STS$K_SUCCESS; } /* * DESCRIPTION: Dump PDU * * INPUT: * pdu: A Prototocol Data Unit * * RETURN: * condition code */ void avproto_dump ( void *_pdu ) { AVPROTO_TLV *ptlv; AVPROTO_PDU *pdu = (AVPROTO_PDU *) _pdu; char hexbuf1[512], hexbuf2[512]; void *pchar = (char *) pdu->r_tlv, *pend; unsigned pdusz, count; unsigned short w_len, w_tag, v_type, v_tag; /* Get size of the PDU's area */ pdusz = be32toh(pdu->r_hdr.u_len); pend = pchar + pdusz; $LOG(STS$K_INFO, "PDU [len=%d, csr=%#x, seq=%d]", be32toh(pdu->r_hdr.u_len), be32toh(pdu->r_hdr.u_csr), be32toh(pdu->r_hdr.u_seq)); for ( pchar = ptlv = pdu->r_tlv, count = 0; pchar < pend ; count++ ) { w_len = be16toh(ptlv->w_len); w_tag = avproto_decode_tag (ptlv->w_tag, &v_type, &v_tag); __util$bin2hex (ptlv, hexbuf1, sizeof(AVPROTO_TLV)); __util$bin2hex (ptlv->b_val, hexbuf2, $MIN(w_len, sizeof(hexbuf2)/2) ); $LOG(STS$K_INFO, "[%04.4d] TLV [tag=%04x(id=%04x, type=%04x), len=%02d] 0x%s:0x%s", count, w_tag, v_tag, v_type, w_len, hexbuf1, hexbuf2); pchar += sizeof(AVPROTO_TLV) + w_len; ptlv = (AVPROTO_TLV *) pchar; } } //#define __AVPROTO_MAIN__ 1 #if __AVPROTO_MAIN__ /* At development/debug time */ const char VCLOUD$K_PROTOSIG [] = "Z0magic"; /* A set of definitions for toy client-server interoperations */ enum { VCLOUD$K_CMD_LOGIN, VCLOUD$K_CMD_LOGOUT, VCLOUD$K_CMD_GET }; enum { VCLOUD$K_STS_ERROR, VCLOUD$K_STS_SUCCESS }; /* An example set of tag's id for demonstration purpose */ enum { VCLOUD$K_TAG_RESULT = 1, VCLOUD$K_TAG_COMP_ID, /* Computer Id */ VCLOUD$K_TAG_DISK_ID, /* Disk Id */ VCLOUD$K_TAG_KEY = 4, /* Key Block */ VCLOUD$K_TAG_UNAME, VCLOUD$K_TAG_PASS, VCLOUD$K_TAG_MSG }; char pdubuf[8192]; /* This buffer will keep the PDU is ahsred between toy client and server */ AVPROTO_PDU *pdu = (AVPROTO_PDU *) pdubuf; int __client (void) { unsigned char username[] = "Ruslan (BadAss SysMan) Laishev", password[] = "My cool password string"; unsigned short w_val = 0x1234; unsigned u_val = 0x1234abcd; long long q_val = 0x1234abcddeadbeef; /* Initialize header of the PDU */ avproto_hset (pdu, VCLOUD$K_PROTOSIG, /* Command */ VCLOUD$K_CMD_LOGIN, /* Sequence */ 17); /* Encapsulate some data into the PDU */ avproto_put (pdu, sizeof(pdubuf), /* PDU'address and maximum size of the PDU's area */ VCLOUD$K_TAG_UNAME, /* 'Tag Id' constant */ 0, /* Default 'Tag Type' is binary data block */ username, /* Address of the 'Value', length ... */ sizeof(username) - 1); avproto_put (pdu, sizeof(pdubuf), VCLOUD$K_TAG_PASS, 0, password, sizeof(password) - 1); avproto_put (pdu, sizeof(pdubuf), TAG$K_WORD, TAG$K_WORD, &w_val, sizeof(w_val) ); avproto_put (pdu, sizeof(pdubuf), TAG$K_LONGWORD, TAG$K_LONGWORD, &u_val, sizeof(u_val) ); avproto_put (pdu, sizeof(pdubuf), TAG$K_QWORD, TAG$K_QWORD, &q_val, sizeof(q_val) ); return STS$K_SUCCESS; } int __server (void) { unsigned context = -1, u_len, u_csr, u_seq, v_type, mlen; char uname[128], pass [128]; unsigned short ulen, plen, w_val = 0; unsigned u_val = 0; unsigned long long q_val = 0; char welcome [] = "This is an asnwer to request: cmd/seq=%u/%u", msg [ 512 ]; /* Get header's values of the PDU */ if ( !(1 & avproto_hget (pdu, VCLOUD$K_PROTOSIG, &u_len, &u_csr, &u_seq)) ) return $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "Illformed or corrupted PDU"); /* Retreive attributes from the request */ ulen = sizeof(uname); avproto_get (pdu, &context, VCLOUD$K_TAG_UNAME, &v_type, uname, &ulen); $TRACE("uname=[0:%d]='%.*s'", ulen , ulen, uname); plen = sizeof(pass); avproto_get (pdu, &context, VCLOUD$K_TAG_PASS, &v_type, pass, &plen); $TRACE("pass=[0:%d]='%.*s'", plen , plen, pass); avproto_get (pdu, &context, /* Is used as Tag Id */ TAG$K_WORD, &v_type, &w_val, 0 ); $TRACE("w_val=%d/%#x", w_val, w_val); avproto_get (pdu, &context, /* Is used as Tag Id */ TAG$K_LONGWORD, &v_type, &u_val, 0 ); $TRACE("u_val=%d/%#x", u_val, u_val); avproto_get (pdu, &context, /* Is used as Tag Id */ TAG$K_QWORD, &v_type, &q_val, 0 ); $TRACE("q_val=%llu/%#llx", q_val, q_val); /* Prepare answer to the request */ avproto_hset (pdu, VCLOUD$K_PROTOSIG, /* Status */ VCLOUD$K_STS_SUCCESS, /* Sequence */ u_seq); /* Encapsulate text message into the PDU */ mlen = sprintf(msg, welcome, u_csr, u_seq); avproto_put (pdu, sizeof(pdubuf), /* PDU'address and maximum size of the PDU's area */ VCLOUD$K_TAG_MSG, /* 'Tag Id' constant */ 0, /* Default 'Tag Type' is binary data block */ msg, /* Address of the 'Value', length ... */ mlen); return STS$K_SUCCESS; } #if 0 void main (void) { /* Form a request ... */ __client(); $DUMPHEX(pdu, be32toh(pdu->r_hdr.u_len)); avproto_dump(pdu); /* Process request from client - form the answer */ __server(); $DUMPHEX(pdu, be32toh(pdu->r_hdr.u_len)); avproto_dump(pdu); } #endif #if 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vcloud_common.h" const char clntcert_fname [] = "vCloud-client.crt", clntkey_fname [] = "vCloud-client.key", cacert_fname [] = "rootCA.crt"; #define VCLOUD$K_IOTMO 13 /** * DESCRIPTION: Read n bytes from the network socket, wait if not all data has been get * but no more then 13 seconds. * * INPUT: * sd: Network socket descriptor * ssl: SSL' session context * buf: A buffer to accept data * bufsz: A number of bytes to be read * * OUTPUT: * buf: Received data * * RETURN: * condition code, see STS$K_* constant */ inline static int __recv_n ( int sd, SSL *ssl, unsigned char *buf, int bufsz ) { int status, restbytes = bufsz, tmo = VCLOUD$K_IOTMO; struct pollfd pfd = {sd, POLLIN, 0}; for ( restbytes = bufsz; (tmo--) && restbytes; ) { if ( !SSL_pending(ssl) ) /* Is the internal SSL' buffer empty ?*/ { if( 0 > (status = poll(&pfd, 1, 1000)) && (errno != EINTR) ) return $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "[#%d] poll/select() -> %d, errno=%d, requested %d octets, rest %d octets", sd, status, errno, bufsz, restbytes); else if ( (status < 0) && (errno == EINTR) ) { $LOG(STS$K_WARN, "[#%d] poll/select() -> %d, errno=%d, requested %d octets, rest %d octets", sd, status, errno, bufsz, restbytes); continue; } if ( pfd.revents & (~POLLIN) ) /* Unexpected events ?! */ return $LOG(STS$K_FATAL, "[#%d] poll() -> %d, .revents=%08x(%08x), errno=%d", sd, status, pfd.revents, pfd.events, errno); if ( !(pfd.revents & POLLIN) ) /* Non-interesting event ? */ continue; } /* Do we reach an end of I/O time ? */ if ( tmo <= 0 ) { $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "[#%d] Timeout (%d seconds) has been reached", sd, VCLOUD$K_IOTMO); break; } /* Retrieve data from socket buffer */ if ( restbytes == (status = SSL_read(ssl, buf, restbytes)) ) { $DUMPHEX(buf, bufsz); return STS$K_SUCCESS; /* Bingo! We has been received a requested amount of data */ } if ( 0 >= status ) { $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "[#%d] recv(%d octets) -> %d, .revents=%08x(%08x), errno=%d", sd, restbytes, status, pfd.revents, pfd.events, errno); break; } /* Advance buffer pointer and decrease expected byte counter */ restbytes -= status; buf += status; } return $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "[#%d] Did not get requested %d octets in %d seconds, rest %d octets", sd, bufsz, tmo, restbytes); } /** * DESCRIPTION: Write n bytes to the network socket, wait if not all data has been get * but no more then 13 seconds; * * INPUT: * sd: Network socket descriptor * ssl: SSL' session context * buf: A buffer with data to be sent * bufsz: A number of bytes to be read * * OUTPUT: * NONE * * RETURN: * condition code, see STS$K_* constant */ inline static int __xmit_n ( int sd, SSL *ssl, unsigned char *buf, int bufsz ) { int status, restbytes = bufsz, tmo = VCLOUD$K_IOTMO; struct pollfd pfd = {sd, POLLOUT, 0}; $DUMPHEX(buf, bufsz); for ( restbytes = bufsz; (tmo--) && restbytes; ) { if( 0 > (status = poll(&pfd, 1, 1000)) && (errno != EINTR) ) return $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "[#%d] poll/select() -> %d, errno=%d, requested %d octets, rest %d octets", sd, status, errno, bufsz, restbytes); else if ( (status < 0) && (errno == EINTR) ) { $LOG(STS$K_WARN, "[#%d] poll/select() -> %d, errno=%d, requested %d octets, rest %d octets", sd, status, errno, bufsz, restbytes); continue; } if ( pfd.revents & (~POLLOUT) ) /* Unexpected events ?! */ return $LOG(STS$K_FATAL, "[#%d] poll() -> %d, .revents=%08x(%08x), errno=%d", sd, status, pfd.revents, pfd.events, errno); if ( !(pfd.revents & POLLOUT) ) /* No interesting event */ continue; /* Send data to socket buffer */ if ( restbytes == (status = SSL_write(ssl, buf, restbytes)) ) return STS$K_SUCCESS; /* Bingo! We has been sent a requested amount of data */ if ( 0 >= status ) { $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "[#%d] send(%d octets) -> %d, .revents=%08x(%08x), errno=%d", sd, restbytes, status, pfd.revents, pfd.events, errno); break; } /* Advance buffer pointer and decrease to be sent byte counter */ restbytes -= status; buf += status; } return $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "[#%d] Did not put requested %d octets in %d seconds, rest %d octets", sd, bufsz, VCLOUD$K_IOTMO, restbytes); } int pdu_recv ( int sd, SSL *ssl, void *pdubuf, unsigned pdusz ) { unsigned status, u_len, u_csr, u_seq; if ( pdusz < sizeof(AVPROTO_HDR) ) return $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "No free space to read PDU's header"); /* Get PDU header */ if ( !(1 & (status = __recv_n (sd, ssl, pdubuf, sizeof(AVPROTO_HDR)))) ) return $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "Error receiving PDU's header"); /* Check magic, extract PDU's Length, CSR, Sequence ... */ if ( !(avproto_hget (pdubuf, VCLOUD$K_PROTOSIG, &u_len, &u_csr, &u_seq)) ) return $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "Maillformed or invalid PDU's header"); if ( pdusz < (sizeof(AVPROTO_HDR) + u_len) ) return $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "No free space to read PDU's body (len=%d, csr=%d, seq=%d)", u_len, u_csr, u_seq); /* Read rest of the PDU */ if ( !(1 & (status = __recv_n (sd, ssl, pdubuf + sizeof(AVPROTO_HDR), u_len))) ) return $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "Error reading PDU's body (len=%d, csr=%d, seq=%d)", u_len, u_csr, u_seq); return STS$K_SUCCESS; } int pdu_xmit ( int sd, SSL *ssl, void *pdubuf ) { unsigned status, u_len, u_csr, u_seq; /* Check magic, extract PDU's Length, CSR, Sequence ... */ if ( !(avproto_hget (pdubuf, VCLOUD$K_PROTOSIG, &u_len, &u_csr, &u_seq)) ) return $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "Maillformed or invalid PDU's header"); /* Send the PDU */ if ( !(1 & (status = __xmit_n (sd, ssl, pdubuf, sizeof(AVPROTO_HDR) + u_len))) ) return $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "Error transmitting PDU's (len=%d, csr=%d, seq=%d)", u_len, u_csr, u_seq); return STS$K_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief init_ssl - Initialize SSL internal data and contexts, load certificate. * * @param __ctx : a local specific part of the SSL context * * @return - condition code, see STS$K_* constats */ int init_ssl (SSL_CTX ** __ctx ) { const SSL_METHOD *method = NULL; $TRACE("Initialize client SSL context ..."); /* General initialization ... */ SSL_library_init(); OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); SSL_load_error_strings(); method = SSLv23_client_method(); if ( (*__ctx = SSL_CTX_new(method)) ) { $TRACE("Loading certificate (-s) from %s file ...", clntcert_fname); if ( 0 < SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(*__ctx, clntcert_fname, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) ) if ( 0 < SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(*__ctx, clntkey_fname, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) ) { if ( SSL_CTX_check_private_key(*__ctx) ) { /* Load trusted CA. */ if ( SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(*__ctx, cacert_fname, NULL) ) { SSL_CTX_set_verify(*__ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER | SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, NULL); SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(*__ctx, 4); return STS$K_SUCCESS; } } else $LOG(STS$K_FATAL, "Private key does not match the public certificate"); } } ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr); return $LOG(STS$K_FATAL, "Error initialization of SSL stuff"); } #include #include #include int kdepo_get_key ( struct sockaddr_in * rsock, uuid_t cuu, Z0_DRIVE_KEY * dk ) { int sd = 0, status = 0, i, v_type = 0, valsz; SSL *ssl = NULL; SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx; Z0_DRIVE_KEY *pdk; if ( !(1 & init_ssl(&ssl_ctx)) ) return $LOG(STS$K_FATAL, "Error initialization client SSL context"); $LOG(STS$K_INFO, "Connecting to %s:%d", inet_ntoa(rsock->sin_addr), ntohs(rsock->sin_port)); if ( 0 > (sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) ) return $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "socket() -> %d, errno = %d", sd, errno); if ( 0 > (status = connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *) rsock, sizeof(struct sockaddr))) ) return $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "connect (%s:%d) -> %d, errno = %d", inet_ntoa(rsock->sin_addr), ntohs(rsock->sin_port), status, errno); if ( 0 > (status = setsockopt( sd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (void *)&sd, sizeof(sd))) ) $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "setsockopt()->%d, errno=%d", status, errno); /* We have etsablished the TCP-connection, so try to establishing SSL session */ ssl = SSL_new(ssl_ctx); SSL_set_fd(ssl, sd); if ( 0 > SSL_connect(ssl) ) { ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr); goto end; } /* Initialize header of the PDU */ avproto_hset (pdu, VCLOUD$K_PROTOSIG, /* Command */ VCLOUD$K_CMD_GET, /* Sequence */ 17); avproto_put (pdu, sizeof(pdubuf), VCLOUD$K_TAG_COMP_ID, TAG$K_UUID, cuu, sizeof(uuid_t) ); for (i = 0, pdk = dk; (i < DRIVES_MAX); i++, pdk++ ) { if ( __util$iszero (pdk->disk_id, sizeof(pdk->disk_id)) ) continue; avproto_put (pdu, sizeof(pdubuf), VCLOUD$K_TAG_DISK_ID, TAG$K_UUID, pdk->disk_id, sizeof(pdk->disk_id) ); } avproto_dump (pdu); if ( !(1 & pdu_xmit (sd, ssl, pdu)) ) $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "Error sending request to Keys Depo"); else if ( !(1 & pdu_recv (sd, ssl, pdu, sizeof(pdubuf))) ) $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "Error receiving answer from Keys Depo"); else { avproto_dump (pdu); /* Processing answer ... */ i = 0; if ( !(1 & (status = avproto_get (pdu, NULL, VCLOUD$K_TAG_RESULT, &v_type, &i, NULL))) ) status = $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "Answer did not contains result code"); if ( i != 1 ) status = $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "Error processing request, relt code=%#x", i); else { valsz = sizeof(Z0_DRIVE_KEY); if ( !(1 & (status = avproto_get (pdu, NULL, VCLOUD$K_TAG_KEY, &v_type, dk, &valsz))) ) status = $LOG(STS$K_ERROR, "Answer did not contains DK"); } } end: if (ssl) { SSL_shutdown(ssl); SSL_free(ssl); } if (sd) close(sd); return status; } int main (int argc, char ** argv) { int status, i; uuid_t cuu; Z0_DRIVE_KEY dk[DRIVES_MAX] = {0}; struct sockaddr_in rsock = {0}; char buf[512]; /* Convert test data to the binary form */ #if 1 status = uuid_parse( "1d75bd4a-0dbf-4d4d-9d5e-e24b29fdf1f7" , cuu); status = uuid_parse( "c245486d-de9c-4abc-bdb1-e07f917e5ad8" , dk[0].disk_id); status = uuid_parse( "368b1e4c-eff9-48d5-a085-0da2013f40ad" , dk[1].disk_id); inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &rsock.sin_addr); #endif #if 0 { char cid [] = {"e62bbc999f7b364395a3b5e55c55adb0"}, did [] = {"ad030abe877bc946b199f904e57a58d1"}; __util$hex2bin(cid, &cuu, strlen(cid)); __util$hex2bin(did, dk[0].disk_id, strlen(dk[0].disk_id)); } inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &rsock.sin_addr); #endif /* Keys Depo host socket */ rsock.sin_family = AF_INET; rsock.sin_port = htobe16(4343); /* Request keys ...*/ if ( 1 & (status = kdepo_get_key(&rsock, cuu, dk)) ) { /* Dump secret keys to the SYS$OUTPUT - suprize mutafaqa! */ for (i = 0; i < DRIVES_MAX; i++ ) { __util$bin2hex (dk[i].disk_id, buf, sizeof(dk[i].disk_id)); $LOG(STS$K_INFO, "Disk Id [%02.2d]=0x%s", i, buf); __util$bin2hex (dk[i].key, buf, sizeof(dk[i].key)); $LOG(STS$K_INFO, "Disk Key[%02.2d]=0x%s", i, buf); } } } #endif #endif /* #if __AVPROTO_MAIN__ */