Package Import Robot
Didier Roche, Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak, Didier Roche
2012-03-21 11:46:41 UTC
Revision ID:
Tags: 1:
[ Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ]
* debian/patches/shift_954079.patch:
- cherry picked the shift plugin patch for fixing an issue with compiz crashes
on right-click. This removes an unused option in the plugin. (LP: #954079)
* debian/patches/fix_broken_build.patch:
- fixes the build with the newer compiz
* debian/patches/vpswitch_953834.patch:
- don't pass through keystrokes you are using to the active window (LP: #953834)
[ Didier Roche ]
* debian/control:
- bump compiz-dev and libcompizconfig0-dev build-dep for ABI break
* debian/patches/fix_930192.patch:
- Animations of large or full-screen windows skip frames (not smooth) (LP: #930192)