/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- * * arch-tag: Implementation of shuffle play order * * Copyright (C) 2003 Jeffrey Yasskin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The Rhythmbox authors hereby grants permission for non-GPL compatible * GStreamer plugins to be used and distributed together with GStreamer * and Rhythmbox. This permission is above and beyond the permissions granted * by the GPL license by which Rhythmbox is covered. If you modify this code * you may extend this exception to your version of the code, but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception * statement from your version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #include "config.h" #include #include "rb-play-order-shuffle.h" #include "rb-history.h" #include "rb-debug.h" #include "rb-util.h" #include "eel-gconf-extensions.h" static void rb_shuffle_play_order_class_init (RBShufflePlayOrderClass *klass); static void rb_shuffle_play_order_init (RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder); static void rb_shuffle_play_order_dispose (GObject *object); static void rb_shuffle_play_order_finalize (GObject *object); static RhythmDBEntry* rb_shuffle_play_order_get_next (RBPlayOrder* method); static void rb_shuffle_play_order_go_next (RBPlayOrder* method); static RhythmDBEntry* rb_shuffle_play_order_get_previous (RBPlayOrder* method); static void rb_shuffle_play_order_go_previous (RBPlayOrder* method); static void rb_shuffle_sync_history_with_query_model (RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder); static GPtrArray *get_query_model_contents (RhythmDBQueryModel *model); static void rb_shuffle_db_changed (RBPlayOrder *porder, RhythmDB *db); static void rb_shuffle_playing_entry_changed (RBPlayOrder *porder, RhythmDBEntry *old_entry, RhythmDBEntry *new_entry); static void rb_shuffle_entry_added (RBPlayOrder *porder, RhythmDBEntry *entry); static void rb_shuffle_entry_removed (RBPlayOrder *porder, RhythmDBEntry *entry); static void rb_shuffle_query_model_changed (RBPlayOrder *porder); static void rb_shuffle_db_entry_deleted (RBPlayOrder *porder, RhythmDBEntry *entry); static gboolean query_model_and_history_contents_match (RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder); struct RBShufflePlayOrderPrivate { RBHistory *history; /** TRUE if the query model has been changed */ gboolean query_model_changed; GHashTable *entries_removed; GHashTable *entries_added; /* stores the playing entry if it comes from outside the query model */ RhythmDBEntry *external_playing_entry; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (RBShufflePlayOrder, rb_shuffle_play_order, RB_TYPE_PLAY_ORDER) #define RB_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER_GET_PRIVATE(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((o), RB_TYPE_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER, RBShufflePlayOrderPrivate)) RBPlayOrder * rb_shuffle_play_order_new (RBShellPlayer *player) { RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder; sorder = g_object_new (RB_TYPE_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER, "player", player, NULL); return RB_PLAY_ORDER (sorder); } static void rb_shuffle_play_order_class_init (RBShufflePlayOrderClass *klass) { RBPlayOrderClass *porder; GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->dispose = rb_shuffle_play_order_dispose; object_class->finalize = rb_shuffle_play_order_finalize; porder = RB_PLAY_ORDER_CLASS (klass); porder->db_changed = rb_shuffle_db_changed; porder->playing_entry_changed = rb_shuffle_playing_entry_changed; porder->entry_added = rb_shuffle_entry_added; porder->entry_removed = rb_shuffle_entry_removed; porder->query_model_changed = rb_shuffle_query_model_changed; porder->db_entry_deleted = rb_shuffle_db_entry_deleted; porder->has_next = rb_play_order_model_not_empty; porder->has_previous = rb_play_order_model_not_empty; porder->get_next = rb_shuffle_play_order_get_next; porder->go_next = rb_shuffle_play_order_go_next; porder->get_previous = rb_shuffle_play_order_get_previous; porder->go_previous = rb_shuffle_play_order_go_previous; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (RBShufflePlayOrderPrivate)); } static void rb_shuffle_play_order_init (RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder) { sorder->priv = RB_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER_GET_PRIVATE (sorder); sorder->priv->history = rb_history_new (FALSE, (GFunc) rhythmdb_entry_unref, NULL); sorder->priv->query_model_changed = FALSE; sorder->priv->entries_added = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, (GDestroyNotify)rhythmdb_entry_unref, NULL); sorder->priv->entries_removed = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, (GDestroyNotify)rhythmdb_entry_unref, NULL); } static void rb_shuffle_play_order_dispose (GObject *object) { RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder; g_return_if_fail (object != NULL); g_return_if_fail (RB_IS_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (object)); sorder = RB_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (object); if (sorder->priv->external_playing_entry != NULL) { rhythmdb_entry_unref (sorder->priv->external_playing_entry); sorder->priv->external_playing_entry = NULL; } if (sorder->priv->history != NULL) { g_object_unref (sorder->priv->history); sorder->priv->history = NULL; } G_OBJECT_CLASS (rb_shuffle_play_order_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void rb_shuffle_play_order_finalize (GObject *object) { RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder; g_return_if_fail (object != NULL); g_return_if_fail (RB_IS_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (object)); sorder = RB_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (object); g_hash_table_destroy (sorder->priv->entries_added); g_hash_table_destroy (sorder->priv->entries_removed); G_OBJECT_CLASS (rb_shuffle_play_order_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static RhythmDBEntry* rb_shuffle_play_order_get_next (RBPlayOrder* porder) { RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder; RhythmDBEntry *entry; RhythmDBEntry *current; g_return_val_if_fail (porder != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (RB_IS_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder), NULL); sorder = RB_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder); rb_shuffle_sync_history_with_query_model (sorder); current = rb_play_order_get_playing_entry (porder); entry = NULL; if (current != NULL && (current == sorder->priv->external_playing_entry || current == rb_history_current (sorder->priv->history))) { if (rb_history_current (sorder->priv->history) != rb_history_last (sorder->priv->history)) { rb_debug ("choosing next entry in shuffle"); entry = rb_history_next (sorder->priv->history); if (entry) rhythmdb_entry_ref (entry); } } else { /* If the player is currently stopped, the "next" (first) song * is the first in the shuffle. */ rb_debug ("choosing current entry in shuffle"); entry = rb_history_current (sorder->priv->history); if (entry == NULL) entry = rb_history_first (sorder->priv->history); if (entry != NULL) rhythmdb_entry_ref (entry); } if (current) rhythmdb_entry_unref (current); return entry; } static void rb_shuffle_play_order_go_next (RBPlayOrder* porder) { RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder; RhythmDBEntry *entry; g_return_if_fail (porder != NULL); g_return_if_fail (RB_IS_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder)); sorder = RB_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder); entry = rb_play_order_get_playing_entry (porder); g_assert (entry == NULL || rb_history_current (sorder->priv->history) == NULL || (entry == sorder->priv->external_playing_entry || entry == rb_history_current (sorder->priv->history))); if (rb_history_current (sorder->priv->history) == NULL) { rb_history_go_first (sorder->priv->history); } else if (entry == rb_history_current (sorder->priv->history) || (sorder->priv->external_playing_entry != NULL && entry == sorder->priv->external_playing_entry)) { if (rb_history_current (sorder->priv->history) != rb_history_last (sorder->priv->history)) rb_history_go_next (sorder->priv->history); } rb_play_order_set_playing_entry (porder, rb_history_current (sorder->priv->history)); if (entry) rhythmdb_entry_unref (entry); } static RhythmDBEntry* rb_shuffle_play_order_get_previous (RBPlayOrder* porder) { RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder; RhythmDBEntry *entry; g_return_val_if_fail (porder != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (RB_IS_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder), NULL); /* It doesn't make sense to call get_previous when the player is stopped */ g_return_val_if_fail (rb_play_order_player_is_playing (porder), NULL); sorder = RB_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder); rb_shuffle_sync_history_with_query_model (sorder); if (sorder->priv->external_playing_entry != NULL) { rb_debug ("playing from outside the query model; previous is current"); entry = rb_history_current (sorder->priv->history); } else { rb_debug ("choosing previous history entry"); entry = rb_history_previous (sorder->priv->history); } if (entry) rhythmdb_entry_ref (entry); return entry; } static void rb_shuffle_play_order_go_previous (RBPlayOrder* porder) { RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder; g_return_if_fail (porder != NULL); g_return_if_fail (RB_IS_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder)); /* It doesn't make sense to call go_previous when the player is stopped */ g_return_if_fail (rb_play_order_player_is_playing (porder)); sorder = RB_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder); if (sorder->priv->external_playing_entry != NULL) { /* if we were playing an external entry, the current entry * is the history is the one before it. */ rb_play_order_set_playing_entry (porder, rb_history_current (sorder->priv->history)); rhythmdb_entry_unref (sorder->priv->external_playing_entry); sorder->priv->external_playing_entry = NULL; } else { if (rb_history_current (sorder->priv->history) != rb_history_first (sorder->priv->history)) { rb_history_go_previous (sorder->priv->history); rb_play_order_set_playing_entry (porder, rb_history_current (sorder->priv->history)); } } } static void handle_query_model_changed (RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder) { GPtrArray *history; RhythmDBQueryModel *model; GtkTreeIter iter; int i; if (!sorder->priv->query_model_changed) return; g_hash_table_foreach_remove (sorder->priv->entries_added, (GHRFunc) rb_true_function, NULL); g_hash_table_foreach_remove (sorder->priv->entries_removed, (GHRFunc) rb_true_function, NULL); /* This simulates removing every entry in the old query model * and then adding every entry in the new one. */ history = rb_history_dump (sorder->priv->history); for (i=0; i < history->len; ++i) rb_shuffle_entry_removed (RB_PLAY_ORDER (sorder), g_ptr_array_index (history, i)); g_ptr_array_free (history, TRUE); model = rb_play_order_get_query_model (RB_PLAY_ORDER (sorder)); if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (model), &iter)) { do { RhythmDBEntry *entry; entry = rhythmdb_query_model_iter_to_entry (model, &iter); rb_shuffle_entry_added (RB_PLAY_ORDER (sorder), entry); rhythmdb_entry_unref (entry); } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (model), &iter)); } sorder->priv->query_model_changed = FALSE; } static gboolean remove_from_history (RhythmDBEntry *entry, gpointer *unused, RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder) { if (rb_history_contains_entry (sorder->priv->history, entry)) { rb_history_remove_entry (sorder->priv->history, entry); } return TRUE; } static gboolean add_randomly_to_history (RhythmDBEntry *entry, gpointer *unused, RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder) { gint history_size; gint current_index; if (rb_history_contains_entry (sorder->priv->history, entry)) return TRUE; history_size = rb_history_length (sorder->priv->history); current_index = rb_history_get_current_index (sorder->priv->history); /* Insert entry into the history at a random position between * just after current and the very end. */ rb_history_insert_at_index (sorder->priv->history, rhythmdb_entry_ref (entry), g_random_int_range (MIN (current_index, history_size-1) + 1, history_size + 1)); return TRUE; } static void rb_shuffle_sync_history_with_query_model (RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder) { RhythmDBEntry *current = rb_history_current (sorder->priv->history); handle_query_model_changed (sorder); g_hash_table_foreach_remove (sorder->priv->entries_removed, (GHRFunc) remove_from_history, sorder); g_hash_table_foreach_remove (sorder->priv->entries_added, (GHRFunc) add_randomly_to_history, sorder); if (sorder->priv->external_playing_entry != NULL) { if (rb_history_contains_entry (sorder->priv->history, sorder->priv->external_playing_entry)) { /* history now contains the previously external entry, so * use it as the playing entry. */ rb_history_set_playing (sorder->priv->history, sorder->priv->external_playing_entry); rhythmdb_entry_unref (sorder->priv->external_playing_entry); sorder->priv->external_playing_entry = NULL; current = NULL; } } if (current != NULL) { /* if the current entry no longer exists in the history, go back to the start */ if (!rb_history_contains_entry (sorder->priv->history, current)) { rb_history_set_playing (sorder->priv->history, NULL); } } /* postconditions */ g_assert (query_model_and_history_contents_match (sorder)); g_assert (g_hash_table_size (sorder->priv->entries_added) == 0); g_assert (g_hash_table_size (sorder->priv->entries_removed) == 0); } /* NOTE: returned GPtrArray does not hold references to the entries */ static GPtrArray * get_query_model_contents (RhythmDBQueryModel *model) { guint num_entries; guint i = 0; GtkTreeIter iter; GPtrArray *result = g_ptr_array_new (); if (model == NULL) return result; num_entries = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (GTK_TREE_MODEL (model), NULL); if (num_entries == 0) return result; g_ptr_array_set_size (result, num_entries); if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (model), &iter)) return result; do { RhythmDBEntry *entry; entry = rhythmdb_query_model_iter_to_entry (model, &iter); g_ptr_array_index (result, i++) = entry; rhythmdb_entry_unref (entry); } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (model), &iter)); return result; } static void rb_shuffle_db_changed (RBPlayOrder *porder, RhythmDB *db) { g_return_if_fail (RB_IS_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder)); rb_history_clear (RB_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder)->priv->history); } static void rb_shuffle_playing_entry_changed (RBPlayOrder *porder, RhythmDBEntry *old_entry, RhythmDBEntry *new_entry) { RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder; g_return_if_fail (RB_IS_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder)); sorder = RB_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder); if (sorder->priv->external_playing_entry != NULL) { rhythmdb_entry_unref (sorder->priv->external_playing_entry); sorder->priv->external_playing_entry = NULL; } if (new_entry) { if (new_entry == rb_history_current (sorder->priv->history)) { /* Do nothing */ } else if (rb_history_contains_entry (sorder->priv->history, new_entry)) { rhythmdb_entry_ref (new_entry); rb_history_set_playing (sorder->priv->history, new_entry); } else { /* playing an entry outside the query model; * track the entry separately as if it was between * the current entry in the history and the next. */ rhythmdb_entry_ref (new_entry); sorder->priv->external_playing_entry = new_entry; } } else { /* go back to the start if we just finished the play order */ if (old_entry == rb_history_last (sorder->priv->history)) rb_history_go_first (sorder->priv->history); } } static void rb_shuffle_entry_added (RBPlayOrder *porder, RhythmDBEntry *entry) { g_return_if_fail (RB_IS_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder)); g_hash_table_remove (RB_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder)->priv->entries_removed, entry); g_hash_table_insert (RB_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder)->priv->entries_added, rhythmdb_entry_ref (entry), entry); } static void rb_shuffle_entry_removed (RBPlayOrder *porder, RhythmDBEntry *entry) { g_return_if_fail (RB_IS_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder)); g_hash_table_remove (RB_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder)->priv->entries_added, entry); g_hash_table_insert (RB_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder)->priv->entries_removed, rhythmdb_entry_ref (entry), entry); } static void rb_shuffle_query_model_changed (RBPlayOrder *porder) { g_return_if_fail (RB_IS_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder)); RB_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder)->priv->query_model_changed = TRUE; } static void rb_shuffle_db_entry_deleted (RBPlayOrder *porder, RhythmDBEntry *entry) { RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder; g_return_if_fail (RB_IS_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder)); sorder = RB_SHUFFLE_PLAY_ORDER (porder); rb_history_remove_entry (sorder->priv->history, entry); } /* For some reason g_ptr_array_sort() passes pointers to the array elements * rather than the elements themselves */ static gint ptr_compare (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { if (*(gconstpointer*)a < *(gconstpointer*)b) return -1; if (*(gconstpointer*)b < *(gconstpointer*)a) return 1; return 0; } static gboolean query_model_and_history_contents_match (RBShufflePlayOrder *sorder) { gboolean result = TRUE; GPtrArray *history_contents; GPtrArray *query_model_contents; history_contents = rb_history_dump (sorder->priv->history); query_model_contents = get_query_model_contents (rb_play_order_get_query_model (RB_PLAY_ORDER (sorder))); if (history_contents->len != query_model_contents->len) result = FALSE; else { int i; g_ptr_array_sort (history_contents, ptr_compare); g_ptr_array_sort (query_model_contents, ptr_compare); for (i=0; ilen; ++i) { if (g_ptr_array_index (history_contents, i) != g_ptr_array_index (query_model_contents, i)) { result = FALSE; break; } } } g_ptr_array_free (history_contents, TRUE); g_ptr_array_free (query_model_contents, TRUE); return result; }