Okay, so, since I added the backup system, the program now actually changes your GRUB splashimage. Cool, right? Two notes:
1. Run it as root! Without root access, the program can't make any actual changes. Run the program as root by running it, from a terminal, with "sudo python tinasplash.py" or "gksu python tinasplash.py" while in the relevant directory. I'll work on making a launcher and package so that this will all be more reasonable.
2. Make a backup! You might want to back up /boot/grub/menu.lst before starting. To do that, just make a copy under a different name, like "sudo cp menu.lst menu.lst.bak" or something, while in /boot/grub. TinaSplash should have no trouble making its own backups; each session, the first time it writes to menu.lst, it creates a backup in the name of "menu.lst.backup0" in the directory /boot/grub/backup (which it creates if not present). It stores up to ten backups, numbered 0-9, lowest = most recent. Though it should work fine, you may want to create your own backup, just in case, as this is a really important file--a _really_ important file--and the write mechanism in TinaSplash is rather wonky and I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot series of tubes.
Tina Russell |
17 years ago
Tina Russell |
17 years ago
Tina Russell |
17 years ago
Tina Russell |
17 years ago
Okay, this should work. Some notes:
1. "sonic.lst" was in the first version. I used that to test this program's line-editing functions. It means nothing.
2. Other unnecessary files from the first version have been removed, mainly typos and backup files created by SPE.
3. The "splashimages" directory contains some splashimages for you to test the program out with. The program will recognize them automatically, so you won't need to do anything.
4. "testmenu.lst" is a copy of my own "menu.lst" file, which is a total mess that I need to maintain better. Anyway, this is basically a dummy that the program uses to demonstrate its functionality. It still doesn't quite work, as the "hd(#,#)" notation is missing, but it's a nice demo.
At present, this program will change the splashimage setting in the dummy "testmenu.lst" file to one of the splashimages, chosen by the user, found in the "splashimages" directory. Both of these are located relative to the program's location, so they should (I hope...) work as well on your computer as it does on mine.
Feel free to hack away. I need sleep, zzzzzz...
Tina Russell |
17 years ago
Tina Russell |
17 years ago