MC Return |
11 years ago
Iven Hsu |
11 years ago
Add more acceptance tests for the decor plugin.
PixmapDecoratedWindowAcceptance. UndecoratedWindowExpandToOrigSize
Test that upon undecoration, the window has exactly the same geometry as it did before decoration.
Tests that for windows with a static gravity, the window has exactly the same geometry as it did before decoration.
Disabled, as core is currently not moving the window with the static gravity back to where it started.
AdjustmentExtents/PixmapDecorationAdjustment. AdjustRestoredWindowBorderMovesClient/P
Test that changing the border extents causes the client window's absolute geometry to change.
Tests that changing the border extents causes the client window's absolute geometry to shrink by the amount of border.
Disabled, as the current behavior is to expand the frame window as opposed to shrinking the client (but this will be changed).
Tests that as the border shrinks away, the client expands back to its original size.
Disabled, as the current behavior is to expand the frame window as opposed to shrinking the client (but this will be changed).
Tests that even if the client is maximized, if the restored border shrinks away it demaximizes back to the same position while also accounting for any change in the restored window border size.
Disabled, as the current behavior is to expand the frame window as opposed to shrinking the client (but this will be changed).
Tests that even when the client is not permitted to be decorated because the decoration hint was removed, when it is redecorated it will be moved to the correct position taking into account any changes in its border size.
Disabled, as the current behavior is to expand the frame window as opposed to shrinking the client (but this will be changed).
Tests that adjusting the input extents (as independent from the border extents) of the client does not cause the client to move.
Disabled, as this behavior appears to be broken in core.
Move the "GetImmediateParent" function into the compiz::testing namespace so that it can be used by other tests. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1188900.
Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Andrea Azzarone.
Sam Spilsbury |
11 years ago
Sam Spilsbury |
11 years ago
Provide a basic decor plugin acceptance test suite.
This change provides a simple acceptance test suite for the decor plugin. It creates a fake window decorator (cdt::FakeDecorator) and allows users to create fake decorations (eg cdt::FakePixmapDecoration) which can be serialized as decoration properties and set on windows under xorg-gtest. It also launches compiz with the opengl, composite and decor plugins loaded and runs some basic tests. Among them:
BaseDecorAcceptance. Startup:
Basic canary "can we start compiz with these plugins" test
Create a fake decorator, ensure that libdecoration sets our session name "fake" on the selection owner
Create fake decorator, ensure that libdecoration posts a client message to the root window announcing that the new decorator exists.
Create a fake decorator, announce support for the WINDOW type decorations and ensure that the correct atom is set on the session owner window.
Create a fake decorator, announce support for the PIXMAP type decorations and ensure that the correct atom is set on the session owner window.
DecorFakeDecoratorAcceptance. WindowDefaultFallbackNoExtents:
By default, newly created windows should recieve a fallback decoration but they should not have any frame extents.
These tests create a default pixmap decoration to use in the hypothetical situation that the window decorator hasn't yet generated a decoration for this window.
Verify that we get a _COMPIZ_WINDOW_DECOR_INPUT_FRAME property set on the client when it is created and mapped (eg, an input frame window was annonuced to be created)
Verify that a second window exists in the frame window after this message was recieved.
Verify that _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS is set to the default window extents for the default decoration when the window was mapped.
Verify that the input window matches the extents set.
These tests create a new window and an associated unique decoration for that window.
Maximize the window and ensure that the correct border extents are used.
Vertically maximize the window and ensure that the correct border extents are used.
Horizontally maximize the window and ensure that the correct border extents are used.
Maximie the window and ensure that the frame window exactly equals the output size.
Maximize the window and ensure that the frame window's Y and Height values are consistent with the output size.
Ditto horizontal maximization.
Maximize the window vertically and ensure that the frame window's border-relative X position and width does not change.
This test is disabled, as the behavior in compiz is currently broken, (but it means that we can fix it later and enable the test).
Maximize the window horizontally and ensure that the frame window's border-relative Y position and height does not change.
This test is disabled, as the behavior in compiz is currently broken, (but it means that we can fix it later and enable the test).
(LP: #1188900). Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1188900.
Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Andrea Azzarone, MC Return.
Sam Spilsbury |
11 years ago
Andrea Azzarone |
11 years ago
Expo, code cleanup:
Declaration of local variables outside of loops. Use prefix instead of postfix increments. Declaration and assignment of local variables in one line, if possible. Reduced the scope of some variables. Removed redundant brackets. Used static_cast <> (type) instead of (type) cast. Added and removed newlines if appropriate. Fixed indentation. Added TODOs.
Expo, speed improvements:
Do not calculate screen->vpSize ().width () and screen->vpSize ().height () multiple times, instead save them in the unsigned ints vpCountHorz and vpCountVert and use those variables instead. Speed up the curve calculations by using additional variables to save results to not have to re-calculate those all the time. The new variables introduced are degToRad, screenWidth, screenWidthSquared, curveDistSquaredPlusQuarter, pOne2MinusCurveDist, v0Squared and v2Squared. Also introduced const float halfGapX = gapX / 2.0 and used this variable in the calculations of curveDistance and curveRadius. Simplified calculations of this type: (M_PI / 180.0f) * curveAngle / 2.0, which is equal to: (M_PI / 360.0f) * curveAngle Do not call optionGetGroundSize (); twice, instead save the value in the float groundSize and use that variable in the following calculations. Removed the creation of the redundant bool hide, which is just used once in an if-condition check. It does not help to have this bool. Try to avoid redundant GL_BLEND state changes, they are expensive - only enable GL_BLEND if it is disabled and just disable it, if it was disabled before, otherwise do nothing. Try to avoid redundant GL filter changes - just query the filter state if the mipmap option in CCSM is enabled. Also just set back the filter to the previous state if we actually changed it, otherwise do nothing. -5.5f * 2 = -11.0f. No need to calculate M_PI / 180.0f 720 times: Calculate this value once instead and save it in the const float mpi, use mpi in the following looped calculations. Use const int scw in the same loop instead of calling screen->width () 360 times.
glow.cpp: Massively increased calculation speed of the glow texture: No need for any macros here -> removed them and replaced them with local variables. Precalculate values, store them in local variables and use those in the following calculations (new variables are the ints winRealX, winRealY, winRealWidth, winRealHeight, halfWinRealWidth, halfWinRealHeight, xPlusHalfWidth, yPlusHalfHeight, xPlusGlowOff, yPlusGlowOff, xMinusGlowOff, yMinusGlowOff and the float glowPart). Used w->geometry ().widthIncBorders () and w->geometry ().heightIncBorders () to determine winRealWidth and winRealHeight.
Expo, fixes:
Do not force "One wall per output" on the user, if his displays use different resolutions. "One big wall" makes a lot of sense for many multi-screen configs, where not all of the screens have exactly the same resolution, so if the user explicitely chooses this mode, Compiz should respect the user's choice.
(LP: #1009592). Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1009592.
Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Sam Spilsbury, Sami Jaktholm.
MC Return |
11 years ago
MC Return |
11 years ago
Sam Spilsbury |
11 years ago
Iven Hsu |
11 years ago
Sam Spilsbury |
11 years ago
Andrea Azzarone |
11 years ago
Sam Spilsbury |
11 years ago
MC Return |
11 years ago
Nikolay Martynov |
11 years ago
MC Return |
11 years ago
MC Return |
11 years ago
Sam Spilsbury |
11 years ago
Sam Spilsbury |
11 years ago
MC Return |
11 years ago