/* * Copyright © 2008 Dennis Kasprzyk * Copyright © 2007 Novell, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without * fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies * and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice * appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of * Dennis Kasprzyk not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to * distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. * Dennis Kasprzyk makes no representations about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. * * DENNIS KASPRZYK DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN * NO EVENT SHALL DENNIS KASPRZYK BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS * OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Authors: Dennis Kasprzyk * David Reveman */ #ifndef _PRIVATESCREEN_H #define _PRIVATESCREEN_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "privatetimeoutsource.h" #include "privateiosource.h" #include "privateeventsource.h" #include "privatesignalsource.h" #include "outputdevices.h" #include "core_options.h" #include CompPlugin::VTable * getCoreVTable (); class CoreWindow; extern bool shutDown; extern bool restartSignal; extern bool useDesktopHints; extern std::list initialPlugins; typedef struct _CompDelayedEdgeSettings { CompAction::CallBack initiate; CompAction::CallBack terminate; unsigned int edge; unsigned int state; CompOption::Vector options; } CompDelayedEdgeSettings; struct CompScreenEdge { Window id; unsigned int count; }; struct CompGroup { unsigned int refCnt; Window id; }; struct CompStartupSequence { SnStartupSequence *sequence; unsigned int viewportX; unsigned int viewportY; }; namespace compiz { namespace core { namespace screen { inline int wraparound_mod (int a, int b) { if (a < 0) return (b - ((-a - 1) % (b))) - 1; else return a % b; }; } } } namespace compiz { namespace private_screen { class History; class WindowManager : boost::noncopyable { public: typedef CompWindow::ForEach Functor; WindowManager(); CompGroup * addGroup (Window id); void removeGroup (CompGroup *group); CompGroup * findGroup (Window id); void eraseWindowFromMap (Window id); void removeDestroyed (); void updateClientList (PrivateScreen& ps); void addToDestroyedWindows(CompWindow * cw) { destroyedWindows.push_back (cw); } void incrementPendingDestroys() { pendingDestroys++; } const CompWindowVector& getClientList () const { return clientList; } const CompWindowVector& getClientListStacking () const { return clientListStacking; } CompWindow * findWindow (Window id) const; CompWindow * getTopWindow() const; CompWindow * getTopServerWindow() const; void removeFromFindWindowCache(CompWindow* w) { if (w == lastFoundWindow) lastFoundWindow = 0; } void addWindowToMap(CompWindow* w) { if (w->id () != 1) windowsMap[w->id ()] = w; } void validateServerWindows(); void invalidateServerWindows(); void insertWindow (CompWindow* w, Window aboveId); void unhookWindow (CompWindow *w); CompWindowList& getWindows() { return windows; } CompWindowList& getDestroyedWindows() { return destroyedWindows; } void insertServerWindow(CompWindow* w, Window aboveId); void unhookServerWindow(CompWindow *w); CompWindowList& getServerWindows() { return serverWindows; } typedef CompWindowList::const_iterator iterator; typedef CompWindowList::const_reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; iterator begin() const { return windows.begin(); } iterator end() const { return windows.end(); } reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return windows.rbegin(); } reverse_iterator rend() const { return windows.rend(); } iterator serverBegin() const { return serverWindows.begin(); } iterator serverEnd() const { return serverWindows.end(); } reverse_iterator rserverBegin() const { return serverWindows.rbegin(); } reverse_iterator rserverEnd() const { return serverWindows.rend(); } void clearFullscreenHints() const; void showOrHideForDesktop(unsigned int desktop) const; void setWindowActiveness(::compiz::private_screen::History& history) const; void setNumberOfDesktops (unsigned int nDesktop) const; void updateWindowSizes() const; void forEachWindow(Functor const& f) const { std::for_each(windows.begin(), windows.end(), f); } private: CompWindowList windows; CompWindowList serverWindows; CompWindowList destroyedWindows; bool stackIsFresh; CompWindow::Map windowsMap; std::list groups; CompWindowVector clientList; /* clients in mapping order */ CompWindowVector clientListStacking; /* clients in stacking order */ std::vector clientIdList; /* client ids in mapping order */ std::vector clientIdListStacking;/* client ids in stacking order */ unsigned int pendingDestroys; mutable CompWindow* lastFoundWindow; }; unsigned int windowStateFromString (const char *str); class PluginManager { public: PluginManager(); void updatePlugins (CompScreen* screen, CompOption::Value::Vector const& extraPluginsRequested); void setPlugins(CompOption::Value::Vector const& vList) { plugin.set (CompOption::TypeString, vList); } bool isDirtyPluginList () const { return dirtyPluginList; } void setDirtyPluginList () { dirtyPluginList = true; } CompOption::Value::Vector mergedPluginList(CompOption::Value::Vector const& extraPluginsRequested) const; private: CompOption::Value plugin; bool dirtyPluginList; typedef std::set CompStringSet; CompStringSet blacklist; }; class GrabList { // TODO: std::list is almost certainly the wrong data // structure. Probably better as std::vector - many fewer // memory allocations and releases. typedef std::list GrabPtrList; public: typedef GrabPtrList::iterator GrabIterator; bool grabsEmpty() const { return grabs.empty(); } void grabsPush(Grab* grab) { grabs.push_back (grab); } GrabIterator grabsBegin() { return grabs.begin(); } GrabIterator grabsEnd() { return grabs.end(); } void grabsRemove(Grab* grab); bool grabExist (const char *grab); Grab* grabsBack() { return grabs.back (); } private: GrabPtrList grabs; }; class EventManager : public GrabList { public: EventManager (); ~EventManager (); void init (); void handleSignal (int signum); bool triggerPress (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &arguments); bool triggerRelease (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &arguments); void startEventLoop(Display* dpy); void quit() { mainloop->quit(); } CompWatchFdHandle addWatchFd ( int fd, short int events, FdWatchCallBack callBack); void removeWatchFd (CompWatchFdHandle handle); CompFileWatch* addFileWatch ( const char *path, int mask, FileWatchCallBack callBack); CompFileWatch* removeFileWatch (CompFileWatchHandle handle); const CompFileWatchList& getFileWatches () const; void grabNotified() { grabbed = true; } void ungrabNotified() { grabbed = false; } bool isGrabbed() const { return grabbed; } void setSupportingWmCheck (Display* dpy, Window root); bool notGrabWindow(Window w) const { return w != grabWindow; } void createGrabWindow (Display* dpy, Window root, XSetWindowAttributes* attrib); void destroyGrabWindow (Display* dpy) { XDestroyWindow (dpy, grabWindow); } Time getCurrentTime (Display* dpy) const; Window const& getGrabWindow() const { return grabWindow; } void resetPossibleTap() { possibleTap = 0; } private: void *possibleTap; Glib::RefPtr mainloop; /* We cannot use RefPtrs. See * https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=561885 */ CompEventSource * source; CompTimeoutSource * timeout; CompSignalSource * sighupSource; CompSignalSource * sigtermSource; CompSignalSource * sigintSource; Glib::RefPtr ctx; CompFileWatchList fileWatch; CompFileWatchHandle lastFileWatchHandle; // TODO - almost certainly the wrong data structure // Why not a std::map? std::list< CompWatchFd * > watchFds; CompWatchFdHandle lastWatchFdHandle; bool grabbed; /* true once we receive a GrabNotify on FocusOut and false on UngrabNotify from FocusIn */ Window grabWindow; }; class KeyGrab { public: int keycode; unsigned int modifiers; int count; }; class ButtonGrab { public: int button; unsigned int modifiers; int count; }; struct Grab { Grab(Cursor cursor, const char *name) : cursor(cursor), name(name) {} Cursor cursor; const char *name; }; // data members that don't belong (these probably belong // in CompScreenImpl as PrivateScreen doesn't use them) struct OrphanData : boost::noncopyable { OrphanData(); ~OrphanData(); Window activeWindow; Window nextActiveWindow; }; class GrabManager : boost::noncopyable { public: GrabManager(CompScreen *screen); bool addPassiveKeyGrab (CompAction::KeyBinding &key); void removePassiveKeyGrab (CompAction::KeyBinding &key); bool addPassiveButtonGrab (CompAction::ButtonBinding &button); void removePassiveButtonGrab (CompAction::ButtonBinding &button); void grabUngrabOneKey (unsigned int modifiers, int keycode, bool grab); bool grabUngrabKeys (unsigned int modifiers, int keycode, bool grab); void updatePassiveKeyGrabs (); void updatePassiveButtonGrabs(Window serverFrame); void setCurrentState(CompAction::State state); private: CompScreen * const screen; CompAction::State currentState; std::list buttonGrabs; std::list keyGrabs; }; class History : public virtual ::compiz::History, boost::noncopyable { public: History(); void setCurrentActiveWindowHistory (int x, int y); void addToCurrentActiveWindowHistory (Window id); CompActiveWindowHistory* currentHistory (); unsigned int nextActiveNum () { return activeNum_++; } unsigned int activeNum () const; private: CompActiveWindowHistory history[ACTIVE_WINDOW_HISTORY_NUM]; int currentHistory_; unsigned int activeNum_; }; class ViewportRetrievalInterface { public: virtual ~ViewportRetrievalInterface () {} virtual const CompPoint & getCurrentViewport () const = 0; virtual const CompSize & viewportDimensions () const = 0; }; // Apart from a use by StartupSequence::addSequence this data // is only used by CompScreenImpl - like the OrphanData struct struct ViewPort : public ViewportRetrievalInterface { public: ViewPort(); CompPoint vp; CompSize vpSize; private: const CompPoint & getCurrentViewport () const { return vp; } const CompSize & viewportDimensions () const { return vpSize; } }; namespace viewports { void viewportForGeometry (const CompWindow::Geometry &gm, CompPoint &viewport, ViewportRetrievalInterface *viewports, const CompSize &screenSize); } class StartupSequence : boost::noncopyable { public: StartupSequence(); void addSequence (SnStartupSequence *sequence, CompPoint const& vp); void removeSequence (SnStartupSequence *sequence); void removeAllSequences (); void applyStartupProperties (CompScreen* screen, CompWindow *window); bool handleStartupSequenceTimeout (); virtual void updateStartupFeedback () = 0; bool emptySequence() const { return startupSequences.empty(); } private: std::list startupSequences; CompTimer startupSequenceTimer; }; // Implemented as a separate class to break dependency on PrivateScreen & XWindows class StartupSequenceImpl : public StartupSequence { public: StartupSequenceImpl(PrivateScreen* priv) : priv(priv) {} virtual void updateStartupFeedback (); private: PrivateScreen* const priv; }; class Extension { public: Extension() : is_enabled(), extension() {} template bool init(Display * dpy) { int error; is_enabled = ExtensionQuery(dpy, &extension, &error); return is_enabled; } template bool init(Display * dpy) { int opcode; int error; is_enabled = ExtensionQuery(dpy, &opcode, &extension, &error, NULL, NULL); if (!is_enabled) extension = -1; return is_enabled; } int isEnabled () const { return is_enabled; } int get () const { return extension; } private: bool is_enabled; int extension; }; class Ping : public virtual ::compiz::Ping { public: Ping() : lastPing_(1) {} bool handlePingTimeout (WindowManager::iterator begin, WindowManager::iterator end, Display* dpy); unsigned int lastPing () const { return lastPing_; } private: unsigned int lastPing_; }; class DesktopWindowCount : public virtual ::compiz::DesktopWindowCount { public: DesktopWindowCount(); virtual void incrementDesktopWindowCount(); virtual void decrementDesktopWindowCount(); virtual int desktopWindowCount(); private: int count; }; class MapNum : public virtual ::compiz::MapNum { public: MapNum(); virtual unsigned int nextMapNum(); private: unsigned int mapNum; }; class XWindowInfo : public virtual ::compiz::XWindowInfo { public: XWindowInfo(Display* const& dpy) : dpy(dpy) {} virtual int getWmState (Window id); virtual void setWmState (int state, Window id) const; virtual void getMwmHints (Window id, unsigned int *func, unsigned int *decor) const; virtual unsigned int getProtocols (Window id); virtual unsigned int getWindowType (Window id); virtual unsigned int getWindowState (Window id); private: Display* const& dpy; }; unsigned int windowStateMask (Atom state); }} // namespace compiz::private_screen class FetchXEventInterface { public: virtual ~FetchXEventInterface () {} virtual bool getNextXEvent (XEvent &) = 0; }; class FetchEventInterface { public: virtual ~FetchEventInterface () {} virtual bool getNextEvent (XEvent &) = 0; }; class PrivateScreen : public CoreOptions, public FetchXEventInterface, public FetchEventInterface { public: PrivateScreen (CompScreen *screen, compiz::private_screen::WindowManager& windowManager); ~PrivateScreen (); bool initDisplay ( const char *name, compiz::private_screen::History& history, unsigned int showingDesktopMask); bool setOption (const CompString &name, CompOption::Value &value); bool getNextEvent (XEvent &); bool getNextXEvent (XEvent &); void processEvents (); bool triggerButtonPressBindings (CompOption::Vector &options, XButtonEvent *event, CompOption::Vector &arguments); bool triggerButtonReleaseBindings (CompOption::Vector &options, XButtonEvent *event, CompOption::Vector &arguments); bool triggerKeyPressBindings (CompOption::Vector &options, XKeyEvent *event, CompOption::Vector &arguments); bool triggerKeyReleaseBindings (CompOption::Vector &options, XKeyEvent *event, CompOption::Vector &arguments); bool triggerStateNotifyBindings (CompOption::Vector &options, XkbStateNotifyEvent *event, CompOption::Vector &arguments); bool triggerEdgeEnter (unsigned int edge, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &arguments); void setAudibleBell (bool audible); bool handleActionEvent (XEvent *event); void handleSelectionRequest (XEvent *event); void handleSelectionClear (XEvent *event); bool desktopHintEqual (unsigned long *data, int size, int offset, int hintSize); void setDesktopHints (); void setVirtualScreenSize (int hsize, int vsize); void updateScreenEdges (); void reshape (int w, int h); void getDesktopHints (unsigned int showingDesktopMask); void updateScreenInfo (); Window getActiveWindow (Window root); void setWindowState (unsigned int state, Window id); bool readWindowProp32 (Window id, Atom property, unsigned short *returnValue); void configure (XConfigureEvent *ce); void setNumberOfDesktops (unsigned int nDesktop); void setCurrentDesktop (unsigned int desktop); void enableEdge (int edge); void disableEdge (int edge); void setDefaultWindowAttributes (XWindowAttributes *); static void compScreenSnEvent (SnMonitorEvent *event, void *userData); int getXkbEvent() const { return xkbEvent.get(); } std::vector& getScreenInfo () { return screenInfo; } SnDisplay* getSnDisplay () const { return snDisplay; } const char* displayString() const { return displayString_; } const CompRegion& getRegion() const { return region; } const XWindowAttributes& getAttrib() const { return attrib; } Window rootWindow() const { return root; } void identifyEdgeWindow(Window id); void setPlugins(const CompOption::Value::Vector& vList); void initPlugins(); void updateClientList() { windowManager.updateClientList(*this); } void detectOutputDevices(CoreOptions& coreOptions); void updateOutputDevices(CoreOptions& coreOptions); void setPingTimerCallback(CompTimer::CallBack const& callback) { pingTimer.setCallback(callback); } public: Display* dpy; compiz::private_screen::Extension xSync; compiz::private_screen::Extension xRandr; compiz::private_screen::Extension xShape; compiz::private_screen::ViewPort viewPort; compiz::private_screen::StartupSequenceImpl startupSequence; compiz::private_screen::EventManager eventManager; compiz::private_screen::OrphanData orphanData; compiz::core::OutputDevices outputDevices; Colormap colormap; int screenNum; unsigned int nDesktop; unsigned int currentDesktop; CompOutput fullscreenOutput; CompScreenEdge screenEdge[SCREEN_EDGE_NUM]; Window wmSnSelectionWindow; int clientPointerDeviceId; Cursor normalCursor; Cursor busyCursor; Cursor invisibleCursor; CompRect workArea; bool initialized; private: CompScreen* screen; compiz::private_screen::Extension xkbEvent; //TODO? Pull these two out as a class? bool xineramaExtension; std::vector screenInfo; SnDisplay* snDisplay; char displayString_[256]; KeyCode escapeKeyCode; KeyCode returnKeyCode; CompRegion region; Window root; XWindowAttributes attrib; SnMonitorContext* snContext; Atom wmSnAtom; Time wmSnTimestamp; unsigned long *desktopHintData; int desktopHintSize; Window edgeWindow; CompTimer pingTimer; CompTimer edgeDelayTimer; CompDelayedEdgeSettings edgeDelaySettings; Window xdndWindow; compiz::private_screen::PluginManager pluginManager; compiz::private_screen::WindowManager& windowManager; }; class CompManager { public: CompManager (); bool init (); void run (); void fini (); bool parseArguments (int, char **); void usage (); static bool initPlugin (CompPlugin *p); static void finiPlugin (CompPlugin *p); private: bool disableSm; char *clientId; char *displayName; }; /** * A wrapping of the X display screen. This takes care of communication to the * X server. */ class CompScreenImpl : public CompScreen, public ServerGrabInterface, ::compiz::private_screen::DesktopWindowCount, ::compiz::private_screen::MapNum, ::compiz::private_screen::Ping, ::compiz::private_screen::XWindowInfo, ::compiz::private_screen::History { public: CompScreenImpl (); ~CompScreenImpl (); bool init (const char *name); void eventLoop (); CompFileWatchHandle addFileWatch (const char *path, int mask, FileWatchCallBack callBack); void removeFileWatch (CompFileWatchHandle handle); const CompFileWatchList& getFileWatches () const; CompWatchFdHandle addWatchFd (int fd, short int events, FdWatchCallBack callBack); void removeWatchFd (CompWatchFdHandle handle); void storeValue (CompString key, CompPrivate value); bool hasValue (CompString key); CompPrivate getValue (CompString key); void eraseValue (CompString key); Display * dpy (); CompOption::Vector & getOptions (); bool setOption (const CompString &name, CompOption::Value &value); bool XRandr (); int randrEvent (); bool XShape (); int shapeEvent (); int syncEvent (); SnDisplay * snDisplay (); Window activeWindow (); Window autoRaiseWindow (); const char * displayString (); CompWindow * findWindow (Window id); CompWindow * findTopLevelWindow (Window id, bool override_redirect = false); bool readImageFromFile (CompString &name, CompString &pname, CompSize &size, void *&data); bool writeImageToFile (CompString &path, const char *format, CompSize &size, void *data); unsigned int getWindowProp (Window id, Atom property, unsigned int defaultValue); void setWindowProp (Window id, Atom property, unsigned int value); unsigned short getWindowProp32 (Window id, Atom property, unsigned short defaultValue); void setWindowProp32 (Window id, Atom property, unsigned short value); Window root (); int xkbEvent (); XWindowAttributes attrib (); int screenNum (); CompWindowList & windows (); CompWindowList & serverWindows (); CompWindowList & destroyedWindows (); void warpPointer (int dx, int dy); Time getCurrentTime (); Window selectionWindow (); void forEachWindow (CompWindow::ForEach); void focusDefaultWindow (); void insertWindow (CompWindow *w, Window aboveId); void unhookWindow (CompWindow *w); void insertServerWindow (CompWindow *w, Window aboveId); void unhookServerWindow (CompWindow *w); Cursor normalCursor (); Cursor invisibleCursor (); /* Adds an X Pointer and Keyboard grab to the stack. Since * compiz as a client only need to grab once, multiple clients * can call this and all get events, but the pointer will * be grabbed once and the actual grab refcounted */ GrabHandle pushGrab (Cursor cursor, const char *name); /* Allows you to change the pointer of your grab */ void updateGrab (GrabHandle handle, Cursor cursor); /* Removes your grab from the stack. Once the internal refcount * reaches zero, the X Pointer and Keyboard are both ungrabbed */ void removeGrab (GrabHandle handle, CompPoint *restorePointer); /* Returns true if a grab other than the grabs specified here * exists */ bool otherGrabExist (const char *, ...); /* Returns true if the specified grab exists */ bool grabExist (const char *); /* Returns true if the X Pointer and / or Keyboard is grabbed * by anything (another application, pluigins etc) */ bool grabbed (); const CompWindowVector & clientList (bool stackingOrder); bool addAction (CompAction *action); void removeAction (CompAction *action); void updateWorkarea (); void toolkitAction (Atom toolkitAction, Time eventTime, Window window, long data0, long data1, long data2); void runCommand (CompString command); void moveViewport (int tx, int ty, bool sync); void sendWindowActivationRequest (Window id); int outputDeviceForPoint (int x, int y); int outputDeviceForPoint (const CompPoint &point); CompRect getCurrentOutputExtents (); const CompRect & getWorkareaForOutput (unsigned int outputNum) const; void viewportForGeometry (const CompWindow::Geometry &gm, CompPoint &viewport); int outputDeviceForGeometry (const CompWindow::Geometry& gm); const CompPoint & vp () const; const CompSize & vpSize () const; CompOutput::vector & outputDevs (); CompOutput & currentOutputDev () const; const CompRect & workArea () const; unsigned int currentDesktop (); unsigned int nDesktop (); bool shouldSerializePlugins () ; const CompRegion & region () const; bool hasOverlappingOutputs (); CompOutput & fullscreenOutput (); std::vector & screenInfo (); CompIcon *defaultIcon () const; bool updateDefaultIcon (); void updateSupportedWmHints (); unsigned int showingDesktopMask() const; virtual bool grabsEmpty() const; virtual void sizePluginClasses(unsigned int size); virtual void setWindowState (unsigned int state, Window id); virtual void addToDestroyedWindows(CompWindow * cw); virtual void processEvents (); virtual void alwaysHandleEvent (XEvent *event); virtual ServerGrabInterface * serverGrabInterface (); virtual void updatePassiveKeyGrabs () const; virtual void updatePassiveButtonGrabs(Window serverFrame); virtual bool displayInitialised() const; virtual void applyStartupProperties (CompWindow *window); virtual void updateClientList(); virtual CompWindow * getTopWindow() const; virtual CompWindow * getTopServerWindow() const; virtual CoreOptions& getCoreOptions(); virtual Colormap colormap() const; virtual void setCurrentDesktop (unsigned int desktop); virtual Window activeWindow() const; virtual bool grabWindowIsNot(Window w) const; virtual void incrementPendingDestroys(); virtual void setNextActiveWindow(Window id); virtual Window getNextActiveWindow() const; virtual CompWindow * focusTopMostWindow (); public : static bool showDesktop (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &options); static bool windowMenu (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &options); static bool closeWin (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &options); static bool unmaximizeWin (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &options); static bool unmaximizeOrMinimizeWin (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &options); static bool minimizeWin (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &options); static bool maximizeWin (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &options); static bool maximizeWinHorizontally (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &options); static bool maximizeWinVertically (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &options); static bool raiseWin (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &options); static bool lowerWin (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &options); static bool toggleWinMaximized (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &options); static bool toggleWinMaximizedHorizontally (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &options); static bool toggleWinMaximizedVertically (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &options); static bool shadeWin (CompAction *action, CompAction::State state, CompOption::Vector &options); bool createFailed () const; private: virtual bool _setOptionForPlugin(const char *, const char *, CompOption::Value &); virtual bool _initPluginForScreen(CompPlugin *); virtual void _finiPluginForScreen(CompPlugin *); virtual void _handleEvent(XEvent *event); virtual void _logMessage(const char *, CompLogLevel, const char*); virtual void _enterShowDesktopMode(); virtual void _leaveShowDesktopMode(CompWindow *); virtual void _addSupportedAtoms(std::vector& atoms); // These are stubs - but allow mocking of AbstractCompWindow virtual void _fileWatchAdded(CompFileWatch *); virtual void _fileWatchRemoved(CompFileWatch *); virtual void _sessionEvent(CompSession::Event, CompOption::Vector &); virtual void _handleCompizEvent(const char *, const char *, CompOption::Vector &); virtual bool _fileToImage(CompString &, CompSize &, int &, void *&); virtual bool _imageToFile(CompString &, CompString &, CompSize &, int, void *); virtual CompMatch::Expression * _matchInitExp(const CompString&); virtual void _matchExpHandlerChanged(); virtual void _matchPropertyChanged(CompWindow *); virtual void _outputChangeNotify(); void grabServer (); void ungrabServer (); void syncServer (); bool handlePingTimeout(); Window below; CompTimer autoRaiseTimer_; Window autoRaiseWindow_; CompIcon *defaultIcon_; compiz::private_screen::GrabManager mutable grabManager; ValueHolder valueHolder; bool eventHandled; PrivateScreen privateScreen; compiz::private_screen::WindowManager windowManager; unsigned int showingDesktopMask_; }; #endif