by Marien Zwart
Doc stuff. |
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by Martin von Gagern
Updated implementation notes. |
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Implementation notes |
by Marien Zwart
Doc stuff. |
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by Martin von Gagern
Updated implementation notes. |
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Revision format |
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The format of trac "revs" is in flux. |
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Currently the following guidelines are used: |
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- A revision as Trac sees is always consists of a branch name followed |
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by a comma and some string identifying the revision. The branch name |
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is important, as Trac thinks of the repository as a single tree, so |
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a revision id by itself wouldn't give us an absolute path in that |
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tree if there were multiple branches containing that revision.
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- If there is only a single branch at the root of the directory
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configured as the bzr repository in Trac, then no branch name will
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be included in revision strings. In this case, simple revision
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numbers will work as Trac links, too. Maybe a future version of
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trac-bzr will allow users to configure a "default branch" to obtain
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simple revision names even when dealing with multiple branches.
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- When generating revision strings, we prefer (dotted) revision
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numbers over bzr revision identifiers. Only when the revision in
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question hasn't been merged into that branch yet we emit a revision |
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id instead. Usually people should never encounter such revisions |
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trough Trac links, and we might simply reject them in the future, |
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but for now they're handled in this fashion. |
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- Wenn accepting revision strings, we accept both dotted revision
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numbers and revision identifiers.
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- Some characters are special to Trac, and shouldn't be part of a |
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revision as Trac sees it. These include ``/`` and ``@``. For this |
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reason, slashes in the branch name are replaced by commas, and |
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revision identifiers will always be url-quoted. Branch names |
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containing commas or percent signs will be url-quoted as well, which |
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will ensure backwards compatibility with versions that used ot |
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url-quote slashes and colons, so we have to url-unquote branch |
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paths. |
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- It seems that Trac takes care of quoting special characters, percent |
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signs in particular, when generating links, and will unquote them |
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before handing them to Trac. If you find an indication to the |
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contrary, it might be a bug in Trac. |
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- trac wants to have a total ordering on revs. If one of the two |
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revisions to be compared is an ancestor of the other, then we can |
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compare them using the revision graph. bzrlib provides |
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``Graph.is_ancestor`` for a one-way comparison. It internally uses |
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``Graph.heads``, which we can use to get both ways at once. If the |
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two branches are uncomparable using the partial ordering given by |
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the ancestry graph, we compare them using timestamps instead. In the |
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presence of a clock skew, this can lead to inconsistent results: if |
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*a* is ancestor of *b* but *a* has a later timestamp than *b*, and |
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if *c* is uncomparable to either, then by ancestry copparison |
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*a* < *b* but by time comparison *b* < *c* < *a*. |
by Marien Zwart
Doc stuff. |
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- trac occasionally compares path values, which means we have to be |
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careful about "normalizing" those. Currently the format is the one |
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bzr hands us: always omit the starting "/" (which makes the root ""). |
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What trac uses for svn is "/" for the root, "foo/bar" for everything |
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else. Hopefully it will cope with our usage. trac also occasionally |
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passes a None path, which is taken as meaning the root (""). |
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(Example of where this bit in the past: if Node.get_history changes |
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the path it returns trac interprets this as a move, even if we do not |
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pass the corresponding constant. This means that if the Node is |
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constructed from a non-normalized path starting with a "/" and we switch |
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to a path with no starting "/" when the node *content* first changes |
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trac picks it up as a move.) |
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Again trac may pass in a normalized path, so make sure normalizing twice |
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is safe. Notice that we do not always normalize passed in paths, since |
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bzr should handle anything trac hands us. We just need to make sure |
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everything that escapes back to trac is normalized. |
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- trac wants the revision log of a dir to include what happens to its |
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contents. bzr only notices changes to the dir itself (renames and moves |
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of the dir, not its contents). |
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One case where this is very important is get_previous of the root |
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node. Since you can't rename or move the root this simply does not |
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exist for bzr. Trac uses this to get the previous revision to |
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display a changeset, so we really need to do this in the trac (svn) |
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way. |
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Another case is the revision attribute of BzrDirNode. If we pick the |
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entry.revision for that we do not see the changes in subdirectories |
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in the directory listings (as people expect from bzr/svn). If we |
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pick the revisiontree revision id (which is the one the user is |
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using to find us) then all subdirectories get the same log message |
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(the one of the most recent commit to the tree, not to something |
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under that subdir). |
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Constructing a BzrDirNode is slow because it walks its children to |
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determine the right "most recent" revision. Because it is pretty |
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common to iterate over the children afterwards and we need to |
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determine their most recent revision anyway we cache those values |
by Martin von Gagern
Updated implementation notes. |
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(``BzrDirNode.revcache``). Speeds up the source browser in a directory |
by Marien Zwart
Doc stuff. |
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with a couple of subdirs. |
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by Martin von Gagern
Updated implementation notes. |
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``BzrDirNode.get_history`` is a bit slow and pretty memory-hungry. Again |
by Marien Zwart
Doc stuff. |
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the need to manually pick up changes to children is the root cause. |
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It has to construct full inventories and/or deltas between revisions |
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to pick up changes to children, while for the other node types we just |
by Marien Zwart
Doc stuff. |
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have to open the "versionedfile" for that particular file. |
by Marien Zwart
Doc stuff. |
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by Martin von Gagern
Updated implementation notes. |
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Probably the most questionable optimization is keeping branches locked |
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for the whole request. This provides a *very* noticable speed boost by |
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keeping the branch locked for the entire web request (try timing a |
by Marien Zwart
Doc stuff. |
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"log" of the root dir, which pulls in a hundred BzrChangesets). And at |
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a glance it looks like trac was designed with this thing in mind: it |
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has a close method for "closing the connection". Unfortunately it does |
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not actually call this method... We have a __del__ method to try to |
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improve the chance the branch is unlocked, and bzr has one too, and |
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this seems to be working so far. It is probably not really reliable |
by Martin von Gagern
Updated implementation notes. |
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though. And care has to be taken to avoid uncollectable cycles with |
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objects containing __del__ methods, as this would cause serious memory |
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leaks. |
by Jelmer Vernooij
Add note about testsuite. |
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The testsuite can be run using one of the many Python testsuite runners. |
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A good one is "trial" from the Twisted folks. To use it, run: |
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$ trial tracbzr |
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by Martin von Gagern
Updated implementation notes. |
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.. vim: ft=rst |
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.. emacs |
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Local Variables: |
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mode: rst |
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End: |