Martin von Gagern |
0.3.0 |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Extended setup script: dependencies, classifiers, dates and readme.
The setup.py script now has a install_requires section, which should ensure that suitable versions of Trac and bzr are installed along with this plugin. The dependency on bzr has been set to 2.0 a bit arbitrarily, as I simply don't have enough time to check all ancient versions, and as moving to a newer bzr version should incur little penalty for running projects, as opposed to a switch to newer Trac versions with all the incompatibilities this can cause.
The setup meta data also contains a list of classifiers, in preparation for registration with PyPI. The current state is Beta, and will intentionally remain Beta for the next release at least, until I get some feeling for how stable the code actually is out there in the wild. Heavy modifications to trunk should cause the status to be changed to Alpha.
There now is a setup.cfg file to add build dates to source and binary distributions. This is intended for inofficial builds from the source tree. For the official releases, passing "egg_info -D" to setup.py will suppres the date tagging both in the names of the generated file and in the configuration of the source tarball. The result should be a clear distinction between official untagged releases and inofficial snapshot builds, at least unless people deliberately break this scheme.
The setup script now includes almost the full text of the README file asits long_description. There is a cut mark in a comment inside the file, and if the full text should proove to long for some situations, it would be easy to move that mark. For the time being, however, this process might give the README file some more visibility. I hope it will end up on PyPI.
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago
Martin von Gagern |
15 years ago