
Table of contents

  1. Main menu
    1. File
    2. Edit
    3. View
    4. Tabs
    6. Help
  2. Main view
  3. Auxiliary views
  4. Settings
    1. Behavior settings
    2. Graphics settings
    3. Interface settings
    4. Shortcut settings
    5. Modifier settings


qpdfview is a tabbed document viewer. It uses Poppler for PDF support, libspectre for PS support, DjVuLibre for DjVu support, CUPS for printing support and the Qt toolkit for its interface.

Please refer to the manual page for information on command-line options and configuration files.

Main menu



The current page can be changed by entering the desired page into the text field in the edit tool bar and pressing the return key.


The scale factor can be changed by entering the desired percentage into the text field in the view tool bar and pressing the return key.


This menu contains a list of all tabs which can be made the current tab by clicking on the corresponding menu item. Tabs can also be closed by middle-clicking. The first nine tabs can also be activated by holding the Alt modifier and pressing keys one to nine.



Main view

The backspace/space key skips to the previous/next page. (Holding the Shift modifier reverses this.) The home/end key skips to the first/last page. The arrow, page up and page down keys scroll the viewport. The return key returns to the page before the last jump.

Using the mouse wheel scrolls up and down. Holding ALT while using the mouse wheel scrolls left and right. Holding CTRL while using the mouse wheel scales the document. Holding SHIFT while using the mouse wheel rotates the document. (Keyboard modifiers can be changed in the settings dialog.)

Links are highlighted by red frames (if enabled in the settings). Left-click on a link to show the linked page or open the linked URL in the default browser (if enabled in the settings). Hovering over a link displays its destination as a tool tip.

Form fields are highlighted by blue frames (if enabled in the settings). Left-click on a form field to edit its contents. Hovering over a form field displays its name as a tool tip.

The source of a position in the document is requested by double-clicking which opens the first matching SyncTeX node using the source editor.

To copy texts or images, hold SHIFT, click and hold the left mouse button to drag a frame around the area to copy. Once the mouse button is released, a pop-up menu is displayed to select whether to copy texts or images into the clipboard.

To add annotations, hold CTRL, click and hold the left mouse button to drag a frame around the region of interest. Once the mouse button is released, a pop-up menu is displayed to select whether to add text or highlight annotations. Left-click to edit annotations. Right-click to remove annotations. (Adding and removing annotations requires version 0.20.1 or higher of the Poppler library.) Hovering over an annotation displays its contents as a tool tip.

Auxiliary views

The outline dock displays an overview of the contents of the document. A left click on an entry jumps to the respective page in the main view. The context menu can be used to expand/collapse all items below the selected item.

The properties dock displays additional information contained in the document.

The thumbnails dock displays smaller versions of the pages of the document. A left click on an entry jumps to the respective page in the main view.


Behavior settings

Graphics settings

Interface settings

Shortcut settings

The shortcut settings dialog allows the adjustment of keyboard shortcuts to personal preference. Shortcuts are changed by double-clicking on the shortcut to edit it and typing in the new shortcut. Names of keys that are not single letters are written out explicitly (e.g. "Alt", "Ctrl", "PgDown"), where the matching is not case sensitive. If the shortcut contains modifier keys, the names of the keys are joined by a plus sign and modifier keys must be listed first, e.g. "Crtl+A" or "Ctrl++".

Modifier settings