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ECB is a global minor-mode which offers a couple of ECB-windows for browsing your sources comfortable with the mouse and the keyboard. These "special" windows are also called tree-buffer in this manual. Every item in such a tree-buffer, i.e. every line, is also called a node of this tree-buffer. See Tree-buffer styles to get an impression about the look&feel of these tree-buffers. There are currently three different types of ECB-windows/tree-buffers:

In addition to these "special" ECB-windows you have always an edit-area where you can edit sour source-files. The edit-area can be divided into several edit-windows - as many as you need (see The edit-area). And at the bottom of the ECB-frame a durable compilation-window (also called compile-window) can be displayed (optional), where all the output of Emacs-compilation (compile, grep etc.) is shown (see Temp- and compile-buffers).

The following "ascii-screenshot" illustrates the typical layout of the ECB-frame1:

|              |                                                 |
|  Directories |                                                 |
|              |                                                 |
|--------------|                                                 |
|              |                                                 |
|  Sources     |                                                 |
|              |                                                 |
|--------------|                   Edit-area                     |
|              |   (can be splitted in several edit-windows)     |
|  Methods     |                                                 |
|              |                                                 |
|--------------|                                                 |
|              |                                                 |
|  History     |                                                 |
|              |                                                 |
|                                                                |
|                 Compilation-window (optional)                  |
|                                                                |

In the following subsections the "special" ECB-windows will be explained in detail.


  1. This is only one example of the layouts ECB offers, see Changing the ECB-layout