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Adding personal keybindings

There are five hooks which can be used for adding personal keybindings to the ECB tree-buffers:

These hooks are called directly after tree-buffer creation so they can be used to add personal local keybindings1 either to all tree-buffers (ecb-common-tree-buffer-after-create-hook) or just to a certain tree-buffer. Here is a list which keys MUST NOT be rebound:

The following example binds C-a to some useful code in ALL tree-buffers and C-d to even more useful code ONLY in the directories buffer:

(add-hook 'ecb-common-tree-buffer-after-create-hook
          (lambda ()
             (local-set-key (kbd "C-a")
                            (lambda ()
                               (message "ECB is great!")))))

(add-hook 'ecb-directories-buffer-after-create-hook
          (lambda ()
             (local-set-key (kbd "C-d")
                            (lambda ()
                               (message "ECB is wonderful!")))))


  1. To be more general: They can be used to run any arbitrary lisp code after a tree-buffer creation!