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Using semanticdb to jump to type-tags defined in other files

In OO-languages like CLOS, eieio and C++ there can be type-tags in the method-buffer which are somehow virtual because there is no definition in the current source-file. But such a virtual type collects all its outside defined members like methods in C++ which are defined in the *.cc file whereas the class-definition is defined in the associated header-file. ECB uses semanticdb to open the definition-file of such a tag and to jump to the definition of this tag. Same for parent-tags in the methods-buffer. This feature can only work correctly if semanticdb is well configured!

Here is a C++-example:

This class is defined in a file ParentClass.h:

class ParentClass
  int p;

This class is defined in a file ClassWithExternals.h

#include "ParentClass.h"

class ClassWithExternals : public ParentClass
  int i;


Both the constructor and the desctructor of the class "ClassWithExternals" are defined in a file

#include "test.h"

ClassWithExternals::ClassWithExternals(int i,
                                       boolean b,
                                       char c)


ECB displays the contents of in its methods-buffer like follows:

[-] [Includes]
 `- test.h
[-] ClassWithExternals
 |  +ClassWithExternals (+i:int, +b:class boolean, +c:char):ClassWithExternals
 `- +~ClassWithExternals ():void

Both the constructor and the desctructor of the class "ClassWithExternals" are grouped under their class-type. ECB now uses semanticdb to jump to the definition of class "ClassWithExternals" when you click onto the type-node "ClassWithExternals" in the methods-buffer.

The contents of ClassWithExternals.h are displayed like follows:

[-] [Includes]
 `- ParentClass.h
[-] ClassWithExternals:class
 |  [-] [Parents]
 |   `- ParentClass
 |  [-] [Variables]
 |   `- -i:int
 |  +ClassWithExternals ():ClassWithExternals
 |  +~ClassWithExternals ():void
 `- [+] [Misc]

ECB uses semanticdb to jump to the definition of the class "ParentClass" when you click onto the node "ParentClass".

To enable this feature global-semanticdb-minor-mode must be enabled and semanticdb must be correctly configured. This means mainly that the option semanticdb-project-roots must be setup well. See the manual of semanticdb for further informations about this.