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Group ecb-mode-line

This group contains settings for the modelines of the ECB-tree-buffers:

mode-line-data User Option
Data shown in the modelines of the special ECB-buffers. Everey element of this list is a cons-cell where the car is used to define a buffer-name and the cdr to define the modeline-data for that buffer. For details about how to defining a buffer-name see ecb-mode-line-prefixes - its completely the same.

The cdr is the data for ths modeline and can either be the symbol sel-dir or sel-source whereas the former one displays the current selected directory as modeline-data and the latter one the current selected source-file (without path).

In addition to these two predefined values for every special ECB-buffer a plain string (which is displayed) or a function can be specified which gets three args (name of the buffer, current selected directory and current selected source-file) and must return a string which will be displayed in the modeline (or nil if no data should be displayed).

If a special ECB-buffer should not display special data in its modeline then this buffer-name should either not being added to this option or added with "No data" (= nil as cdr).

The whole modeline of the special ECB-buffer consists of the prefix of ecb-mode-line-prefixes and the data of ecb-mode-line-data - eventually prepended by the window-number, see ecb-mode-line-display-window-number.

mode-line-data-face User Option
Face used for the data in the mode-line. See ecb-mode-line-data. For XEmacs the face should inherit from the face modeline (see set-face-parent)!

mode-line-display-window-number User Option
Display in the modeline of every special ECB-window the window-number. The left-top-most window in a frame has the window-number 0 and all other windows are numbered with increasing numbers in the sequence, functions like other-window or next-window would walk through the frame.

This can be used to jump to windows by number with commands like:

  (defun my-switch-to-window-number (number)
    ``Switch to the nth window''
    (interactive ``P'')
    (if (integerp number)
        (select-window (nth number (window-list)))))

Currently this feature is only available for GNU Emacs 21.X, because neither GNU Emacs < 21 nor XEmacs can evaluate dynamically forms in the mode-line.

mode-line-prefixes User Option
Prefixes shown in the modelines of the special ECB-buffers. The displayed prefix then looks like: "[ <PREFIX>[: ]]", means if a prefix is defined for an special ECB-buffer then a single space is prepended and if there is additional text to display (e.g. the current directory in the sources buffer, see ecb-mode-line-data) then also the string ": " is appended.

Everey element of this list is a cons-cell where the car is used to define a buffer-name and the cdr to define the modeline-prefix for that buffer.

The buffer-name can either be defined as plain string or with a symbol which contains the buffer-name as value. The latter one is recommended to define a prefix for one of the builtin ECB-tree-buffers because then simply the related option-symbol can be used. To add a prefix for the builtin directories tree-buffer just set the symbol ecb-directories-buffer-name as car.

The cdr is the prefix for a buffer and can either be a string which used as it is or a function-symbol which is called with three argument (the buffer-name, the current selected directory and the current selected source-file) and must return either nil (for no prefix) or a string which is then used a prefix.

If a special ECB-buffer should not have a prefix in its modeline then this buffer-name should either not being added to this option or added with "No prefix" (= nil as cdr).

mode-line-prefix-face User Option
Face used for the prefix in the mode-line. See ecb-mode-line-prefixes. For XEmacs the face should inherit from the face modeline (see set-face-parent)!

mode-line-win-nr-face User Option
Face used for the window-number in the mode-line. See ecb-mode-line-display-window-number. For XEmacs the face should inherit from the face modeline (see set-face-parent)!