# A template for Makefile.PL. # - Set the $PACKAGE variable to the name of your module. # - Set $LAST_API_CHANGE to reflect the last version you changed the API # of your module. # - Fill in your dependencies in PREREQ_PM # Alternatively, you can say the hell with this and use h2xs. require 5.004; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; $PACKAGE = 'Module::Info'; ($PACKAGE_FILE = $PACKAGE) =~ s|::|/|g; $LAST_API_CHANGE = 0; eval "require $PACKAGE"; unless ($@) { # Make sure we did find the module. print <<"CHANGE_WARN" if ${$PACKAGE.'::VERSION'} < $LAST_API_CHANGE; NOTE: There have been API changes between this version and any older than version $LAST_API_CHANGE! Please read the Changes file if you are upgrading from a version older than $LAST_API_CHANGE. CHANGE_WARN } WriteMakefile( NAME => $PACKAGE, VERSION_FROM => "lib/$PACKAGE_FILE.pm", # finds $VERSION PREREQ_PM => { File::Spec => 0.8 }, 'dist' => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9', SUFFIX => '.gz', DIST_DEFAULT => 'all tardist', }, EXE_FILES => [qw(bin/pfunc bin/module_info)], ); { package MY; sub test_via_harness { my($self, $orig_perl, $tests) = @_; my @perls = ($orig_perl); push @perls, qw(bleadperl perl5.6.1 perl5.6.0 perl5.005_03 perl5.004_05 perl5.004_04 perl5.004 ) if $ENV{PERL_TEST_ALL}; my $out; foreach my $perl (@perls) { $out .= $self->SUPER::test_via_harness($perl, $tests); } return $out; } }