/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include "libgimpwidgets/gimpwidgets.h" #include "actions-types.h" #include "core/gimp.h" #include "core/gimpcontext.h" #include "core/gimplist.h" #include "core/gimptoolinfo.h" #include "widgets/gimpactiongroup.h" #include "widgets/gimphelp-ids.h" #include "tool-options-actions.h" #include "tool-options-commands.h" #include "gimp-intl.h" /* local function prototypes */ static void tool_options_actions_update_presets (GimpActionGroup *group, const gchar *action_prefix, GCallback callback, const gchar *stock_id, const gchar *help_id, GimpContainer *presets); /* global variables */ static const GimpActionEntry tool_options_actions[] = { { "tool-options-popup", GIMP_STOCK_TOOL_OPTIONS, N_("Tool Options Menu"), NULL, NULL, NULL, GIMP_HELP_TOOL_OPTIONS_DIALOG }, { "tool-options-save-menu", GTK_STOCK_SAVE, N_("_Save Options To"), "", NULL, NULL, GIMP_HELP_TOOL_OPTIONS_SAVE }, { "tool-options-restore-menu", GTK_STOCK_REVERT_TO_SAVED, N_("_Restore Options From"), "", NULL, NULL, GIMP_HELP_TOOL_OPTIONS_RESTORE }, { "tool-options-rename-menu", GTK_STOCK_EDIT, N_("Re_name Saved Options"), NULL, NULL, NULL, GIMP_HELP_TOOL_OPTIONS_RENAME }, { "tool-options-delete-menu", GTK_STOCK_DELETE, N_("_Delete Saved Options"), "", NULL, NULL, GIMP_HELP_TOOL_OPTIONS_DELETE }, { "tool-options-save-new", GTK_STOCK_NEW, N_("_New Entry..."), "", NULL, G_CALLBACK (tool_options_save_new_cmd_callback), GIMP_HELP_TOOL_OPTIONS_SAVE }, { "tool-options-reset", GIMP_STOCK_RESET, N_("R_eset Tool Options"), "", N_("Reset to default values"), G_CALLBACK (tool_options_reset_cmd_callback), GIMP_HELP_TOOL_OPTIONS_RESET }, { "tool-options-reset-all", GIMP_STOCK_RESET, N_("Reset _all Tool Options"), "", N_("Reset all tool options"), G_CALLBACK (tool_options_reset_all_cmd_callback), GIMP_HELP_TOOL_OPTIONS_RESET } }; /* public functions */ #define SET_VISIBLE(action,condition) \ gimp_action_group_set_action_visible (group, action, (condition) != 0) #define SET_HIDE_EMPTY(action,condition) \ gimp_action_group_set_action_hide_empty (group, action, (condition) != 0) void tool_options_actions_setup (GimpActionGroup *group) { gimp_action_group_add_actions (group, tool_options_actions, G_N_ELEMENTS (tool_options_actions)); SET_HIDE_EMPTY ("tool-options-restore-menu", FALSE); SET_HIDE_EMPTY ("tool-options-rename-menu", FALSE); SET_HIDE_EMPTY ("tool-options-delete-menu", FALSE); } void tool_options_actions_update (GimpActionGroup *group, gpointer data) { GimpContext *context = gimp_get_user_context (group->gimp); GimpToolInfo *tool_info = gimp_context_get_tool (context); SET_VISIBLE ("tool-options-save-menu", tool_info->presets); SET_VISIBLE ("tool-options-restore-menu", tool_info->presets); SET_VISIBLE ("tool-options-rename-menu", tool_info->presets); SET_VISIBLE ("tool-options-delete-menu", tool_info->presets); tool_options_actions_update_presets (group, "tool-options-save-", G_CALLBACK (tool_options_save_to_cmd_callback), GTK_STOCK_SAVE, GIMP_HELP_TOOL_OPTIONS_SAVE, GIMP_CONTAINER (tool_info->presets)); tool_options_actions_update_presets (group, "tool-options-restore-", G_CALLBACK (tool_options_restore_from_cmd_callback), GTK_STOCK_REVERT_TO_SAVED, GIMP_HELP_TOOL_OPTIONS_RESTORE, GIMP_CONTAINER (tool_info->presets)); tool_options_actions_update_presets (group, "tool-options-rename-", G_CALLBACK (tool_options_rename_saved_cmd_callback), GTK_STOCK_EDIT, GIMP_HELP_TOOL_OPTIONS_RENAME, GIMP_CONTAINER (tool_info->presets)); tool_options_actions_update_presets (group, "tool-options-delete-", G_CALLBACK (tool_options_delete_saved_cmd_callback), GTK_STOCK_DELETE, GIMP_HELP_TOOL_OPTIONS_DELETE, GIMP_CONTAINER (tool_info->presets)); } /* private function */ static void tool_options_actions_update_presets (GimpActionGroup *group, const gchar *action_prefix, GCallback callback, const gchar *stock_id, const gchar *help_id, GimpContainer *presets) { GList *list; gint n_children = 0; gint i; for (i = 0; ; i++) { gchar *action_name; GtkAction *action; action_name = g_strdup_printf ("%s%03d", action_prefix, i); action = gtk_action_group_get_action (GTK_ACTION_GROUP (group), action_name); g_free (action_name); if (! action) break; gtk_action_group_remove_action (GTK_ACTION_GROUP (group), action); } if (presets) n_children = gimp_container_num_children (presets); if (n_children > 0) { GimpEnumActionEntry entry; entry.name = NULL; entry.stock_id = stock_id; entry.label = NULL; entry.accelerator = ""; entry.tooltip = NULL; entry.value = 0; entry.value_variable = FALSE; entry.help_id = help_id; for (list = GIMP_LIST (presets)->list, i = 0; list; list = g_list_next (list), i++) { GimpToolOptions *options = list->data; entry.name = g_strdup_printf ("%s%03d", action_prefix, i); entry.label = gimp_object_get_name (GIMP_OBJECT (options)); entry.value = i; gimp_action_group_add_enum_actions (group, &entry, 1, callback); g_free ((gchar *) entry.name); } } } #undef SET_VISIBLE #undef SET_HIDE_EMPTY