ResourceRegistries A registry for linked Stylesheet files and Javascripts. This registry is mainly aimed at solving the following usecases: - Enable product authors to register stylesheets with their product installers without having to resort to override either or ploneCustom.css creating potential conflicts with other products. - Enable more componentialization of the stylesheets provided with Plone (and other products) without having to increase the number of http requests for a Plone page. - Enable condition checking on stylesheets. Great for variable look-and-feel for groups/roles/folders/departments/content-types/etc - Enable inline dynamic stylesheets. For those style rules that should vary for each request. Mainly used for things like header-bar- backgroundimages, department colors etc. - Enable developers to activate/deactivate their styles in a simpler way - Enable compression to safe bandwidth and download time Usage ResourceRegistries 1.3 requires CMF 1.6 or later. (Intrepid users can probably get it working w/ CMF 1.5.5 w/ GenericSetup installed.) The CSSRegistry and JSRegistry is configured through the ZMI. it can be found in the ZMI of your plonesite as 'portal_css' and 'portal_javascript'. Add links to stylesheets that exist in your skins paths, by ids; like 'plone.css', 'ploneCustom.css' etc. Linked stylesheets take some parameters: id -- The id mentioned above. the Zope id of the stylesheet to be used. expression -- A CMF expression to be evaluated to check if the stylesheet should be included in output or not. media -- The media for which the stylesheet should apply, normally empty or 'all'. other possible values are 'screen', 'print' etc. rel -- Link relation. defaults to 'stylesheet', and should almost always stay that way. For designating alternative stylesheets. title -- the title for alternate stylesheets rendering -- How to link the stylesheet from the html page: - 'import' - the default. normal css import - 'link' - works better for old browsers and is needed for alternate stylesheets - 'inline' - render the stylesheet inline instead of linking it externally. Shouldn't be used at all! It isn't possible to create sites which validate if you do. For more information see: compression -- Whether and how much the resource should be compressed: - 'none' - the original content will not be changed - 'safe' - the content will be compressed in a way which should be safe for any workarounds for browser bugs. Conditional code for Internet Explorer is preserved since ResourceRegistries 1.2.3 and 1.3.1. - 'full' - the content will be compressed with some additional rules. For css all comments and most newlines are removed, this may break special browser hacks, so use with care. For javascript this encodes variables with special prefixes according to the rules described here (Special Characters): The source code needs to be written according to those rules, otherwise it's more than likely that it will break. - 'safe-encode' - only available for javascript - 'full-encode' - only available for javascript Additionally encodes keywords. This heavily compresses the javascript, but it needs to be decoded on the fly in the browser on each load. Depending on the size of the scripts this could lead to timeouts in Firefox. Use with special care! If several stylesheets listed directly after each other in the registry have the same parameters and expression, they will be concatenated into a larger, composite, stylesheet on rendering. - This can be useful for splitting stylesheets into smaller components for overrideing, while preserving cacheability and minimising the number of http-requests to Plone. This tool was started at the excellent SnowSprint 2005 - Organised by Telesis in the Austrian Alps. Thanks, Jodok! :) Credits Florian Schulze -- Independent Laurence Rowe -- Independent Geir Bækholt -- "Plone Solutions": Matt Hamilton -- "Netsight Internet Solutions": Plone Solutions AS "": "" Netsight Internet Solutions "": ""