/* * STFL - The Structured Terminal Forms Language/Library * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Clifford Wolf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA * * base.c: Core functions */ #include "stfl_internals.h" #include "stfl_compat.h" #include #include #include #include #include struct stfl_widget_type *stfl_widget_types[] = { &stfl_widget_type_label, &stfl_widget_type_input, &stfl_widget_type_vbox, &stfl_widget_type_hbox, &stfl_widget_type_table, &stfl_widget_type_tablebr, &stfl_widget_type_list, &stfl_widget_type_listitem, &stfl_widget_type_textview, 0 }; int id_counter = 0; int curses_active = 0; struct stfl_widget *stfl_widget_new(const wchar_t *type) { struct stfl_widget_type *t; int setfocus = 0; int i; while (*type == '!') { setfocus = 1; type++; } for (i=0; (t = stfl_widget_types[i]) != 0; i++) if (!wcscmp(t->name, type)) break; if (!t) return 0; struct stfl_widget *w = calloc(1, sizeof(struct stfl_widget)); w->id = ++id_counter; w->type = t; w->setfocus = setfocus; if (w->type->f_init) w->type->f_init(w); return w; } void stfl_widget_free(struct stfl_widget *w) { while (w->first_child) stfl_widget_free(w->first_child); if (w->type->f_done) w->type->f_done(w); struct stfl_kv *kv = w->kv_list; while (kv) { struct stfl_kv *next = kv->next; free(kv->key); free(kv->value); if (kv->name) free(kv->name); free(kv); kv = next; } if (w->parent) { struct stfl_widget **pp = &w->parent->first_child; while (*pp != w) { pp = &(*pp)->next_sibling; } *pp = w->next_sibling; if (w->parent->last_child == w) { struct stfl_widget *p = w->parent->first_child; w->parent->last_child = 0; while (p) { w->parent->last_child = p; p = p->next_sibling; } } } if (w->name) free(w->name); if (w->cls) free(w->cls); free(w); } extern struct stfl_kv *stfl_widget_setkv_int(struct stfl_widget *w, const wchar_t *key, int value) { wchar_t newtext[64]; swprintf(newtext, 64, L"%d", value); return stfl_widget_setkv_str(w, key, newtext); } struct stfl_kv *stfl_widget_setkv_str(struct stfl_widget *w, const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *value) { struct stfl_kv *kv = w->kv_list; while (kv) { if (!wcscmp(kv->key, key)) { free(kv->value); kv->value = compat_wcsdup(value); return kv; } kv = kv->next; } kv = calloc(1, sizeof(struct stfl_kv)); kv->widget = w; kv->key = compat_wcsdup(key); kv->value = compat_wcsdup(value); kv->id = ++id_counter; kv->next = w->kv_list; w->kv_list = kv; return kv; } extern struct stfl_kv *stfl_setkv_by_name_int(struct stfl_widget *w, const wchar_t *name, int value) { wchar_t newtext[64]; swprintf(newtext, 64, L"%d", value); return stfl_setkv_by_name_str(w, name, newtext); } extern struct stfl_kv *stfl_setkv_by_name_str(struct stfl_widget *w, const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *value) { struct stfl_kv *kv = stfl_kv_by_name(w, name); if (!kv) return 0; free(kv->value); kv->value = compat_wcsdup(value); return kv; } static struct stfl_kv *stfl_widget_getkv_worker(struct stfl_widget *w, const wchar_t *key) { struct stfl_kv *kv = w->kv_list; while (kv) { if (!wcscmp(kv->key, key)) return kv; kv = kv->next; } return 0; } struct stfl_kv *stfl_widget_getkv(struct stfl_widget *w, const wchar_t *key) { struct stfl_kv *kv = stfl_widget_getkv_worker(w, key); if (kv) return kv; int key1_len = wcslen(key) + 2; wchar_t key1[key1_len]; int key2_len = key1_len + wcslen(w->type->name) + 1; wchar_t key2[key2_len]; int key3_len = w->cls ? key1_len + wcslen(w->cls) + 1 : 0; wchar_t key3[key3_len]; swprintf(key1, key1_len, L"@%ls", key); swprintf(key2, key2_len, L"@%ls#%ls", w->type->name, key); if (key3_len) swprintf(key3, key3_len, L"@%ls#%ls", w->cls, key); while (w) { if (key3_len) { kv = stfl_widget_getkv_worker(w, key3); if (kv) return kv; } kv = stfl_widget_getkv_worker(w, key2); if (kv) return kv; kv = stfl_widget_getkv_worker(w, key1); if (kv) return kv; w = w->parent; } return 0; } int stfl_widget_getkv_int(struct stfl_widget *w, const wchar_t *key, int defval) { struct stfl_kv *kv = stfl_widget_getkv(w, key); int ret; if (!kv || !kv->value[0]) return defval; if (swscanf(kv->value,L"%d",&ret) < 1) return defval; return ret; } const wchar_t *stfl_widget_getkv_str(struct stfl_widget *w, const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *defval) { struct stfl_kv *kv = stfl_widget_getkv(w, key); return kv ? kv->value : defval; } int stfl_getkv_by_name_int(struct stfl_widget *w, const wchar_t *name, int defval) { struct stfl_kv *kv = stfl_kv_by_name(w, name); int ret; if (!kv || !kv->value[0]) return defval; if (swscanf(kv->value,L"%d",&ret) < 1) return defval; return ret; } const wchar_t *stfl_getkv_by_name_str(struct stfl_widget *w, const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *defval) { struct stfl_kv *kv = stfl_kv_by_name(w, name); return kv ? kv->value : defval; } struct stfl_widget *stfl_widget_by_name(struct stfl_widget *w, const wchar_t *name) { if (w->name && !wcscmp(w->name, name)) return w; w = w->first_child; while (w) { struct stfl_widget *r = stfl_widget_by_name(w, name); if (r) return r; w = w->next_sibling; } return 0; } struct stfl_widget *stfl_widget_by_id(struct stfl_widget *w, int id) { if (w->id == id) return w; w = w->first_child; while (w) { struct stfl_widget *r = stfl_widget_by_id(w, id); if (r) return r; w = w->next_sibling; } return 0; } struct stfl_kv *stfl_kv_by_name(struct stfl_widget *w, const wchar_t *name) { struct stfl_kv *kv = w->kv_list; while (kv) { if (kv->name && !wcscmp(kv->name, name)) return kv; kv = kv->next; } w = w->first_child; while (w) { struct stfl_kv *r = stfl_kv_by_name(w, name); if (r) return r; w = w->next_sibling; } return 0; } struct stfl_kv *stfl_kv_by_id(struct stfl_widget *w, int id) { struct stfl_kv *kv = w->kv_list; while (kv) { if (kv->id == id) return kv; kv = kv->next; } w = w->first_child; while (w) { struct stfl_kv *r = stfl_kv_by_id(w, id); if (r) return r; w = w->next_sibling; } return 0; } struct stfl_widget *stfl_find_child_tree(struct stfl_widget *w, struct stfl_widget *c) { while (c) { if (c->parent == w) return c; c = c->parent; } return 0; } extern struct stfl_widget *stfl_find_first_focusable(struct stfl_widget *w) { if (w->allow_focus) return w; struct stfl_widget *c = w->first_child; while (c) { struct stfl_widget *r = stfl_find_first_focusable(c); if (r) return r; c = c->next_sibling; } return 0; } int stfl_focus_prev(struct stfl_widget *w, struct stfl_widget *old_fw, struct stfl_form *f) { struct stfl_widget *stop = stfl_find_child_tree(w, old_fw); assert(stop); while (w->first_child != stop) { struct stfl_widget *c = w->first_child; while (c->next_sibling != stop) c = c->next_sibling; struct stfl_widget *new_fw = stfl_find_first_focusable(c); if (new_fw) { if (old_fw->type->f_leave) old_fw->type->f_leave(old_fw, f); if (new_fw->type->f_enter) new_fw->type->f_enter(new_fw, f); f->current_focus_id = new_fw->id; return 1; } stop = c; } return 0; } int stfl_focus_next(struct stfl_widget *w, struct stfl_widget *old_fw, struct stfl_form *f) { struct stfl_widget *c = stfl_find_child_tree(w, old_fw); assert(c); c = c->next_sibling; while (c) { struct stfl_widget *new_fw = stfl_find_first_focusable(c); if (new_fw) { if (old_fw->type->f_leave) old_fw->type->f_leave(old_fw, f); if (new_fw->type->f_enter) new_fw->type->f_enter(new_fw, f); f->current_focus_id = new_fw->id; return 1; } c = c->next_sibling; } return 0; } int stfl_switch_focus(struct stfl_widget *old_fw, struct stfl_widget *new_fw, struct stfl_form *f) { if (!new_fw || !new_fw->allow_focus) return 0; if (!old_fw && f->current_focus_id) old_fw = stfl_widget_by_id(f->root, f->current_focus_id); if (old_fw && old_fw->type->f_leave) old_fw->type->f_leave(old_fw, f); if (new_fw->type->f_enter) new_fw->type->f_enter(new_fw, f); f->current_focus_id = new_fw->id; return 1; } struct stfl_form *stfl_form_new() { struct stfl_form *f = calloc(1, sizeof(struct stfl_form)); if (f) { pthread_mutex_init(&f->mtx, NULL); } return f; } void stfl_form_event(struct stfl_form *f, wchar_t *event) { struct stfl_event **ep = &f->event_queue; struct stfl_event *e = calloc(1, sizeof(struct stfl_event)); e->event = event; while (*ep) ep = &(*ep)->next; *ep = e; } static struct stfl_widget* stfl_gather_focus_widget(struct stfl_form* f) { struct stfl_widget *fw = stfl_widget_by_id(f->root, f->current_focus_id); if (fw == 0) { fw = stfl_find_first_focusable(f->root); if (fw && fw->type->f_enter) fw->type->f_enter(fw, f); } return fw; } void stfl_form_run(struct stfl_form *f, int timeout) { wchar_t *on_handler = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&f->mtx); if (f->event) free(f->event); f->event = 0; if (timeout >= 0 && f->event_queue) goto unshift_next_event; if (timeout == -2) goto unshift_next_event; if (!f->root) { fprintf(stderr, "STFL Fatal Error: Called stfl_form_run() without root widget.\n"); abort(); } if (!curses_active) { initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); nonl(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); doupdate(); start_color(); use_default_colors(); wbkgdset(stdscr, ' '); curses_active = 1; } f->root->type->f_prepare(f->root, f); struct stfl_widget *fw = stfl_gather_focus_widget(f); f->current_focus_id = fw ? fw->id : 0; getbegyx(stdscr, f->root->y, f->root->x); getmaxyx(stdscr, f->root->h, f->root->w); if (timeout == -3) { WINDOW *dummywin = newwin(0, 0, 0, 0); f->root->type->f_draw(f->root, f, dummywin); delwin(dummywin); pthread_mutex_unlock(&f->mtx); return; } werase(stdscr); f->root->type->f_draw(f->root, f, stdscr); refresh(); if (timeout < 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&f->mtx); return; } wtimeout(stdscr, timeout == 0 ? -1 : timeout); wmove(stdscr, f->cursor_y, f->cursor_x); wint_t wch; pthread_mutex_unlock(&f->mtx); int rc = wget_wch(stdscr, &wch); pthread_mutex_lock(&f->mtx); /* fw may be invalid, regather it */ fw = stfl_gather_focus_widget(f); f->current_focus_id = fw ? fw->id : 0; struct stfl_widget *w = fw; if (rc == ERR) { stfl_form_event(f, compat_wcsdup(L"TIMEOUT")); goto unshift_next_event; } wchar_t *on_event = stfl_keyname(wch, rc == KEY_CODE_YES); int on_handler_len = wcslen(on_event) + 4; on_handler = malloc(on_handler_len * sizeof(wchar_t)); swprintf(on_handler, on_handler_len, L"on_%ls", on_event); free(on_event); while (w) { const wchar_t *event = stfl_widget_getkv_str(w, on_handler, 0); if (event) { stfl_form_event(f, compat_wcsdup(event)); goto unshift_next_event; } if (w->type->f_process && w->type->f_process(w, fw, f, wch, rc == KEY_CODE_YES)) goto unshift_next_event; if (stfl_widget_getkv_int(w, L"modal", 0)) goto generate_event; w = w->parent; } if (rc != KEY_CODE_YES && wch == L'\t') { struct stfl_widget *old_fw = fw = stfl_widget_by_id(f->root, f->current_focus_id); if (!fw) goto generate_event; do { if (fw->first_child) fw = fw->first_child; else if (fw->next_sibling) fw = fw->next_sibling; else { while (fw->parent && !fw->parent->next_sibling) fw = fw->parent; fw = fw->parent ? fw->parent->next_sibling : 0; } if (!fw && old_fw) fw = f->root; } while (fw && !fw->allow_focus); if (old_fw != fw) { if (old_fw && old_fw->type->f_leave) old_fw->type->f_leave(old_fw, f); if (fw && fw->type->f_enter) fw->type->f_enter(fw, f); f->current_focus_id = fw ? fw->id : 0; } goto unshift_next_event; } generate_event: stfl_form_event(f, stfl_keyname(wch, rc == KEY_CODE_YES)); unshift_next_event:; struct stfl_event *e = f->event_queue; if (e) { f->event_queue = e->next; f->event = e->event; free(e); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&f->mtx); free(on_handler); } void stfl_form_reset() { if (curses_active) { endwin(); curses_active = 0; } } void stfl_form_free(struct stfl_form *f) { pthread_mutex_lock(&f->mtx); if (f->root) stfl_widget_free(f->root); if (f->event) free(f->event); pthread_mutex_unlock(&f->mtx); free(f); } void stfl_check_setfocus(struct stfl_form *f, struct stfl_widget *w) { if (w->setfocus) { f->current_focus_id = w->id; w->setfocus = 0; } w = w->first_child; while (w) { stfl_check_setfocus(f, w); w = w->next_sibling; } } static unsigned int compute_len_from_width(const wchar_t *p, unsigned int width) { unsigned int len = 0; unsigned int end_loop = 0; while (p && !end_loop) { if (wcwidth(*p) > width) { end_loop = 1; } else { width -= wcwidth(*p); p++; len++; } } return len; } unsigned int stfl_print_richtext(struct stfl_widget *w, WINDOW *win, unsigned int y, unsigned int x, const wchar_t * text, unsigned int width, const wchar_t * style_normal, int has_focus) { const wchar_t *p = text; unsigned int retval = 0; unsigned int end_col = x + width; while (*p) { unsigned int len = compute_len_from_width(p, end_col - x); const wchar_t *p1 = wcschr(p, L'<'); if (NULL == p1) { mvwaddnwstr(win, y, x, p, len); retval += len; break; } else { const wchar_t *p2 = wcschr(p1 + 1, L'>'); if (len > (p1 - p)) len = p1 - p; mvwaddnwstr(win, y, x, p, len); retval += len; x += len; if (p2) { wchar_t stylename[p2 - p1]; wmemcpy(stylename, p1 + 1, p2 - p1 - 1); stylename[p2 - p1 - 1] = L'\0'; if (wcscmp(stylename,L"")==0) { mvwaddnwstr(win, y, x, L"<", 1); retval += 1; ++x; } else if (wcscmp(stylename, L"/")==0) { stfl_style(win, style_normal); } else { wchar_t lookup_stylename[128]; const wchar_t * style; if (has_focus) swprintf(lookup_stylename, sizeof(lookup_stylename)/sizeof(*lookup_stylename), L"style_%ls_focus", stylename); else swprintf(lookup_stylename, sizeof(lookup_stylename)/sizeof(*lookup_stylename), L"style_%ls_normal", stylename); style = stfl_widget_getkv_str(w, lookup_stylename, L""); stfl_style(win, style); } p = p2 + 1; } else { break; } } } return retval; }