/* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 by Juliusz Chroboczek Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "polipo.h" #ifdef HAVE_FORK static volatile sig_atomic_t exitFlag = 0; #else static int exitFlag = 0; #endif static int in_signalCondition = 0; static TimeEventHandlerPtr timeEventQueue; static TimeEventHandlerPtr timeEventQueueLast; struct timeval current_time; struct timeval null_time = {0,0}; static int fdEventSize = 0; static int fdEventNum = 0; static struct pollfd *poll_fds = NULL; static FdEventHandlerPtr *fdEvents = NULL, *fdEventsLast = NULL; int diskIsClean = 1; static int fds_invalid = 0; static inline int timeval_cmp(struct timeval *t1, struct timeval *t2) { if(t1->tv_sec < t2->tv_sec) return -1; else if(t1->tv_sec > t2->tv_sec) return +1; else if(t1->tv_usec < t2->tv_usec) return -1; else if(t1->tv_usec > t2->tv_usec) return +1; else return 0; } static inline void timeval_minus(struct timeval *d, const struct timeval *s1, const struct timeval *s2) { if(s1->tv_usec > s2->tv_usec) { d->tv_usec = s1->tv_usec - s2->tv_usec; d->tv_sec = s1->tv_sec - s2->tv_sec; } else { d->tv_usec = s1->tv_usec + 1000000 - s2->tv_usec; d->tv_sec = s1->tv_sec - s2->tv_sec - 1; } } int timeval_minus_usec(const struct timeval *s1, const struct timeval *s2) { return (s1->tv_sec - s2->tv_sec) * 1000000 + s1->tv_usec - s2->tv_usec; } #ifdef HAVE_FORK static void sigexit(int signo) { if(signo == SIGUSR1) exitFlag = 1; else if(signo == SIGUSR2) exitFlag = 2; else exitFlag = 3; } #endif void initEvents() { #ifdef HAVE_FORK struct sigaction sa; sigset_t ss; sigemptyset(&ss); sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sa.sa_mask = ss; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL); sigemptyset(&ss); sa.sa_handler = sigexit; sa.sa_mask = ss; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); sigemptyset(&ss); sa.sa_handler = sigexit; sa.sa_mask = ss; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL); sigemptyset(&ss); sa.sa_handler = sigexit; sa.sa_mask = ss; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); sigemptyset(&ss); sa.sa_handler = sigexit; sa.sa_mask = ss; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL); sigemptyset(&ss); sa.sa_handler = sigexit; sa.sa_mask = ss; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sa, NULL); #endif timeEventQueue = NULL; timeEventQueueLast = NULL; fdEventSize = 0; fdEventNum = 0; poll_fds = NULL; fdEvents = NULL; fdEventsLast = NULL; } void uninitEvents(void) { #ifdef HAVE_FORK struct sigaction sa; sigset_t ss; sigemptyset(&ss); sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sa.sa_mask = ss; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); sigemptyset(&ss); sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sa.sa_mask = ss; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL); sigemptyset(&ss); sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sa.sa_mask = ss; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); sigemptyset(&ss); sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sa.sa_mask = ss; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL); sigemptyset(&ss); sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sa.sa_mask = ss; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sa, NULL); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_FORK void interestingSignals(sigset_t *ss) { sigemptyset(ss); sigaddset(ss, SIGTERM); sigaddset(ss, SIGHUP); sigaddset(ss, SIGINT); sigaddset(ss, SIGUSR1); sigaddset(ss, SIGUSR2); } #endif void timeToSleep(struct timeval *time) { if(!timeEventQueue) { time->tv_sec = ~0L; time->tv_usec = ~0L; } else { *time = timeEventQueue->time; } } static TimeEventHandlerPtr enqueueTimeEvent(TimeEventHandlerPtr event) { TimeEventHandlerPtr otherevent; /* We try to optimise two cases -- the event happens very soon, or it happens after most of the other events. */ if(timeEventQueue == NULL || timeval_cmp(&event->time, &timeEventQueue->time) < 0) { /* It's the first event */ event->next = timeEventQueue; event->previous = NULL; if(timeEventQueue) { timeEventQueue->previous = event; } else { timeEventQueueLast = event; } timeEventQueue = event; } else if(timeval_cmp(&event->time, &timeEventQueueLast->time) >= 0) { /* It's the last one */ event->next = NULL; event->previous = timeEventQueueLast; timeEventQueueLast->next = event; timeEventQueueLast = event; } else { /* Walk from the end */ otherevent = timeEventQueueLast; while(otherevent->previous && timeval_cmp(&event->time, &otherevent->previous->time) < 0) { otherevent = otherevent->previous; } event->next = otherevent; event->previous = otherevent->previous; if(otherevent->previous) { otherevent->previous->next = event; } else { timeEventQueue = event; } otherevent->previous = event; } return event; } TimeEventHandlerPtr scheduleTimeEvent(int seconds, int (*handler)(TimeEventHandlerPtr), int dsize, void *data) { struct timeval when; TimeEventHandlerPtr event; if(seconds >= 0) { when = current_time; when.tv_sec += seconds; } else { when.tv_sec = 0; when.tv_usec = 0; } event = malloc(sizeof(TimeEventHandlerRec) - 1 + dsize); if(event == NULL) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate time event handler -- " "discarding all objects.\n"); exitFlag = 2; return NULL; } event->time = when; event->handler = handler; /* Let the compiler optimise the common case */ if(dsize == sizeof(void*)) memcpy(event->data, data, sizeof(void*)); else if(dsize > 0) memcpy(event->data, data, dsize); return enqueueTimeEvent(event); } void cancelTimeEvent(TimeEventHandlerPtr event) { if(event == timeEventQueue) timeEventQueue = event->next; if(event == timeEventQueueLast) timeEventQueueLast = event->previous; if(event->next) event->next->previous = event->previous; if(event->previous) event->previous->next = event->next; free(event); } int allocateFdEventNum(int fd) { int i; if(fdEventNum < fdEventSize) { i = fdEventNum; fdEventNum++; } else { struct pollfd *new_poll_fds; FdEventHandlerPtr *new_fdEvents, *new_fdEventsLast; int new_size = 3 * fdEventSize / 2 + 1; new_poll_fds = realloc(poll_fds, new_size * sizeof(struct pollfd)); if(!new_poll_fds) return -1; new_fdEvents = realloc(fdEvents, new_size * sizeof(FdEventHandlerPtr)); if(!new_fdEvents) return -1; new_fdEventsLast = realloc(fdEventsLast, new_size * sizeof(FdEventHandlerPtr)); if(!new_fdEventsLast) return -1; poll_fds = new_poll_fds; fdEvents = new_fdEvents; fdEventsLast = new_fdEventsLast; fdEventSize = new_size; i = fdEventNum; fdEventNum++; } poll_fds[i].fd = fd; poll_fds[i].events = POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL; poll_fds[i].revents = 0; fdEvents[i] = NULL; fdEventsLast[i] = NULL; fds_invalid = 1; return i; } void deallocateFdEventNum(int i) { if(i < fdEventNum - 1) { memmove(&poll_fds[i], &poll_fds[i + 1], (fdEventNum - i - 1) * sizeof(struct pollfd)); memmove(&fdEvents[i], &fdEvents[i + 1], (fdEventNum - i - 1) * sizeof(FdEventHandlerPtr)); memmove(&fdEventsLast[i], &fdEventsLast[i + 1], (fdEventNum - i - 1) * sizeof(FdEventHandlerPtr)); } fdEventNum--; fds_invalid = 1; } FdEventHandlerPtr makeFdEvent(int fd, int poll_events, int (*handler)(int, FdEventHandlerPtr), int dsize, void *data) { FdEventHandlerPtr event; event = malloc(sizeof(FdEventHandlerRec) - 1 + dsize); if(event == NULL) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate fd event handler -- " "discarding all objects.\n"); exitFlag = 2; return NULL; } event->fd = fd; event->poll_events = poll_events; event->handler = handler; /* Let the compiler optimise the common cases */ if(dsize == sizeof(void*)) memcpy(event->data, data, sizeof(void*)); else if(dsize == sizeof(StreamRequestRec)) memcpy(event->data, data, sizeof(StreamRequestRec)); else if(dsize > 0) memcpy(event->data, data, dsize); return event; } FdEventHandlerPtr registerFdEventHelper(FdEventHandlerPtr event) { int i; int fd = event->fd; for(i = 0; i < fdEventNum; i++) if(poll_fds[i].fd == fd) break; if(i >= fdEventNum) i = allocateFdEventNum(fd); if(i < 0) { free(event); return NULL; } event->next = NULL; event->previous = fdEventsLast[i]; if(fdEvents[i] == NULL) { fdEvents[i] = event; } else { fdEventsLast[i]->next = event; } fdEventsLast[i] = event; poll_fds[i].events |= event->poll_events; return event; } FdEventHandlerPtr registerFdEvent(int fd, int poll_events, int (*handler)(int, FdEventHandlerPtr), int dsize, void *data) { FdEventHandlerPtr event; event = makeFdEvent(fd, poll_events, handler, dsize, data); if(event == NULL) return NULL; return registerFdEventHelper(event); } static int recomputePollEvents(FdEventHandlerPtr event) { int pe = 0; while(event) { pe |= event->poll_events; event = event->next; } return pe | POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL; } static void unregisterFdEventI(FdEventHandlerPtr event, int i) { assert(i < fdEventNum && poll_fds[i].fd == event->fd); if(fdEvents[i] == event) { assert(!event->previous); fdEvents[i] = event->next; } else { event->previous->next = event->next; } if(fdEventsLast[i] == event) { assert(!event->next); fdEventsLast[i] = event->previous; } else { event->next->previous = event->previous; } free(event); if(fdEvents[i] == NULL) { deallocateFdEventNum(i); } else { poll_fds[i].events = recomputePollEvents(fdEvents[i]) | POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL; } } void unregisterFdEvent(FdEventHandlerPtr event) { int i; for(i = 0; i < fdEventNum; i++) { if(poll_fds[i].fd == event->fd) { unregisterFdEventI(event, i); return; } } abort(); } void runTimeEventQueue() { TimeEventHandlerPtr event; int done; while(timeEventQueue && timeval_cmp(&timeEventQueue->time, ¤t_time) <= 0) { event = timeEventQueue; timeEventQueue = event->next; if(timeEventQueue) timeEventQueue->previous = NULL; else timeEventQueueLast = NULL; done = event->handler(event); assert(done); free(event); } } static FdEventHandlerPtr findEventHelper(int revents, FdEventHandlerPtr events) { FdEventHandlerPtr event = events; while(event) { if(revents & event->poll_events) return event; event = event->next; } return NULL; } static FdEventHandlerPtr findEvent(int revents, FdEventHandlerPtr events) { FdEventHandlerPtr event; assert(!(revents & POLLNVAL)); if((revents & POLLHUP) || (revents & POLLERR)) { event = findEventHelper(POLLOUT, events); if(event) return event; event = findEventHelper(POLLIN, events); if(event) return event; return NULL; } if(revents & POLLOUT) { event = findEventHelper(POLLOUT, events); if(event) return event; } if(revents & POLLIN) { event = findEventHelper(POLLIN, events); if(event) return event; } return NULL; } typedef struct _FdEventHandlerPoke { int fd; int what; int status; } FdEventHandlerPokeRec, *FdEventHandlerPokePtr; static int pokeFdEventHandler(TimeEventHandlerPtr tevent) { FdEventHandlerPokePtr poke = (FdEventHandlerPokePtr)tevent->data; int fd = poke->fd; int what = poke->what; int status = poke->status; int done; FdEventHandlerPtr event, next; int i; for(i = 0; i < fdEventNum; i++) { if(poll_fds[i].fd == fd) break; } if(i >= fdEventNum) return 1; event = fdEvents[i]; while(event) { next = event->next; if(event->poll_events & what) { done = event->handler(status, event); if(done) { if(fds_invalid) unregisterFdEvent(event); else unregisterFdEventI(event, i); } if(fds_invalid) break; } event = next; } return 1; } void pokeFdEvent(int fd, int status, int what) { TimeEventHandlerPtr handler; FdEventHandlerPokeRec poke; poke.fd = fd; poke.status = status; poke.what = what; handler = scheduleTimeEvent(0, pokeFdEventHandler, sizeof(poke), &poke); if(!handler) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate handler.\n"); } } int workToDo() { struct timeval sleep_time; int rc; if(exitFlag) return 1; timeToSleep(&sleep_time); gettimeofday(¤t_time, NULL); if(timeval_cmp(&sleep_time, ¤t_time) <= 0) return 1; rc = poll(poll_fds, fdEventNum, 0); if(rc < 0) { do_log_error(L_ERROR, errno, "Couldn't poll"); return 1; } return(rc >= 1); } void eventLoop() { struct timeval sleep_time, timeout; int rc, i, done, n; FdEventHandlerPtr event; int fd0; gettimeofday(¤t_time, NULL); while(1) { again: if(exitFlag) { if(exitFlag < 3) reopenLog(); if(exitFlag >= 2) { discardObjects(1, 0); if(exitFlag >= 3) return; free_chunk_arenas(); } else { writeoutObjects(1); } initForbidden(); exitFlag = 0; } timeToSleep(&sleep_time); if(sleep_time.tv_sec == -1) { rc = poll(poll_fds, fdEventNum, diskIsClean ? -1 : idleTime * 1000); } else if(timeval_cmp(&sleep_time, ¤t_time) <= 0) { runTimeEventQueue(); continue; } else { gettimeofday(¤t_time, NULL); if(timeval_cmp(&sleep_time, ¤t_time) <= 0) { runTimeEventQueue(); continue; } else { int t; timeval_minus(&timeout, &sleep_time, ¤t_time); t = timeout.tv_sec * 1000 + (timeout.tv_usec + 999) / 1000; rc = poll(poll_fds, fdEventNum, diskIsClean ? t : MIN(idleTime * 1000, t)); } } gettimeofday(¤t_time, NULL); if(rc < 0) { if(errno == EINTR) { continue; } else if(errno == ENOMEM) { free_chunk_arenas(); do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't poll: out of memory. " "Sleeping for one second.\n"); sleep(1); } else { do_log_error(L_ERROR, errno, "Couldn't poll"); exitFlag = 3; } continue; } if(rc == 0) { if(!diskIsClean) { timeToSleep(&sleep_time); if(timeval_cmp(&sleep_time, ¤t_time) > 0) writeoutObjects(0); } continue; } /* Rather than tracking all changes to the in-memory cache, we assume that something changed whenever we see any activity. */ diskIsClean = 0; fd0 = (current_time.tv_usec ^ (current_time.tv_usec >> 16)) % fdEventNum; n = rc; for(i = 0; i < fdEventNum; i++) { int j = (i + fd0) % fdEventNum; if(n <= 0) break; if(poll_fds[j].revents) { n--; event = findEvent(poll_fds[j].revents, fdEvents[j]); if(!event) continue; done = event->handler(0, event); if(done) { if(fds_invalid) unregisterFdEvent(event); else unregisterFdEventI(event, j); } if(fds_invalid) { fds_invalid = 0; goto again; } } } } } void initCondition(ConditionPtr condition) { condition->handlers = NULL; } ConditionPtr makeCondition(void) { ConditionPtr condition; condition = malloc(sizeof(ConditionRec)); if(condition == NULL) return NULL; initCondition(condition); return condition; } ConditionHandlerPtr conditionWait(ConditionPtr condition, int (*handler)(int, ConditionHandlerPtr), int dsize, void *data) { ConditionHandlerPtr chandler; assert(!in_signalCondition); chandler = malloc(sizeof(ConditionHandlerRec) - 1 + dsize); if(!chandler) return NULL; chandler->condition = condition; chandler->handler = handler; /* Let the compiler optimise the common case */ if(dsize == sizeof(void*)) memcpy(chandler->data, data, sizeof(void*)); else if(dsize > 0) memcpy(chandler->data, data, dsize); if(condition->handlers) condition->handlers->previous = chandler; chandler->next = condition->handlers; chandler->previous = NULL; condition->handlers = chandler; return chandler; } void unregisterConditionHandler(ConditionHandlerPtr handler) { ConditionPtr condition = handler->condition; assert(!in_signalCondition); if(condition->handlers == handler) condition->handlers = condition->handlers->next; if(handler->next) handler->next->previous = handler->previous; if(handler->previous) handler->previous->next = handler->next; free(handler); } void abortConditionHandler(ConditionHandlerPtr handler) { int done; done = handler->handler(-1, handler); assert(done); unregisterConditionHandler(handler); } void signalCondition(ConditionPtr condition) { ConditionHandlerPtr handler; int done; assert(!in_signalCondition); in_signalCondition++; handler = condition->handlers; while(handler) { ConditionHandlerPtr next = handler->next; done = handler->handler(0, handler); if(done) { if(handler == condition->handlers) condition->handlers = next; if(next) next->previous = handler->previous; if(handler->previous) handler->previous->next = next; else condition->handlers = next; free(handler); } handler = next; } in_signalCondition--; } void polipoExit() { exitFlag = 3; }