/* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 by Juliusz Chroboczek Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "polipo.h" static int getNextWord(const char *buf, int i, int *x_return, int *y_return); static int getNextToken(const char *buf, int i, int *x_return, int *y_return); static int getNextTokenInList(const char *buf, int i, int *x_return, int *y_return, int *z_return, int *t_return, int *end_return); static AtomPtr atomConnection, atomProxyConnection, atomContentLength, atomHost, atomAcceptRange, atomTE, atomReferer, atomProxyAuthenticate, atomProxyAuthorization, atomKeepAlive, atomTrailer, atomUpgrade, atomDate, atomExpires, atomIfModifiedSince, atomIfUnmodifiedSince, atomIfRange, atomLastModified, atomIfMatch, atomIfNoneMatch, atomAge, atomTransferEncoding, atomETag, atomCacheControl, atomPragma, atomContentRange, atomRange, atomVia, atomVary, atomExpect, atomAuthorization, atomSetCookie, atomCookie, atomCookie2, atomXPolipoDate, atomXPolipoAccess, atomXPolipoLocation, atomXPolipoBodyOffset; AtomPtr atomContentType, atomContentEncoding; int censorReferer = 0; int laxHttpParser = 1; static AtomListPtr censoredHeaders; void preinitHttpParser() { CONFIG_VARIABLE_SETTABLE(censorReferer, CONFIG_TRISTATE, configIntSetter, "Censor referer headers."); censoredHeaders = makeAtomList(NULL, 0); if(censoredHeaders == NULL) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate censored atoms.\n"); exit(1); } CONFIG_VARIABLE(censoredHeaders, CONFIG_ATOM_LIST_LOWER, "Headers to censor."); CONFIG_VARIABLE_SETTABLE(laxHttpParser, CONFIG_BOOLEAN, configIntSetter, "Ignore unknown HTTP headers."); } void initHttpParser() { #define A(name, value) name = internAtom(value); if(!name) goto fail; /* These must be in lower-case */ A(atomConnection, "connection"); A(atomProxyConnection, "proxy-connection"); A(atomContentLength, "content-length"); A(atomHost, "host"); A(atomAcceptRange, "accept-range"); A(atomTE, "te"); A(atomReferer, "referer"); A(atomProxyAuthenticate, "proxy-authenticate"); A(atomProxyAuthorization, "proxy-authorization"); A(atomKeepAlive, "keep-alive"); A(atomTrailer, "trailer"); A(atomUpgrade, "upgrade"); A(atomDate, "date"); A(atomExpires, "expires"); A(atomIfModifiedSince, "if-modified-since"); A(atomIfUnmodifiedSince, "if-unmodified-since"); A(atomIfRange, "if-range"); A(atomLastModified, "last-modified"); A(atomIfMatch, "if-match"); A(atomIfNoneMatch, "if-none-match"); A(atomAge, "age"); A(atomTransferEncoding, "transfer-encoding"); A(atomETag, "etag"); A(atomCacheControl, "cache-control"); A(atomPragma, "pragma"); A(atomContentRange, "content-range"); A(atomRange, "range"); A(atomVia, "via"); A(atomContentType, "content-type"); A(atomContentEncoding, "content-encoding"); A(atomVary, "vary"); A(atomExpect, "expect"); A(atomAuthorization, "authorization"); A(atomSetCookie, "set-cookie"); A(atomCookie, "cookie"); A(atomCookie2, "cookie2"); A(atomXPolipoDate, "x-polipo-date"); A(atomXPolipoAccess, "x-polipo-access"); A(atomXPolipoLocation, "x-polipo-location"); A(atomXPolipoBodyOffset, "x-polipo-body-offset"); #undef A return; fail: do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate atom.\n"); exit(1); } static int getNextWord(const char *restrict buf, int i, int *x_return, int *y_return) { int x, y; while(buf[i] == ' ') i++; if(buf[i] == '\n' || buf[i] == '\r') return -1; x = i; while(buf[i] > 32 && buf[i] < 127) i++; y = i; *x_return = x; *y_return = y; return 0; } static int skipComment(const char *restrict buf, int i) { assert(buf[i] == '('); i++; while(1) { if(buf[i] == '\\' && buf[i + 1] == ')') i+=2; else if(buf[i] == ')') return i + 1; else if(buf[i] == '\n') { if(buf[i + 1] == ' ' || buf[i + 1] == '\t') i += 2; else return -1; } else if(buf[i] == '\r') { if(buf[i + 1] != '\n') return -1; if(buf[i + 2] == ' ' || buf[i + 2] == '\t') i += 3; else return -1; } else { i++; } } return i; } static int skipWhitespace(const char *restrict buf, int i) { while(1) { if(buf[i] == ' ' || buf[i] == '\t') i++; else if(buf[i] == '(') { i = skipComment(buf, i); if(i < 0) return -1; } else if(buf[i] == '\n') { if(buf[i + 1] == ' ' || buf[i + 1] == '\t') i += 2; else return i; } else if(buf[i] == '\r' && buf[i + 1] == '\n') { if(buf[i + 2] == ' ' || buf[i + 2] == '\t') i += 3; else return i; } else return i; } } static int getNextToken(const char *restrict buf, int i, int *x_return, int *y_return) { int x, y; again: while(buf[i] == ' ' || buf[i] == '\t') i++; if(buf[i] == '(') { i++; while(buf[i] != ')') { if(buf[i] == '\n' || buf[i] == '\r') return -1; if(buf[i] == '\\' && buf[i + 1] != '\n' && buf[i + 1] != '\r') buf += 2; else buf++; } goto again; } if(buf[i] == '\n') { if(buf[i + 1] == ' ' || buf[i + 1] == '\t') { i += 2; goto again; } else { return -1; } } if(buf[i] == '\r') { if(buf[i + 1] == '\n' && (buf[i + 2] == ' ' || buf[i + 2] == '\t')) { i += 3; goto again; } else { return -1; } } x = i; while(buf[i] > 32 && buf[i] < 127) { switch(buf[i]) { case '(': case ')': case '<': case '>': case '@': case ',': case ';': case ':': case '\\': case '/': case '[': case ']': case '?': case '=': case '{': case '}': case ' ': case '\t': goto out; default: i++; } } out: y = i; *x_return = x; *y_return = y; return y; } static int getNextETag(const char * restrict buf, int i, int *x_return, int *y_return, int *weak_return) { int weak = 0; int x, y; while(buf[i] == ' ' || buf[i] == '\t') i++; if(buf[i] == 'W' && buf[i + 1] == '/') { weak = 1; i += 2; } if(buf[i] == '"') i++; else return -1; x = i; while(buf[i] != '"') { if(buf[i] == '\r' && buf[i] == '\n') return -1; i++; } y = i; i++; *x_return = x; *y_return = y; *weak_return = weak; return i; } static int getNextTokenInList(const char *restrict buf, int i, int *x_return, int *y_return, int *z_return, int *t_return, int *end_return) { int j, x, y, z = -1, t = -1, end; j = getNextToken(buf, i, &x, &y); if(j < 0) return -1; while(buf[j] == ' ' || buf[j] == '\t') j++; if(buf[j] == '=') { j++; while(buf[j] == ' ' || buf[j] == '\t') j++; z = j; while(buf[j] != ',' && buf[j] != '\n' && buf[j] != '\r') j++; } if(buf[j] == '\n' || buf[j] == '\r') { if(buf[j] == '\r') { if(buf[j + 1] != '\n') return -1; j += 2; } else j++; end = 1; if(buf[j] == ' ' || buf[j] == '\t') { while(buf[j] == ' ' || buf[j] == '\t') j++; end = 0; } } else if(buf[j] == ',') { j++; while(buf[j] == ' ' || buf[j] == '\t') j++; end = 0; } else { return -1; } *x_return = x; *y_return = y; if(z_return) *z_return = z; if(t_return) *t_return = t; *end_return = end; return j; } static inline int token_compare(const char *buf, int start, int end, const char *s) { return (strcasecmp_n(s, buf + start, end - start) == 0); } static int skipEol(const char *restrict buf, int i) { while(buf[i] == ' ') i++; if(buf[i] == '\n') return i + 1; else if(buf[i] == '\r') { if(buf[i + 1] == '\n') return i + 2; else return -1; } else { return -1; } } static int skipToEol(const char *restrict buf, int i, int *start_return) { while(buf[i] != '\n' && buf[i] != '\r') i++; if(buf[i] == '\n') { *start_return = i; return i + 1; } else if(buf[i] == '\r') { if(buf[i + 1] == '\n') { *start_return = i; return i + 2; } else { return -1; } } return -1; } static int getHeaderValue(const char *restrict buf, int start, int *value_start_return, int *value_end_return) { int i, j, k; while(buf[start] == ' ' || buf[start] == '\t') start++; i = start; again: j = skipToEol(buf, i, &k); if(j < 0) return -1; if(buf[j] == ' ' || buf[j] == '\t') { i = j + 1; goto again; } *value_start_return = start; *value_end_return = k; return j; } int httpParseClientFirstLine(const char *restrict buf, int offset, int *method_return, AtomPtr *url_return, int *version_return) { int i = 0; int x, y; int method; AtomPtr url; int version = HTTP_UNKNOWN; int eol; i = offset; i = getNextWord(buf, i, &x, &y); if(i < 0) return -1; if(y == x + 3 && memcmp(buf + x, "GET", 3) == 0) method = METHOD_GET; else if(y == x + 4 && memcmp(buf + x, "HEAD", 4) == 0) method = METHOD_HEAD; else if(y == x + 4 && memcmp(buf + x, "POST", 4) == 0) method = METHOD_POST; else if(y == x + 3 && memcmp(buf + x, "PUT", 3) == 0) method = METHOD_PUT; else if(y == x + 7 && memcmp(buf + x, "CONNECT", 7) == 0) method = METHOD_CONNECT; else method = METHOD_UNKNOWN; i = getNextWord(buf, y + 1, &x, &y); if(i < 0) return -1; url = internAtomN(buf + x, y - x); i = getNextWord(buf, y + 1, &x, &y); if(i < 0) { releaseAtom(url); return -1; } if(y == x + 8) { if(memcmp(buf + x, "HTTP/1.", 7) != 0) version = HTTP_UNKNOWN; else if(buf[x + 7] == '0') version = HTTP_10; else if(buf[x + 7] >= '1' && buf[x + 7] <= '9') version = HTTP_11; else version = HTTP_UNKNOWN; } eol = skipEol(buf, y); if(eol < 0) return -1; *method_return = method; if(url_return) *url_return = url; else releaseAtom(url); *version_return = version; return eol; } int httpParseServerFirstLine(const char *restrict buf, int *status_return, int *version_return, AtomPtr *message_return) { int i = 0; int x, y, eol; int status; int version = HTTP_UNKNOWN; i = getNextWord(buf, 0, &x, &y); if(i < 0) return -1; if(y == x + 8 && memcmp(buf + x, "HTTP/1.0", 8) == 0) version = HTTP_10; else if(y >= x + 8 && memcmp(buf + x, "HTTP/1.", 7) == 0) version = HTTP_11; else version = HTTP_UNKNOWN; i = getNextWord(buf, y + 1, &x, &y); if(i < 0) return -1; if(y == x + 3) status = atol(buf + x); else return -1; i = skipToEol(buf, y, &eol); if(i < 0) return -1; *status_return = status; *version_return = version; if(message_return) { /* Netscape enterprise bug */ if(eol > y) *message_return = internAtomN(buf + y + 1, eol - y - 1); else *message_return = internAtom("No message"); } return i; } static int parseInt(const char *restrict buf, int start, int *val_return) { int i = start, val = 0; if(!digit(buf[i])) return -1; while(digit(buf[i])) { val = val * 10 + (buf[i] - '0'); i++; } *val_return = val; return i; } /* Returned *name_start_return is -1 at end of headers, -2 if the line couldn't be parsed. */ static int parseHeaderLine(const char *restrict buf, int start, int *name_start_return, int *name_end_return, int *value_start_return, int *value_end_return) { int i; int name_start, name_end, value_start, value_end; if(buf[start] == '\n') { *name_start_return = -1; return start + 1; } if(buf[start] == '\r' && buf[start + 1] == '\n') { *name_start_return = -1; return start + 2; } i = getNextToken(buf, start, &name_start, &name_end); if(i < 0 || buf[i] != ':') goto syntax; i++; while(buf[i] == ' ' || buf[i] == '\t') i++; i = getHeaderValue(buf, i, &value_start, &value_end); if(i < 0) goto syntax; *name_start_return = name_start; *name_end_return = name_end; *value_start_return = value_start; *value_end_return = value_end; return i; syntax: i = start; while(1) { if(buf[i] == '\n') { i++; break; } if(buf[i] == '\r' && buf[i + 1] == '\n') { i += 2; break; } i++; } *name_start_return = -2; return i; } int findEndOfHeaders(const char *restrict buf, int from, int to, int *body_return) { int i = from; int eol = 0; while(i < to) { if(buf[i] == '\n') { if(eol) { *body_return = i + 1; return eol; } eol = i; i++; } else if(buf[i] == '\r') { if(i < to - 1 && buf[i + 1] == '\n') { if(eol) { *body_return = eol; return i + 2; } eol = i; i += 2; } else { eol = 0; i++; } } else { eol = 0; i++; } } return -1; } static int parseContentRange(const char *restrict buf, int i, int *from_return, int *to_return, int *full_len_return) { int j; int from, to, full_len; i = skipWhitespace(buf, i); if(i < 0) return -1; if(!token_compare(buf, i, i + 5, "bytes")) return -1; i += 5; i = skipWhitespace(buf, i); if(buf[i] == '*') { from = 0; to = -1; i++; } else { i = parseInt(buf, i, &from); if(i < 0) return -1; if(buf[i] != '-') return -1; i++; i = parseInt(buf, i, &to); if(i < 0) return -1; to = to + 1; } if(buf[i] != '/') return -1; i++; if(buf[i] == '*') full_len = -1; else { i = parseInt(buf, i, &full_len); if(i < 0) return -1; } j = skipEol(buf, i); if(j < 0) return -1; *from_return = from; *to_return = to; *full_len_return = full_len; return i; } static int parseRange(const char *restrict buf, int i, int *from_return, int *to_return) { int j; int from, to; i = skipWhitespace(buf, i); if(i < 0) return -1; if(!token_compare(buf, i, i + 6, "bytes=")) return -1; i += 6; i = skipWhitespace(buf, i); if(buf[i] == '-') { from = 0; } else { i = parseInt(buf, i, &from); if(i < 0) return -1; } if(buf[i] != '-') return -1; i++; j = parseInt(buf, i, &to); if(j < 0) to = -1; else { to = to + 1; i = j; } j = skipEol(buf, i); if(j < 0) return -1; *from_return = from; *to_return = to; return i; } static int urlSameHost(const char *url1, int len1, const char *url2, int len2) { int i; if(len1 < 7 || len2 < 7) return 0; if(memcmp(url1 + 4, "://", 3) != 0 || memcmp(url2 + 4, "://", 3) != 0) return 0; i = 7; while(i < len1 && i < len2 && url1[i] != '/' && url2[i] != '/') { if((url1[i] | 0x20) != (url2[i] | 0x20)) break; i++; } if((i == len1 || url1[i] == '/') && ((i == len2 || url2[i] == '/'))) return 1; return 0; } static char * resize_hbuf(char *hbuf, int *size, char *hbuf_small) { int new_size = 2 * *size; char *new_hbuf; if(new_size <= *size) goto fail; if(hbuf == hbuf_small) { new_hbuf = malloc(new_size); if(new_hbuf == NULL) goto fail; memcpy(new_hbuf, hbuf, *size); } else { new_hbuf = realloc(hbuf, new_size); if(new_hbuf == NULL) goto fail; } *size = new_size; return new_hbuf; fail: if(hbuf != hbuf_small) free(hbuf); *size = 0; return NULL; } int httpParseHeaders(int client, AtomPtr url, const char *buf, int start, HTTPRequestPtr request, AtomPtr *headers_return, int *len_return, CacheControlPtr cache_control_return, HTTPConditionPtr *condition_return, int *te_return, time_t *date_return, time_t *last_modified_return, time_t *expires_return, time_t *polipo_age_return, time_t *polipo_access_return, int *polipo_body_offset_return, int *age_return, char **etag_return, AtomPtr *expect_return, HTTPRangePtr range_return, HTTPRangePtr content_range_return, char **location_return, AtomPtr *via_return, AtomPtr *auth_return) { int local = url ? urlIsLocal(url->string, url->length) : 0; char hbuf_small[512]; char *hbuf = hbuf_small; int hbuf_size = 512, hbuf_length = 0; int i, j, name_start, name_end, value_start, value_end, token_start, token_end, end; AtomPtr name = NULL; time_t date = -1, last_modified = -1, expires = -1, polipo_age = -1, polipo_access = -1, polipo_body_offset = -1; int len = -1; CacheControlRec cache_control; char *endptr; int te = TE_IDENTITY; int age = -1; char *etag = NULL, *ifrange = NULL; int persistent = (!request || (request->connection->version != HTTP_10)); char *location = NULL; AtomPtr via = NULL; AtomPtr auth = NULL; AtomPtr expect = NULL; HTTPConditionPtr condition; time_t ims = -1, inms = -1; char *im = NULL, *inm = NULL; AtomListPtr hopToHop = NULL; HTTPRangeRec range = {-1, -1, -1}, content_range = {-1, -1, -1}; int haveCacheControl = 0; #define RESIZE_HBUF() \ do { \ hbuf = resize_hbuf(hbuf, &hbuf_size, hbuf_small); \ if(hbuf == NULL) \ goto fail; \ } while(0) cache_control.flags = 0; cache_control.max_age = -1; cache_control.s_maxage = -1; cache_control.min_fresh = -1; cache_control.max_stale = -1; i = start; while(1) { i = parseHeaderLine(buf, i, &name_start, &name_end, &value_start, &value_end); if(i < 0) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't find end of header line.\n"); goto fail; } if(name_start == -1) break; if(name_start < 0) continue; name = internAtomLowerN(buf + name_start, name_end - name_start); if(name == atomConnection) { j = getNextTokenInList(buf, value_start, &token_start, &token_end, NULL, NULL, &end); while(1) { if(j < 0) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't parse Connection: "); do_log_n(L_ERROR, buf + value_start, value_end - value_start); do_log(L_ERROR, ".\n"); goto fail; } if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "close")) { persistent = 0; } else if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "keep-alive")) { persistent = 1; } else { if(hopToHop == NULL) hopToHop = makeAtomList(NULL, 0); if(hopToHop == NULL) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate atom list.\n"); goto fail; } atomListCons(internAtomLowerN(buf + token_start, token_end - token_start), hopToHop); } if(end) break; j = getNextTokenInList(buf, j, &token_start, &token_end, NULL, NULL, &end); } } else if(name == atomCacheControl) haveCacheControl = 1; releaseAtom(name); name = NULL; } i = start; while(1) { i = parseHeaderLine(buf, i, &name_start, &name_end, &value_start, &value_end); if(i < 0) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't find end of header line.\n"); goto fail; } if(name_start == -1) break; if(name_start < 0) { do_log(L_WARN, "Couldn't parse header line.\n"); if(laxHttpParser) continue; else goto fail; } name = internAtomLowerN(buf + name_start, name_end - name_start); if(name == atomProxyConnection) { j = getNextTokenInList(buf, value_start, &token_start, &token_end, NULL, NULL, &end); while(1) { if(j < 0) { do_log(L_WARN, "Couldn't parse Proxy-Connection:"); do_log_n(L_WARN, buf + value_start, value_end - value_start); do_log(L_WARN, ".\n"); persistent = 0; break; } if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "close")) { persistent = 0; } else if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "keep-alive")) { persistent = 1; } if(end) break; j = getNextTokenInList(buf, j, &token_start, &token_end, NULL, NULL, &end); } } else if(name == atomContentLength) { j = skipWhitespace(buf, value_start); if(j < 0) { do_log(L_WARN, "Couldn't parse Content-Length: \n"); do_log_n(L_WARN, buf + value_start, value_end - value_start); do_log(L_WARN, ".\n"); len = -1; } else { len = strtol(buf + value_start, &endptr, 10); if(endptr <= buf + value_start) { do_log(L_WARN, "Couldn't parse Content-Length: \n"); do_log_n(L_WARN, buf + value_start, value_end - value_start); do_log(L_WARN, ".\n"); len = -1; } } } else if((!local && name == atomProxyAuthorization) || (local && name == atomAuthorization)) { if(auth_return) { auth = internAtomN(buf + value_start, value_end - value_start); if(auth == NULL) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate authorization.\n"); goto fail; } } } else if(name == atomReferer) { int h; if(censorReferer == 0 || (censorReferer == 1 && url != NULL && urlSameHost(url->string, url->length, buf + value_start, value_end - value_start))) { while(hbuf_length > hbuf_size - 2) RESIZE_HBUF(); hbuf[hbuf_length++] = '\r'; hbuf[hbuf_length++] = '\n'; do { h = snnprint_n(hbuf, hbuf_length, hbuf_size, buf + name_start, value_end - name_start); if(h < 0) RESIZE_HBUF(); } while(h < 0); hbuf_length = h; } } else if(name == atomTrailer || name == atomUpgrade) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Trailers or upgrade present.\n"); goto fail; } else if(name == atomDate || name == atomExpires || name == atomIfModifiedSince || name == atomIfUnmodifiedSince || name == atomLastModified || name == atomXPolipoDate || name == atomXPolipoAccess) { time_t t; j = parse_time(buf, value_start, value_end, &t); if(j < 0) { if(name != atomExpires) { do_log(L_WARN, "Couldn't parse %s: ", name->string); do_log_n(L_WARN, buf + value_start, value_end - value_start); do_log(L_WARN, "\n"); } t = -1; } if(name == atomDate) { if(t >= 0) date = t; } else if(name == atomExpires) { if(t >= 0) expires = t; else expires = 0; } else if(name == atomLastModified) last_modified = t; else if(name == atomIfModifiedSince) ims = t; else if(name == atomIfUnmodifiedSince) inms = t; else if(name == atomXPolipoDate) polipo_age = t; else if(name == atomXPolipoAccess) polipo_access = t; } else if(name == atomAge) { j = skipWhitespace(buf, value_start); if(j < 0) { age = -1; } else { age = strtol(buf + value_start, &endptr, 10); if(endptr <= buf + value_start) age = -1; } if(age < 0) { do_log(L_WARN, "Couldn't parse age: \n"); do_log_n(L_WARN, buf + value_start, value_end - value_start); do_log(L_WARN, " -- ignored.\n"); } } else if(name == atomXPolipoBodyOffset) { j = skipWhitespace(buf, value_start); if(j < 0) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't parse body offset.\n"); goto fail; } else { polipo_body_offset = strtol(buf + value_start, &endptr, 10); if(endptr <= buf + value_start) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't parse body offset.\n"); goto fail; } } } else if(name == atomTransferEncoding) { if(token_compare(buf, value_start, value_end, "identity")) te = TE_IDENTITY; else if(token_compare(buf, value_start, value_end, "chunked")) te = TE_CHUNKED; else te = TE_UNKNOWN; } else if(name == atomETag || name == atomIfNoneMatch || name == atomIfMatch || name == atomIfRange) { int x, y; int weak; char *e; j = getNextETag(buf, value_start, &x, &y, &weak); if(j < 0) { if(buf[value_start] != '\r' && buf[value_start] != '\n') do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't parse ETag.\n"); } else if(weak) { do_log(L_WARN, "Server returned weak ETag -- ignored.\n"); } else { e = strdup_n(buf + x, y - x); if(e == NULL) goto fail; if(name == atomETag) { if(!etag) etag = e; else free(e); } else if(name == atomIfNoneMatch) { if(!inm) inm = e; else free(e); } else if(name == atomIfMatch) { if(!im) im = e; else free(e); } else if(name == atomIfRange) { if(!ifrange) ifrange = e; else free(e); } else { abort(); } } } else if(name == atomCacheControl) { int v_start, v_end; j = getNextTokenInList(buf, value_start, &token_start, &token_end, &v_start, &v_end, &end); while(1) { if(j < 0) { do_log(L_WARN, "Couldn't parse Cache-Control.\n"); cache_control.flags |= CACHE_NO; break; } if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "no-cache")) { cache_control.flags |= CACHE_NO; } else if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "public")) { cache_control.flags |= CACHE_PUBLIC; } else if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "private")) { cache_control.flags |= CACHE_PRIVATE; } else if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "no-store")) { cache_control.flags |= CACHE_NO_STORE; } else if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "no-transform")) { cache_control.flags |= CACHE_NO_TRANSFORM; } else if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "must-revalidate") || token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "must-validate")) { /* losers */ cache_control.flags |= CACHE_MUST_REVALIDATE; } else if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "proxy-revalidate")) { cache_control.flags |= CACHE_PROXY_REVALIDATE; } else if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "only-if-cached")) { cache_control.flags |= CACHE_ONLY_IF_CACHED; } else if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "max-age") || token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "maxage")) { /* losers */ int a; if(v_start <= 0 || !digit(buf[v_start])) { do_log(L_WARN, "Couldn't parse Cache-Control: "); do_log_n(L_WARN, buf + token_start, (v_end >= 0 ? v_end : token_end) - token_start); do_log(L_WARN, "\n"); } a = atoi(buf + v_start); cache_control.max_age = a; } else if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "s-maxage")) { int a; if(v_start <= 0 || !digit(buf[v_start])) { do_log(L_WARN, "Couldn't parse Cache-Control: "); do_log_n(L_WARN, buf + token_start, (v_end >= 0 ? v_end : token_end) - token_start); do_log(L_WARN, "\n"); } a = atoi(buf + v_start); cache_control.max_age = a; } else if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "min-fresh")) { int a; if(v_start <= 0 || !digit(buf[v_start])) { do_log(L_WARN, "Couldn't parse Cache-Control: "); do_log_n(L_WARN, buf + token_start, (v_end >= 0 ? v_end : token_end) - token_start); do_log(L_WARN, "\n"); } a = atoi(buf + v_start); cache_control.max_age = a; } else if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "max-stale")) { int a; if(v_start <= 0 || !digit(buf[v_start])) { do_log(L_WARN, "Couldn't parse Cache-Control: "); do_log_n(L_WARN, buf + token_start, (v_end >= 0 ? v_end : token_end) - token_start); do_log(L_WARN, "\n"); } a = atoi(buf + v_start); cache_control.max_stale = a; } else { do_log(L_WARN, "Unsupported Cache-Control directive "); do_log_n(L_WARN, buf + token_start, (v_end >= 0 ? v_end : token_end) - token_start); do_log(L_WARN, " -- ignored.\n"); } if(end) break; j = getNextTokenInList(buf, j, &token_start, &token_end, &v_start, &v_end, &end); } } else if(name == atomContentRange) { if(!client) { j = parseContentRange(buf, value_start, &content_range.from, &content_range.to, &content_range.full_length); if(j < 0) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't parse Content-Range: "); do_log_n(L_ERROR, buf + value_start, value_end - value_start); do_log(L_ERROR, "\n"); goto fail; } } else { do_log(L_ERROR, "Content-Range from client.\n"); goto fail; } } else if(name == atomRange) { if(client) { j = parseRange(buf, value_start, &range.from, &range.to); if(j < 0) { do_log(L_WARN, "Couldn't parse Range -- ignored.\n"); range.from = -1; range.to = -1; } } else { do_log(L_WARN, "Range from server -- ignored\n"); } } else if(name == atomXPolipoLocation) { if(location_return) { location = strdup_n(buf + value_start, value_end - value_start); if(location == NULL) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate location.\n"); goto fail; } } } else if(name == atomVia) { if(via_return) { AtomPtr new_via, full_via; new_via = internAtomN(buf + value_start, value_end - value_start); if(new_via == NULL) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate via.\n"); goto fail; } if(via) { full_via = internAtomF("%s, %s", via->string, new_via->string); releaseAtom(new_via); if(full_via == NULL) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate via"); goto fail; } releaseAtom(via); via = full_via; } else { via = new_via; } } } else if(name == atomExpect) { if(expect_return) { expect = internAtomLowerN(buf + value_start, value_end - value_start); if(expect == NULL) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate expect.\n"); goto fail; } } } else { if(!client && name == atomContentType) { if(token_compare(buf, value_start, value_end, "multipart/byteranges")) { do_log(L_ERROR, "Server returned multipart/byteranges -- yuck!\n"); goto fail; } } if(name == atomVary) { if(!token_compare(buf, value_start, value_end, "host") && !token_compare(buf, value_start, value_end, "*")) { /* What other vary headers should be ignored? */ do_log(L_VARY, "Vary header present ("); do_log_n(L_VARY, buf + value_start, value_end - value_start); do_log(L_VARY, ").\n"); } cache_control.flags |= CACHE_VARY; } else if(name == atomAuthorization) { cache_control.flags |= CACHE_AUTHORIZATION; } if(name == atomPragma) { /* Pragma is only defined for the client, and the only standard value is no-cache (RFC 1945, 10.12). However, we honour a Pragma: no-cache for both the client and the server when there's no Cache-Control header. In all cases, we pass the Pragma header to the next hop. */ if(!haveCacheControl) { j = getNextTokenInList(buf, value_start, &token_start, &token_end, NULL, NULL, &end); while(1) { if(j < 0) { do_log(L_WARN, "Couldn't parse Pragma.\n"); cache_control.flags |= CACHE_NO; break; } if(token_compare(buf, token_start, token_end, "no-cache")) cache_control.flags = CACHE_NO; if(end) break; j = getNextTokenInList(buf, j, &token_start, &token_end, NULL, NULL, &end); } } } if(!client && (name == atomSetCookie || name == atomCookie || name == atomCookie2)) cache_control.flags |= CACHE_COOKIE; if(hbuf) { if(name != atomConnection && name != atomHost && name != atomAcceptRange && name != atomTE && name != atomProxyAuthenticate && name != atomKeepAlive && (!hopToHop || !atomListMember(name, hopToHop)) && !atomListMember(name, censoredHeaders)) { int h; while(hbuf_length > hbuf_size - 2) RESIZE_HBUF(); hbuf[hbuf_length++] = '\r'; hbuf[hbuf_length++] = '\n'; do { h = snnprint_n(hbuf, hbuf_length, hbuf_size, buf + name_start, value_end - name_start); if(h < 0) RESIZE_HBUF(); } while(h < 0); hbuf_length = h; } } } releaseAtom(name); name = NULL; } if(headers_return) { AtomPtr pheaders = NULL; pheaders = internAtomN(hbuf, hbuf_length); if(!pheaders) goto fail; *headers_return = pheaders; } if(hbuf != hbuf_small) free(hbuf); hbuf = NULL; hbuf_size = 0; if(request) if(!persistent) request->flags &= ~REQUEST_PERSISTENT; if(te != TE_IDENTITY) len = -1; if(len_return) *len_return = len; if(cache_control_return) *cache_control_return = cache_control; if(condition_return) { if(ims >= 0 || inms >= 0 || im || inm || ifrange) { condition = httpMakeCondition(); if(condition) { condition->ims = ims; condition->inms = inms; condition->im = im; condition->inm = inm; condition->ifrange = ifrange; } else { do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate condition.\n"); if(im) free(im); if(inm) free(inm); } } else { condition = NULL; } *condition_return = condition; } else { assert(!im && !inm); } if(te_return) *te_return = te; if(date_return) *date_return = date; if(last_modified_return) *last_modified_return = last_modified; if(expires_return) *expires_return = expires; if(polipo_age_return) *polipo_age_return = polipo_age; if(polipo_access_return) *polipo_access_return = polipo_access; if(polipo_body_offset_return) *polipo_body_offset_return = polipo_body_offset; if(age_return) *age_return = age; if(etag_return) *etag_return = etag; else { if(etag) free(etag); } if(range_return) *range_return = range; if(content_range_return) *content_range_return = content_range; if(location_return) { *location_return = location; } else { if(location) free(location); } if(via_return) *via_return = via; else { if(via) releaseAtom(via); } if(expect_return) *expect_return = expect; else { if(expect) releaseAtom(expect); } if(auth_return) *auth_return = auth; else { if(auth) releaseAtom(auth); } if(hopToHop) destroyAtomList(hopToHop); return i; fail: if(hbuf && hbuf != hbuf_small) free(hbuf); if(name) releaseAtom(name); if(etag) free(etag); if(location) free(location); if(via) releaseAtom(via); if(expect) releaseAtom(expect); if(auth) releaseAtom(auth); if(hopToHop) destroyAtomList(hopToHop); return -1; #undef RESIZE_HBUF } int httpFindHeader(AtomPtr header, const char *headers, int hlen, int *value_begin_return, int *value_end_return) { int len = header->length; int i = 0; while(i + len + 1 < hlen) { if(headers[i + len] == ':' && lwrcmp(headers + i, header->string, len) == 0) { int j = i + len + 1, k; while(j < hlen && headers[j] == ' ') j++; k = j; while(k < hlen && headers[k] != '\n' && headers[k] != '\r') k++; *value_begin_return = j; *value_end_return = k; return 1; } else { while(i < hlen && headers[i] != '\n' && headers[i] != '\r') i++; i++; if(i < hlen && headers[i] == '\n') i++; } } return 0; } int parseUrl(const char *url, int len, int *x_return, int *y_return, int *port_return, int *z_return) { int x, y, z, port = -1, i = 0; if(len >= 7 && lwrcmp(url, "http://", 7) == 0) { x = 7; if(x < len && url[x] == '[') { /* RFC 2732 */ for(i = x + 1; i < len; i++) { if(url[i] == ']') { i++; break; } if((url[i] != ':') && !letter(url[i]) && !digit(url[i])) break; } } else { for(i = x; i < len; i++) if(url[i] == ':' || url[i] == '/') break; } y = i; if(i < len && url[i] == ':') { int j; j = atoi_n(url, i + 1, len, &port); if(j < 0) { port = 80; } else { i = j; } } else { port = 80; } } else { x = -1; y = -1; } z = i; *x_return = x; *y_return = y; *port_return = port; *z_return = z; return 0; } int urlIsLocal(const char *url, int len) { return (len > 0 && url[0] == '/'); } int urlIsSpecial(const char *url, int len) { return (len >= 8 && memcmp(url, "/polipo/", 8) == 0); } int parseChunkSize(const char *restrict buf, int i, int end, int *chunk_size_return) { int v, d; v = h2i(buf[i]); if(v < 0) return -1; i++; while(i < end) { d = h2i(buf[i]); if(d < 0) break; v = v * 16 + d; i++; } while(i < end) { if(buf[i] == ' ' || buf[i] == '\t') i++; else break; } if(i >= end - 1) return 0; if(buf[i] != '\r' || buf[i + 1] != '\n') return -1; i += 2; if(v == 0) { if(i >= end - 1) return 0; if(buf[i] != '\r') { do_log(L_ERROR, "Trailers present!\n"); return -1; } i++; if(buf[i] != '\n') return -1; i++; } *chunk_size_return = v; return i; } int checkVia(AtomPtr name, AtomPtr via) { int i; char *v; if(via == NULL || via->length == 0) return 1; v = via->string; i = 0; while(i < via->length) { while(v[i] == ' ' || v[i] == '\t' || v[i] == ',' || v[i] == '\r' || v[i] == '\n' || digit(v[i]) || v[i] == '.') i++; if(i + name->length > via->length) break; if(memcmp(v + i, name->string, name->length) == 0) { char c = v[i + name->length]; if(c == '\0' || c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == ',' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') return 0; } i++; while(letter(v[i]) || digit(v[i]) || v[i] == '.') i++; } return 1; }