/* * Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Thomas Roessler * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* * This is a "simple" PGP key ring dumper. * * The output format is supposed to be compatible to the one GnuPG * emits and Mutt expects. * * Note that the code of this program could be considerably less * complex, but most of it was taken from mutt's second generation * key ring parser. * * You can actually use this to put together some fairly general * PGP key management applications. * */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H # include #endif #include extern char *optarg; extern int optind; #include "sha1.h" #include "md5.h" #include "lib.h" #include "pgplib.h" #include "pgppacket.h" #define MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH 16 #ifdef HAVE_FGETPOS #define FGETPOS(fp,pos) fgetpos((fp),&(pos)) #define FSETPOS(fp,pos) fsetpos((fp),&(pos)) #else #define FGETPOS(fp,pos) pos=ftello((fp)); #define FSETPOS(fp,pos) fseeko((fp),(pos),SEEK_SET) #endif static short dump_signatures = 0; static short dump_fingerprints = 0; static void pgpring_find_candidates (char *ringfile, const char *hints[], int nhints); static void pgpring_dump_keyblock (pgp_key_t p); int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) { int c; short version = 2; short secring = 0; const char *_kring = NULL; char *env_pgppath, *env_home; char pgppath[_POSIX_PATH_MAX]; char kring[_POSIX_PATH_MAX]; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "f25sk:S")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'S': { dump_signatures = 1; break; } case 'f': { dump_fingerprints = 1; break; } case 'k': { _kring = optarg; break; } case '2': case '5': { version = c - '0'; break; } case 's': { secring = 1; break; } default: { fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-k | [-2 | -5] [ -s] [-S] [-f]] [hints]\n", argv[0]); exit (1); } } } if (_kring) strfcpy (kring, _kring, sizeof (kring)); else { if ((env_pgppath = getenv ("PGPPATH"))) strfcpy (pgppath, env_pgppath, sizeof (pgppath)); else if ((env_home = getenv ("HOME"))) snprintf (pgppath, sizeof (pgppath), "%s/.pgp", env_home); else { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Can't determine your PGPPATH.\n", argv[0]); exit (1); } if (secring) snprintf (kring, sizeof (kring), "%s/secring.%s", pgppath, version == 2 ? "pgp" : "skr"); else snprintf (kring, sizeof (kring), "%s/pubring.%s", pgppath, version == 2 ? "pgp" : "pkr"); } pgpring_find_candidates (kring, (const char**) argv + optind, argc - optind); return 0; } /* The actual key ring parser */ static void pgp_make_pgp2_fingerprint (unsigned char *buff, unsigned char *digest) { MD5_CTX context; unsigned int size = 0; MD5Init (&context); size = (buff[0] << 8) + buff[1]; size = ((size + 7) / 8); buff = &buff[2]; MD5Update (&context, buff, size); buff = &buff[size]; size = (buff[0] << 8) + buff[1]; size = ((size + 7) / 8); buff = &buff[2]; MD5Update (&context, buff, size); MD5Final (digest, &context); } /* pgp_make_pgp2_fingerprint() */ static pgp_key_t pgp_parse_pgp2_key (unsigned char *buff, size_t l) { pgp_key_t p; unsigned char alg; unsigned char digest[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH]; size_t expl; unsigned long id; time_t gen_time = 0; unsigned short exp_days = 0; size_t j; int i, k; unsigned char scratch[LONG_STRING]; if (l < 12) return NULL; p = pgp_new_keyinfo(); for (i = 0, j = 2; i < 4; i++) gen_time = (gen_time << 8) + buff[j++]; p->gen_time = gen_time; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) exp_days = (exp_days << 8) + buff[j++]; if (exp_days && time (NULL) > gen_time + exp_days * 24 * 3600) p->flags |= KEYFLAG_EXPIRED; alg = buff[j++]; p->numalg = alg; p->algorithm = pgp_pkalgbytype (alg); p->flags |= pgp_get_abilities (alg); if (dump_fingerprints) { /* j now points to the key material, which we need for the fingerprint */ p->fp_len = MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; pgp_make_pgp2_fingerprint (&buff[j], digest); memcpy (p->fingerprint, digest, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH); } else /* just to be usre */ memset (p->fingerprint, 0, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH); expl = 0; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) expl = (expl << 8) + buff[j++]; p->keylen = expl; expl = (expl + 7) / 8; if (expl < 4) goto bailout; j += expl - 8; for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { for (id = 0, i = 0; i < 4; i++) id = (id << 8) + buff[j++]; snprintf ((char *) scratch + k * 8, sizeof (scratch) - k * 8, "%08lX", id); } p->keyid = safe_strdup ((char *) scratch); return p; bailout: FREE (&p); return NULL; } static void pgp_make_pgp3_fingerprint (unsigned char *buff, size_t l, unsigned char *digest) { unsigned char dummy; SHA1_CTX context; SHA1_Init (&context); dummy = buff[0] & 0x3f; if (dummy == PT_SUBSECKEY || dummy == PT_SUBKEY || dummy == PT_SECKEY) dummy = PT_PUBKEY; dummy = (dummy << 2) | 0x81; SHA1_Update (&context, &dummy, 1); dummy = ((l - 1) >> 8) & 0xff; SHA1_Update (&context, &dummy, 1); dummy = (l - 1) & 0xff; SHA1_Update (&context, &dummy, 1); SHA1_Update (&context, buff + 1, l - 1); SHA1_Final (digest, &context); } static void skip_bignum (unsigned char *buff, size_t l, size_t j, size_t * toff, size_t n) { size_t len; do { len = (buff[j] << 8) + buff[j + 1]; j += (len + 7) / 8 + 2; } while (j <= l && --n > 0); if (toff) *toff = j; } static pgp_key_t pgp_parse_pgp3_key (unsigned char *buff, size_t l) { pgp_key_t p; unsigned char alg; unsigned char digest[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; unsigned char scratch[LONG_STRING]; time_t gen_time = 0; unsigned long id; int i, k; short len; size_t j; p = pgp_new_keyinfo (); j = 2; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) gen_time = (gen_time << 8) + buff[j++]; p->gen_time = gen_time; alg = buff[j++]; p->numalg = alg; p->algorithm = pgp_pkalgbytype (alg); p->flags |= pgp_get_abilities (alg); if (alg == 17) skip_bignum (buff, l, j, &j, 3); else if (alg == 16 || alg == 20) skip_bignum (buff, l, j, &j, 2); len = (buff[j] << 8) + buff[j + 1]; p->keylen = len; if (alg >= 1 && alg <= 3) skip_bignum (buff, l, j, &j, 2); else if (alg == 17 || alg == 16 || alg == 20) skip_bignum (buff, l, j, &j, 1); pgp_make_pgp3_fingerprint (buff, j, digest); p->fp_len = SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { for (id = 0, i = SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH - 8 + k * 4; i < SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH + (k - 1) * 4; i++) id = (id << 8) + digest[i]; snprintf ((char *) scratch + k * 8, sizeof (scratch) - k * 8, "%08lX", id); } p->keyid = safe_strdup ((char *) scratch); return p; } static pgp_key_t pgp_parse_keyinfo (unsigned char *buff, size_t l) { if (!buff || l < 2) return NULL; switch (buff[1]) { case 2: case 3: return pgp_parse_pgp2_key (buff, l); case 4: return pgp_parse_pgp3_key (buff, l); default: return NULL; } } static int pgp_parse_pgp2_sig (unsigned char *buff, size_t l, pgp_key_t p, pgp_sig_t *s) { unsigned char sigtype; time_t sig_gen_time; unsigned long signerid1; unsigned long signerid2; size_t j; int i; if (l < 22) return -1; j = 3; sigtype = buff[j++]; sig_gen_time = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) sig_gen_time = (sig_gen_time << 8) + buff[j++]; signerid1 = signerid2 = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) signerid1 = (signerid1 << 8) + buff[j++]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) signerid2 = (signerid2 << 8) + buff[j++]; if (sigtype == 0x20 || sigtype == 0x28) p->flags |= KEYFLAG_REVOKED; if (s) { s->sigtype = sigtype; s->sid1 = signerid1; s->sid2 = signerid2; } return 0; } static int pgp_parse_pgp3_sig (unsigned char *buff, size_t l, pgp_key_t p, pgp_sig_t *s) { unsigned char sigtype; unsigned char pkalg; unsigned char hashalg; unsigned char skt; time_t sig_gen_time = -1; long validity = -1; long key_validity = -1; unsigned long signerid1 = 0; unsigned long signerid2 = 0; size_t ml; size_t j; int i; short ii; short have_critical_spks = 0; if (l < 7) return -1; j = 2; sigtype = buff[j++]; pkalg = buff[j++]; hashalg = buff[j++]; for (ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++) { size_t skl; size_t nextone; ml = (buff[j] << 8) + buff[j + 1]; j += 2; if (j + ml > l) break; nextone = j; while (ml) { j = nextone; skl = buff[j++]; if (!--ml) break; if (skl >= 192) { skl = (skl - 192) * 256 + buff[j++] + 192; if (!--ml) break; } if ((int) ml - (int) skl < 0) break; ml -= skl; nextone = j + skl; skt = buff[j++]; switch (skt & 0x7f) { case 2: /* creation time */ { if (skl < 4) break; sig_gen_time = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) sig_gen_time = (sig_gen_time << 8) + buff[j++]; break; } case 3: /* expiration time */ { if (skl < 4) break; validity = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) validity = (validity << 8) + buff[j++]; break; } case 9: /* key expiration time */ { if (skl < 4) break; key_validity = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) key_validity = (key_validity << 8) + buff[j++]; break; } case 16: /* issuer key ID */ { if (skl < 8) break; signerid2 = signerid1 = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) signerid1 = (signerid1 << 8) + buff[j++]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) signerid2 = (signerid2 << 8) + buff[j++]; break; } case 10: /* CMR key */ break; case 4: /* exportable */ case 5: /* trust */ case 6: /* regexp */ case 7: /* revocable */ case 11: /* Pref. symm. alg. */ case 12: /* revocation key */ case 20: /* notation data */ case 21: /* pref. hash */ case 22: /* pref. comp.alg. */ case 23: /* key server prefs. */ case 24: /* pref. key server */ default: { if (skt & 0x80) have_critical_spks = 1; } } } j = nextone; } if (sigtype == 0x20 || sigtype == 0x28) p->flags |= KEYFLAG_REVOKED; if (key_validity != -1 && time (NULL) > p->gen_time + key_validity) p->flags |= KEYFLAG_EXPIRED; if (have_critical_spks) p->flags |= KEYFLAG_CRITICAL; if (s) { s->sigtype = sigtype; s->sid1 = signerid1; s->sid2 = signerid2; } return 0; } static int pgp_parse_sig (unsigned char *buff, size_t l, pgp_key_t p, pgp_sig_t *sig) { if (!buff || l < 2 || !p) return -1; switch (buff[1]) { case 2: case 3: return pgp_parse_pgp2_sig (buff, l, p, sig); case 4: return pgp_parse_pgp3_sig (buff, l, p, sig); default: return -1; } } /* parse one key block, including all subkeys. */ static pgp_key_t pgp_parse_keyblock (FILE * fp) { unsigned char *buff; unsigned char pt = 0; unsigned char last_pt; size_t l; short err = 0; #ifdef HAVE_FGETPOS fpos_t pos; #else LOFF_T pos; #endif pgp_key_t root = NULL; pgp_key_t *last = &root; pgp_key_t p = NULL; pgp_uid_t *uid = NULL; pgp_uid_t **addr = NULL; pgp_sig_t **lsig = NULL; FGETPOS(fp,pos); while (!err && (buff = pgp_read_packet (fp, &l)) != NULL) { last_pt = pt; pt = buff[0] & 0x3f; /* check if we have read the complete key block. */ if ((pt == PT_SECKEY || pt == PT_PUBKEY) && root) { FSETPOS(fp, pos); return root; } switch (pt) { case PT_SECKEY: case PT_PUBKEY: case PT_SUBKEY: case PT_SUBSECKEY: { if (!(*last = p = pgp_parse_keyinfo (buff, l))) { err = 1; break; } last = &p->next; addr = &p->address; lsig = &p->sigs; if (pt == PT_SUBKEY || pt == PT_SUBSECKEY) { p->flags |= KEYFLAG_SUBKEY; if (p != root) { p->parent = root; p->address = pgp_copy_uids (root->address, p); while (*addr) addr = &(*addr)->next; } } if (pt == PT_SECKEY || pt == PT_SUBSECKEY) p->flags |= KEYFLAG_SECRET; break; } case PT_SIG: { if (lsig) { pgp_sig_t *signature = safe_calloc (sizeof (pgp_sig_t), 1); *lsig = signature; lsig = &signature->next; pgp_parse_sig (buff, l, p, signature); } break; } case PT_TRUST: { if (p && (last_pt == PT_SECKEY || last_pt == PT_PUBKEY || last_pt == PT_SUBKEY || last_pt == PT_SUBSECKEY)) { if (buff[1] & 0x20) { p->flags |= KEYFLAG_DISABLED; } } else if (last_pt == PT_NAME && uid) { uid->trust = buff[1]; } break; } case PT_NAME: { char *chr; if (!addr) break; chr = safe_malloc (l); memcpy (chr, buff + 1, l - 1); chr[l - 1] = '\0'; *addr = uid = safe_calloc (1, sizeof (pgp_uid_t)); /* XXX */ uid->addr = chr; uid->parent = p; uid->trust = 0; addr = &uid->next; lsig = &uid->sigs; /* the following tags are generated by * pgp 2.6.3in. */ if (strstr (chr, "ENCR")) p->flags |= KEYFLAG_PREFER_ENCRYPTION; if (strstr (chr, "SIGN")) p->flags |= KEYFLAG_PREFER_SIGNING; break; } } FGETPOS(fp,pos); } if (err) pgp_free_key (&root); return root; } static int pgpring_string_matches_hint (const char *s, const char *hints[], int nhints) { int i; if (!hints || !nhints) return 1; for (i = 0; i < nhints; i++) { if (mutt_stristr (s, hints[i]) != NULL) return 1; } return 0; } /* * Go through the key ring file and look for keys with * matching IDs. */ static void pgpring_find_candidates (char *ringfile, const char *hints[], int nhints) { FILE *rfp; #ifdef HAVE_FGETPOS fpos_t pos, keypos; #else LOFF_T pos, keypos; #endif unsigned char *buff = NULL; unsigned char pt = 0; size_t l = 0; short err = 0; if ((rfp = fopen (ringfile, "r")) == NULL) { char *error_buf; size_t error_buf_len; error_buf_len = sizeof ("fopen: ") - 1 + strlen (ringfile) + 1; error_buf = safe_malloc (error_buf_len); snprintf (error_buf, error_buf_len, "fopen: %s", ringfile); perror (error_buf); FREE (&error_buf); return; } FGETPOS(rfp,pos); FGETPOS(rfp,keypos); while (!err && (buff = pgp_read_packet (rfp, &l)) != NULL) { pt = buff[0] & 0x3f; if (l < 1) continue; if ((pt == PT_SECKEY) || (pt == PT_PUBKEY)) { keypos = pos; } else if (pt == PT_NAME) { char *tmp = safe_malloc (l); memcpy (tmp, buff + 1, l - 1); tmp[l - 1] = '\0'; /* mutt_decode_utf8_string (tmp, chs); */ if (pgpring_string_matches_hint (tmp, hints, nhints)) { pgp_key_t p; FSETPOS(rfp, keypos); /* Not bailing out here would lead us into an endless loop. */ if ((p = pgp_parse_keyblock (rfp)) == NULL) err = 1; pgpring_dump_keyblock (p); pgp_free_key (&p); } FREE (&tmp); } FGETPOS(rfp,pos); } fclose (rfp); } static void print_userid (const char *id) { for (; id && *id; id++) { if (*id >= ' ' && *id <= 'z' && *id != ':') putchar (*id); else printf ("\\x%02x", (*id) & 0xff); } } static void print_fingerprint (pgp_key_t p) { int i = 0; printf ("fpr:::::::::"); for (i = 0; i < p->fp_len; i++) printf ("%02X", p->fingerprint[i]); printf (":\n"); } /* print_fingerprint() */ static void pgpring_dump_signatures (pgp_sig_t *sig) { for (; sig; sig = sig->next) { if (sig->sigtype == 0x10 || sig->sigtype == 0x11 || sig->sigtype == 0x12 || sig->sigtype == 0x13) printf ("sig::::%08lX%08lX::::::%X:\n", sig->sid1, sig->sid2, sig->sigtype); else if (sig->sigtype == 0x20) printf ("rev::::%08lX%08lX::::::%X:\n", sig->sid1, sig->sid2, sig->sigtype); } } static char gnupg_trustletter (int t) { switch (t) { case 1: return 'n'; case 2: return 'm'; case 3: return 'f'; } return 'q'; } static void pgpring_dump_keyblock (pgp_key_t p) { pgp_uid_t *uid; short first; struct tm *tp; time_t t; for (; p; p = p->next) { first = 1; if (p->flags & KEYFLAG_SECRET) { if (p->flags & KEYFLAG_SUBKEY) printf ("ssb:"); else printf ("sec:"); } else { if (p->flags & KEYFLAG_SUBKEY) printf ("sub:"); else printf ("pub:"); } if (p->flags & KEYFLAG_REVOKED) putchar ('r'); if (p->flags & KEYFLAG_EXPIRED) putchar ('e'); if (p->flags & KEYFLAG_DISABLED) putchar ('d'); for (uid = p->address; uid; uid = uid->next, first = 0) { if (!first) { printf ("uid:%c::::::::", gnupg_trustletter (uid->trust)); print_userid (uid->addr); printf (":\n"); } else { if (p->flags & KEYFLAG_SECRET) putchar ('u'); else putchar (gnupg_trustletter (uid->trust)); t = p->gen_time; tp = gmtime (&t); printf (":%d:%d:%s:%04d-%02d-%02d::::", p->keylen, p->numalg, p->keyid, 1900 + tp->tm_year, tp->tm_mon + 1, tp->tm_mday); print_userid (uid->addr); printf ("::"); if(pgp_canencrypt(p->numalg)) putchar ('e'); if(pgp_cansign(p->numalg)) putchar ('s'); if (p->flags & KEYFLAG_DISABLED) putchar ('D'); printf (":\n"); if (dump_fingerprints) print_fingerprint (p); } if (dump_signatures) { if (first) pgpring_dump_signatures (p->sigs); pgpring_dump_signatures (uid->sigs); } } } } /* * The mutt_gettext () defined in gettext.c requires iconv, * so we do without charset conversion here. */ char *mutt_gettext (const char *message) { return (char *)message; }