/* For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place. */ #ifndef TABPDF_OPTS_H #define TABPDF_OPTS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "scribusapi.h" #include "bookmwin.h" #include "mspinbox.h" class PDFOptions; class PDFExportDialog; class ScribusDoc; class SCRIBUS_API TabPDFOptions : public QTabWidget { Q_OBJECT public: TabPDFOptions( QWidget* parent, PDFOptions & Optionen, const SCFonts &AllFonts, const ProfilesL & PDFXProfiles, const QMap & DocFonts, const QValueList & Eff, int unitIndex, double PageH, double PageB, ScribusDoc *mdoc = 0, bool exporting = false); ~TabPDFOptions() {}; void restoreDefaults(PDFOptions & Optionen, const SCFonts &AllFonts, const ProfilesL & PDFXProfiles, const QMap & DocFonts, const QValueList & Eff, int unitIndex, double PageH, double PageB, ScribusDoc *mdoc, bool exporting); void unitChange(QString unit, int docUnitIndex, int decimals, double invUnitConversion); // GUI member pointers // Remember to initialize these in the initializer list of the ctor when // you add new ones. Add them in the same order here and in the initalizer // list. To help out, the members are sorted alphabetically by name. QCheckBox* AddSec; QCheckBox* Article; MSpinBox* BleedBottom; MSpinBox* BleedLeft; MSpinBox* BleedRight; MSpinBox* BleedTop; QCheckBox* CheckBM; QCheckBox* CheckBox1; QComboBox* CMethod; QCheckBox* ClipMarg; QComboBox* ComboBind; QCheckBox* Compression; QRadioButton* continuousPages; QCheckBox* CopySec; QComboBox* CQuality; QRadioButton* doublePageLeft; QRadioButton* doublePageRight; QCheckBox* DSColor; QCheckBox* EmbedProfs; QCheckBox* EmbedProfs2; QCheckBox* Encry; QComboBox* ImageP; QComboBox* IntendI; QComboBox* IntendS; QToolButton* MirrorH; QToolButton* MirrorV; QCheckBox* ModifySec; QCheckBox* NoEmbedded; QComboBox* OutCombo; QListBox* Pages; QLineEdit* PassOwner; QLineEdit* PassUser; QComboBox* PDFVersionCombo; QComboBox* PrintProfC; QCheckBox* PrintSec; QSpinBox* Resolution; QComboBox* RotateDeg; QRadioButton* singlePage; QComboBox* SolidPr; QRadioButton* useBookmarks; QRadioButton* useFullScreen; QCheckBox* useLayers; QRadioButton* useLayers2; QCheckBox* UseLPI; QCheckBox* useSpot; QCheckBox* overprintMode; QRadioButton* useThumbnails; QSpinBox* ValC; // End GUI member pointers signals: void noInfo(); void hasInfo(); public slots: void doDocBleeds(); void ToggleEncr(); void EnablePDFX(int a); void DoDownsample(); void RemoveEmbed(); void PutToEmbed(); void RemoveOutline(); void PutToOutline(); void SelAFont(QListBoxItem*); void SelEFont(QListBoxItem*); void SelSFont(QListBoxItem*); void EmbedAll(); void OutlineAll(); void PagePr(); void SetPgEff(int nr); void SetEffOpts(int nr); void ValidDI(int nr); void PDFMirror(); void Rotation(int value); void DoEffects(); void EffectOnAll(); void SelRange(bool e); void EnablePr(int a); void EnablePG(); void EnablePGI(); void EnablePGI2(); void EnableLPI(int a); void EnableLPI2(); void SelLPIcol(int); void enableCMS(bool enable); void checkInfo(); protected slots: void createPageNumberRange(); protected: // PDFExportDialog should really privately inherit from us, but it can't // since it needs to be a dialog not a tab widget. Allow it access to // protected and private members instead. If we ever clean up the direct // widget access in this class, it might be able to privately inheirit and // be added to a very thin dialog class instead. friend class PDFExportDialog; int PgSel; QValueList EffVal; QString SelLPIcolor; QValueList FontsToEmbed; QValueList FontsToOutline; // PDFExportDialog needs access to these GUI members // but they don't need to be exposed to the rest of Scribus. QComboBox* actionCombo; QRadioButton* AllPages; QCheckBox* CheckBox10; QComboBox* EDirection; QComboBox* EDirection_2; QComboBox* EDirection_2_2; QSpinBox* EffectTime; QComboBox* EffectType; QCheckBox* fitWindow; QCheckBox* hideMenuBar; QCheckBox* hideToolBar; QLineEdit* InfoString; QSpinBox* LPIangle; QSpinBox* LPIfreq; QComboBox* LPIfunc; QLineEdit* PageNr; QSpinBox* PageTime; private: // Private GUI member pointers, should not be used outside the class its // self. Please ry to keep members here genuinely private, ie don't use // them even from friends. If you need to access it from a friend like // PDFExportDialog please move it to the protected section. QLabel* actionLabel; QListBox* AvailFlist; QGroupBox* BleedGroup; QGridLayout* BleedGroupLayout; QGroupBox* MarkGroup; QGridLayout* MarkGroupLayout; QCheckBox* cropMarks; QCheckBox* bleedMarks; QCheckBox* registrationMarks; QCheckBox* colorMarks; QCheckBox* docInfoMarks; MSpinBox* markOffset; QGroupBox* CBox; QGridLayout* CBoxLayout; QGroupBox* ColorGroup; QHBoxLayout* ColorGroupLayout; QLabel* ColorText1; QGroupBox* Effects; QGridLayout* EffectsLayout; QPushButton* EmbedFonts; QListBox* EmbedList; QPushButton* EonAllPg; QPushButton* FromEmbed; QPushButton* FromOutline; QGroupBox* GroupBox1; QGridLayout* GroupBox1Layout; QGridLayout* GroupBox2Layout; QGroupBox* GroupBox9; QGridLayout* GroupBox9Layout; QGroupBox* groupDisplay; QVBoxLayout* groupDisplayLayout; QGroupBox* GroupFont; QHBoxLayout* GroupFontLayout; QGroupBox* groupJava; QHBoxLayout* groupJavaLayout; QButtonGroup* groupNavigation; QVBoxLayout* groupNavigationLayout; QGroupBox* GroupPass; QGridLayout* GroupPassLayout; QGroupBox* GroupSecSet; QVBoxLayout* GroupSecSetLayout; QGridLayout* Layout11; QHBoxLayout *pageNumberSelectorLayout; QGridLayout* Layout11a; QHBoxLayout* Layout13; QHBoxLayout* Layout2; QVBoxLayout* Layout3; QVBoxLayout* Layout4_2; QVBoxLayout* Layout5_2; QHBoxLayout* Layout5_2a; QVBoxLayout* Layout6; QHBoxLayout* LayoutSpecial; QComboBox* LPIcolor; QGroupBox* LPIgroup; QGridLayout* LPIgroupLayout; QRadioButton* OnlySome; QButtonGroup* pageLayout; QVBoxLayout* pageLayoutLayout; QCheckBox* PagePrev; QLabel* PDFX1; QLabel* PDFX2; QCheckBox* PrintSec2; QGroupBox* ProfsGroup; QGridLayout* ProfsGroupLayout; QLabel* ProfsTxt1; QLabel* ProfsTxt2; QLabel* ProfsTxt3; QLabel* ProfsTxt4; QLabel* BleedTxt1; QLabel* BleedTxt2; QLabel* BleedTxt3; QLabel* BleedTxt4; QLabel* MarkTxt1; QCheckBox *docBleeds; QButtonGroup* RangeGroup; QVBoxLayout* RangeGroupLayout; QHBoxLayout* RotationLayout; QPushButton* OutlineFonts; QListBox* OutlineList; QWidget* tabColor; QVBoxLayout* tabColorLayout; QWidget* tabFonts; QWidget* tabGeneral; QVBoxLayout* tabLayout; QVBoxLayout* tabLayout_3; QGridLayout* tabLayout_5; QGridLayout* tabOptionsGridLayout; QWidget* tabPDFX; QVBoxLayout* tabPDFXLayout; QWidget* tabPresentation; QWidget* tabSecurity; QVBoxLayout* tabSecurityLayout; QWidget* tabSpecial; QVBoxLayout* tabSpecialLayout; QLabel* TextCom1; QLabel* TextCom2; QLabel* TextFont1; QLabel* TextFont1_2; QLabel* TextFont1_2a; QLabel* TextLabel1; QLabel* TextLabel1e; QLabel* TextLabel1x; QLabel* TextLabel2; QLabel* TextLabel2e; QLabel* TextLabel3; QLabel* TextLabel3e; QLabel* TextLabel4e; QLabel* TextLabel5e; QLabel* TextLabel6e; QLabel* textLPI1; QLabel* textLPI2; QLabel* textLPI3; QLabel* TextSec1; QLabel* TextSec2; QPushButton* pageNrButton; QPushButton* ToEmbed; QPushButton* ToOutline; QRadioButton* useViewDefault; QGroupBox* X3Group; QGridLayout* X3GroupLayout; // end protected GUI member pointers // Non-GUI protected members QString unit; int precision; double unitRatio; bool pdfExport; ScribusDoc* const doc; const SCFonts & AllFonts; PDFOptions & Opts; double pageH; double pageB; bool cms; QMap AnnotationFonts; }; #endif