Bazaar Package Importer
Didier Roche
2010-09-22 22:36:00 UTC
(1.1.18 upstream)
Revision ID:
Tags: 0.2.42-0ubuntu1
* New upstream release:
- "Applications" and "Files & Folders" tooltips are not translatable
(LP: #644215)
- Fix inactive menus are accessible on switching to a window (LP: #604505)
- Fix wrong launcher tile label/quicklist x position (LP: #631446)
- Fix highlighted items in quicklist have different widths (LP: #643315)
- In migration tool, being safe when people are using crazy caracters in
desktop file (LP: #644114, #635156)
- Detect if 3D acceleration support is provided. Otherwise, prompt for
logout and change default session (LP: #614088)
- Fix quicklist shows hidden menu items (LP: #641543)
- Fix removing launchers via dnd fails (LP: #643434)
- Better launcher auto-scroll performances (LP: #640560)
- Make the insensitive state of the forward- and back-button more obvious by
decreasing their opacity, thus users don't assume they are actually
clickable. (LP: #638285)
- Fix some dialogs aren't maximized but are undecorated (LP: #628822)
- Fix some menus don't go away when window closes (LP: #640557)
- Fixes bug where the wrong icon where at times associated with a tile in
the places view. (LP: #642935)
- Speedup icon loading (LP: #641246)
- Make trash menu items in Unity are either not translatable or translations
are not loaded (LP: #645038)
- Fix using dnd on launcher makes focus not work out of the unity ui
(LP: #637123)
- Multi-monitor support (LP: #637123)
- Enable/disable super key by a gconf key (LP: #632581)
- Remove glow on fold (LP: #619344)
- Ensure we dont map windows when expose is active (LP: #599766)
- take new indicator API for action for top-level dropdown menu item not
activated (LP: #637692)
- Make the home buttons reactive (LP: #638857)
- Add red tint when search fails (LP: #607821)
- New (and final!) UI adjustement, but UNE isn't in the doc as seen with
the doc team (LP: #627009)
- Single-touches on the launcher are usually interpreted as a drag
(LP: #641328)
- URI activation in global view (LP: #612562)
- Clicking a Place icon while viewing the same place in the Dash should
return to the Home screen of that place and clear the search (LP: #607829)
- Fix mutter crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance() (LP: #641561)
- Fix panel and menu item font colors don't match (LP: #637480)
- Fix indicators have orange color (LP: #632975)
- Fix inactive menus are accessible on switching to a window (LP: #604505)
- Use semi-transparent rectangle around launcher-icon (LP: #643388)
- Fix mutter crashes when closing pop-up dialog (LP: #642669)
- Change launcher icon reference size loading (LP: #641669)
- Fix mutter crashing in mumble start (LP: #641335)
- Fix clicking on a category from CoFs does not directly take you to the
desired category (LP: #638402)
- Fix some menus don't go away when window closes (LP: #640557)
- Launchers should act like if the application was not focussed in the place
views (LP: #637136)
- Fix mutter crashed with SIGSEGV in mutter_window_get_window_type()
(LP: #645066)
- Fix new windows don't get focus (LP: #642994)
- Fix cropping an image in shotwell crashes unity (LP: #641554)
- Some fixes on matching user icons (LP: #622146)
* debian/control:
- depends on latest libindicator-dev for ABI change transition
* debian/libunity0.symbols:
- update to track internal ABI symbols (only used by places)