/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Sourcefire, Inc. * * Authors: aCaB * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "clamav-config.h" #endif #include #include #include "pe_icons.h" #include "others.h" #define EC32(x) le32_to_host(x) #define EC16(x) le16_to_host(x) #define USE_FLOATS #ifdef USE_FLOATS #define LABDIFF(x) labdiff(x) #else #define LABDIFF(x) labdiff2(x) #endif struct GICONS { unsigned int cnt; uint32_t lastg; uint32_t rvas[100]; }; static int groupicon_cb(void *ptr, uint32_t type, uint32_t name, uint32_t lang, uint32_t rva) { struct GICONS *gicons = ptr; type = type; lang = lang; cli_dbgmsg("groupicon_cb: got group %x\n", name); if(!gicons->cnt || gicons->lastg == name) { gicons->rvas[gicons->cnt] = rva; gicons->cnt++; gicons->lastg = name; if(gicons->cnt < 100) return 0; } return 1; } struct ICONS { unsigned int cnt; uint32_t rvas[100]; }; static int icon_cb(void *ptr, uint32_t type, uint32_t name, uint32_t lang, uint32_t rva) { struct ICONS *icons = ptr; type = type; lang = lang; cli_dbgmsg("icon_cb: got icon %x\n", name); if(icons->cnt > 100) return 1; icons->rvas[icons->cnt] = rva; icons->cnt++; return 0; } static int parseicon(icon_groupset *set, uint32_t rva, cli_ctx *ctx, struct cli_exe_section *exe_sections, uint16_t nsections, uint32_t hdr_size); int cli_scanicon(icon_groupset *set, uint32_t resdir_rva, cli_ctx *ctx, struct cli_exe_section *exe_sections, uint16_t nsections, uint32_t hdr_size) { struct GICONS gicons; struct ICONS icons; unsigned int curicon, err; fmap_t *map = *ctx->fmap; gicons.cnt = 0; icons.cnt = 0; findres(14, 0xffffffff, resdir_rva, map, exe_sections, nsections, hdr_size, groupicon_cb, &gicons); for(curicon=0; curiconlen, hdr_size), 16); if(grp && !err) { uint32_t gsz = cli_readint32(grp + 4); if(gsz>6) { uint32_t icnt; struct icondir { uint8_t w; uint8_t h; uint8_t palcnt; uint8_t rsvd; uint16_t planes; uint16_t depth; uint32_t sz; uint16_t id; } *dir; grp = fmap_need_off_once(map, cli_rawaddr(cli_readint32(grp), exe_sections, nsections, &err, map->len, hdr_size), gsz); if(grp && !err) { icnt = cli_readint32(grp+2) >> 16; grp+=6; gsz-=6; while(icnt && gsz >= 14) { dir = (struct icondir *)grp; cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanicon: Icongrp @%x - %ux%ux%u - (id=%x, rsvd=%u, planes=%u, palcnt=%u, sz=%x)\n", gicons.rvas[curicon], dir->w, dir->h, cli_readint16(&dir->depth), cli_readint16(&dir->id), cli_readint16(&dir->planes), dir->palcnt, dir->rsvd, cli_readint32(&dir->sz)); findres(3, cli_readint16(&dir->id), resdir_rva, map, exe_sections, nsections, hdr_size, icon_cb, &icons); grp += 14; gsz -= 14; } } } } } for(curicon=0; curicon 0.04045f) r = pow(((r + 0.055f) / 1.055f), 2.4f); else r /= 12.92f; if (g > 0.04045f) g = pow(((g + 0.055f) / 1.055f), 2.4f); else g /= 12.92f; if (b > 0.04045f) b = pow(((b + 0.055f) / 1.055f), 2.4f); else b /= 12.92f; r *= 100.0f; g *= 100.0f; b *= 100.0f; x = r * 0.4124f + g * 0.3576f + b * 0.1805f; y = r * 0.2126f + g * 0.7152f + b * 0.0722f; z = r * 0.0193f + g * 0.1192f + b * 0.9505f; x /= 95.047f; y /= 100.000f; z /= 108.883f; if (x > 0.008856f) x = pow(x, 1.0f/3.0f); else x = (7.787f * x) + (16.0f / 116.0f); if (y > 0.008856f) y = pow(y, (1.0f/3.0f)); else y = (7.787f * y) + (16.0f / 116.0f); if (z > 0.008856f) z = pow(z, (1.0f/3.0f)); else z = (7.787f * z) + (16.0f / 116.0f); *L = (116.0f * y) - 16.0f; *A = 500.0f * (x - y); *B = 200.0f * (y - z); } #ifndef USE_FLOATS static void lab2(uint32_t r, uint32_t g, uint32_t b, int32_t *L, int32_t *A, int32_t *B) { uint32_t xx,yy,zz; xx = rtable[r][0] + gtable[g][0] + btable[b][0]; yy = rtable[r][1] + gtable[g][1] + btable[b][1]; zz = rtable[r][2] + gtable[g][2] + btable[b][2]; if (xx > 148587) { xx = (1<<24)*pow(xx/(95.047*(1<<24)), 1.0/3.0); } else { xx = xx * 24389/3132 + 2314099; } if (yy > 148587) { yy = (1<<24)*pow(yy/(100.0*(1<<24)), 1.0/3.0); } else { yy = yy * 24389/3132 + 2314099; } if (zz > 148587) { zz = (1<<24)*pow(zz/(108.883*(1<<24)), 1.0/3.0); } else { zz = zz * 24389/3132 + 2314099; } *L = (116*yy - 116*2314099); *A = 500/4*(xx - yy); *B = 200/4*(yy - zz);/* /4 to avoid overflow */ } #endif static double labdiff(unsigned int rgb) { unsigned int r, g, b; const double L1 = 53.192777691077211f, A1 = 0.0031420942181448197f, B1 = -0.0062075877844014471f; double L2, A2, B2; r = (rgb>>16) & 0xff; g = (rgb>>8) & 0xff; b = rgb & 0xff; lab(r, g, b, &L2, &A2, &B2); return sqrt(pow(L1 - L2, 2.0f) + pow(A1 - A2, 2.0f) + pow(B1 - B2, 2.0f)); } #ifndef USE_FLOATS static uint32_t labdiff2(unsigned int b) { unsigned int r2, g2, b2; int32_t L1, A1, B1, L2, A2, B2; int64_t ld,ad,bd; r2 = (b>>16) & 0xff; g2 = (b>>8) & 0xff; b2 = b & 0xff; /* ref = 0x7f7f7f -> L*a*b ~ (53,0,0) */ L1 = 53*(1<<24); A1 = 0; B1 = 0; lab2(r2, g2, b2, &L2, &A2, &B2); ld = L1 - L2; ld *= ld; ad = A1 - A2; ad *= ad; bd = B1 - B2; bd *= bd; ld += ad + bd; return ((uint32_t)(sqrt(ld/1024.0)))>>17; } #endif static void makebmp(const char *step, const char *tempd, int w, int h, void *data) { unsigned int tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, y; char *fname; FILE *f; if(!tempd) return; if(!(fname = cli_gentemp(tempd))) return; if(!(f = fopen(fname, "wb"))) { cli_unlink(fname); cli_dbgmsg("makebmp: failed to create file %s\n", fname); free(fname); return; } cli_writeint32(&tmp1, 0x28 + 0xe + w * h * 4); cli_writeint32(&tmp2, (32 << 16) | 1); tmp3 = 0; cli_writeint32(&tmp4, w * h * 4); if(!fwrite("BM", 2, 1, f) || !fwrite(&tmp1, 4, 1, f) || !fwrite("aCaB\x36\x00\x00\x00\x28\x00\x00\x00", 12, 1, f) || !fwrite(&w, 4, 1, f) || !fwrite(&h, 4, 1, f) || !fwrite(&tmp2, 4, 1, f) || !fwrite(&tmp3, 4, 1, f) || !fwrite(&tmp4, 4, 1, f) || !fwrite("\1\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 16, 1, f)) { fclose(f); cli_unlink(fname); free(fname); cli_dbgmsg("makebmp: failed to write outoput\n"); return; } for(y=h-1; y ksize * 3 / 4 || (unsigned int)abs((int)avg1[i]-(int)avg2[j]) > max / 5) continue; diff = 100 - diff * 60 / (ksize * 3 / 4); if(diff > best) best = diff; } match += best; } return match / 3; } static unsigned int matchbwpoint(unsigned int side, unsigned int *x1a, unsigned int *y1a, unsigned int *avg1a, unsigned int *x1b, unsigned int *y1b, unsigned int *avg1b, const unsigned int *x2a, const unsigned int *y2a, const unsigned int *avg2a, const unsigned int *x2b, const unsigned int *y2b, const unsigned int *avg2b) { unsigned int i, j, best, match = 0, ksize = side / 4; unsigned int x1[6], y1[6], avg1[6], x2[6], y2[6], avg2[6]; for(i=0; i<3; i++) { x1[i] = x1a[i]; y1[i] = y1a[i]; avg1[i] = avg1a[i]; x2[i] = x2a[i]; y2[i] = y2a[i]; avg2[i] = avg2a[i]; x1[i+3] = x1b[i]; y1[i+3] = y1b[i]; avg1[i+3] = avg1b[i]; x2[i+3] = x2b[i]; y2[i+3] = y2b[i]; avg2[i+3] = avg2b[i]; } for(i=0; i<6; i++) { best = 0; for(j=0; j<6; j++) { /* approximately measure the distance from the best matching reference - avoid N*N total war */ int diffx = (int)x1[i] - (int)x2[j]; int diffy = ((int)y1[i] - (int)y2[j]); unsigned int diff = sqrt(diffx*diffx + diffy*diffy); if(diff > ksize * 3 / 4 || (unsigned int)abs((int)avg1[i]-(int)avg2[j]) > 255 / 5) continue; diff = 100 - diff * 60 / (ksize * 3 / 4); if(diff > best) best = diff; } match += best; } return match / 6; } static void hsv(unsigned int c, unsigned int *r, unsigned int *g, unsigned int *b, unsigned int *s, unsigned int *v, unsigned int *delta) { unsigned int min, max; *r=(c>>16)&0xff; *g=(c>>8)&0xff; *b=c&0xff; min = MIN(*r,MIN(*g, *b)); max = MAX(*r,MAX(*g,*b)); *v = max; *delta = max-min; if(!*delta) *s = 0; else *s = 255 * (*delta) / max; } static int getmetrics(unsigned int side, unsigned int *imagedata, struct icomtr *res, const char *tempd) { unsigned int x, y, xk, yk, i, j, *tmp; unsigned int ksize = side / 4, bwonly = 0; unsigned int edge_avg[6], edge_x[6]={0,0,0,0,0,0}, edge_y[6]={0,0,0,0,0,0}, noedge_avg[6], noedge_x[6]={0,0,0,0,0,0}, noedge_y[6]={0,0,0,0,0,0}; double *sobel; if(!(tmp = cli_malloc(side*side*4*2))) return CL_EMEM; memset(res, 0, sizeof(*res)); /* compute colored, gray, bright and dark areas, color presence */ for(y=0; y<=side - ksize; y++) { for(x=0; x<=side - ksize; x++) { unsigned int colsum = 0, lightsum = 0; unsigned int r, g, b, s, v, delta; if(x==0 && y==0) { /* Here we handle the 1st window which is fully calculated */ for(yk=0; yk 85 && v> 85) { res->ccount++; res->rsum += 100 - 100 * abs((int)g - (int)b) / delta; res->gsum += 100 - 100 * abs((int)r - (int)b) / delta; res->bsum += 100 - 100 * abs((int)r - (int)g) / delta; } } } } else if(x) { /* Here we incrementally calculate rows and columns code is split as gcc produces faster code this way */ colsum = tmp[y*side+x-1]; lightsum = tmp[side*side + y*side+x-1]; for(yk=0; yk 85 && v> 85) { res->ccount++; res->rsum += 100 - 100 * abs((int)g - (int)b) / delta; res->gsum += 100 - 100 * abs((int)r - (int)b) / delta; res->bsum += 100 - 100 * abs((int)r - (int)g) / delta; } } } else { colsum = tmp[(y-1)*side]; lightsum = tmp[side*side + (y-1)*side]; for(xk=0; xk 85 && v> 85) { res->ccount++; res->rsum += 100 - 100 * abs((int)g - (int)b) / delta; res->gsum += 100 - 100 * abs((int)r - (int)b) / delta; res->bsum += 100 - 100 * abs((int)r - (int)g) / delta; } } } tmp[y*side+x] = colsum; tmp[side*side + y*side+x] = lightsum; } } /* extract top 3 non overlapping areas for: colored, gray, bright and dark areas, color presence */ for(i=0; i<3; i++) { res->gray_avg[i] = 0xffffffff; res->dark_avg[i] = 0xffffffff; for(y=0; y res->color_avg[i]) { for(j=0; j res->color_x[j] && x < res->color_x[j] + ksize && y + ksize > res->color_y[j] && y < res->color_y[j] + ksize) break; } if(j==i) { res->color_avg[i] = colsum; res->color_x[i] = x; res->color_y[i] = y; } } if(colsum < res->gray_avg[i]) { for(j=0; j res->gray_x[j] && x < res->gray_x[j] + ksize && y + ksize > res->gray_y[j] && y < res->gray_y[j] + ksize) break; } if(j==i) { res->gray_avg[i] = colsum; res->gray_x[i] = x; res->gray_y[i] = y; } } if(lightsum > res->bright_avg[i]) { for(j=0; j res->bright_x[j] && x < res->bright_x[j] + ksize && y + ksize > res->bright_y[j] && y < res->bright_y[j] + ksize) break; } if(j==i) { res->bright_avg[i] = lightsum; res->bright_x[i] = x; res->bright_y[i] = y; } } if(lightsum < res->dark_avg[i]) { for(j=0; j res->dark_x[j] && x < res->dark_x[j] + ksize && y + ksize > res->dark_y[j] && y < res->dark_y[j] + ksize) break; } if(j==i) { res->dark_avg[i] = lightsum; res->dark_x[i] = x; res->dark_y[i] = y; } } } } } /* abs->avg */ for(i=0; i<3; i++) { res->color_avg[i] /= ksize*ksize; res->gray_avg[i] /= ksize*ksize; res->bright_avg[i] /= ksize*ksize; res->dark_avg[i] /= ksize*ksize; } if(res->ccount * 100 / side / side > 5) { res->rsum /= res->ccount; res->gsum /= res->ccount; res->bsum /= res->ccount; res->ccount = res->ccount * 100 / side / side; } else { res->ccount = 0; res->rsum = 0; res->gsum = 0; res->bsum = 0; bwonly = 1; } /* Edge detection - Sobel */ /* Sobel 1 - gradients */ i = 0; #ifdef USE_FLOATS sobel = cli_malloc(side * side * sizeof(double)); if(!sobel) { free(tmp); return CL_EMEM; } #else #define sobel imagedata #endif for(y=0; y i) i = sob; } } #ifdef USE_FLOATS free(sobel); #endif /* Sobel 2 - norm to max */ if(i) { for(y=1; y> 8) & 0xff; sum += c * gaussk[disp + gkernsz/2]; tot += gaussk[disp + gkernsz/2]; } sum /= tot; if(sum>i) i=sum; imagedata[y * side + x] = 0xff000000 | sum | (sum<<8) | (sum<<16); } } makebmp("4-gauss", tempd, side, side, imagedata); /* calculate edges */ for(y=0; y<=side - ksize; y++) { for(x=0; x<=side-1 - ksize; x++) { unsigned int sum = 0; if(x==0 && y==0) { /* 1st windows */ for(yk=0; yk edge_avg[i]) { for(j=0; j edge_x[j] && x < edge_x[j] + ksize && y + ksize > edge_y[j] && y < edge_y[j] + ksize) break; } if(j==i) { edge_avg[i] = sum; edge_x[i] = x; edge_y[i] = y; } } if(sum < noedge_avg[i]) { for(j=0; j noedge_x[j] && x < noedge_x[j] + ksize && y + ksize > noedge_y[j] && y < noedge_y[j] + ksize) break; } if(j==i) { noedge_avg[i] = sum; noedge_x[i] = x; noedge_y[i] = y; } } } } } free(tmp); /* abs->avg */ for(i=0; i<3; i++) { res->edge_avg[i] = edge_avg[i] / ksize / ksize; res->edge_x[i] = edge_x[i]; res->edge_y[i] = edge_y[i]; res->noedge_avg[i] = noedge_avg[i] / ksize / ksize; res->noedge_x[i] = noedge_x[i]; res->noedge_y[i] = noedge_y[i]; } if(bwonly) { for(i=0; i<3; i++) { res->color_avg[i] = edge_avg[i+3] / ksize / ksize; res->color_x[i] = edge_x[i+3]; res->color_y[i] = edge_y[i+3]; res->gray_avg[i] = noedge_avg[i+3] / ksize / ksize; res->gray_x[i] = edge_x[i+3]; res->gray_y[i] = edge_y[i+3]; } } cli_dbgmsg("edge areas: %u@(%u,%u) %u@(%u,%u) %u@(%u,%u)\n", res->edge_avg[0], res->edge_x[0], res->edge_y[0], res->edge_avg[1], res->edge_x[1], res->edge_y[1], res->edge_avg[2], res->edge_x[2], res->edge_y[2]); cli_dbgmsg("noedge areas: %u@(%u,%u) %u@(%u,%u) %u@(%u,%u)\n", res->noedge_avg[0], res->noedge_x[0], res->noedge_y[0], res->noedge_avg[1], res->noedge_x[1], res->noedge_y[1], res->noedge_avg[2], res->noedge_x[2], res->noedge_y[2]); cli_dbgmsg("%s areas: %u@(%u,%u) %u@(%u,%u) %u@(%u,%u)\n", bwonly?"edge(2nd)":"color", res->color_avg[0], res->color_x[0], res->color_y[0], res->color_avg[1], res->color_x[1], res->color_y[1], res->color_avg[2], res->color_x[2], res->color_y[2]); cli_dbgmsg("%s areas: %u@(%u,%u) %u@(%u,%u) %u@(%u,%u)\n", bwonly?"noedge(2nd)":"gray", res->gray_avg[0], res->gray_x[0], res->gray_y[0], res->gray_avg[1], res->gray_x[1], res->gray_y[1], res->gray_avg[2], res->gray_x[2], res->gray_y[2]); cli_dbgmsg("bright areas: %u@(%u,%u) %u@(%u,%u) %u@(%u,%u)\n", res->bright_avg[0], res->bright_x[0], res->bright_y[0], res->bright_avg[1], res->bright_x[1], res->bright_y[1], res->bright_avg[2], res->bright_x[2], res->bright_y[2]); cli_dbgmsg("dark areas: %u@(%u,%u) %u@(%u,%u) %u@(%u,%u)\n", res->dark_avg[0], res->dark_x[0], res->dark_y[0], res->dark_avg[1], res->dark_x[1], res->dark_y[1], res->dark_avg[2], res->dark_x[2], res->dark_y[2]); if(!bwonly) cli_dbgmsg("color spread: %u,%u,%u %u%%\n", res->rsum, res->gsum, res->bsum, res->ccount); if(cli_debug_flag) { #define ICOSIGSZ (2 + (3 + 2 + 2) * 3 * 2 + (2 + 2 + 2) * 3 * 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2) char mstr[ICOSIGSZ + 1], *ptr = mstr; sprintf(ptr, "%02x", side); ptr+=2; for(i=0; i<3; i++) { sprintf(ptr, "%03x", res->color_avg[i]); ptr+=3; sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->color_x[i]); ptr+=2; sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->color_y[i]); ptr+=2; } for(i=0; i<3; i++) { sprintf(ptr, "%03x", res->gray_avg[i]); ptr+=3; sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->gray_x[i]); ptr+=2; sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->gray_y[i]); ptr+=2; } for(i=0; i<3; i++) { sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->bright_avg[i]); ptr+=2; sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->bright_x[i]); ptr+=2; sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->bright_y[i]); ptr+=2; } for(i=0; i<3; i++) { sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->dark_avg[i]); ptr+=2; sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->dark_x[i]); ptr+=2; sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->dark_y[i]); ptr+=2; } for(i=0; i<3; i++) { sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->edge_avg[i]); ptr+=2; sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->edge_x[i]); ptr+=2; sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->edge_y[i]); ptr+=2; } for(i=0; i<3; i++) { sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->noedge_avg[i]); ptr+=2; sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->noedge_x[i]); ptr+=2; sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->noedge_y[i]); ptr+=2; } sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->rsum); ptr+=2; sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->gsum); ptr+=2; sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->bsum); ptr+=2; sprintf(ptr, "%02x", res->ccount); cli_dbgmsg("IDB SIGNATURE: ICON_NAME:GROUP1:GROUP2:%s\n", mstr); } return CL_CLEAN; } static int parseicon(icon_groupset *set, uint32_t rva, cli_ctx *ctx, struct cli_exe_section *exe_sections, uint16_t nsections, uint32_t hdr_size) { struct { unsigned int sz; unsigned int w; unsigned int h; unsigned short planes; unsigned short depth; unsigned int comp; unsigned int imagesize; unsigned int dpix; unsigned int dpiy; unsigned int used; unsigned int important; } bmphdr; struct icomtr metrics; unsigned char *rawimage; const char *tempd; uint32_t *palette = NULL, *imagedata; unsigned int scanlinesz, andlinesz; unsigned int width, height, depth, x, y; unsigned int err, scalemode = 2, enginesize; fmap_t *map; uint32_t icoff; struct icon_matcher *matcher; unsigned int special_32_is_32 = 0; if(!ctx || !ctx->engine || !(matcher=ctx->engine->iconcheck)) return CL_SUCCESS; map = *ctx->fmap; tempd = (cli_debug_flag && ctx->engine->keeptmp) ? (ctx->engine->tmpdir ? ctx->engine->tmpdir : cli_gettmpdir()) : NULL; icoff = cli_rawaddr(rva, exe_sections, nsections, &err, map->len, hdr_size); /* read the bitmap header */ if(err || !(imagedata = fmap_need_off_once(map, icoff, 4))) { cli_dbgmsg("parseicon: offset to icon is out of file\n"); return CL_SUCCESS; } rva = cli_readint32(imagedata); icoff = cli_rawaddr(rva, exe_sections, nsections, &err, map->len, hdr_size); if(err || fmap_readn(map, &bmphdr, icoff, sizeof(bmphdr)) != sizeof(bmphdr)) { cli_dbgmsg("parseicon: bmp header is out of file\n"); return CL_SUCCESS; } if(EC32(bmphdr.sz) < sizeof(bmphdr)) { cli_dbgmsg("parseicon: BMP header too small\n"); return CL_SUCCESS; } /* seek to the end of v4/v5 header */ icoff += EC32(bmphdr.sz); width = EC32(bmphdr.w); height = EC32(bmphdr.h) / 2; depth = EC16(bmphdr.depth); if(width > 256 || height > 256 || width < 16 || height < 16) { cli_dbgmsg("parseicon: Image too small or too big (%ux%u)\n", width, height); return CL_SUCCESS; } if(width < height * 3 / 4 || height < width * 3 / 4) { cli_dbgmsg("parseicon: Image not square enough (%ux%u)\n", width, height); return CL_SUCCESS; } /* scaling logic */ if(width == height) { if(width == 16 || width == 24 || width == 32) scalemode = 0; else if(!(width % 32) || !(width % 24)) scalemode = 1; else scalemode = 2; } cli_dbgmsg("parseicon: Bitmap - %ux%ux%u\n", width, height, depth); /* check color depth and load palette */ switch(depth) { default: case 0: /* PNG OR JPEG */ cli_dbgmsg("parseicon: PNG icons are not yet sported\n"); return CL_SUCCESS; case 1: case 4: case 8: /* HAVE PALETTE */ if(!(palette = fmap_need_off(map, icoff, (1<> have) & ((1<> 5) | ((rawimage[x_off+1] & 0x3)<<3)); unsigned int r = (rawimage[x_off+1] & 0xfc); b = (b<<3) | (b>>2); g = ((g<<3) | (g>>2))<<11; r = ((r<<3) | (r>>2))<<17; imagedata[(height - 1 - y) * width + x] = r | g | b; x_off+=2; } break; } case 24: for(x=0; x> have) & 1)) * 0xff000000; } } } makebmp("1-alpha-mask", tempd, width, height, imagedata); /* Blend alpha */ for(y=0; y> 24; r = (c >> 16) & 0xff; g = (c >> 8) & 0xff; b = c & 0xff; r = 0xff - a + a * r / 0xff; g = 0xff - a + a * g / 0xff; b = 0xff - a + a * b / 0xff; imagedata[y * width + x] = 0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } } switch (scalemode) { case 0: break; case 1: /* Fast 50% scaler with linear gamma */ while(width > 32) { for(y=0; y>1) + (c1 & c2); c2 = (((c3 ^ c4) & 0xfefefefe)>>1) + (c3 & c4); imagedata[y/2 * width/2 + x/2] = (((c1 ^ c2) & 0xfefefefe)>>1) + (c1 & c2); } } width /= 2; height /= 2; cli_dbgmsg("parseicon: Fast scaling to %ux%u\n", width, height); } break; case 2: /* Slow up/down scale */ { double scalex, scaley; unsigned int newsize; uint32_t *newdata; if(abs((int)width - 32) + abs((int)height - 32) < abs((int)width - 24) + abs((int)height - 24)) newsize = 32; else if(abs((int)width - 24) + abs((int)height - 24) < abs((int)width - 16) + abs((int)height - 16)) newsize = 24; else newsize = 16; scalex = (double)width / newsize; scaley = (double)height / newsize; if(!(newdata = cli_malloc(newsize * newsize * sizeof(*newdata)))) { return CL_SUCCESS; } cli_dbgmsg("parseicon: Slow scaling to %ux%u (%f, %f)\n", newsize, newsize, scalex, scaley); for(y = 0; y> 3) - 2; for(x=0; xicon_counts[enginesize]; x++) { unsigned int color = 0, gray = 0, bright, dark, edge, noedge, reds, greens, blues, ccount; unsigned int colors, confidence, bwmatch = 0, positivematch = 64 + 4*(2-enginesize); unsigned int i, j; i = matcher->icons[enginesize][x].group[0]; j = i % 64; i /= 64; if(!(set->v[0][i] & ((uint64_t)1<icons[enginesize][x].group[1]; j = i % 64; i /= 64; if(!(set->v[1][i] & ((uint64_t)1<icons[enginesize][x].ccount) { /* BW matching */ edge = matchbwpoint(width, metrics.edge_x, metrics.edge_y, metrics.edge_avg, metrics.color_x, metrics.color_y, metrics.color_avg, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].edge_x, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].edge_y, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].edge_avg, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].color_x, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].color_y, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].color_avg); noedge = matchbwpoint(width, metrics.noedge_x, metrics.noedge_y, metrics.noedge_avg, metrics.gray_x, metrics.gray_y, metrics.gray_avg, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].noedge_x, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].noedge_y, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].noedge_avg, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].gray_x, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].gray_y, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].gray_avg); bwmatch = 1; } else { edge = matchpoint(width, metrics.edge_x, metrics.edge_y, metrics.edge_avg, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].edge_x, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].edge_y, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].edge_avg, 255); noedge = matchpoint(width, metrics.noedge_x, metrics.noedge_y, metrics.noedge_avg, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].noedge_x, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].noedge_y, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].noedge_avg, 255); if(metrics.ccount && matcher->icons[enginesize][x].ccount) { /* color matching */ color = matchpoint(width, metrics.color_x, metrics.color_y, metrics.color_avg, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].color_x, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].color_y, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].color_avg, 4072); gray = matchpoint(width, metrics.gray_x, metrics.gray_y, metrics.gray_avg, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].gray_x, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].gray_y, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].gray_avg, 4072); } } bright = matchpoint(width, metrics.bright_x, metrics.bright_y, metrics.bright_avg, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].bright_x, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].bright_y, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].bright_avg, 255); dark = matchpoint(width, metrics.dark_x, metrics.dark_y, metrics.dark_avg, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].dark_x, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].dark_y, matcher->icons[enginesize][x].dark_avg, 255); reds = abs((int)metrics.rsum - (int)matcher->icons[enginesize][x].rsum) * 10; reds = (reds < 100) * (100 - reds); greens = abs((int)metrics.gsum - (int)matcher->icons[enginesize][x].gsum) * 10; greens = (greens < 100) * (100 - greens); blues = abs((int)metrics.bsum - (int)matcher->icons[enginesize][x].bsum) * 10; blues = (blues < 100) * (100 - blues); ccount = abs((int)metrics.ccount - (int)matcher->icons[enginesize][x].ccount) * 10; ccount = (ccount < 100) * (100 - ccount); colors = (reds + greens + blues + ccount) / 4; if(bwmatch) { confidence = (bright + dark + edge * 2 + noedge) / 6; positivematch = 70; } else confidence = (color + (gray + bright + noedge)*2/3 + dark + edge + colors) / 6; cli_dbgmsg("parseicon: edge confidence: %u%%\n", edge); cli_dbgmsg("parseicon: noedge confidence: %u%%\n", noedge); if(!bwmatch) { cli_dbgmsg("parseicon: color confidence: %u%%\n", color); cli_dbgmsg("parseicon: gray confidence: %u%%\n", gray); } cli_dbgmsg("parseicon: bright confidence: %u%%\n", bright); cli_dbgmsg("parseicon: dark confidence: %u%%\n", dark); if(!bwmatch) cli_dbgmsg("parseicon: spread confidence: red %u%%, green %u%%, blue %u%% - colors %u%%\n", reds, greens, blues, ccount); if(confidence >= positivematch) { cli_dbgmsg("confidence: %u\n", confidence); if(ctx->virname) *ctx->virname = matcher->icons[enginesize][x].name; return CL_VIRUS; } } return CL_SUCCESS; } void cli_icongroupset_add(const char *groupname, icon_groupset *set, unsigned int type, cli_ctx *ctx) { struct icon_matcher *matcher; unsigned int i, j; if(type>1 || !ctx || !ctx->engine || !(matcher = ctx->engine->iconcheck) || !matcher->group_counts[type]) return; j = matcher->group_counts[type]; if(groupname[0] == '*' && !groupname[1]) { set->v[type][0] = set->v[type][1] = set->v[type][2] = set->v[type][3] = ~0; return; } for(i=0; igroup_names[type][i])) break; } if(i == j) cli_dbgmsg("cli_icongroupset_add: failed to locate icon group%u %s\n", type, groupname); else { j = i % 64; i /= 64; set->v[type][i] |= (uint64_t)1<