/* Copyright (c) 2008, Till Kamppeter Copyright (c) 2008, BBR Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. MIT Open Source License - http://www.opensource.org/ */ /* $Id: pdftoraster.c 10895 2010-03-09 17:22:35Z till $ */ /* PDF to CUPS Raster filter based on Ghostscript */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_CHECK_COMMENT_LINES 20 #ifndef GS #define GS "gs" #endif #ifndef BINDIR #define BINDIR "/usr/bin" #endif #ifndef CUPS_FONTPATH #define CUPS_FONTPATH "/usr/share/cups/fonts" #endif int exitCode = 0; int deviceCopies = 1; cups_bool_t deviceCollate = CUPS_FALSE; #ifdef CUPS_RASTER_SYNCv1 cups_page_header2_t h; #else cups_page_header_t h; #endif /* CUPS_RASTER_SYNCv1 */ int num_options = 0; cups_option_t *options = 0; void parseOpts(int argc, char **argv) { ppd_file_t *ppd = 0; if (argc < 6 || argc > 7) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s job-id user title copies options [file]", argv[0]); exit(1); } ppd = ppdOpenFile(getenv("PPD")); ppdMarkDefaults(ppd); options = NULL; num_options = cupsParseOptions(argv[5],0,&options); cupsMarkOptions(ppd,num_options,options); cupsRasterInterpretPPD(&h,ppd,num_options,options,0); } void parsePDFTOPDFComment(FILE *fp) { char buf[4096]; int i; /* skip until PDF start header */ while (fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp) != 0) { if (strncmp(buf,"%PDF",4) == 0) { break; } } for (i = 0;i < MAX_CHECK_COMMENT_LINES;i++) { if (fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp) == 0) break; if (strncmp(buf,"%%PDFTOPDFNumCopies",19) == 0) { char *p; p = strchr(buf+19,':'); deviceCopies = atoi(p+1); } else if (strncmp(buf,"%%PDFTOPDFCollate",17) == 0) { char *p; p = strchr(buf+17,':'); while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; if (strncasecmp(p,"true",4) == 0) { deviceCollate = CUPS_TRUE; } else { deviceCollate = CUPS_FALSE; } } } } int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { int i; FILE *fp; cups_array_t *gs_args; char tmpstr[1024]; const char *t = NULL; int fd; char buf[BUFSIZ]; int n; int numargs; char *argument; char **gsargv; const char* apos; int fds[2]; int pid; int status; parseOpts(argc, argv); if (argc == 6) { /* stdin */ fd = cupsTempFd(buf,BUFSIZ); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Can't create temporary file"); exit(1); } /* remove name */ unlink(buf); /* copy stdin to the tmp file */ while ((n = read(0,buf,BUFSIZ)) > 0) { if (write(fd,buf,n) != n) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Can't copy stdin to temporary file"); close(fd); exit(1); } } if (lseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Can't rewind temporary file"); close(fd); exit(1); } if ((fp = fdopen(fd,"rb")) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Can't fdopen temporary file"); close(fd); exit(1); } } else { /* argc == 7 filenmae is specified */ if ((fp = fopen(argv[6],"rb")) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Can't open input file %s",argv[6]); exit(1); } } parsePDFTOPDFComment(fp); rewind(fp); /* Fix NumCopies and Collate according to PDFTOPDFComments */ h.NumCopies = deviceCopies; h.Collate = deviceCollate; /* fixed other values that pdftopdf handles */ h.MirrorPrint = CUPS_FALSE; h.Orientation = CUPS_ORIENT_0; /* Ghostscript parameters */ gs_args = cupsArrayNew(NULL, NULL); if (!gs_args) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to allocate memory for Ghostscript arguments array\n"); exit(1); } /* Part of Ghostscript command line which is not dependent on the job and/or the driver */ snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "%s/%s", BINDIR, GS); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-dQUIET")); /*cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-dDEBUG"));*/ cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-dPARANOIDSAFER")); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-dNOPAUSE")); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-dBATCH")); /* cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-dNOMEDIAATTRS")); */ cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-sDEVICE=cups")); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-sstdout=%stderr")); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-sOutputFile=%stdout")); /* CUPS font path */ if ((t = getenv("CUPS_FONTPATH")) == NULL) t = CUPS_FONTPATH; snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-I%s", t); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); /* Simple boolean, enumerated choice, numerical, and string parameters */ if (h.MediaClass[0] |= '\0') { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-sMediaClass=%s", h.MediaClass); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.MediaColor[0] |= '\0') { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-sMediaColor=%s", h.MediaColor); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.MediaType[0] |= '\0') { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-sMediaType=%s", h.MediaType); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.OutputType[0] |= '\0') { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-sOutputType=%s", h.OutputType); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.AdvanceDistance) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dAdvanceDistance=%d", (unsigned)(h.AdvanceDistance)); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.AdvanceMedia) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dAdvanceMedia=%d", (unsigned)(h.AdvanceMedia)); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.Collate) { cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-dCollate")); } if (h.CutMedia) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dCutMedia=%d", (unsigned)(h.CutMedia)); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.Duplex) { cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-dDuplex")); } if ((h.HWResolution[0] != 100) || (h.HWResolution[1] != 100)) snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-r%dx%d", (unsigned)(h.HWResolution[0]), (unsigned)(h.HWResolution[1])); else snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-r100x100"); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); if (h.InsertSheet) { cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-dInsertSheet")); } if (h.Jog) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dJog=%d", (unsigned)(h.Jog)); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.LeadingEdge) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dLeadingEdge=%d", (unsigned)(h.LeadingEdge)); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.ManualFeed) { cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-dManualFeed")); } if (h.MediaPosition) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dMediaPosition=%d", (unsigned)(h.MediaPosition)); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.MediaWeight) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dMediaWeight=%d", (unsigned)(h.MediaWeight)); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.MirrorPrint) { cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-dMirrorPrint")); } if (h.NegativePrint) { cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-dNegativePrint")); } if (h.NumCopies != 1) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dNumCopies=%d", (unsigned)(h.NumCopies)); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.Orientation) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dOrientation=%d", (unsigned)(h.Orientation)); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.OutputFaceUp) { cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-dOutputFaceUp")); } if (h.PageSize[0] != 612) snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=%d", (unsigned)(h.PageSize[0])); else snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=612"); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); if (h.PageSize[1] != 792) snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=%d", (unsigned)(h.PageSize[1])); else snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=792"); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); if (h.Separations) { cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-dSeparations")); } if (h.TraySwitch) { cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-dTraySwitch")); } if (h.Tumble) { cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-dTumble")); } if (h.cupsMediaType) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dcupsMediaType=%d", (unsigned)(h.cupsMediaType)); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.cupsBitsPerColor != 1) snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dcupsBitsPerColor=%d", (unsigned)(h.cupsBitsPerColor)); else snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dcupsBitsPerColor=1"); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); if (h.cupsColorOrder != CUPS_ORDER_CHUNKED) snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dcupsColorOrder=%d", (unsigned)(h.cupsColorOrder)); else snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dcupsColorOrder=%d", CUPS_ORDER_CHUNKED); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); if (h.cupsColorSpace != CUPS_CSPACE_K) snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dcupsColorSpace=%d", (unsigned)(h.cupsColorSpace)); else snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dcupsColorSpace=%d", CUPS_CSPACE_K); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); if (h.cupsCompression) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dcupsCompression=%d", (unsigned)(h.cupsCompression)); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.cupsRowCount) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dcupsRowCount=%d", (unsigned)(h.cupsRowCount)); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.cupsRowFeed) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dcupsRowFeed=%d", (unsigned)(h.cupsRowFeed)); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.cupsRowStep) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dcupsRowStep=%d", (unsigned)(h.cupsRowStep)); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } #ifdef CUPS_RASTER_SYNCv1 if (h.cupsBorderlessScalingFactor != 1.0f) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dcupsBorderlessScalingFactor=%.4f", h.cupsBorderlessScalingFactor); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } for (i=0; i <= 15; i ++) if (h.cupsInteger[i]) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dcupsInteger%d=%d", i, (unsigned)(h.cupsInteger[i])); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } for (i=0; i <= 15; i ++) if (h.cupsReal[i]) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-dcupsReal%d=%.4f", i, h.cupsReal[i]); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } for (i=0; i <= 15; i ++) if (h.cupsString[i][0] != '\0') { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-scupsString%d=%s", i, h.cupsString[i]); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.cupsMarkerType[0] != '\0') { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-scupsMarkerType=%s", h.cupsMarkerType); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.cupsRenderingIntent[0] != '\0') { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-scupsRenderingIntent=%s", h.cupsRenderingIntent); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } if (h.cupsPageSizeName[0] != '\0') { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "-scupsPageSizeName=%s", h.cupsPageSizeName); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } #endif /* CUPS_RASTER_SYNCv1 */ /* Parameters of array type. They cannot be supplied as "-d" or "-s" command line options. We use "-c" here to supply them as PostScript commands */ /* Switch to taking PostScript commands on the Ghostscript command line */ cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, "-c"); if ((t = cupsGetOption("profile", num_options, options)) != NULL) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "<>setpagedevice", t); cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup(tmpstr)); } /* Mark the end of PostScript commands supplied on the Ghostscript command line (with the "-c" option), so that we can supply the input file name */ cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-f")); /* Let Ghostscript read from STDIN */ cupsArrayAdd(gs_args, strdup("-_")); /* Put Ghostscript command line argument into an array for the "exec()" call */ numargs = cupsArrayCount(gs_args); gsargv = calloc(numargs + 1, sizeof(char *)); for (argument = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(gs_args), i = 0; argument; argument = (char *)cupsArrayNext(gs_args), i++) { gsargv[i] = argument; } gsargv[i] = NULL; /* Debug output: Full Ghostscript command line and environment variables */ fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Ghostscript command line:"); for (i = 0; gsargv[i]; i ++) { if ((strchr(gsargv[i],' ')) || (strchr(gsargv[i],'\t'))) apos = "'"; else apos = ""; fprintf(stderr, " %s%s%s", apos, gsargv[i], apos); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); for (i = 0; envp[i]; i ++) fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: envp[%d]=\"%s\"\n", i, envp[i]); /* Create a pipe for feeding the job into Ghostscript */ if (pipe(fds)) { fds[0] = -1; fds[1] = -1; fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to establish pipe for Ghostscript call"); exit(1); } /* Set the "close on exec" flag on each end of the pipe... */ if (fcntl(fds[0], F_SETFD, fcntl(fds[0], F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC)) { close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]); fds[0] = -1; fds[1] = -1; fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to set \"close on exec\" flag on read end of the pipe for Ghostscript call"); exit(1); } if (fcntl(fds[1], F_SETFD, fcntl(fds[1], F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC)) { close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to set \"close on exec\" flag on write end of the pipe for Ghostscript call"); exit(1); } if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { /* Ghostscript child process */ /* Couple pipe with STDIN of Ghostscript process */ if (fds[0] != 0) { close(0); if (fds[0] > 0) dup(fds[0]); else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to couple pipe with STDIN of Ghostscript process"); exit(1); } } /* Execute Ghostscript command line ... */ snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "%s/%s", BINDIR, GS); execve(tmpstr, gsargv, envp); perror(tmpstr); exit(1); } else { /* Main process */ /* Feed job data into Ghostscript */ while ((n = fread(buf, 1, BUFSIZ, fp)) > 0) { if (write(fds[1], buf, n) != n) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Can't feed job data into Ghostscript"); fclose(fp); exit(1); } } fclose(fp); close (fds[1]); } if (waitpid (pid, &status, 0) == -1) { perror (GS); exit (1); } if (WIFEXITED (status)) exit(WEXITSTATUS (status)); else exit(1); }