/* * Copyright 1999-2006 University of Chicago * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef GLOBUS_DONT_DOCUMENT_INTERNAL /** * @file globus_gram_client.c * * Resource Managemant Client APIs * * This file contains the GRAM Client API functions. * This API provides functions for submitting a job request to a GRAM resource, * checking status, cancelling a job and requesting notification of state * changes for a request. * * CVS Information: * * - $Source: /home/globdev/CVS/globus-packages/gram/client/source/globus_gram_client.c,v $ * - $Date: 2010/03/19 19:32:48 $ * - $Revision: $ * - $Author: bester $ */ /* * Include header files */ #include "globus_config.h" #include "globus_i_gram_client.h" #include "globus_gram_protocol.h" #include "globus_io.h" #include "globus_rsl.h" #include #include #include #include "version.h" typedef enum globus_l_gram_client_callback_type_e { GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_JOB_REQUEST, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_PING, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_STATUS, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_SIGNAL, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_CANCEL, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_CALLBACK_REGISTER, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_CALLBACK_UNREGISTER, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_RENEW, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_JOBMANAGER_VERSION } globus_l_gram_client_callback_type_t; typedef struct globus_l_gram_client_monitor_s { globus_mutex_t mutex; globus_cond_t cond; globus_gram_protocol_handle_t handle; globus_l_gram_client_callback_type_t type; volatile globus_bool_t done; globus_gram_client_job_info_t * info; globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t callback; globus_gram_client_info_callback_func_t info_callback; void * callback_arg; } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t; typedef struct globus_l_gram_client_callback_info_s { globus_gram_client_callback_func_t callback; globus_gram_client_info_callback_func_t info_callback; void * callback_arg; char * callback_contact; } globus_l_gram_client_callback_info_t; static int globus_l_gram_client_parse_gatekeeper_contact( const char * contact_string, const char * service_prefix, const char * username, char ** gatekeeper_url, char ** gatekeeper_dn); static int globus_l_gram_client_setup_gatekeeper_attr( globus_io_attr_t * attrp, gss_cred_id_t credential, globus_io_secure_delegation_mode_t delegation_mode, char * gatekeeper_dn ); static int globus_l_gram_client_setup_jobmanager_attr( globus_io_attr_t * attr, gss_cred_id_t credential); static int globus_l_gram_client_job_request( const char * resource_manager_contact, const char * description, int job_state_mask, globus_i_gram_client_attr_t * iattr, const char * callback_contact, globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor); static int globus_l_gram_client_ping( const char * resource_manager_contact, globus_i_gram_client_attr_t * iattr, globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor); static int globus_l_gram_client_get_jobmanager_version( const char * resource_manager_contact, globus_i_gram_client_attr_t * iattr, globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor); static int globus_l_gram_client_job_refresh_credentials( char * job_contact, gss_cred_id_t creds, globus_i_gram_client_attr_t * iattr, globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor); static void globus_l_gram_client_callback( void * arg, globus_gram_protocol_handle_t handle, globus_byte_t * buf, globus_size_t nbytes, int errorcode, char * uri); static void globus_l_gram_client_monitor_callback( void * user_arg, globus_gram_protocol_handle_t handle, globus_byte_t * message, globus_size_t msgsize, int errorcode, char * uri); static void globus_l_gram_client_register_callback( void * user_arg, globus_gram_protocol_handle_t handle, globus_byte_t * message, globus_size_t msgsize, int errorcode, char * uri); static int globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor, globus_gram_client_job_info_t * info, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, globus_gram_client_info_callback_func_t info_callback, void * callback_arg); static int globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy( globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor); int globus_i_gram_client_deactivate(void); int globus_i_gram_client_activate(void); static int globus_l_gram_info_get_int( globus_hashtable_t * extensions, const char * key); /****************************************************************************** Define module specific variables ******************************************************************************/ globus_module_descriptor_t globus_gram_client_module = { "globus_gram_client", globus_i_gram_client_activate, globus_i_gram_client_deactivate, NULL, NULL, &local_version }; static FILE * globus_l_print_fp; static int globus_l_is_initialized = 0; static globus_hashtable_t globus_l_gram_client_contacts; static globus_mutex_t globus_l_mutex; static globus_mutex_t globus_l_rsl_mutex; #define GLOBUS_L_CHECK_IF_INITIALIZED assert(globus_l_is_initialized==1) /* * globus_i_gram_client_activate() * Description: Initialize variables * Call authorization routine for password entry. */ int globus_i_gram_client_activate(void) { int rc; rc = globus_module_activate(GLOBUS_POLL_MODULE); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { return(rc); } rc = globus_module_activate(GLOBUS_IO_MODULE); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { return(rc); } rc = globus_module_activate(GLOBUS_GSI_GSS_ASSIST_MODULE); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { return(rc); } rc = globus_module_activate(GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_MODULE); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { return(rc); } if ( globus_l_is_initialized == 0 ) { /* initialize mutex which makes the client thread-safe */ int err; err = globus_mutex_init (&globus_l_mutex, NULL); assert (!err); err = globus_mutex_init (&globus_l_rsl_mutex, NULL); assert (!err); globus_l_is_initialized = 1; } globus_l_print_fp = NULL; globus_hashtable_init(&globus_l_gram_client_contacts, 16, globus_hashtable_string_hash, globus_hashtable_string_keyeq); return 0; } /* globus_i_gram_client_activate() */ /* * globus_i_gram_client_deactivate() */ int globus_i_gram_client_deactivate(void) { int rc; if ( globus_l_is_initialized == 0 ) { return(GLOBUS_FAILURE); } else { globus_l_is_initialized = 0; } /* * this will free any allocated space, but not malloc any new */ globus_gram_protocol_error_7_hack_replace_message((const char*) NULL); rc = globus_module_deactivate(GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_MODULE); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { return(rc); } rc = globus_module_deactivate(GLOBUS_GSI_GSS_ASSIST_MODULE); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { return(rc); } rc = globus_module_deactivate(GLOBUS_IO_MODULE); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { return(rc); } rc = globus_module_deactivate(GLOBUS_POLL_MODULE); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { return(rc); } globus_hashtable_destroy(&globus_l_gram_client_contacts); return (GLOBUS_SUCCESS); } /* globus_i_gram_client_deactivate() */ #endif /* GLOBUS_DONT_DOCUMENT_INTERNAL */ /** * @brief Enable GRAM debugging * @ingroup globus_gram_client * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_debug() function enables * the displaying of internal GRAM debug messages to standard output. Most * of the information printed by this debugging system is related to errors * that occur during GRAM Client API functions. The messages printed to * standard output are not structured in any way. * * @return void */ void globus_gram_client_debug(void) { globus_l_print_fp = stdout; globus_libc_fprintf(globus_l_print_fp, "globus_gram_client: debug messages will be printed.\n"); } /* globus_gram_client_debug() */ #ifndef GLOBUS_DONT_DOCUMENT_INTERNAL static int globus_l_gram_client_parse_gatekeeper_contact( const char * contact_string, const char * service_prefix, const char * username, char ** gatekeeper_url, char ** gatekeeper_dn) { char * duplicate; char * host = NULL; char * port = NULL; char * dn = NULL; char * service; int got_port = 0; int got_service = 0; char * ptr; unsigned short iport; globus_url_t some_struct; int rc = GLOBUS_SUCCESS; /* * the gatekeeper contact format: [https://]:[/]: */ service = "jobmanager"; iport = 2119; if ((duplicate = strdup(contact_string))) { host = duplicate; if (strncmp(duplicate,"https://", 8) == 0) host += 8; dn = host; for (ptr = duplicate; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) { if ( *ptr == ':' ) { got_port = 1; *ptr++ = '\0'; port = ptr; break; } if ( *ptr == '/' ) { got_service = 1; *ptr++ = '\0'; service = ptr; break; } } if (got_port || got_service) { if ((dn = strchr(ptr, ':'))) { *dn++ = '\0'; } if (got_port) { if ((service = strchr(port,'/')) != NULL) { if ((service - port) > 1) { iport = (unsigned short) atoi(port); } *service++ = '\0'; } else { service = "jobmanager"; if (strlen(port) > 0) iport = (unsigned short) atoi(port); } } } else { dn = NULL; } } else { if(globus_l_print_fp) { globus_libc_fprintf(globus_l_print_fp, "strdup failed for contact_string\n"); } rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto error_exit; } if (! *host) { free(duplicate); if(globus_l_print_fp) { globus_libc_fprintf(globus_l_print_fp, "empty host value in contact_string\n"); } return(GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_BAD_GATEKEEPER_CONTACT); } (*gatekeeper_url) = malloc(11 /* https://:/\0 */ + strlen(host) + 5 + /*unsigned short*/ strlen(service) + ((service_prefix != NULL) ? strlen(service_prefix) : 0) + ((username != NULL) ? strlen(username) + 1 : 0)); if ((*gatekeeper_url) == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto free_duplicate_exit; } globus_libc_sprintf((*gatekeeper_url), "https://%s:%hu%s/%s%s%s", host, (unsigned short) iport, ((service_prefix != NULL) ? service_prefix : ""), service, (username != NULL) ? "@" : "", (username != NULL) ? username : ""); if (globus_url_parse(*gatekeeper_url, &some_struct) != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_BAD_GATEKEEPER_CONTACT; goto free_gatekeeper_url_exit; } globus_url_destroy(&some_struct); if ((dn) && (*dn)) { *gatekeeper_dn = strdup(dn); if((*gatekeeper_dn) == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto free_gatekeeper_url_exit; } } else { *gatekeeper_dn = NULL; } free(duplicate); return rc; free_gatekeeper_url_exit: free(*gatekeeper_url); free_duplicate_exit: free(duplicate); error_exit: return rc; } /* * globus_l_gram_client_setup_gatekeeper_attr() */ static int globus_l_gram_client_setup_gatekeeper_attr( globus_io_attr_t * attrp, gss_cred_id_t credential, globus_io_secure_delegation_mode_t delegation_mode, char * gatekeeper_dn ) { globus_result_t res; globus_io_secure_authorization_data_t auth_data; res = globus_io_secure_authorization_data_initialize(&auth_data); if (res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto error_exit; } res = globus_io_tcpattr_init(attrp); if (res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_1; } res = globus_io_attr_set_socket_keepalive(attrp, GLOBUS_TRUE); if (res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_2; } res = globus_io_attr_set_secure_authentication_mode( attrp, GLOBUS_IO_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION_MODE_MUTUAL, (credential != GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL) ? credential : globus_i_gram_protocol_credential); if (res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_2; } if(gatekeeper_dn) { res = globus_io_secure_authorization_data_set_identity( &auth_data, gatekeeper_dn); if (res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_2; } } res = globus_io_attr_set_secure_authorization_mode( attrp, gatekeeper_dn ? GLOBUS_IO_SECURE_AUTHORIZATION_MODE_IDENTITY : GLOBUS_IO_SECURE_AUTHORIZATION_MODE_HOST, &auth_data); if (res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_2; } res = globus_io_attr_set_secure_delegation_mode( attrp, delegation_mode); if (res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_2; } res = globus_io_attr_set_secure_channel_mode( attrp, GLOBUS_IO_SECURE_CHANNEL_MODE_GSI_WRAP); if (res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_2; } globus_io_secure_authorization_data_destroy(&auth_data); return GLOBUS_SUCCESS; destroy_2: globus_io_tcpattr_destroy(attrp); destroy_1: globus_io_secure_authorization_data_destroy(&auth_data); error_exit: if(globus_l_print_fp) { globus_libc_fprintf(globus_l_print_fp, "setting up IO attributes failed\n"); } globus_object_free(globus_error_get(res)); return GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED; } /* globus_l_gram_client_setup_gatekeeper_attr() */ static int globus_l_gram_client_setup_jobmanager_attr( globus_io_attr_t * attr, gss_cred_id_t credential) { globus_result_t res; globus_io_secure_authorization_data_t auth_data; res = globus_io_secure_authorization_data_initialize(&auth_data); if (res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto error_exit; } res = globus_io_tcpattr_init(attr); if (res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_1; } res = globus_io_attr_set_socket_keepalive(attr, GLOBUS_TRUE); if (res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_2; } res = globus_io_attr_set_secure_authentication_mode( attr, GLOBUS_IO_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION_MODE_MUTUAL, (credential != GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL) ? credential : globus_i_gram_protocol_credential); if (res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_2; } res = globus_io_attr_set_secure_authorization_mode( attr, GLOBUS_IO_SECURE_AUTHORIZATION_MODE_SELF, &auth_data); if (res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_2; } res = globus_io_attr_set_secure_channel_mode( attr, GLOBUS_IO_SECURE_CHANNEL_MODE_SSL_WRAP); if (res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_2; } globus_io_secure_authorization_data_destroy(&auth_data); return GLOBUS_SUCCESS; destroy_2: globus_io_tcpattr_destroy(attr); destroy_1: globus_io_secure_authorization_data_destroy(&auth_data); error_exit: globus_object_free(globus_error_get(res)); return GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED; } /* globus_l_gram_client_setup_jobmanager_attr() */ #endif /** * @brief Return GRAM protocol version * @ingroup globus_gram_client * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_version() function returns the version of the * GRAM protocol understood by this implementation. * * @return The integer protocol revision. */ int globus_gram_client_version(void) { return(GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_VERSION); } /* globus_gram_client_version() */ /** * @brief Set the default GRAM credential * @ingroup globus_gram_client * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_set_credentials() function causes subsequent * GRAM operations to use the GSSAPI credential @a new_credentials. * These operations include job requests, job signals, callback registration, * and job state callbacks. After this function returns, the caller must not * use the credential, as it may be freed by GRAM when it is no longer needed. * * @param new_credentials * New GSSAPI credential to use. * * @return * Upon success, @a globus_gram_client_set_credentials() returns * GLOBUS_SUCCESS. There are no error values returned by this fucntion. * * @retval GLOBUS_SUCCESS * Success */ int globus_gram_client_set_credentials(gss_cred_id_t new_credentials) { return globus_gram_protocol_set_credentials(new_credentials); } /** * @brief Send a ping request to a GRAM service * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_register_ping() function sends a * specially-formatted GRAM protocol message which checks to * see if a Gatekeeper is running on a given PORT, and whether that * Gatekeeper is configured to support the desired job manager service. * This is used for diagnostic purposes. * * If @a globus_gram_client_register_ping() determines that this request could * not be processed before contacting the gatekeeper (for example, a malformed * @a resource_manager_contact), it will return an error, and the * @a regiser_callback function will not be called. Otherwise, the success or * failure an be determined by the @a operation_failure_code parameter to * the function pointed to by the @a register_callback parameter. * * @param resource_manager_contact * A NULL-terminated character string containing a * @link globus_gram_resource_manager_contact GRAM contact@endlink that * this function will contact. * @param attr * A set of client attributes to use to contact the gatekeeper. If no * custom attributes are needed, the caller should pass the value * @a GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_NO_ATTR. * @param register_callback * A pointer to a function to call when the ping request has completed or * failed. * @param register_callback_arg * A pointer to application-specific data which will be passed to the * function pointed to by @a register_callback as its @a user_callback_arg * parameter. * * @return * Upon success, @a globus_gram_client_register_ping() returns * GLOBUS_SUCCESS and the @a register_callback function will be called once * the ping operation completes. If an error occurs, this function returns * an integer error code and the function pointed to by the * @a register_callback parameter will not be called. * * @retval GLOBUS_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources */ int globus_gram_client_register_ping( const char * resource_manager_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, void * register_callback_arg) { globus_i_gram_client_attr_t * iattr = NULL; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor; int rc; monitor = malloc(sizeof(globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t)); if(!monitor) { return GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; } iattr = (globus_i_gram_client_attr_t *) attr; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( monitor, NULL, register_callback, NULL, register_callback_arg); rc = globus_l_gram_client_ping( resource_manager_contact, iattr, monitor); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(monitor); free(monitor); } return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_register_ping() */ /** * @brief Send a ping request to a GRAM service * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_ping() function sends a * specially-formatted GRAM protocol message which checks to * see if a Gatekeeper is running on a given PORT, and whether that * Gatekeeper is configured to support the desired job manager service. * This is used for diagnostic purposes. * * @param resource_manager_contact * A NULL-terminated character string containing a * @link globus_gram_resource_manager_contact GRAM contact@endlink that * this function will contact. * * @return * Upon success, @a globus_gram_client_ping() contacts the gatekeeper * service and returns @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS. If an error occurs, this * function returns an integer error code. * * @retval GLOBUS_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources */ int globus_gram_client_ping( const char * resource_manager_contact) { int rc; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t monitor; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init(&monitor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); rc = globus_l_gram_client_ping( resource_manager_contact, NULL, &monitor); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(&monitor); return rc; } globus_mutex_lock(&monitor.mutex); while (!monitor.done) { globus_cond_wait(&monitor.cond, &monitor.mutex); } rc = monitor.info->protocol_error_code; globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor.mutex); globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(&monitor); return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_ping() */ /** * @brief Get version information from a job manager * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_get_jobmanager_version() function sends a message * to a GRAM service which returns information about the job manager version * in the value pointed to by the @a extensions parameter. Note that job * managers prior to GT5 do not support the version request and so will return * a GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_HTTP_UNPACK_FAILED error. This function blocks * while processing this request. * * @param resource_manager_contact * A NULL-terminated character string containing a * @link globus_gram_resource_manager_contact GRAM contact@endlink. * @param extensions * A pointer to a hash table which will be initialized to contain the * version information returned by the service. The extensions defined by * GRAM5 are @a toolkit-version and @a version. * * @return * Upon success, @a globus_gram_client_get_jobmanager_version() function * returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS and modifies the @a extensions parameter as * described above. If an error occurs, the integer error code will be * returned and the value pointed to by the @a extensions parameter is * undefined. * * @retval GLOBUS_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_BAD_GATEKEEPER_CONTACT * Bad gatekeeper contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER * NULL parameter * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol failed * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources */ int globus_gram_client_get_jobmanager_version( const char * resource_manager_contact, globus_hashtable_t * extensions) { int rc; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t monitor; if (resource_manager_contact == NULL || extensions == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER; goto null_param; } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init(&monitor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); rc = globus_l_gram_client_get_jobmanager_version( resource_manager_contact, NULL, &monitor); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(&monitor); return rc; } globus_mutex_lock(&monitor.mutex); while (!monitor.done) { globus_cond_wait(&monitor.cond, &monitor.mutex); } rc = monitor.info->protocol_error_code; if (rc == GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { *extensions = monitor.info->extensions; monitor.info->extensions = NULL; } globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor.mutex); globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(&monitor); null_param: return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_get_jobmanager_version() */ /** * @brief Get version information from a job manager without blocking * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_register_get_jobmanager_version() function sends a * message to a GRAM service which returns information about the job manager * version to the function pointed to by the @a info_callback function. Note * that job managers prior to GT5 do not support the version request and so * will return a GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_HTTP_UNPACK_FAILED error. This * function blocks while processing this request. * * @param resource_manager_contact * A NULL-terminated character string containing a * @link globus_gram_resource_manager_contact GRAM contact@endlink. * @param info_callback * A pointer to a function to call when the version request has * completed or failed. * @param callback_arg * A pointer to application-specific data which will be passed to the * function pointed to by @a info_callback as its @a user_callback_arg * parameter. * * @return * Upon success, @a globus_gram_client_register_get_jobmanager_version() * function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS and begins processing the version * request to contact @a resource_manager_contact; when complete, the * @a info_callback function will be called. * If an error occurs, the integer error code will be * returned and the value pointed to by the @a extensions parameter is * undefined. * * @retval GLOBUS_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_BAD_GATEKEEPER_CONTACT * Bad gatekeeper contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER * NULL parameter * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol failed * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources */ int globus_gram_client_register_get_jobmanager_version( const char * resource_manager_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_info_callback_func_t info_callback, void * callback_arg) { int rc; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor; if (resource_manager_contact == NULL || info_callback == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER; goto null_param; } monitor = malloc(sizeof(globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t)); if(!monitor) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto monitor_malloc_failed; } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init(monitor, NULL, NULL, info_callback, callback_arg); rc = globus_l_gram_client_get_jobmanager_version( resource_manager_contact, attr, monitor); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(monitor); free(monitor); } monitor_malloc_failed: null_param: return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_register_get_jobmanager_version() */ /** * @brief Send a job request to a GRAM service * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_register_job_request() function sends a * GRAM protocol message to a service to request that it start a job on behalf * of the client. * * If @a globus_gram_client_register_job_request() determines that this request * could not be processed before contacting the gatekeeper (for example, a * malformed @a resource_manager_contact), it will return an error, and the * @a regiser_callback function will not be called. Otherwise, the success or * failure an be determined by the @a operation_failure_code parameter to * the function pointed to by the @a register_callback parameter. * * @param resource_manager_contact * A NULL-terminated character string containing a * @link globus_gram_resource_manager_contact GRAM contact@endlink that * this function will contact. * @param description * A pointer to a string containing the job request information formatted * in RSL syntax. * @param job_state_mask * A bitwise-or of the GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_* states that * the job manager will send job state notification messages for to the * contact named by @a callback_contact. * @param callback_contact * A GRAM listener contact that the job manager will send job state * notification messages to. * @param attr * A set of client attributes to use to contact the gatekeeper. If no * custom attributes are needed, the caller should pass the value * @a GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_NO_ATTR. * @param register_callback * A pointer to a function to call when the job_request request has * completed or failed. * @param register_callback_arg * A pointer to application-specific data which will be passed to the * function pointed to by @a register_callback as its @a user_callback_arg * parameter. * * @return * Upon success, @a globus_gram_client_register_job_request() returns * GLOBUS_SUCCESS and the @a register_callback function will be called once * the job request operation completes. If an error occurs, this function * returns an integer error code and the function pointed to by the * @a register_callback parameter will not be called. * * @retval GLOBUS_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources */ int globus_gram_client_register_job_request( const char * resource_manager_contact, const char * description, int job_state_mask, const char * callback_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, void * register_callback_arg) { globus_i_gram_client_attr_t * iattr = NULL; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor; int rc; monitor = malloc(sizeof(globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t)); if(!monitor) { return GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; } iattr = (globus_i_gram_client_attr_t *) attr; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( monitor, NULL, register_callback, NULL, register_callback_arg); rc = globus_l_gram_client_job_request(resource_manager_contact, description, job_state_mask, iattr, callback_contact, monitor); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(monitor); free(monitor); } return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_register_job_request() */ /** * @brief Send a job request to a GRAM service * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_job_request() function sends a * GRAM protocol message to a service to request that it start a job on behalf * of the client. Unlike, @a globus_gram_client_register_job_request(), * @a globus_gram_client_job_request() blocks until the job * request has been processed by the service. * * @param resource_manager_contact * A NULL-terminated character string containing a * @link globus_gram_resource_manager_contact GRAM contact@endlink that * this function will contact. * @param description * A pointer to a string containing the job request information formatted * in RSL syntax. * @param job_state_mask * A bitwise-or of the GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_* states that * the job manager will send job state notification messages for to the * contact named by @a callback_contact. * @param callback_contact * A GRAM listener contact that the job manager will send job state * notification messages to. * @param job_contact * An output parameter pointing to a string that will be set to the * job contact for this job. This value will only be set if the job * request is successful or the two-phase commit protocol is being used * and the return code is @a GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_WAITING_FOR_COMMIT. * * @return * Upon success, @a globus_gram_client_job_request() returns * GLOBUS_SUCCESS and modifies the value pointed to by @a job_contact as * described above. If an error occurs, this function * returns an integer error code and the value pointed to by * @a job_contact. In addition to the error codes described below, any * #globus_gram_protocol_error_t value may be returned as a cause for * the job to fail. * * @retval GLOBUS_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources */ int globus_gram_client_job_request( const char * resource_manager_contact, const char * description, int job_state_mask, const char * callback_contact, char ** job_contact) { int rc; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t monitor; if(job_contact) { *job_contact = NULL; } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( &monitor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); rc = globus_l_gram_client_job_request(resource_manager_contact, description, job_state_mask, NULL, callback_contact, &monitor); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(&monitor); return rc; } globus_mutex_lock(&monitor.mutex); while (!monitor.done) { globus_cond_wait(&monitor.cond, &monitor.mutex); } rc = monitor.info->protocol_error_code; if(job_contact && monitor.info->job_contact) { *job_contact = strdup(monitor.info->job_contact); } globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor.mutex); globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(&monitor); return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_job_request() */ /** * @brief Send a job request to a GRAM service with extensions-aware callback * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_register_job_request_with_info() function sends a * GRAM protocol message to a service to request that it start a job on behalf * of the client. * * If @a globus_gram_client_register_job_request_with_info() determines that * this request could not be processed before contacting the gatekeeper (for * example, a malformed @a resource_manager_contact), it will return an error, * and the @a callback function will not be called. Otherwise, the * success or failure an be determined by the @a operation_failure_code * parameter to the function pointed to by the @a callback parameter. The * difference between this function and * @a #globus_gram_client_register_job_request() is the function signature of * the callback function. * * @param resource_manager_contact * A NULL-terminated character string containing a * @link globus_gram_resource_manager_contact GRAM contact@endlink that * this function will contact. * @param description * A pointer to a string containing the job request information formatted * in RSL syntax. * @param job_state_mask * A bitwise-or of the GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_* states that * the job manager will send job state notification messages for to the * contact named by @a callback_contact. * @param callback_contact * A GRAM listener contact that the job manager will send job state * notification messages to. * @param attr * A set of client attributes to use to contact the gatekeeper. If no * custom attributes are needed, the caller should pass the value * @a GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_NO_ATTR. * @param callback * A pointer to a function to call when the job_request request has * completed or failed. * @param callback_arg * A pointer to application-specific data which will be passed to the * function pointed to by @a callback as its @a user_callback_arg * parameter. * * @return * Upon success, @a globus_gram_client_register_job_request_with_info() * returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS and the @a callback function will be * called once the job request operation completes. If an error occurs, * this function returns an integer error code and the function pointed to * by the @a callback parameter will not be called. * * @retval GLOBUS_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources */ int globus_gram_client_register_job_request_with_info( const char * resource_manager_contact, const char * description, int job_state_mask, const char * callback_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_info_callback_func_t callback, void * callback_arg) { globus_i_gram_client_attr_t * iattr = NULL; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor; int rc; monitor = malloc(sizeof(globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t)); if(!monitor) { return GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; } iattr = (globus_i_gram_client_attr_t *) attr; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( monitor, NULL, NULL, callback, callback_arg); rc = globus_l_gram_client_job_request(resource_manager_contact, description, job_state_mask, iattr, callback_contact, monitor); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(monitor); free(monitor); } return rc; } /** * @brief Send a job request to a GRAM service and parse extensions in the response * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_job_request_with_info() function sends a * GRAM protocol message to a service to request that it start a job on behalf * of the client. Unlike, * @a globus_gram_client_register_job_request_with_info(), * @a globus_gram_client_job_request_with_info() blocks until the job * request has been processed by the service. * * @param resource_manager_contact * A NULL-terminated character string containing a * @link globus_gram_resource_manager_contact GRAM contact@endlink that * this function will contact. * @param description * A pointer to a string containing the job request information formatted * in RSL syntax. * @param job_state_mask * A bitwise-or of the GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_* states that * the job manager will send job state notification messages for to the * contact named by @a callback_contact. * @param callback_contact * A GRAM listener contact that the job manager will send job state * notification messages to. * @param job_contact * An output parameter pointing to a string that will be set to the * job contact for this job. This value will only be set if the job * request is successful or the two-phase commit protocol is being used * and the return code is @a GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_WAITING_FOR_COMMIT. * @param info * An output parameter pointing to a structure to hold the extensions in * the GRAM response. The caller is responsible for destroying this by * calling the @a globus_gram_client_job_info_destroy() function. * * @return * Upon success, @a globus_gram_client_job_request_with_info() returns * GLOBUS_SUCCESS and modifies the values pointed to by @a job_contact and * @a info as described above. If an error occurs, this function * returns an integer error code and the value pointed to by * @a job_contact. In addition to the error codes described below, any * #globus_gram_protocol_error_t value may be returned as a cause for * the job to fail. * * @retval GLOBUS_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources */ int globus_gram_client_job_request_with_info( const char * resource_manager_contact, const char * description, int job_state_mask, const char * callback_contact, char ** job_contact, globus_gram_client_job_info_t * info) { int rc; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t monitor; if(job_contact) { *job_contact = NULL; } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( &monitor, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); rc = globus_l_gram_client_job_request(resource_manager_contact, description, job_state_mask, NULL, callback_contact, &monitor); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { monitor.info = NULL; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(&monitor); return rc; } globus_mutex_lock(&monitor.mutex); while (!monitor.done) { globus_cond_wait(&monitor.cond, &monitor.mutex); } rc = monitor.info->protocol_error_code; if(job_contact && monitor.info->job_contact) { *job_contact = strdup(monitor.info->job_contact); } globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor.mutex); monitor.info = NULL; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(&monitor); return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_job_request_with_info() */ /** * @brief Get a description of a a GRAM error code * @ingroup globus_gram_client * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_error_string() function takes a GRAM error code * value and returns the associated error code string. The string is statically * allocated by the Globus GRAM Client library and should not be modified or * freed. The string is intended to complete a sentence of the form * "[operation] failed because ..." * * @param error_code * The error code to translate into a string. * * @return * The @a globus_gram_client_error_string() function returns a static * string containing an explanation of the error. * */ const char * globus_gram_client_error_string(int error_code) { return globus_gram_protocol_error_string(error_code); } /* globus_gram_protocol_error_string() */ #ifndef GLOBUS_DONT_DOCUMENT_INTERNAL /* * packing/sending to jobmanager URL/waiting/unpacking */ int globus_l_gram_client_to_jobmanager( const char * job_contact, const char * request, globus_i_gram_client_attr_t * iattr, globus_l_gram_client_callback_type_t request_type, globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor) { int rc; globus_byte_t * query = NULL; globus_size_t querysize; globus_io_attr_t attr; globus_bool_t use_attr = GLOBUS_FALSE; if (iattr != NULL && iattr->credential != GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL) { rc = globus_l_gram_client_setup_jobmanager_attr( &attr, iattr->credential); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto error_exit; } use_attr = GLOBUS_TRUE; } rc = globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_request( request, &query, &querysize); if (rc!=GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto free_attr_exit; } globus_mutex_lock(&monitor->mutex); monitor->type = request_type; rc = globus_gram_protocol_post( job_contact, &monitor->handle, use_attr ? &attr : NULL, query, querysize, (monitor->callback != NULL || monitor->info_callback != NULL) ? globus_l_gram_client_register_callback : globus_l_gram_client_monitor_callback, monitor); globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor->mutex); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { if(rc == GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CONTACTING_JOB_MANAGER; monitor->info->protocol_error_code = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CONTACTING_JOB_MANAGER; } else { monitor->info->protocol_error_code = rc; } } if(query) { free(query); } free_attr_exit: if(use_attr) { globus_io_tcpattr_destroy (&attr); } error_exit: return rc; } /* globus_l_gram_client_to_jobmanager() */ #endif /** * @brief Cancel a GRAM job * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_job_cancel() function cancels a * GRAM job. Depending on the job's current state, this cancellation may be * immediate or require a delay for interacting with the LRM servicing the * job. Notification when the job has been successfully canceled will be * sent to all client contacts registered for notifications after the * cancellation has been completely processed. Unlike, * @a globus_gram_client_register_job_cancel(), * @a globus_gram_client_job_cancel() blocks until the job * cancel request has been processed by the service. * * @param job_contact * A NULL-terminated character string containing a * GRAM job contact that this function will contact to cancel the job. * * @return * Upon succes, @a globus_gram_client_job_cancel() returns * @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the cancellation was successful posted to the * service. If an error occurs, @a globus_gram_client_job_cancel() * returns one of the #globus_gram_protocol_error_t values * values indicating why the client could not cancel the job. * * @see globus_gram_client_register_job_cancel() */ int globus_gram_client_job_cancel( const char * job_contact) { int rc; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t monitor; GLOBUS_L_CHECK_IF_INITIALIZED; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( &monitor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); rc = globus_l_gram_client_to_jobmanager( job_contact, "cancel", NULL, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_CANCEL, &monitor); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(&monitor); return rc; } globus_mutex_lock(&monitor.mutex); while (!monitor.done) { globus_cond_wait(&monitor.cond, &monitor.mutex); } rc = monitor.info->protocol_error_code; globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor.mutex); globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(&monitor); return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_job_cancel() */ /** * @brief Cancel a GRAM job * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_register_job_cancel() function sends a message * to a GRAM service to cancel a GRAM job. Depending on the job's current * state, this cancellation may be immediate or require a delay for * interacting with the LRM servicing the job. In either case, this function * returns as soon as it is able to start sending the message. Notification * when the job has been successfully canceled will be sent to all client * contacts registered for notifications after the cancellation has been * completely processed. * * @param job_contact * A NULL-terminated character string containing a * GRAM job contact that this function will contact to cancel the job. * @param attr * A set of client attributes to use to contact the job. If no * custom attributes are needed, the caller should pass the value * @a GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_NO_ATTR. * @param register_callback * A pointer to a function to call when the job_request request has * completed or failed. * @param register_callback_arg * A pointer to application-specific data which will be passed to the * function pointed to by @a register_callback as its @a user_callback_arg * parameter. * * @return * Upon succes, @a globus_gram_client_register_job_cancel() returns * @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the cancellation was successful posted to the * service. If an error occurs, @a globus_gram_client_register_job_cancel() * returns one an integer error code indicating why it could not cancel the * job. * * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources * * @see globus_gram_client_job_cancel() */ int globus_gram_client_register_job_cancel( const char * job_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, void * register_callback_arg) { int rc; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor; GLOBUS_L_CHECK_IF_INITIALIZED; monitor = malloc(sizeof(globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t)); if(!monitor) { return GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( monitor, NULL, register_callback, NULL, register_callback_arg); rc = globus_l_gram_client_to_jobmanager( job_contact, "cancel", (globus_i_gram_client_attr_t*)attr, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_CANCEL, monitor); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(monitor); free(monitor); } return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_register_job_cancel() */ /** * @brief Send a signal a GRAM job * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_job_signal() function sends a signal message to * a job managed by the GRAM service. * Signals consist of a signal number and an optional string * argument. The meanings of the signals supported by the GRAM job manager * are defined in the GRAM Protocol documentation. * Unlike @a globus_gram_client_register_job_signal(), this function blocks * until the signal has been delivered and acknowledged by the GRAM service. * * @param job_contact * The job contact string of the job manager to contact. This is the * same value returned from globus_gram_client_job_request(). * @param signal * The signal code to send to the job manager. * @param signal_arg * Parameters for the signal, as described in the documentation * for the #globus_gram_protocol_job_signal_t enumeration. * @param job_status * An output parameter pointing to an integer to set to the status * of the job after the signal has been processed. * @param failure_code * An output parameter pointing to an integer to set to the reason * why the job has failed if the value pointed to by @a job_status is * set to @a GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_FAILED by this function. * * @return * Upon success, @a globus_gram_client_job_signal() returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS * after sending the signal and receiving a response and modifies the * @a job_status and @a failure_code parameters as described above. If an * error occurs, this function returns an integer error code indicating * why the client could not signal the job. * * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources * * @see globus_gram_client_register_job_signal() */ int globus_gram_client_job_signal( const char * job_contact, globus_gram_protocol_job_signal_t signal, const char * signal_arg, int * job_status, int * failure_code) { int rc; char * request; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t monitor; GLOBUS_L_CHECK_IF_INITIALIZED; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( &monitor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (signal_arg != NULL) { /* 'signal' = 6, allow 10-digit integer, 2 spaces and null */ request = (char *) malloc( strlen(signal_arg) + 6 + 10 + 2 + 1 ); if (request == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto error_exit; } globus_libc_sprintf(request, "signal %d %s", signal, signal_arg); } else { /* 'signal' = 6, allow 10-digit integer, 1 space and null */ request = (char *) malloc( 6 + 10 + 1 + 1 ); if (request == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto error_exit; } globus_libc_sprintf(request, "signal %d", signal); } rc = globus_l_gram_client_to_jobmanager( job_contact, request, NULL, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_SIGNAL, &monitor); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto error_exit; } globus_mutex_lock(&monitor.mutex); while (!monitor.done) { globus_cond_wait(&monitor.cond, &monitor.mutex); } rc = monitor.info->protocol_error_code; globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor.mutex); error_exit: if(job_status) { *job_status = monitor.info->job_state; } if(failure_code) { if (monitor.info->protocol_error_code) { *failure_code = monitor.info->protocol_error_code; } else { *failure_code = globus_l_gram_info_get_int( &monitor.info->extensions, "job-failure-code"); } } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(&monitor); if (request != NULL) { free(request); } return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_job_signal() */ /** * @brief Send a signal a GRAM job * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_register_job_signal() function sends a signal * message to a job managed by the GRAM service. * Signals consist of a signal number and an optional string * argument. The meanings of the signals supported by the GRAM job manager * are defined in the GRAM Protocol documentation. This function returns as * soon as it has determined that its parameters are valid and it has * begun to send the message to the GRAM service. * * @param job_contact * The job contact string of the job manager to contact. This is the * same value returned from globus_gram_client_job_request(). * @param signal * The signal code to send to the job manager. * @param signal_arg * Parameters for the signal, as described in the documentation * for the #globus_gram_protocol_job_signal_t enumeration. * @param attr * A set of client attributes to use to contact the job. If no * custom attributes are needed, the caller should pass the value * @a GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_NO_ATTR. * @param register_callback * A pointer to a function to call when the signal request has * completed or failed. * @param register_callback_arg * A pointer to application-specific data which will be passed to the * function pointed to by @a register_callback as its @a user_callback_arg * parameter. * * @return * Upon success, @a globus_gram_client_job_register_signal() returns * GLOBUS_SUCCESS after beginnning to send the signal to the GRAM job and * registers the @a register_callback function to be called once that * has completed. If an error occurs, this function returns an integer * error code indicating why the client could not signal the job. * * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources * * @see globus_gram_client_register_job_signal() */ int globus_gram_client_register_job_signal( const char * job_contact, globus_gram_protocol_job_signal_t signal, const char * signal_arg, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, void * register_callback_arg) { int rc; char * request; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor; GLOBUS_L_CHECK_IF_INITIALIZED; monitor = malloc(sizeof(globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t)); if(!monitor) { return GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( monitor, NULL, register_callback, NULL, register_callback_arg); if (signal_arg != NULL) { /* 'signal' = 6, allow 10-digit integer, 2 spaces and null */ request = (char *) malloc( strlen(signal_arg) + 6 + 10 + 2 + 1 ); if (request == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto error_exit; } globus_libc_sprintf(request, "signal %d %s", signal, signal_arg); } else { /* 'signal' = 6, allow 10-digit integer, 1 space and null */ request = (char *) malloc( 6 + 10 + 1 + 1 ); if (request == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto error_exit; } globus_libc_sprintf(request, "signal %d", signal); } rc = globus_l_gram_client_to_jobmanager( job_contact, request, attr, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_SIGNAL, monitor); free(request); error_exit: if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(monitor); free(monitor); } return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_register_job_signal() */ /** * @brief Send a status query to a GRAM job * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_status() function queries the current status of * the job associated with the job contact, * returning its current status, as well as the job's failure reason if it has * failed in this function's return parameters. This function blocks until * the service has responded to the status query. * * @param job_contact * The job contact string of the job to query. This is the same * value returned from globus_gram_client_job_request(). * @param job_status * An output parameter that points to an integer to be set to the current * status of the job named by the @a job_contact parameter. * @param failure_code * An output parameter that points to an integer to be set to the reason * why the job failed if its current status is * @a GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_FAILED. If the job has not failed, * the value will be set to 0. * * @return * Upon success, the @a globus_gram_client_job_status() function returns * @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS, sends a job state query to the job named by * @a job_contact and parses the service response, modifying the values * pointed to by @a job_status and @a failure_code as described above. If * an error occurs, @a globus_gram_client_job_status() returns an integer * error code. * * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources */ int globus_gram_client_job_status( const char * job_contact, int * job_status, int * failure_code) { int rc; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t monitor; GLOBUS_L_CHECK_IF_INITIALIZED; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( &monitor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); rc = globus_l_gram_client_to_jobmanager( job_contact, "status", NULL, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_STATUS, &monitor); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto error_exit; } globus_mutex_lock(&monitor.mutex); while (!monitor.done) { globus_cond_wait(&monitor.cond, &monitor.mutex); } rc = monitor.info->protocol_error_code; globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor.mutex); error_exit: if(job_status) { *job_status = monitor.info->job_state; } if(failure_code) { if (monitor.info->protocol_error_code) { *failure_code = monitor.info->protocol_error_code; } else { *failure_code = globus_l_gram_info_get_int( &monitor.info->extensions, "job-failure-code"); } } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(&monitor); return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_job_status() */ /** * @brief Send a status query to a GRAM job * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_register_job_status() function initiates a * query of the current status of the job associated with the @a job contact * parameter. The job's status and failure code are passed to the function * pointed to by the @a register_callback parameter. This function returns * as soon as it has begun requesting the job status. * * @param job_contact * The job contact string of the job to query. This is the same * value returned from globus_gram_client_job_request(). * @param attr * A set of client attributes to use to contact the job. If no * custom attributes are needed, the caller should pass the value * @a GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_NO_ATTR. * @param register_callback * A pointer to a function to call when the status request has * completed or failed. * @param register_callback_arg * A pointer to application-specific data which will be passed to the * function pointed to by @a register_callback as its @a user_callback_arg * parameter. * * @return * Upon success, the @a globus_gram_client_register_job_status() function * returns @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS and begins to send a job state query to the * job named by @a job_contact and registers the function pointed to by * the @a register_callback parameter to be called once the status query * terminates or fails. If an error occurs, * @a globus_gram_client_register_job_status() returns an integer * error code. * * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER * Null parameter */ int globus_gram_client_register_job_status( const char * job_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, void * register_callback_arg) { int rc; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor; if (job_contact == NULL || register_callback == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER; goto null_param; } GLOBUS_L_CHECK_IF_INITIALIZED; monitor = globus_libc_malloc(sizeof(globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t)); if(!monitor) { return GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( monitor, NULL, register_callback, NULL, register_callback_arg); rc = globus_l_gram_client_to_jobmanager( job_contact, "status", attr, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_STATUS, monitor); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(monitor); globus_libc_free(monitor); } null_param: return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_register_job_status() */ /** * @brief Send a status query to a GRAM job * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_register_job_status_with_info() function initiates * a query of the current status of the job associated with the @a job contact * parameter. Job information is returned via the @a job_info parameter passed * to the function pointed to by the @a info_callback parameter. * This function returns as soon as it has begun requesting the job status. * * @param job_contact * The job contact string of the job to query. This is the same * value returned from globus_gram_client_job_request(). * @param attr * A set of client attributes to use to contact the job. If no * custom attributes are needed, the caller should pass the value * @a GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_NO_ATTR. * @param info_callback * A pointer to a function to call when the status request has * completed or failed. * @param callback_arg * A pointer to application-specific data which will be passed to the * function pointed to by @a info_callback as its @a user_callback_arg * parameter. * * @return * Upon success, the @a globus_gram_client_register_job_status_with_info() * function returns @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS and begins to send a job state query * to the job named by @a job_contact and registers the function pointed to * by the @a info_callback parameter to be called once the status query * terminates or fails. If an error occurs, * @a globus_gram_client_register_job_status_with_info() returns an integer * error code. * * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER * Null parameter */ int globus_gram_client_register_job_status_with_info( const char * job_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_info_callback_func_t info_callback, void * callback_arg) { int rc; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor; GLOBUS_L_CHECK_IF_INITIALIZED; if (job_contact == NULL || info_callback == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER; goto null_param; } monitor = malloc(sizeof(globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t)); if(!monitor) { return GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( monitor, NULL, NULL, info_callback, callback_arg); rc = globus_l_gram_client_to_jobmanager( job_contact, "status", attr, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_STATUS, monitor); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(monitor); free(monitor); } null_param: return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_register_job_status_with_info() */ /** * @brief Send a status query to a GRAM job * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_status_with_info() function queries the current * status of the job associated with the job contact, * returning its current status, as well as the job's failure reason if it has * failed in this function's return parameters. This function blocks until * the service has responded to the status query. * * @param job_contact * The job contact string of the job to query. This is the same * value returned from globus_gram_client_job_request(). * @param info * An output parameter that points to a globus_gram_client_job_info_t * structure which will be populated with the state information associated * with the job named by the @a job_contact parameter. The caller is * responsible for calling globus_gram_client_job_info_destroy() to free * the state pointed to by this parameter if this function returns * @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS. * * @return * Upon success, the @a globus_gram_client_job_status_with_info() function * returns @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS, sends a job state query to the job named by * @a job_contact and parses the service response, modifying the structure * pointed to by @a info as described above. If * an error occurs, @a globus_gram_client_job_status_with_info() returns an * integer error code. * * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources */ int globus_gram_client_job_status_with_info( const char * job_contact, globus_gram_client_job_info_t * info) { int rc; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t monitor; GLOBUS_L_CHECK_IF_INITIALIZED; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( &monitor, info, NULL, NULL, NULL); rc = globus_l_gram_client_to_jobmanager( job_contact, "status", NULL, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_STATUS, &monitor); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto error_exit; } globus_mutex_lock(&monitor.mutex); while (!monitor.done) { globus_cond_wait(&monitor.cond, &monitor.mutex); } rc = monitor.info->protocol_error_code; globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor.mutex); error_exit: monitor.info = NULL; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(&monitor); return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_job_status_with_info() */ /** * @brief Register a new callback contact to be notified for job state changes * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_job_callback_register() function contacts a * GRAM service managing a job and instructs it to send subsequent job state * callbacks to the client listening for callbacks at the contact url named * by the @a callback_contact parameter. This function blocks until the * registration operation either completes or exits. * * @param job_contact * The job contact string of the job to contact. This is the same * value returned from globus_gram_client_job_request(). * @param job_state_mask * A bitwise-or of the GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_* states that * the job manager will send job state notification messages for to the * contact named by @a callback_contact. * @param callback_contact * A URL string containing a GRAM client callback. This string is * normally be generated by a process calling * @a globus_gram_client_callback_allow(). * @param job_status * An output parameter pointing to an integer to set to the status * of the job after the registration message has been processed. * @param failure_code * An output parameter that points to an integer to be set to the reason * why the job failed if its current status is * @a GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_FAILED. If the job has not failed, * the value will be set to 0. * * @return * Upon success, the @a globus_gram_client_job_callback_register() function * returns @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS, sends a registration request the job named by * @a job_contact and parses the service response, modifying the values * pointed to by the @a job_status and @a failure_code parameters as * described above. If an error occurs, * @a globus_gram_client_job_callback_register() returns an * integer error code indicating why it can't register the callback * contact. The return code may be any value defined by the * @a globus_gram_protocol_error_t enumeration in addition to those * listed below. * * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources */ int globus_gram_client_job_callback_register( const char * job_contact, int job_state_mask, const char * callback_contact, int * job_status, int * failure_code) { int rc; char * request; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t monitor; GLOBUS_L_CHECK_IF_INITIALIZED; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init(&monitor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* 'register' = 8, allow 10-digit integer, 2 spaces and null */ request = (char *) malloc( strlen(callback_contact) + 8 + 10 + 2 + 1 ); if (request == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto error_exit; } globus_libc_sprintf(request, "register %d %s", job_state_mask, callback_contact); rc = globus_l_gram_client_to_jobmanager( job_contact, request, NULL, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_CALLBACK_REGISTER, &monitor); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto error_exit; } globus_mutex_lock(&monitor.mutex); while (!monitor.done) { globus_cond_wait(&monitor.cond, &monitor.mutex); } rc = monitor.info->protocol_error_code; globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor.mutex); error_exit: if(job_status) { *job_status = monitor.info->job_state; } if(failure_code) { if (monitor.info->protocol_error_code) { *failure_code = monitor.info->protocol_error_code; } else { *failure_code = globus_l_gram_info_get_int( &monitor.info->extensions, "job-failure-code"); } } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(&monitor); if (request != NULL) { free(request); } return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_job_callback_register() */ /** * @brief Unregister a callback contact to stop job state change notifications * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_job_callback_unregister() function contacts a * GRAM service managing a job and instructs it to stop sending job state * callbacks to the client listening for callbacks at the contact url named * by the @a callback_contact parameter. This function blocks until the * unregistration operation either completes or exits. It is possible that * callbacks related to the job arrive at the contact after this function * returns depending on network delays. * * @param job_contact * The job contact string of the job to contact. This is the same * value returned from globus_gram_client_job_request(). * @param callback_contact * A URL string containing a GRAM client callback. This string is * normally be generated by a process calling * @a globus_gram_client_callback_allow(). * @param job_status * An output parameter pointing to an integer to set to the status * of the job after the registration message has been processed. * @param failure_code * An output parameter that points to an integer to be set to the reason * why the job failed if its current status is * @a GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_FAILED. If the job has not failed, * the value will be set to 0. * * @return * Upon success, the @a globus_gram_client_job_callback_unregister() * function returns @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS, sends an unregister request the job * named by @a job_contact and parses the service response, modifying the * values pointed to by the @a job_status and @a failure_code parameters as * described above. If an error occurs, * @a globus_gram_client_job_callback_unregister() returns an * integer error code indicating why it can't unregister the callback * contact. The return code may be any value defined by the * @a globus_gram_protocol_error_t enumeration in addition to those * listed below. * * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources */ int globus_gram_client_job_callback_unregister( const char * job_contact, const char * callback_contact, int * job_status, int * failure_code) { int rc; char * request; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t monitor; GLOBUS_L_CHECK_IF_INITIALIZED; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init(&monitor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* 'unregister' = 10, a space and null */ request = (char *) malloc( strlen(callback_contact) + 10 + 1 + 1 ); if (request == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto error_exit; } globus_libc_sprintf(request, "unregister %s", callback_contact); rc = globus_l_gram_client_to_jobmanager( job_contact, request, NULL, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_CALLBACK_UNREGISTER, &monitor); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto error_exit; } globus_mutex_lock(&monitor.mutex); while (!monitor.done) { globus_cond_wait(&monitor.cond, &monitor.mutex); } rc = monitor.info->protocol_error_code; globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor.mutex); error_exit: if(job_status) { *job_status = monitor.info->job_state; } if(failure_code) { if (monitor.info->protocol_error_code) { *failure_code = monitor.info->protocol_error_code; } else { *failure_code = globus_l_gram_info_get_int( &monitor.info->extensions, "job-failure-code"); } } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(&monitor); if (request != NULL) { free(request); } return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_job_callback_unregister() */ /** * @brief Delegate a new credential to a job * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_job_refresh_credentials() function sends a * "renew" signal to a GRAM service and then initiates the delegation of * a new credential to the job manager and job. This prevents errors that * can occur when a credential expires. This function blocks until the * delegation has completed or failed. * * @param job_contact * The job contact string of the job to contact. This is the same * value returned from globus_gram_client_job_request(). * @param creds * A GSSAPI credential handle which will be used to authenticate with the * job manager and sign the delegated credential. This parameter's value * may be set to @a GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL to indicate the desire to use this * process's default credential. * * @return * Upon success, the @a globus_gram_client_job_refresh_credentials() * function returns @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS, sends an proxy renew request the job * named by @a job_contact, parses the service response and performs a * GSSAPI delegation to send a new credential to the job service. * If an error occurs, * @a globus_gram_client_job_refresh_credentials() returns an * integer error code indicating why it can't refresh the job service's * credential. The return code may be any value defined by the * @a globus_gram_protocol_error_t enumeration in addition to those * listed below. * * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources */ int globus_gram_client_job_refresh_credentials( char * job_contact, gss_cred_id_t creds) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t monitor; int rc; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init(&monitor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); rc = globus_l_gram_client_job_refresh_credentials( job_contact, creds, NULL, &monitor); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto end; } globus_mutex_lock(&monitor.mutex); while (!monitor.done) { globus_cond_wait(&monitor.cond, &monitor.mutex); } rc = monitor.info->protocol_error_code; globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor.mutex); end: globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(&monitor); return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_job_refresh_credentials() */ /** * @brief Delegate a new credential to a job * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_register_job_refresh_credentials() function sends * a "renew" signal to a GRAM service and then initiates the delegation of * a new credential to the job manager and job. This prevents errors that * can occur when a credential expires. This function returns as * soon as it has determined that its parameters are valid and it has * begun to send the message to the GRAM service. * * @param job_contact * The job contact string of the job to contact. This is the same * value returned from globus_gram_client_job_request(). * @param creds * A GSSAPI credential handle which will be used to authenticate with the * job manager and sign the delegated credential. This parameter's value * may be set to @a GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL to indicate the desire to use this * process's default credential. * @param attr * A set of client attributes to use to contact the job. If no * custom attributes are needed, the caller should pass the value * @a GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_NO_ATTR. * @param register_callback * A pointer to a function to call when the status request has * completed or failed. * @param register_callback_arg * A pointer to application-specific data which will be passed to the * function pointed to by @a register_callback as its @a user_callback_arg * parameter. * * @return * Upon success, the @a globus_gram_client_job_refresh_credentials() * function returns @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS and begins sending the "renew" * request to the GRAM service. If an error occurs, * @a globus_gram_client_job_refresh_credentials() returns an * integer error code indicating why it can't refresh the job service's * credential. The return code may be any value defined by the * @a globus_gram_protocol_error_t enumeration in addition to those * listed below. * * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources */ int globus_gram_client_register_job_refresh_credentials( char * job_contact, gss_cred_id_t creds, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, void * register_callback_arg) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor; int rc; monitor = malloc(sizeof(globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t)); if(!monitor) { return GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( monitor, NULL, register_callback, NULL, register_callback_arg); rc = globus_l_gram_client_job_refresh_credentials( job_contact, creds, attr, monitor); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(monitor); free(monitor); } return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_register_job_refresh_credentials() */ /** * @brief Register a new callback contact to be notified for job state changes * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_register_job_callback_registration() function * initiates the protocol to contact a GRAM service and request that it * send subsequent job state callbacks to the client listening for callbacks at * the contact url named by the @a callback_contact parameter. This function * returns as soon as it has validated its parameters and begun sending the * GRAM message. When the registration is complete, the function pointed to * by @a register_callback is called. * * @param job_contact * The job contact string of the job to contact. This is the same * value returned from globus_gram_client_job_request(). * @param job_state_mask * A bitwise-or of the GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_* states that * the job manager will send job state notification messages for to the * contact named by @a callback_contact. * @param callback_contact * A URL string containing a GRAM client callback. This string is * normally be generated by a process calling * @a globus_gram_client_callback_allow(). * @param attr * A set of client attributes to use to contact the job. If no * custom attributes are needed, the caller should pass the value * @a GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_NO_ATTR. * @param register_callback * A pointer to a function to call when the registration request has * completed or failed. * @param register_callback_arg * A pointer to application-specific data which will be passed to the * function pointed to by @a register_callback as its @a user_callback_arg * parameter. * * @return * Upon success, the * @a globus_gram_client_register_job_callback_registration() function * returns @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS, begins to send a registration request to * the job named by @a job_contact, and schedules the @a register_callback * to be called once the registration completes or fails. * If an error occurs, this function returns an * integer error code indicating why it can't process the request. * * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources * * @see globus_gram_client_job_callback_register() */ int globus_gram_client_register_job_callback_registration( const char * job_contact, int job_state_mask, const char * callback_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, void * register_callback_arg) { int rc; char * request; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor; GLOBUS_L_CHECK_IF_INITIALIZED; monitor = malloc(sizeof(globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t)); if(!monitor) { return GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( monitor, NULL, register_callback, NULL, register_callback_arg); /* 'register' = 8, allow 10-digit integer, 2 spaces and null */ request = (char *) malloc( strlen(callback_contact) + 8 + 10 + 2 + 1 ); if (request == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto error_exit; } globus_libc_sprintf(request, "register %d %s", job_state_mask, callback_contact); rc = globus_l_gram_client_to_jobmanager( job_contact, request, NULL, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_CALLBACK_REGISTER, monitor); error_exit: if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(monitor); free(monitor); } if(request != NULL) { free(request); } return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_register_job_callback_registration() */ /** * @brief Unregister a callback contact to stop job state change notifications * @ingroup globus_gram_client_job_functions * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_register_job_callback_unregistration() function * initiates the protocol to contact a GRAM service and request that it * stop sending job state callbacks to the client listening at * the contact url named by the @a callback_contact parameter. This function * returns as soon as it has validated its parameters and begun sending the * GRAM message. When the unregistration is complete, the function pointed to * by @a register_callback is called. * * @param job_contact * The job contact string of the job to contact. This is the same * value returned from globus_gram_client_job_request(). * @param callback_contact * A URL string containing a GRAM client callback. This string is * normally be generated by a process calling * @a globus_gram_client_callback_allow(). * @param attr * A set of client attributes to use to contact the job. If no * custom attributes are needed, the caller should pass the value * @a GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_NO_ATTR. * @param register_callback * A pointer to a function to call when the registration request has * completed or failed. * @param register_callback_arg * A pointer to application-specific data which will be passed to the * function pointed to by @a register_callback as its @a user_callback_arg * parameter. * * @return * Upon success, the * @a globus_gram_client_register_job_callback_unregistration() * function returns @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS, begins sending an unregister request * to the job named by @a job_contact and schedules the function pointed to * by the @a register_callback parameter to be called. * If an error occurs, * @a globus_gram_client_register_job_callback_unregistration() returns an * integer error code indicating why it can't process the unregister * request. * * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILED * Protocol error * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_JOB_CONTACT * Invalid job contact * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources * * @see globus_gram_client_job_callback_unregister() */ int globus_gram_client_register_job_callback_unregistration( const char * job_contact, const char * callback_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, void * register_callback_arg) { int rc; char * request; globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor; GLOBUS_L_CHECK_IF_INITIALIZED; monitor = malloc(sizeof(globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t)); if(!monitor) { return GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( monitor, NULL, register_callback, NULL, register_callback_arg); /* 'unregister' = 10, a space and null */ request = (char *) malloc( strlen(callback_contact) + 10 + 1 + 1 ); if (request == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto error_exit; } globus_libc_sprintf(request, "unregister %s", callback_contact); rc = globus_l_gram_client_to_jobmanager( job_contact, request, attr, GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_CALLBACK_UNREGISTER, monitor); error_exit: if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(monitor); free(monitor); } if(request != NULL) { free(request); } return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_register_job_callback_unregistration() */ /** * @brief Begin listening for job state change callbacks * @ingroup globus_gram_client_callback * * @details * The globus_gram_client_callback_allow() function initializes a GRAM protocol * service in the current process which will process job state updates from * GRAM Job Managers. The URL to contact this service is returned and * may be used with the globus_gram_client_job_request() or * globus_gram_client_callback_register() family of functions. * * @param callback_func * A pointer to a function to call when a new job state update is * received. * @param user_callback_arg * A pointer to application-specific data which is passed to the * function pointed to by @a callback_func as its @a user_callback_arg * parameter. * @param callback_contact * An output parameter that points to a string that will be allocated * and set to the URL that the GRAM callback listener is waiting on. * * @return * Upon success, @a globus_gram_client_callback_allow() returns * @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS opens a TCP port to accept job state updates and * modifies the value pointed to by the @a callback_contact parameter * as described above. If an error occurs, * @a globus_gram_client_callback_allow() returns an integer error code. * * @retval GLOBUS_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER * Null parameter * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources */ int globus_gram_client_callback_allow( globus_gram_client_callback_func_t callback_func, void * user_callback_arg, char ** callback_contact) { int rc; globus_l_gram_client_callback_info_t * callback_info; GLOBUS_L_CHECK_IF_INITIALIZED; if (callback_contact == NULL) { return GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER; } *callback_contact = NULL; callback_info = malloc( sizeof(globus_l_gram_client_callback_info_t)); if (callback_info == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto error_exit; } callback_info->callback = callback_func; callback_info->info_callback = NULL; callback_info->callback_arg = user_callback_arg; rc = globus_gram_protocol_allow_attach( &callback_info->callback_contact, globus_l_gram_client_callback, callback_info); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto free_callback_info_exit; } globus_mutex_lock(&globus_l_mutex); rc = globus_hashtable_insert(&globus_l_gram_client_contacts, callback_info->callback_contact, callback_info); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto disallow_exit; } globus_mutex_unlock(&globus_l_mutex); *callback_contact = strdup(callback_info->callback_contact); if (*callback_contact == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto remove_from_hashtable_exit; } return rc; remove_from_hashtable_exit: globus_mutex_lock(&globus_l_mutex); globus_hashtable_remove(&globus_l_gram_client_contacts, (void *) callback_info->callback_contact); globus_mutex_unlock(&globus_l_mutex); disallow_exit: globus_gram_protocol_callback_disallow(callback_info->callback_contact); free(callback_info->callback_contact); free_callback_info_exit: free(callback_info); error_exit: return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_callback_allow() */ /** * @brief Begin listening for job state change callbacks * @ingroup globus_gram_client_callback * * @details * The globus_gram_client_info_callback_allow() function initializes a GRAM * protocol service in the current process which will process job state updates * from GRAM Job Managers. The URL to contact this service is returned and * may be used with the globus_gram_client_job_request_with_info() or * globus_gram_client_register_job_status_with_info() family of functions. * * @param callback_func * A pointer to a function to call when a new job state update is * received. The function signature of this parameter supports * GRAM protocol extensions. * @param user_callback_arg * A pointer to application-specific data which is passed to the * function pointed to by @a callback_func as its @a user_callback_arg * parameter. * @param callback_contact * An output parameter that points to a string that will be allocated * and set to the URL that the GRAM callback listener is waiting on. * * @return * Upon success, @a globus_gram_client_callback_allow() returns * @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS opens a TCP port to accept job state updates and * modifies the value pointed to by the @a callback_contact parameter * as described above. If an error occurs, * @a globus_gram_client_callback_allow() returns an integer error code. * * @retval GLOBUS_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER * Null parameter * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST * Invalid request * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED * Out of memory * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES * No resources */ int globus_gram_client_info_callback_allow( globus_gram_client_info_callback_func_t callback_func, void * user_callback_arg, char ** callback_contact) { int rc; globus_l_gram_client_callback_info_t * callback_info; GLOBUS_L_CHECK_IF_INITIALIZED; if (callback_contact == NULL) { return GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER; } *callback_contact = NULL; callback_info = malloc(sizeof(globus_l_gram_client_callback_info_t)); if (callback_info == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto error_exit; } callback_info->callback = NULL; callback_info->info_callback = callback_func; callback_info->callback_arg = user_callback_arg; rc = globus_gram_protocol_allow_attach( &callback_info->callback_contact, globus_l_gram_client_callback, callback_info); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto free_callback_info_exit; } globus_mutex_lock(&globus_l_mutex); rc = globus_hashtable_insert(&globus_l_gram_client_contacts, callback_info->callback_contact, callback_info); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto disallow_exit; } globus_mutex_unlock(&globus_l_mutex); *callback_contact = strdup(callback_info->callback_contact); if (*callback_contact == NULL) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED; goto remove_from_hashtable_exit; } return rc; remove_from_hashtable_exit: globus_mutex_lock(&globus_l_mutex); globus_hashtable_remove(&globus_l_gram_client_contacts, (void *) callback_info->callback_contact); globus_mutex_unlock(&globus_l_mutex); disallow_exit: globus_gram_protocol_callback_disallow(callback_info->callback_contact); free(callback_info->callback_contact); free_callback_info_exit: free(callback_info); error_exit: return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_callback_allow() */ /** * @brief Stop listening for job state change callbacks * @ingroup globus_gram_client_callback * * @details * The globus_gram_client_callback_disallow() function stops the GRAM protocol * handler associated with a callback contact from receiving further messages. * After this function returns, no further callbacks for this contact will * be called. Furthermore, the network port associated with the protocol * handler will be released. * * This function can only be used to disable a callback contact created in * the current process. * * @param callback_contact * A callback contact string that refers to a protocol handler in * the current process. * * @return * Upon success, @a globus_gram_client_callback_disallow() returns * @a GLOBUS_SUCCESS, closes the network port associated with the * @a callback_contact parameter and stops further callbacks from * occurring. If an error occurs, * @a globus_gram_client_callback_disallow() returns an integer error code. * * @retval GLOBUS_SUCCESS * Success * @retval GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CALLBACK_NOT_FOUND * Callback not found */ int globus_gram_client_callback_disallow( char * callback_contact) { int rc; globus_l_gram_client_callback_info_t * callback_info; globus_mutex_lock(&globus_l_mutex); callback_info = globus_hashtable_remove( &globus_l_gram_client_contacts, (void *) callback_contact); globus_mutex_unlock(&globus_l_mutex); if(callback_info != NULL) { rc = globus_gram_protocol_callback_disallow(callback_contact); free(callback_info->callback_contact); free(callback_info); } else { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CALLBACK_NOT_FOUND; } return rc; } /* globus_gram_client_callback_allow() */ /** * Releases the resources storing a job contact string. * @ingroup globus_gram_client * * @param job_contact * A job contact string returned in a successful call to * globus_gram_client_job_request() */ /** * @brief Free a job contact string * @ingroup globus_gram_client * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_job_contact_free() function frees a job * contact string that was allocated by a call to one of the functions * in the @a globus_gram_client_job_request() family. The free() function * can be used in place of this function. After this function returns, the * string pointed to by the @a job_contact parameter has an undefined value. * * @param job_contact * Pointer to a job contact string returned by a GRAM client API function. * * @return * This function always returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS. * * @retval GLOBUS_SUCCESS * Success */ int globus_gram_client_job_contact_free( char * job_contact) { if(globus_l_print_fp) { globus_libc_fprintf(globus_l_print_fp, "in globus_gram_client_job_contact_free()\n"); } globus_free(job_contact); return (0); } /* globus_gram_client_job_contact_free() */ #ifndef GLOBUS_DONT_DOCUMENT_INTERNAL static int globus_l_gram_client_job_request( const char * resource_manager_contact, const char * description, int job_state_mask, globus_i_gram_client_attr_t * iattr, const char * callback_contact, globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor) { int rc; globus_byte_t * query = NULL; globus_size_t querysize; globus_io_attr_t attr; char * url; char * dn; globus_rsl_t * rsl; char * username = NULL; /* The lexer used by the RSL Parser is not reentrant. The lex source * is somewhat lost from the rest of CVS, so we can't fix that directly. */ globus_mutex_lock(&globus_l_rsl_mutex); rsl = globus_rsl_parse((char *) description); globus_mutex_unlock(&globus_l_rsl_mutex); if (rsl != NULL) { char ** username_value = NULL; rc = globus_rsl_param_get( rsl, GLOBUS_RSL_PARAM_SINGLE_LITERAL, GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_USER_NAME, &username_value); if (rc == 0 && username_value != NULL && username_value[0] != NULL) { username = strdup(username_value[0]); } if (username_value != NULL) { free(username_value); } globus_rsl_free_recursive(rsl); rsl = NULL; } if ((rc = globus_l_gram_client_parse_gatekeeper_contact( resource_manager_contact, NULL, username, &url, &dn )) != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto globus_gram_client_job_request_parse_failed; } if ((rc = globus_l_gram_client_setup_gatekeeper_attr( &attr, (iattr != NULL) ? iattr->credential : GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL, (iattr != NULL) ? iattr->delegation_mode : GLOBUS_IO_SECURE_DELEGATION_MODE_LIMITED_PROXY, dn )) != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto globus_gram_client_job_request_attr_failed; } if ((rc = globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request( job_state_mask, callback_contact, description, &query, &querysize)) != GLOBUS_SUCCESS ) { goto globus_gram_client_job_request_pack_failed; } globus_mutex_lock(&monitor->mutex); monitor->type = GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_JOB_REQUEST; rc = globus_gram_protocol_post( url, &monitor->handle, &attr, query, querysize, (monitor->callback != NULL || monitor->info_callback != NULL) ? globus_l_gram_client_register_callback : globus_l_gram_client_monitor_callback, monitor); globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor->mutex); if (query) free(query); globus_gram_client_job_request_pack_failed: globus_io_tcpattr_destroy (&attr); globus_gram_client_job_request_attr_failed: free(url); if (dn) free(dn); globus_gram_client_job_request_parse_failed: if (username) { free(username); } return rc; } /* globus_l_gram_client_job_request() */ static int globus_l_gram_client_ping( const char * resource_manager_contact, globus_i_gram_client_attr_t * iattr, globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor) { int rc; char * url; char * dn; globus_io_attr_t attr; rc = globus_l_gram_client_parse_gatekeeper_contact( resource_manager_contact, "ping", NULL, &url, &dn ); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto globus_gram_client_ping_parse_failed; } rc = globus_l_gram_client_setup_gatekeeper_attr( &attr, (iattr != NULL) ? iattr->credential : GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL, GLOBUS_IO_SECURE_DELEGATION_MODE_NONE, dn ); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto globus_gram_client_ping_attr_failed; } globus_mutex_lock(&monitor->mutex); monitor->type = GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_PING; rc = globus_gram_protocol_post( url, &monitor->handle, &attr, NULL, 0, (monitor->callback != NULL) ? globus_l_gram_client_register_callback : globus_l_gram_client_monitor_callback, monitor); globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor->mutex); globus_io_tcpattr_destroy (&attr); globus_gram_client_ping_attr_failed: free(url); if (dn) free(dn); globus_gram_client_ping_parse_failed: return rc; } /* globus_l_gram_client_ping() */ static int globus_l_gram_client_get_jobmanager_version( const char * resource_manager_contact, globus_i_gram_client_attr_t * iattr, globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor) { int rc; char * url; char * dn; char * query; size_t query_size; globus_io_attr_t attr; rc = globus_l_gram_client_parse_gatekeeper_contact( resource_manager_contact, NULL, NULL, &url, &dn ); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto parse_failed; } rc = globus_l_gram_client_setup_gatekeeper_attr( &attr, (iattr != NULL) ? iattr->credential : GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL, (iattr != NULL) ? iattr->delegation_mode : GLOBUS_IO_SECURE_DELEGATION_MODE_LIMITED_PROXY, dn); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto attr_failed; } rc = globus_gram_protocol_pack_version_request( &query, &query_size); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto pack_failed; } globus_mutex_lock(&monitor->mutex); monitor->type = GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_JOBMANAGER_VERSION; rc = globus_gram_protocol_post( url, &monitor->handle, &attr, (globus_byte_t *) query, query_size, (monitor->callback != NULL || monitor->info_callback != NULL) ? globus_l_gram_client_register_callback : globus_l_gram_client_monitor_callback, monitor); if (rc == GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED) { rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CONTACTING_JOB_MANAGER; } globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor->mutex); free(query); pack_failed: globus_io_tcpattr_destroy (&attr); attr_failed: free(url); if (dn) free(dn); parse_failed: return rc; } /* globus_l_gram_client_get_jobmanager_version() */ static int globus_l_gram_client_job_refresh_credentials( char * job_contact, gss_cred_id_t creds, globus_i_gram_client_attr_t * attr, globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor) { int rc; globus_byte_t * query = NULL; globus_size_t querysize; OM_uint32 reqflags = 0; globus_mutex_lock(&monitor->mutex); if (attr) { switch (attr->delegation_mode) { case GLOBUS_IO_SECURE_DELEGATION_MODE_NONE: rc = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_DELEGATION_FAILED; goto end; case GLOBUS_IO_SECURE_DELEGATION_MODE_LIMITED_PROXY: reqflags = GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG | GSS_C_GLOBUS_LIMITED_DELEG_PROXY_FLAG; break; case GLOBUS_IO_SECURE_DELEGATION_MODE_FULL_PROXY: reqflags = GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG; break; } } else { reqflags = GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG | GSS_C_GLOBUS_LIMITED_DELEG_PROXY_FLAG; } reqflags |= GSS_C_GLOBUS_SSL_COMPATIBLE; monitor->type = GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_RENEW; rc = globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_request( "renew", &query, &querysize); if (rc!=GLOBUS_SUCCESS) goto end; /* Send the request to the job manager, if successful, delegate a * credential to the job manager. call back when all is done. */ rc = globus_gram_protocol_post_delegation( job_contact, &monitor->handle, NULL, query, querysize, creds, GSS_C_NO_OID_SET, GSS_C_NO_BUFFER_SET, reqflags, 0, (monitor->callback != NULL) ? globus_l_gram_client_register_callback : globus_l_gram_client_monitor_callback, monitor); if(query) { free(query); } end: globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor->mutex); return rc; } /* globus_l_gram_client_job_refresh_credentials() */ static void globus_l_gram_client_callback( void * arg, globus_gram_protocol_handle_t handle, globus_byte_t * buf, globus_size_t nbytes, int errorcode, char * uri) { globus_l_gram_client_callback_info_t * info; char * url = NULL; int job_status; int failure_code; int rc; gss_ctx_id_t context; globus_gram_client_job_info_t job_info; globus_gram_protocol_extension_t * entry; info = arg; rc = errorcode; if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS || nbytes <= 0) { job_status = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_FAILED; failure_code = rc; goto error_out; } else { if(globus_gram_protocol_get_sec_context(handle, &context)) { job_status = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_FAILED; failure_code = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_AUTHORIZATION; } else if(context != GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT && globus_gram_protocol_authorize_self(context) == GLOBUS_FALSE) { job_status = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_FAILED; failure_code = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_AUTHORIZATION; } else if (info->callback != NULL) { /* GRAM2-style callback function */ rc = globus_gram_protocol_unpack_status_update_message( buf, nbytes, &url, &job_status, &failure_code); } else if (info->info_callback != NULL) { memset(&job_info, 0, sizeof(globus_gram_client_job_info_t)); /* GRAM5-style callback function which adds additional info */ rc = globus_gram_protocol_unpack_status_update_message_with_extensions( buf, nbytes, &job_info.extensions); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto error_out; } entry = globus_hashtable_lookup( &job_info.extensions, "job-manager-url"); if (entry != NULL) { job_info.job_contact = entry->value; } entry = globus_hashtable_lookup( &job_info.extensions, "status"); if (entry != NULL) { job_info.job_state = strtol(entry->value, NULL, 0); } entry = globus_hashtable_lookup( &job_info.extensions, "failure-code"); if (entry != NULL) { job_info.protocol_error_code = strtol(entry->value, NULL, 0); } } } error_out: rc = globus_gram_protocol_reply(handle, 200, NULL, 0); if (info->callback) { info->callback(info->callback_arg, url, job_status, failure_code); } else if (info->info_callback) { info->info_callback(info->callback_arg, job_info.job_contact, &job_info); globus_gram_protocol_hash_destroy(&job_info.extensions); } free(url); } static void globus_l_gram_client_monitor_callback( void * user_arg, globus_gram_protocol_handle_t handle, globus_byte_t * message, globus_size_t msgsize, int errorcode, char * uri) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor; int rc; globus_gram_protocol_extension_t * extension; monitor = user_arg; globus_mutex_lock(&monitor->mutex); monitor->info->protocol_error_code = errorcode; monitor->done = GLOBUS_TRUE; /* * Connection failed error means "couldn't connect to gatekeeper". For * non-job request messages, we were talking to the job manager, so we'll * map to another error. */ if(monitor->info->protocol_error_code == GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED && monitor->type != GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_JOB_REQUEST) { monitor->info->protocol_error_code = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CONTACTING_JOB_MANAGER; } if(!errorcode) { switch(monitor->type) { case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_JOB_REQUEST: rc = globus_gram_protocol_unpack_job_request_reply( message, msgsize, &monitor->info->job_state, &monitor->info->job_contact); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { monitor->info->protocol_error_code = rc; } else { /* XXX: Why is this? */ monitor->info->protocol_error_code = monitor->info->job_state; } break; case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_PING: case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_RENEW: break; case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_STATUS: case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_SIGNAL: case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_CANCEL: case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_CALLBACK_REGISTER: case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_CALLBACK_UNREGISTER: rc = globus_gram_protocol_unpack_status_reply_with_extensions( message, msgsize, &monitor->info->extensions); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { monitor->info->protocol_error_code = rc; break; } monitor->info->job_state = globus_l_gram_info_get_int( &monitor->info->extensions, "status"); monitor->info->protocol_error_code = globus_l_gram_info_get_int( &monitor->info->extensions, "failure-code"); break; case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_JOBMANAGER_VERSION: rc = globus_gram_protocol_unpack_message( (const char *) message, msgsize, &monitor->info->extensions); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { monitor->info->protocol_error_code = rc; break; } extension = globus_hashtable_lookup( &monitor->info->extensions, "failure-code"); if (extension != NULL) { monitor->info->protocol_error_code = atoi(extension->value); break; } if (globus_hashtable_lookup( &monitor->info->extensions, "toolkit-version") == NULL && globus_hashtable_lookup( &monitor->info->extensions, "version") == NULL) { extension = globus_hashtable_lookup( &monitor->info->extensions, "status"); if (extension != NULL) { monitor->info->protocol_error_code = atoi(extension->value); } } } } globus_cond_signal(&monitor->cond); globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor->mutex); } /* globus_l_gram_client_monitor_callback() */ static void globus_l_gram_client_register_callback( void * user_arg, globus_gram_protocol_handle_t handle, globus_byte_t * message, globus_size_t msgsize, int errorcode, char * uri) { globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor; globus_gram_protocol_extension_t * extension; int rc; monitor = user_arg; globus_mutex_lock(&monitor->mutex); monitor->info->job_state = 0; monitor->info->protocol_error_code = errorcode; monitor->done = GLOBUS_TRUE; /* * Connection failed error means "couldn't connect to gatekeeper". For * non-job request messages, we were talking to the job manager, so we'll * map to another error. */ if(monitor->info->protocol_error_code == GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED && monitor->type != GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_JOB_REQUEST) { monitor->info->protocol_error_code = GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CONTACTING_JOB_MANAGER; } if(!errorcode) { switch(monitor->type) { case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_JOB_REQUEST: rc = globus_gram_protocol_unpack_job_request_reply_with_extensions( message, msgsize, &monitor->info->protocol_error_code, &monitor->info->job_contact, &monitor->info->extensions); if(rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { monitor->info->protocol_error_code = rc; } break; case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_PING: case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_RENEW: break; case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_STATUS: case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_SIGNAL: case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_CANCEL: case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_CALLBACK_REGISTER: case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_CALLBACK_UNREGISTER: /* GRAM5-style callback function which adds additional info */ rc = globus_gram_protocol_unpack_status_reply_with_extensions( message, msgsize, &monitor->info->extensions); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { monitor->info->protocol_error_code = rc; } monitor->info->job_state = globus_l_gram_info_get_int( &monitor->info->extensions, "status"); monitor->info->protocol_error_code = globus_l_gram_info_get_int( &monitor->info->extensions, "failure-code"); break; case GLOBUS_GRAM_CLIENT_JOBMANAGER_VERSION: rc = globus_gram_protocol_unpack_message( (const char *) message, msgsize, &monitor->info->extensions); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { monitor->info->protocol_error_code = rc; break; } extension = globus_hashtable_lookup( &monitor->info->extensions, "failure-code"); if (extension != NULL) { monitor->info->protocol_error_code = atoi(extension->value); break; } if (globus_hashtable_lookup( &monitor->info->extensions, "toolkit-version") == NULL && globus_hashtable_lookup( &monitor->info->extensions, "version") == NULL) { extension = globus_hashtable_lookup( &monitor->info->extensions, "status"); if (extension != NULL) { monitor->info->protocol_error_code = atoi(extension->value); } } } } globus_mutex_unlock(&monitor->mutex); if (monitor->info_callback) { monitor->info_callback( monitor->callback_arg, monitor->info->job_contact, monitor->info); } else { monitor->callback( monitor->callback_arg, monitor->info->protocol_error_code, monitor->info->job_contact, monitor->info->job_state, globus_l_gram_info_get_int( &monitor->info->extensions, "job-failure-code")); } globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy(monitor); free(monitor); } /* globus_l_gram_client_register_callback() */ static int globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init( globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor, globus_gram_client_job_info_t * info, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, globus_gram_client_info_callback_func_t info_callback, void * register_callback_arg) { memset(monitor, '\0', sizeof(globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t)); globus_mutex_init(&monitor->mutex, NULL); globus_cond_init(&monitor->cond, NULL); monitor->done = GLOBUS_FALSE; monitor->callback = register_callback; monitor->info_callback = info_callback; monitor->callback_arg = register_callback_arg; if (info) { memset(info, 0, sizeof(globus_gram_client_job_info_t)); monitor->info = info; } else { monitor->info = calloc(1, sizeof(globus_gram_client_job_info_t)); } return GLOBUS_SUCCESS; } /* globus_l_gram_client_monitor_init() */ static int globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy( globus_l_gram_client_monitor_t * monitor) { globus_gram_client_job_info_destroy(monitor->info); free(monitor->info); globus_mutex_destroy(&monitor->mutex); globus_cond_destroy(&monitor->cond); return GLOBUS_SUCCESS; } /* globus_l_gram_client_monitor_destroy() */ static int globus_l_gram_info_get_int( globus_hashtable_t * extensions, const char * key) { globus_gram_protocol_extension_t * entry = NULL; if (extensions && *extensions) { entry = globus_hashtable_lookup(extensions, (void *) key); } if (entry) { return (int) strtol(entry->value, NULL, 10); } else { return 0; } } /* globus_l_gram_info_get_int() */ #endif /* GLOBUS_DONT_DOCUMENT_INTERNAL */ /** * @brief Free memory associated with a globus_gram_client_job_info_t structure * @ingroup globus_gram_client * * @details * The @a globus_gram_client_job_info_destroy() function frees data pointed * to by the @a extensions and @a job_contact fields of the * @a globus_gram_client_job_info_t structure pointed to by the * @a info parameter. * * @param info * A structure containing data to free. */ void globus_gram_client_job_info_destroy( globus_gram_client_job_info_t * info) { if (!info) { return; } if (info->extensions) { globus_gram_protocol_hash_destroy(&info->extensions); } if (info->job_contact) { free(info->job_contact); } } /* globus_gram_client_job_info_destroy() */