/* Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Artifex Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of that license. Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com/ or contact Artifex Software, Inc., 7 Mt. Lassen Drive - Suite A-134, San Rafael, CA 94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. */ /* gsicc interface to littleCMS */ #ifndef LCMS_USER_ALLOC #define LCMS_USER_ALLOC 1 #endif #include "gsicc_cms.h" #include "gserror.h" #include "lcms.h" #include "gslibctx.h" #define DUMP_CMS_BUFFER 0 #define DEBUG_LCMS_MEM 0 #define LCMS_BYTES_MASK 0x7 /* Only provide warning about issues in lcms if debug build */ static int gscms_error(int error_code, const char *error_text){ #ifdef DEBUG gs_warn1("cmm error : %s",error_text); #endif return(1); } /* Get the number of channels for the profile. Input count */ int gscms_get_input_channel_count(gcmmhprofile_t profile) { icColorSpaceSignature colorspace; colorspace = cmsGetColorSpace(profile); return(_cmsChannelsOf(colorspace)); } /* Get the number of output channels for the profile */ int gscms_get_output_channel_count(gcmmhprofile_t profile) { icColorSpaceSignature colorspace; colorspace = cmsGetPCS(profile); return(_cmsChannelsOf(colorspace)); } /* Get the number of colorant names in the clrt tag */ int gscms_get_numberclrtnames(gcmmhprofile_t profile) { LPcmsNAMEDCOLORLIST lcms_names; lcms_names = cmsReadColorantTable(profile, icSigColorantTableTag); return(lcms_names->nColors); } /* Get the nth colorant name in the clrt tag */ char* gscms_get_clrtname(gcmmhprofile_t profile, int colorcount) { LPcmsNAMEDCOLORLIST lcms_names; lcms_names = cmsReadColorantTable(profile, icSigColorantTableTag); if (colorcount+1 > lcms_names->nColors) return(NULL); return(lcms_names->List[colorcount].Name); } /* Get the device space associated with this profile */ gsicc_colorbuffer_t gscms_get_profile_data_space(gcmmhprofile_t profile) { icColorSpaceSignature colorspace; colorspace = cmsGetColorSpace(profile); switch( colorspace ) { case icSigXYZData: return(gsCIEXYZ); case icSigLabData: return(gsCIELAB); case icSigRgbData: return(gsRGB); case icSigGrayData: return(gsGRAY); case icSigCmykData: return(gsCMYK); default: return(gsNCHANNEL); } } /* Get ICC Profile handle from buffer */ gcmmhprofile_t gscms_get_profile_handle_mem(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int input_size) { cmsSetErrorHandler((cmsErrorHandlerFunction) gscms_error); return(cmsOpenProfileFromMem(buffer,input_size)); } /* Get ICC Profile handle from file ptr */ gcmmhprofile_t gscms_get_profile_handle_file(const char *filename) { return(cmsOpenProfileFromFile(filename, "r")); } /* Transform an entire buffer */ void gscms_transform_color_buffer(gsicc_link_t *icclink, gsicc_bufferdesc_t *input_buff_desc, gsicc_bufferdesc_t *output_buff_desc, void *inputbuffer, void *outputbuffer) { cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform = (cmsHTRANSFORM) icclink->link_handle; DWORD dwInputFormat,dwOutputFormat,curr_input,curr_output; int planar,numbytes,big_endian,hasalpha,k; unsigned char *inputpos, *outputpos; int numchannels; #if DUMP_CMS_BUFFER FILE *fid_in, *fid_out; #endif /* Although little CMS does make assumptions about data types in its transformations you can change it after the fact. */ /* Set us to the proper output type */ /* Note, we could speed this up by passing back the encoded data type to the caller so that we could avoid having to go through this computation each time if they are doing multiple calls to this operation */ _LPcmsTRANSFORM p = (_LPcmsTRANSFORM) (LPSTR) hTransform; curr_input = p->InputFormat; curr_output = p->OutputFormat; /* Color space MUST be the same */ dwInputFormat = COLORSPACE_SH(T_COLORSPACE(curr_input)); dwOutputFormat = COLORSPACE_SH(T_COLORSPACE(curr_output)); /* Now set if we have planar, num bytes, endian case, and alpha data to skip */ /* Planar -- pdf14 case for example */ planar = input_buff_desc->is_planar; dwInputFormat = dwInputFormat | PLANAR_SH(planar); planar = output_buff_desc->is_planar; dwOutputFormat = dwOutputFormat | PLANAR_SH(planar); /* 8 or 16 byte input and output */ numbytes = input_buff_desc->bytes_per_chan; if (numbytes>2) numbytes = 0; /* littleCMS encodes float with 0 ToDO. */ dwInputFormat = dwInputFormat | BYTES_SH(numbytes); numbytes = output_buff_desc->bytes_per_chan; if (numbytes>2) numbytes = 0; dwOutputFormat = dwOutputFormat | BYTES_SH(numbytes); /* endian */ big_endian = !input_buff_desc->little_endian; dwInputFormat = dwInputFormat | ENDIAN16_SH(big_endian); big_endian = !output_buff_desc->little_endian; dwOutputFormat = dwOutputFormat | ENDIAN16_SH(big_endian); /* number of channels */ numchannels = input_buff_desc->num_chan; dwInputFormat = dwInputFormat | CHANNELS_SH(numchannels); numchannels = output_buff_desc->num_chan; dwOutputFormat = dwOutputFormat | CHANNELS_SH(numchannels); /* alpha, which is passed through unmolested */ /* ToDo: Right now we always must have alpha last */ /* This is really only going to be an issue when we have interleaved alpha data */ hasalpha = input_buff_desc->has_alpha; dwInputFormat = dwInputFormat | EXTRA_SH(hasalpha); dwOutputFormat = dwOutputFormat | EXTRA_SH(hasalpha); /* Change the formaters */ cmsChangeBuffersFormat(hTransform,dwInputFormat,dwOutputFormat); /* littleCMS knows nothing about word boundarys. As such, we need to do this row by row adjusting for our stride. Output buffer must already be allocated. ToDo: Check issues with plane and row stride and word boundry */ inputpos = (unsigned char *) inputbuffer; outputpos = (unsigned char *) outputbuffer; if(input_buff_desc->is_planar){ /* Do entire buffer. Care must be taken here with respect to row stride, word boundry and number of source versus output channels. We may need to take a closer look at this. */ cmsDoTransform(hTransform,inputpos,outputpos, input_buff_desc->plane_stride); #if DUMP_CMS_BUFFER fid_in = fopen("CM_Input.raw","ab"); fid_out = fopen("CM_Output.raw","ab"); fwrite((unsigned char*) inputbuffer,sizeof(unsigned char), input_buff_desc->plane_stride * input_buff_desc->num_chan, fid_in); fwrite((unsigned char*) outputbuffer,sizeof(unsigned char), output_buff_desc->plane_stride * output_buff_desc->num_chan, fid_out); fclose(fid_in); fclose(fid_out); #endif } else { /* Do row by row. */ for(k = 0; k < input_buff_desc->num_rows ; k++){ cmsDoTransform(hTransform,inputpos,outputpos, input_buff_desc->pixels_per_row); inputpos += input_buff_desc->row_stride; outputpos += output_buff_desc->row_stride; } #if DUMP_CMS_BUFFER fid_in = fopen("CM_Input.raw","ab"); fid_out = fopen("CM_Output.raw","ab"); fwrite((unsigned char*) inputbuffer,sizeof(unsigned char), input_buff_desc->row_stride,fid_in); fwrite((unsigned char*) outputbuffer,sizeof(unsigned char), output_buff_desc->row_stride,fid_out); fclose(fid_in); fclose(fid_out); #endif } } /* Transform a single color. We assume we have passed to us the proper number of elements of size gx_device_color. It is up to the caller to make sure the proper allocations for the colors are there. */ void gscms_transform_color(gsicc_link_t *icclink, void *inputcolor, void *outputcolor, int num_bytes, void **contextptr) { cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform = (cmsHTRANSFORM) icclink->link_handle; DWORD dwInputFormat,dwOutputFormat,curr_input,curr_output; /* For a single color, we are going to use the link as it is with the exception of taking care of the word size. */ _LPcmsTRANSFORM p = (_LPcmsTRANSFORM) (LPSTR) hTransform; curr_input = p->InputFormat; curr_output = p->OutputFormat; /* numbytes = sizeof(gx_color_value); */ if (num_bytes>2) num_bytes = 0; /* littleCMS encodes float with 0 ToDO. */ dwInputFormat = (curr_input & (~LCMS_BYTES_MASK)) | BYTES_SH(num_bytes); dwOutputFormat = (curr_output & (~LCMS_BYTES_MASK)) | BYTES_SH(num_bytes); /* Change the formatters */ cmsChangeBuffersFormat(hTransform,dwInputFormat,dwOutputFormat); /* Do conversion */ cmsDoTransform(hTransform,inputcolor,outputcolor,1); } /* Get the link from the CMS. TODO: Add error checking */ gcmmhlink_t gscms_get_link(gcmmhprofile_t lcms_srchandle, gcmmhprofile_t lcms_deshandle, gsicc_rendering_param_t *rendering_params) { DWORD src_data_type,des_data_type; icColorSpaceSignature src_color_space,des_color_space; int src_nChannels,des_nChannels; int lcms_src_color_space, lcms_des_color_space; /* Check for case of request for a transfrom from a device link profile in that case, the destination profile is NULL */ /* First handle all the source stuff */ src_color_space = cmsGetColorSpace(lcms_srchandle); lcms_src_color_space = _cmsLCMScolorSpace(src_color_space); /* littlecms returns -1 for types it does not (but should) understand */ if (lcms_src_color_space < 0) lcms_src_color_space = 0; src_nChannels = _cmsChannelsOf(src_color_space); /* For now, just do single byte data, interleaved. We can change this when we use the transformation. */ src_data_type = (COLORSPACE_SH(lcms_src_color_space)| CHANNELS_SH(src_nChannels)|BYTES_SH(2)); if (lcms_deshandle != NULL) { des_color_space = cmsGetColorSpace(lcms_deshandle); } else { /* We must have a device link profile. */ des_color_space = cmsGetPCS(lcms_deshandle); } lcms_des_color_space = _cmsLCMScolorSpace(des_color_space); if (lcms_des_color_space < 0) lcms_des_color_space = 0; des_nChannels = _cmsChannelsOf(des_color_space); des_data_type = (COLORSPACE_SH(lcms_des_color_space)| CHANNELS_SH(des_nChannels)|BYTES_SH(2)); /* Create the link */ return(cmsCreateTransform(lcms_srchandle, src_data_type, lcms_deshandle, des_data_type, rendering_params->rendering_intent, (cmsFLAGS_BLACKPOINTCOMPENSATION | cmsFLAGS_HIGHRESPRECALC | cmsFLAGS_NOTCACHE ))); /* cmsFLAGS_HIGHRESPRECALC) cmsFLAGS_NOTPRECALC cmsFLAGS_LOWRESPRECALC*/ } /* Get the link from the CMS, but include proofing. We need to note that as an option in the rendering params. If we are doing transparency, that would only occur at the top of the stack TODO: Add error checking */ gcmmhlink_t gscms_get_link_proof(gcmmhprofile_t lcms_srchandle, gcmmhprofile_t lcms_deshandle, gcmmhprofile_t lcms_proofhandle, gsicc_rendering_param_t *rendering_params) { DWORD src_data_type,des_data_type; icColorSpaceSignature src_color_space,des_color_space; int src_nChannels,des_nChannels; /* Get the data types */ src_color_space = cmsGetColorSpace(lcms_srchandle); des_color_space = cmsGetColorSpace(lcms_deshandle); src_nChannels = _cmsChannelsOf(src_color_space); des_nChannels = _cmsChannelsOf(des_color_space); /* For now, just do single byte data, interleaved. We can change this when we use the transformation. */ src_data_type= (CHANNELS_SH(src_nChannels)|BYTES_SH(1)); des_data_type= (CHANNELS_SH(des_nChannels)|BYTES_SH(1)); /* Create the link. Note the gamut check alarm */ return(cmsCreateProofingTransform(lcms_srchandle, src_data_type, lcms_deshandle, des_data_type, lcms_proofhandle, rendering_params->rendering_intent, INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC, cmsFLAGS_GAMUTCHECK | cmsFLAGS_SOFTPROOFING )); } /* Do any initialization if needed to the CMS */ void gscms_create(void **contextptr) { /* Set our own error handling function */ cmsSetErrorHandler((cmsErrorHandlerFunction) gscms_error); } /* Do any clean up when done with the CMS if needed */ void gscms_destroy(void **contextptr) { /* Nothing to do here for lcms */ } /* Have the CMS release the link */ void gscms_release_link(gsicc_link_t *icclink) { if (icclink->link_handle !=NULL ) cmsDeleteTransform(icclink->link_handle); } /* Have the CMS release the profile handle */ void gscms_release_profile(void *profile) { cmsHPROFILE profile_handle; LCMSBOOL notok; profile_handle = (cmsHPROFILE) profile; notok = cmsCloseProfile(profile_handle); } /* Named color, color management */ /* Get a device value for the named color. Since there exist named color ICC profiles and littleCMS supports them, we will use that format in this example. However it should be noted that this object need not be an ICC named color profile but can be a proprietary type table. Some CMMs do not support named color profiles. In that case, or if the named color is not found, the caller should use an alternate tint transform or other method. If a proprietary format (nonICC) is being used, the operators given below must be implemented. In every case that I can imagine, this should be straight forward. Note that we allow the passage of a tint value also. Currently the ICC named color profile does not provide tint related information, only a value for 100% coverage. It is provided here for use in proprietary methods, which may be able to provide the desired effect. We will at the current time apply a direct tint operation to the returned device value. Right now I don't see any reason to have the named color profile ever return CIELAB. It will either return device values directly or it will return values defined by the output device profile */ int gscms_transform_named_color(gsicc_link_t *icclink, float tint_value, const char* ColorName, gx_color_value device_values[] ) { cmsHPROFILE hTransform = icclink->link_handle; unsigned short *deviceptr = device_values; int index; /* Check if name is present in the profile */ /* If it is not return -1. Caller will need to use an alternate method */ if((index = cmsNamedColorIndex(hTransform, ColorName)) < 0) return -1; /* Get the device value. */ cmsDoTransform(hTransform,&index,deviceptr,1); return(0); } /* Create a link to return device values inside the named color profile or link it with a destination profile and potentially a proofing profile. If the output_colorspace and the proof_color space are NULL, then we will be returning the device values that are contained in the named color profile. i.e. in namedcolor_information. Note that an ICC named color profile need NOT contain the device values but must contain the CIELAB values. */ void gscms_get_name2device_link(gsicc_link_t *icclink, gcmmhprofile_t lcms_srchandle, gcmmhprofile_t lcms_deshandle, gcmmhprofile_t lcms_proofhandle, gsicc_rendering_param_t *rendering_params) { cmsHPROFILE hTransform; _LPcmsTRANSFORM p; DWORD dwOutputFormat; DWORD lcms_proof_flag; int number_colors; /* NOTE: We need to add a test here to check that we even HAVE device values in here and NOT just CIELAB values */ if ( lcms_proofhandle != NULL ){ lcms_proof_flag = cmsFLAGS_GAMUTCHECK | cmsFLAGS_SOFTPROOFING; } else { lcms_proof_flag = 0; } /* Create the transform */ /* ToDo: Adjust rendering intent */ hTransform = cmsCreateProofingTransform(lcms_srchandle, TYPE_NAMED_COLOR_INDEX, lcms_deshandle, TYPE_CMYK_8, lcms_proofhandle,INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC, lcms_proof_flag); /* In littleCMS there is no easy way to find out the size of the device space returned by the named color profile until after the transform is made. Hence we adjust our output format after creating the transform. It is set to CMYK8 initially. */ p = (_LPcmsTRANSFORM) hTransform; number_colors = p->NamedColorList->ColorantCount; /* NOTE: Output size of gx_color_value with no color space type check */ dwOutputFormat = (CHANNELS_SH(number_colors)|BYTES_SH(sizeof(gx_color_value))); /* Change the formaters */ cmsChangeBuffersFormat(hTransform,TYPE_NAMED_COLOR_INDEX,dwOutputFormat); icclink->link_handle = hTransform; cmsCloseProfile(lcms_srchandle); if(lcms_deshandle) cmsCloseProfile(lcms_deshandle); if(lcms_proofhandle) cmsCloseProfile(lcms_proofhandle); return; } /* Interface of littlecms memory alloc calls hooked into gs allocator. For this to be used lcms is built with LCMS_USER_ALLOC. See lcms.mak */ #if DEBUG_LCMS_MEM void* _cmsMalloc(unsigned int size) { void *ptr; ptr = gs_alloc_bytes(gs_lib_ctx_get_non_gc_memory_t(), size, "lcms"); gs_warn2("lcms malloc (%d) at 0x%x",size,ptr); return ptr; } void* _cmsCalloc(unsigned int nelts, unsigned int size) { void *ptr; ptr = gs_alloc_byte_array(gs_lib_ctx_get_non_gc_memory_t(), nelts, size, "lcms"); gs_warn2("lcms calloc (%d) at 0x%x",nelts*size,ptr); return ptr; } void _cmsFree(void *ptr) { if (ptr != NULL) { gs_warn1("lcms free at 0x%x",ptr); gs_free_object(gs_lib_ctx_get_non_gc_memory_t(), ptr, "lcms"); } } #else void* _cmsMalloc(unsigned int size) { return gs_alloc_bytes(gs_lib_ctx_get_non_gc_memory_t(), size, "lcms"); } void* _cmsCalloc(unsigned int nelts, unsigned int size) { return gs_alloc_byte_array(gs_lib_ctx_get_non_gc_memory_t(), nelts, size, "lcms"); } void _cmsFree(void *ptr) { if (ptr != NULL) gs_free_object(gs_lib_ctx_get_non_gc_memory_t(), ptr, "lcms"); } #endif