Xymon man-pages

Overview Introduction to Xymon

Server Configuration Files
The bb-hosts configuration file
The hobbit client configuration (hobbit-clients.cfg)
The local hobbit client configuration (client-local.cfg)
Xymon environment variables (hobbitserver.cfg)
Xymon task configuration (hobbitlaunch.cfg)
Xymon alert configuration (hobbit-alerts.cfg)
Xymon Critical Systems configuration (hobbit-nkview.cfg)
Xymon CGI configuration (hobbitcgi.cfg)

Web page generation
Generating web pages (bbgen)
Viewing current logs (hobbitsvc.cgi)
Viewing trend graphs (hobbitgraph.cgi)
Trend graph definitions (hobbitgraph.cfg)
Viewing multiple trend graphs (hobbit-hostgraph.cgi)
Viewing critical systems (hobbit-nkview.cgi)
Viewing ghost clients (hobbit-ghosts.cgi)
Viewing historical logs (bb-hist.cgi)
Viewing the eventlog (bb-eventlog.cgi)
Viewing information from a CSV file (bb-csvinfo.cgi)
Linking to prebuilt reports by date (bb-datepage.cgi)
Custom Xymon webpages (bb-webpage.cgi)
Xymon webpage headers, footers and forms (hobbitweb)

Report generation
Generating reports (bb-rep.cgi)
Viewing report details (bb-replog.cgi)
Generating snapshots (bb-snapshot.cgi)
Configuration summary report (hobbit-confreport.cgi)
Single status summary report (hobbit-statusreport.cgi)

Administrative web pages
Editing critical systems (hobbit-nkedit.cgi)
Finding hosts (bb-findhost.cgi)
Acknowledging alerts (compatibility mode) (bb-ack.cgi)
Acknowledging alerts (hobbit-ackinfo.cgi)
Enabling/disabling tests (hobbit-enadis)
Acknowledging alerts via e-mail (hobbit-mailack)

Network service testing
Network service test engine (bbtest-net)
Xymon ping utility (hobbitping)
Re-testing failed network services (bbretest-net.sh)
Network services definitions (bb-services)

Combination tests
Combining test results (bbcombotest)
Combo-test definitions (bbcombotest.cfg)

Xymon server programs
The Xymon network daemon (hobbitd)
hobbitd communication module (hobbitd_channel)
hobbitd history module (hobbitd_history)
hobbitd RRD module (hobbitd_rrd)
hobbitd alert module (hobbitd_alert)
hobbitd file-storage module (hobbitd_filestore)
hobbitd client-data module (hobbitd_client)
hobbitd hostdata module (hobbitd_hostdata)
hobbitd sample module (hobbitd_sample)
Xymon proxy server (bbproxy)
Xymon client HTTP gateway (bbmessage.cgi)
Trimming Xymon history-logs (trimhistory)
Client data collector (hobbitfetch)

Xymon Client
Xymon client filedata tool (logfetch)
Xymon client update utility (clientupdate)
Xymon client ORCA data utility (orcahobbit)
Xymon client task configuration (clientlaunch.cfg)
Xymon client settings (hobbitclient.cfg)
Xymon client message cache (msgcache)

Miscellaneous programs
Running Xymon tasks (hobbitlaunch)
Xymon communiations program (bb)
Digest calculation tool (bbdigest)
bb-hosts utility for extension scripts (bbhostgrep)
bb-hosts file combiner (bbhostshow)
Xymon commandline tool (bbcmd)