#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WITH_SELINUX #include static security_context_t prev_context = NULL; int selinux_enabled = 0; int selinux_enforce = 0; #endif #include "basenames.h" #include "log.h" #include "logrotate.h" #if !defined(GLOB_ABORTED) && defined(GLOB_ABEND) #define GLOB_ABORTED GLOB_ABEND #endif struct logState { char *fn; struct tm lastRotated; /* only tm.mon, tm_mday, tm_year are good! */ struct stat sb; int doRotate; LIST_ENTRY(logState) list; }; struct logNames { char *firstRotated; char *disposeName; char *finalName; char *dirName; char *baseName; }; struct logStates { LIST_HEAD(stateSet, logState) head; } **states; unsigned int hashSize; int numLogs = 0; int debug = 0; char *mailCommand = DEFAULT_MAIL_COMMAND; time_t nowSecs = 0; static int shred_file(char *filename, struct logInfo *log); static int globerr(const char *pathname, int theerr) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error accessing %s: %s\n", pathname, strerror(theerr)); /* We want the glob operation to continue, so return 0 */ return 1; } #define HASH_SIZE_MIN 64 static int allocateHash(void) { struct logInfo *log; unsigned int hs; int i; hs = 0; for (log = logs.tqh_first; log != NULL; log = log->list.tqe_next) hs += log->numFiles; hs *= 2; /* Enforce some reasonable minimum hash size */ if (hs < HASH_SIZE_MIN) hs = HASH_SIZE_MIN; states = calloc(hs, sizeof(struct logStates *)); if (states == NULL) { message(MESS_ERROR, "could not allocate memory for " "hash table\n"); return 1; } for (i = 0; i < hs; i++) { states[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct logState)); if (states[i] == NULL) { message(MESS_ERROR, "could not allocate memory for " "hash element\n"); return 1; } LIST_INIT(&(states[i]->head)); } hashSize = hs; return 0; } #define HASH_CONST 13 static unsigned hashIndex(const char *fn) { unsigned hash = 0; while (*fn) { hash *= HASH_CONST; hash += *fn++; } return hash % hashSize; } static struct logState *newState(const char *fn) { struct tm now = *localtime(&nowSecs); struct logState *new; time_t lr_time; if ((new = malloc(sizeof(*new))) == NULL) return NULL; if ((new->fn = strdup(fn)) == NULL) return NULL; new->doRotate = 0; memset(&new->lastRotated, 0, sizeof(new->lastRotated)); new->lastRotated.tm_mon = now.tm_mon; new->lastRotated.tm_mday = now.tm_mday; new->lastRotated.tm_year = now.tm_year; new->lastRotated.tm_hour = now.tm_hour; new->lastRotated.tm_isdst = now.tm_isdst; /* fill in the rest of the new->lastRotated fields */ lr_time = mktime(&new->lastRotated); new->lastRotated = *localtime(&lr_time); return new; } static struct logState *findState(const char *fn) { unsigned int i = hashIndex(fn); struct logState *p; for (p = states[i]->head.lh_first; p != NULL; p = p->list.le_next) if (!strcmp(fn, p->fn)) break; /* new state */ if (p == NULL) { if ((p = newState(fn)) == NULL) return NULL; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&(states[i]->head), p, list); } return p; } static int runScript(char *logfn, char *script) { int rc; if (debug) { message(MESS_DEBUG, "running script with arg %s: \"%s\"\n", logfn, script); return 0; } if (!fork()) { execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", script, "logrotate_script", logfn, NULL); exit(1); } wait(&rc); return rc; } int createOutputFile(char *fileName, int flags, struct stat *sb) { int fd; fd = open(fileName, flags, sb->st_mode); if (fd < 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error creating output file %s: %s\n", fileName, strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (fchmod(fd, (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR) & sb->st_mode)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error setting mode of %s: %s\n", fileName, strerror(errno)); close(fd); return -1; } if (fchown(fd, sb->st_uid, sb->st_gid)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error setting owner of %s: %s\n", fileName, strerror(errno)); close(fd); return -1; } if (fchmod(fd, sb->st_mode)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error setting mode of %s: %s\n", fileName, strerror(errno)); close(fd); return -1; } return fd; } #define SHRED_CALL "shred -u " #define SHRED_COUNT_FLAG "-n " #define DIGITS 10 /* unlink, but try to call shred from GNU fileutils */ static int shred_file(char *filename, struct logInfo *log) { int len, ret; char *cmd; char count[DIGITS]; /* that's a lot of shredding :) */ if (!(log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHRED)) { return unlink(filename); } len = strlen(filename) + strlen(SHRED_CALL); len += strlen(SHRED_COUNT_FLAG) + DIGITS; cmd = malloc(len); if (!cmd) { message(MESS_ERROR, "malloc error while shredding"); return unlink(filename); } strcpy(cmd, SHRED_CALL); if (log->shred_cycles != 0) { strcat(cmd, SHRED_COUNT_FLAG); snprintf(count, DIGITS - 1, "%d", log->shred_cycles); strcat(count, " "); strcat(cmd, count); } strcat(cmd, filename); ret = system(cmd); free(cmd); if (ret != 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "Failed to shred %s\n, trying unlink", filename); if (ret != -1) { message(MESS_NORMAL, "Shred returned %d\n", ret); } return unlink(filename); } else { return ret; } } static int removeLogFile(char *name, struct logInfo *log) { message(MESS_DEBUG, "removing old log %s\n", name); if (!debug && shred_file(name, log)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "Failed to remove old log %s: %s\n", name, strerror(errno)); return 1; } return 0; } static int compressLogFile(char *name, struct logInfo *log, struct stat *sb) { char *compressedName; const char **fullCommand; struct utimbuf utim; int inFile; int outFile; int i; int status; message(MESS_DEBUG, "compressing log with: %s\n", log->compress_prog); if (debug) return 0; fullCommand = alloca(sizeof(*fullCommand) * (log->compress_options_count + 2)); fullCommand[0] = log->compress_prog; for (i = 0; i < log->compress_options_count; i++) fullCommand[i + 1] = log->compress_options_list[i]; fullCommand[log->compress_options_count + 1] = NULL; compressedName = alloca(strlen(name) + strlen(log->compress_ext) + 2); sprintf(compressedName, "%s%s", name, log->compress_ext); if ((inFile = open(name, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "unable to open %s for compression\n", name); return 1; } outFile = createOutputFile(compressedName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, sb); if (outFile < 0) { close(inFile); return 1; } if (!fork()) { dup2(inFile, 0); close(inFile); dup2(outFile, 1); close(outFile); execvp(fullCommand[0], (void *) fullCommand); exit(1); } close(inFile); close(outFile); wait(&status); if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "failed to compress log %s\n", name); return 1; } utim.actime = sb->st_atime; utim.modtime = sb->st_mtime; utime(compressedName,&utim); /* If we can't change atime/mtime, it's not a disaster. It might possibly fail under SELinux. */ shred_file(name, log); return 0; } static int mailLog(char *logFile, char *mailCommand, char *uncompressCommand, char *address, char *subject) { int mailInput; pid_t mailChild, uncompressChild = 0; int mailStatus, uncompressStatus; int uncompressPipe[2]; char *mailArgv[] = { mailCommand, "-s", subject, address, NULL }; int rc = 0; if ((mailInput = open(logFile, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "failed to open %s for mailing: %s\n", logFile, strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (uncompressCommand) { if (pipe(uncompressPipe) < 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error opening pipe for uncompress: %s", strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (!(uncompressChild = fork())) { /* uncompress child */ dup2(mailInput, 0); close(mailInput); dup2(uncompressPipe[1], 1); close(uncompressPipe[0]); close(uncompressPipe[1]); execlp(uncompressCommand, uncompressCommand, NULL); exit(1); } close(mailInput); mailInput = uncompressPipe[0]; close(uncompressPipe[1]); } if (!(mailChild = fork())) { dup2(mailInput, 0); close(mailInput); close(1); execvp(mailArgv[0], mailArgv); exit(1); } close(mailInput); waitpid(mailChild, &mailStatus, 0); if (!WIFEXITED(mailStatus) || WEXITSTATUS(mailStatus)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "mail command failed for %s\n", logFile); rc = 1; } if (uncompressCommand) { waitpid(uncompressChild, &uncompressStatus, 0); if (!WIFEXITED(uncompressStatus) || WEXITSTATUS(uncompressStatus)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "uncompress command failed mailing %s\n", logFile); rc = 1; } } return rc; } static int mailLogWrapper(char *mailFilename, char *mailCommand, int logNum, struct logInfo *log) { /* if the log is compressed (and we're not mailing a * file whose compression has been delayed), we need * to uncompress it */ if ((log->flags & LOG_FLAG_COMPRESS) && !((log->flags & LOG_FLAG_DELAYCOMPRESS) && (log->flags & LOG_FLAG_MAILFIRST))) { if (mailLog(mailFilename, mailCommand, log->uncompress_prog, log->logAddress, log->files[logNum])) return 1; } else { if (mailLog(mailFilename, mailCommand, NULL, log->logAddress, mailFilename)) return 1; } return 0; } static int copyTruncate(char *currLog, char *saveLog, struct stat *sb, int flags) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; int fdcurr = -1, fdsave = -1; ssize_t cnt; message(MESS_DEBUG, "copying %s to %s\n", currLog, saveLog); if (!debug) { if ((fdcurr = open(currLog, O_RDWR)) < 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error opening %s: %s\n", currLog, strerror(errno)); return 1; } #ifdef WITH_SELINUX if (selinux_enabled) { security_context_t oldContext; if (fgetfilecon_raw(fdcurr, &oldContext) >= 0) { if (getfscreatecon_raw(&prev_context) < 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "getting default context: %s\n", strerror(errno)); if (selinux_enforce) { freecon(oldContext); return 1; } } if (setfscreatecon_raw(oldContext) < 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "setting file context %s to %s: %s\n", saveLog, oldContext, strerror(errno)); if (selinux_enforce) { freecon(oldContext); return 1; } } message(MESS_DEBUG, "set default create context\n"); freecon(oldContext); } else { if (errno != ENOTSUP) { message(MESS_ERROR, "getting file context %s: %s\n", currLog, strerror(errno)); if (selinux_enforce) { return 1; } } } } #endif fdsave = createOutputFile(saveLog, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, sb); #ifdef WITH_SELINUX if (selinux_enabled) { setfscreatecon_raw(prev_context); freecon(prev_context); prev_context = NULL; } #endif if (fdsave < 0) { close(fdcurr); return 1; } while ((cnt = read(fdcurr, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { if (write(fdsave, buf, cnt) != cnt) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error writing to %s: %s\n", saveLog, strerror(errno)); close(fdcurr); close(fdsave); return 1; } } if (cnt != 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error reading %s: %s\n", currLog, strerror(errno)); close(fdcurr); close(fdsave); return 1; } } if (flags & LOG_FLAG_COPYTRUNCATE) { message(MESS_DEBUG, "truncating %s\n", currLog); if (!debug) if (ftruncate(fdcurr, 0)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error truncating %s: %s\n", currLog, strerror(errno)); close(fdcurr); close(fdsave); return 1; } } else message(MESS_DEBUG, "Not truncating %s\n", currLog); close(fdcurr); close(fdsave); return 0; } int findNeedRotating(struct logInfo *log, int logNum) { struct stat sb; struct logState *state = NULL; struct tm now = *localtime(&nowSecs); message(MESS_DEBUG, "considering log %s\n", log->files[logNum]); if (stat(log->files[logNum], &sb)) { if ((log->flags & LOG_FLAG_MISSINGOK) && (errno == ENOENT)) { message(MESS_DEBUG, " log %s does not exist -- skipping\n", log->files[logNum]); return 0; } message(MESS_ERROR, "stat of %s failed: %s\n", log->files[logNum], strerror(errno)); return 1; } state = findState(log->files[logNum]); state->doRotate = 0; state->sb = sb; if (log->criterium == ROT_SIZE) { state->doRotate = (sb.st_size >= log->threshhold); } else if (log->criterium == ROT_FORCE) { /* user forced rotation of logs from command line */ state->doRotate = 1; } else if (state->lastRotated.tm_year > now.tm_year || (state->lastRotated.tm_year == now.tm_year && (state->lastRotated.tm_mon > now.tm_mon || (state->lastRotated.tm_mon == now.tm_mon && state->lastRotated.tm_mday > now.tm_mday)))) { message(MESS_ERROR, "log %s last rotated in the future -- rotation forced\n", log->files[logNum]); state->doRotate = 1; } else if (state->lastRotated.tm_year != now.tm_year || state->lastRotated.tm_mon != now.tm_mon || state->lastRotated.tm_mday != now.tm_mday) { switch (log->criterium) { case ROT_WEEKLY: /* rotate if: 1) the current weekday is before the weekday of the last rotation 2) more then a week has passed since the last rotation */ state->doRotate = ((now.tm_wday < state->lastRotated.tm_wday) || ((mktime(&now) - mktime(&state->lastRotated)) > (7 * 24 * 3600))); break; case ROT_MONTHLY: /* rotate if the logs haven't been rotated this month or this year */ state->doRotate = ((now.tm_mon != state->lastRotated.tm_mon) || (now.tm_year != state->lastRotated.tm_year)); break; case ROT_DAYS: /* FIXME: only days=1 is implemented!! */ state->doRotate = 1; break; case ROT_YEARLY: /* rotate if the logs haven't been rotated this year */ state->doRotate = (now.tm_year != state->lastRotated.tm_year); break; default: /* ack! */ state->doRotate = 0; break; } if (log->minsize && sb.st_size < log->minsize) state->doRotate = 0; } /* The notifempty flag overrides the normal criteria */ if (!(log->flags & LOG_FLAG_IFEMPTY) && !sb.st_size) state->doRotate = 0; if (state->doRotate) { message(MESS_DEBUG, " log needs rotating\n"); } else { message(MESS_DEBUG, " log does not need rotating\n"); } return 0; } int prerotateSingleLog(struct logInfo *log, int logNum, struct logState *state, struct logNames *rotNames) { struct tm now = *localtime(&nowSecs); char *oldName, *newName = NULL; char *tmp; char *compext = ""; char *fileext = ""; int hasErrors = 0; int i, j; char *glob_pattern; glob_t globResult; int rc; int rotateCount = log->rotateCount ? log->rotateCount : 1; int logStart = (log->logStart == -1) ? 1 : log->logStart; #define DATEEXT_LEN 64 #define PATTERN_LEN (DATEEXT_LEN * 2) char dext_str[DATEEXT_LEN]; char dformat[DATEEXT_LEN]; char dext_pattern[PATTERN_LEN]; char *dext; if (!state->doRotate) return 0; /* Logs with rotateCounts of 0 are rotated once, then removed. This lets scripts run properly, and everything gets mailed properly. */ message(MESS_DEBUG, "rotating log %s, log->rotateCount is %d\n", log->files[logNum], log->rotateCount); if (log->flags & LOG_FLAG_COMPRESS) compext = log->compress_ext; state->lastRotated = now; if (log->oldDir) { if (log->oldDir[0] != '/') { char *ld = ourDirName(log->files[logNum]); rotNames->dirName = malloc(strlen(ld) + strlen(log->oldDir) + 2); sprintf(rotNames->dirName, "%s/%s", ld, log->oldDir); free(ld); } else rotNames->dirName = strdup(log->oldDir); } else rotNames->dirName = ourDirName(log->files[logNum]); rotNames->baseName = strdup(ourBaseName(log->files[logNum])); oldName = alloca(PATH_MAX); newName = alloca(PATH_MAX); rotNames->disposeName = malloc(PATH_MAX); if (log->extension && strncmp(& (rotNames-> baseName[strlen(rotNames->baseName) - strlen(log->extension)]), log->extension, strlen(log->extension)) == 0) { char *tempstr; fileext = log->extension; tempstr = calloc(strlen(rotNames->baseName) - strlen(log->extension) + 1, sizeof(char)); strncat(tempstr, rotNames->baseName, strlen(rotNames->baseName) - strlen(log->extension)); free(rotNames->baseName); rotNames->baseName = tempstr; } /* Allow only %Y %d %m and create valid strftime format string * Construct the glob pattern corresponding to the date format */ dext_str[0] = '\0'; if (log->dateformat) { i = j = 0; memset(dext_pattern, 0, sizeof(dext_pattern)); dext = log->dateformat; while (*dext == ' ') dext++; while ((*dext != '\0') && (!hasErrors)) { /* Will there be a space for a char and '\0'? */ if (j >= (sizeof(dext_pattern) - 1)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "Date format %s is too long\n", log->dateformat); hasErrors = 1; break; } if (*dext == '%') { switch (*(dext + 1)) { case 'Y': strncat(dext_pattern, "[0-9][0-9]", sizeof(dext_pattern) - strlen(dext_pattern)); j += 10; /* strlen("[0-9][0-9]") */ case 'm': case 'd': strncat(dext_pattern, "[0-9][0-9]", sizeof(dext_pattern) - strlen(dext_pattern)); j += 10; if (j >= (sizeof(dext_pattern) - 1)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "Date format %s is too long\n", log->dateformat); hasErrors = 1; break; } dformat[i++] = *(dext++); dformat[i] = *dext; break; case 's': /* End of year 2293 this pattern does not work. */ strncat(dext_pattern, "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]", sizeof(dext_pattern) - strlen(dext_pattern)); j += 50; if (j >= (sizeof(dext_pattern) - 1)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "Date format %s is too long\n", log->dateformat); hasErrors = 1; break; } dformat[i++] = *(dext++); dformat[i] = *dext; break; default: dformat[i++] = *dext; dformat[i] = '%'; dext_pattern[j++] = *dext; break; } } else { dformat[i] = *dext; dext_pattern[j++] = *dext; } ++i; ++dext; } dformat[i] = '\0'; message(MESS_DEBUG, "Converted '%s' -> '%s'\n", log->dateformat, dformat); strftime(dext_str, sizeof(dext_str), dformat, &now); } else { /* The default dateformat and glob pattern */ strftime(dext_str, sizeof(dext_str), "-%Y%m%d", &now); strncpy(dext_pattern, "-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]", sizeof(dext_pattern)); dext_pattern[PATTERN_LEN - 1] = '\0'; } message(MESS_DEBUG, "dateext suffix '%s'\n", dext_str); message(MESS_DEBUG, "glob pattern '%s'\n", dext_pattern); /* First compress the previous log when necessary */ if (log->flags & LOG_FLAG_COMPRESS && log->flags & LOG_FLAG_DELAYCOMPRESS) { if (log->flags & LOG_FLAG_DATEEXT) { /* glob for uncompressed files with our pattern */ if (asprintf(&glob_pattern, "%s/%s%s%s", rotNames->dirName, rotNames->baseName, dext_pattern, fileext) < 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "could not allocate glob pattern memory\n"); } rc = glob(glob_pattern, 0, globerr, &globResult); if (!rc && globResult.gl_pathc > 0) { for (i = 0; i < globResult.gl_pathc && !hasErrors; i++) { struct stat sbprev; snprintf(oldName, PATH_MAX, "%s", (globResult.gl_pathv)[i]); if (stat(oldName, &sbprev)) { message(MESS_DEBUG, "previous log %s does not exist\n", oldName); } else { hasErrors = compressLogFile(oldName, log, &sbprev); } } } else { message(MESS_DEBUG, "glob finding logs to compress failed\n"); /* fallback to old behaviour */ snprintf(oldName, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s.%d%s", rotNames->dirName, rotNames->baseName, logStart, fileext); } globfree(&globResult); free(glob_pattern); } else { struct stat sbprev; snprintf(oldName, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s.%d%s", rotNames->dirName, rotNames->baseName, logStart, fileext); if (stat(oldName, &sbprev)) { message(MESS_DEBUG, "previous log %s does not exist\n", oldName); } else { hasErrors = compressLogFile(oldName, log, &sbprev); } } } rotNames->firstRotated = malloc(strlen(rotNames->dirName) + strlen(rotNames->baseName) + strlen(fileext) + strlen(compext) + 30); if (log->flags & LOG_FLAG_DATEEXT) { /* glob for compressed files with our pattern * and compress ext */ if (asprintf(&glob_pattern, "%s/%s%s%s%s", rotNames->dirName, rotNames->baseName, dext_pattern, fileext, compext) < 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "could not allocate glob pattern memory\n"); } rc = glob(glob_pattern, 0, globerr, &globResult); if (!rc) { /* search for files to drop, if we find one remember it, * if we find another one mail and remove the first and * remember the second and so on */ struct stat fst_buf; int mail_out = -1; /* remove the first (n - rotateCount) matches * no real rotation needed, since the files have * the date in their name */ for (i = 0; i < globResult.gl_pathc; i++) { if (!stat((globResult.gl_pathv)[i], &fst_buf)) { if ((i <= ((int) globResult.gl_pathc - rotateCount)) || ((log->rotateAge > 0) && (((nowSecs - fst_buf.st_mtime) / 60 / 60 / 24) > log->rotateAge))) { if (mail_out != -1) { char *mailFilename = (globResult.gl_pathv)[mail_out]; if (!hasErrors && log->logAddress) hasErrors = mailLogWrapper(mailFilename, mailCommand, logNum, log); if (!hasErrors) message(MESS_DEBUG, "removing %s\n", mailFilename); hasErrors = removeLogFile(mailFilename, log); } mail_out = i; } } } if (mail_out != -1) { /* oldName is oldest Backup found (for unlink later) */ snprintf(oldName, PATH_MAX, "%s", (globResult.gl_pathv)[mail_out]); strcpy(rotNames->disposeName, oldName); } else { free(rotNames->disposeName); rotNames->disposeName = NULL; } } else { message(MESS_DEBUG, "glob finding old rotated logs failed\n"); free(rotNames->disposeName); rotNames->disposeName = NULL; } /* firstRotated is most recently created/compressed rotated log */ sprintf(rotNames->firstRotated, "%s/%s%s%s%s", rotNames->dirName, rotNames->baseName, dext_str, fileext, compext); globfree(&globResult); free(glob_pattern); } else { if (log->rotateAge) { struct stat fst_buf; for (i = 1; i <= rotateCount + 1; i++) { snprintf(oldName, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s.%d%s%s", rotNames->dirName, rotNames->baseName, i, fileext, compext); if (!stat(oldName, &fst_buf) && (((nowSecs - fst_buf.st_mtime) / 60 / 60 / 24) > log->rotateAge)) { char *mailFilename = oldName; if (!hasErrors && log->logAddress) hasErrors = mailLogWrapper(mailFilename, mailCommand, logNum, log); if (!hasErrors) hasErrors = removeLogFile(mailFilename, log); } } } snprintf(oldName, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s.%d%s%s", rotNames->dirName, rotNames->baseName, logStart + rotateCount, fileext, compext); strcpy(newName, oldName); strcpy(rotNames->disposeName, oldName); sprintf(rotNames->firstRotated, "%s/%s.%d%s%s", rotNames->dirName, rotNames->baseName, logStart, fileext, (log->flags & LOG_FLAG_DELAYCOMPRESS) ? "" : compext); #ifdef WITH_SELINUX if (selinux_enabled) { security_context_t oldContext = NULL; if (getfilecon_raw(log->files[logNum], &oldContext) > 0) { if (getfscreatecon_raw(&prev_context) < 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "getting default context: %s\n", strerror(errno)); if (selinux_enforce) { freecon(oldContext); return 1; } } if (setfscreatecon_raw(oldContext) < 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "setting file context %s to %s: %s\n", log->files[logNum], oldContext, strerror(errno)); if (selinux_enforce) { freecon(oldContext); return 1; } } freecon(oldContext); } else { if (errno != ENOENT && errno != ENOTSUP) { message(MESS_ERROR, "getting file context %s: %s\n", log->files[logNum], strerror(errno)); if (selinux_enforce) { return 1; } } } } #endif for (i = rotateCount + logStart - 1; (i >= 0) && !hasErrors; i--) { tmp = newName; newName = oldName; oldName = tmp; snprintf(oldName, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s.%d%s%s", rotNames->dirName, rotNames->baseName, i, fileext, compext); message(MESS_DEBUG, "renaming %s to %s (rotatecount %d, logstart %d, i %d), \n", oldName, newName, rotateCount, logStart, i); if (!debug && rename(oldName, newName)) { if (errno == ENOENT) { message(MESS_DEBUG, "old log %s does not exist\n", oldName); } else { message(MESS_ERROR, "error renaming %s to %s: %s\n", oldName, newName, strerror(errno)); hasErrors = 1; } } } } /* !LOG_FLAG_DATEEXT */ if (log->flags & LOG_FLAG_DATEEXT) { char *destFile = alloca(PATH_MAX); struct stat fst_buf; if (asprintf(&(rotNames->finalName), "%s/%s%s%s", rotNames->dirName, rotNames->baseName, dext_str, fileext) < 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "could not allocate finalName memory\n"); } snprintf(destFile, PATH_MAX, "%s%s", rotNames->finalName, compext); if (!stat(destFile, &fst_buf)) { message(MESS_DEBUG, "destination %s already exists, skipping rotation\n", rotNames->firstRotated); hasErrors = 1; } } else { /* note: the gzip extension is *not* used here! */ if (asprintf(&(rotNames->finalName), "%s/%s.%d%s", rotNames->dirName, rotNames->baseName, logStart, fileext) < 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "could not allocate finalName memory\n"); } } /* if the last rotation doesn't exist, that's okay */ if (!debug && rotNames->disposeName && access(rotNames->disposeName, F_OK)) { message(MESS_DEBUG, "log %s doesn't exist -- won't try to " "dispose of it\n", rotNames->disposeName); free(rotNames->disposeName); rotNames->disposeName = NULL; } return hasErrors; } int rotateSingleLog(struct logInfo *log, int logNum, struct logState *state, struct logNames *rotNames) { int hasErrors = 0; struct stat sb; int fd; #ifdef WITH_SELINUX security_context_t savedContext = NULL; #endif if (!state->doRotate) return 0; if (!hasErrors) { if (!(log->flags & (LOG_FLAG_COPYTRUNCATE | LOG_FLAG_COPY))) { #ifdef WITH_SELINUX if (selinux_enabled) { security_context_t oldContext = NULL; int fdcurr = -1; if ((fdcurr = open(log->files[logNum], O_RDWR)) < 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error opening %s: %s\n", log->files[logNum], strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (fgetfilecon_raw(fdcurr, &oldContext) >= 0) { if (getfscreatecon_raw(&savedContext) < 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "getting default context: %s\n", strerror(errno)); if (selinux_enforce) { freecon(oldContext); if (close(fdcurr) < 0) message(MESS_ERROR, "error closing file %s", log->files[logNum]); return 1; } } if (setfscreatecon_raw(oldContext) < 0) { message(MESS_ERROR, "setting file context %s to %s: %s\n", log->files[logNum], oldContext, strerror(errno)); if (selinux_enforce) { freecon(oldContext); if (close(fdcurr) < 0) message(MESS_ERROR, "error closing file %s", log->files[logNum]); return 1; } } message(MESS_DEBUG, "fscreate context set to %s\n", oldContext); freecon(oldContext); } else { if (errno != ENOTSUP) { message(MESS_ERROR, "getting file context %s: %s\n", log->files[logNum], strerror(errno)); if (selinux_enforce) { if (close(fdcurr) < 0) message(MESS_ERROR, "error closing file %s", log->files[logNum]); return 1; } } } if (close(fdcurr) < 0) message(MESS_ERROR, "error closing file %s", log->files[logNum]); } #endif message(MESS_DEBUG, "renaming %s to %s\n", log->files[logNum], rotNames->finalName); if (!debug && !hasErrors && rename(log->files[logNum], rotNames->finalName)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "failed to rename %s to %s: %s\n", log->files[logNum], rotNames->finalName, strerror(errno)); } if (!log->rotateCount) { rotNames->disposeName = realloc(rotNames->disposeName, strlen(rotNames->dirName) + strlen(rotNames->baseName) + strlen(log->files[logNum]) + 10); sprintf(rotNames->disposeName, "%s%s", rotNames->finalName, (log->compress_ext && (log->flags & LOG_FLAG_COMPRESS)) ? log-> compress_ext : ""); message(MESS_DEBUG, "disposeName will be %s\n", rotNames->disposeName); } } if (!hasErrors && log->flags & LOG_FLAG_CREATE && !(log->flags & (LOG_FLAG_COPYTRUNCATE | LOG_FLAG_COPY))) { if (log->createUid == NO_UID) sb.st_uid = state->sb.st_uid; else sb.st_uid = log->createUid; if (log->createGid == NO_GID) sb.st_gid = state->sb.st_gid; else sb.st_gid = log->createGid; if (log->createMode == NO_MODE) sb.st_mode = state->sb.st_mode & 0777; else sb.st_mode = log->createMode; message(MESS_DEBUG, "creating new %s mode = 0%o uid = %d " "gid = %d\n", log->files[logNum], (unsigned int) sb.st_mode, (int) sb.st_uid, (int) sb.st_gid); if (!debug) { fd = createOutputFile(log->files[logNum], O_CREAT | O_RDWR, &sb); if (fd < 0) hasErrors = 1; else close(fd); } } #ifdef WITH_SELINUX if (selinux_enabled) { setfscreatecon_raw(savedContext); freecon(savedContext); savedContext = NULL; } #endif if (!hasErrors && log->flags & (LOG_FLAG_COPYTRUNCATE | LOG_FLAG_COPY)) hasErrors = copyTruncate(log->files[logNum], rotNames->finalName, &state->sb, log->flags); } return hasErrors; } int postrotateSingleLog(struct logInfo *log, int logNum, struct logState *state, struct logNames *rotNames) { int hasErrors = 0; if (!state->doRotate) return 0; if ((log->flags & LOG_FLAG_COMPRESS) && !(log->flags & LOG_FLAG_DELAYCOMPRESS)) { hasErrors = compressLogFile(rotNames->finalName, log, &state->sb); } if (!hasErrors && log->logAddress) { char *mailFilename; if (log->flags & LOG_FLAG_MAILFIRST) mailFilename = rotNames->firstRotated; else mailFilename = rotNames->disposeName; if (mailFilename) hasErrors = mailLogWrapper(mailFilename, mailCommand, logNum, log); } if (!hasErrors && rotNames->disposeName) hasErrors = removeLogFile(rotNames->disposeName, log); #ifdef WITH_SELINUX if (selinux_enabled) { setfscreatecon_raw(prev_context); freecon(prev_context); prev_context = NULL; } #endif return hasErrors; } int rotateLogSet(struct logInfo *log, int force) { int i, j; int hasErrors = 0; int logHasErrors[log->numFiles]; int numRotated = 0; struct logState **state; struct logNames **rotNames; if (force) log->criterium = ROT_FORCE; message(MESS_DEBUG, "\nrotating pattern: %s ", log->pattern); switch (log->criterium) { case ROT_DAYS: message(MESS_DEBUG, "after %d days ", log->threshhold); break; case ROT_WEEKLY: message(MESS_DEBUG, "weekly "); break; case ROT_MONTHLY: message(MESS_DEBUG, "monthly "); break; case ROT_YEARLY: message(MESS_DEBUG, "yearly "); break; case ROT_SIZE: message(MESS_DEBUG, "%d bytes ", log->threshhold); break; case ROT_FORCE: message(MESS_DEBUG, "forced from command line "); break; } if (log->rotateCount) message(MESS_DEBUG, "(%d rotations)\n", log->rotateCount); else message(MESS_DEBUG, "(no old logs will be kept)\n"); if (log->oldDir) message(MESS_DEBUG, "olddir is %s, ", log->oldDir); if (log->flags & LOG_FLAG_IFEMPTY) message(MESS_DEBUG, "empty log files are rotated, "); else message(MESS_DEBUG, "empty log files are not rotated, "); if (log->minsize) message(MESS_DEBUG, "only log files >= %d bytes are rotated, ", log->minsize); if (log->logAddress) { message(MESS_DEBUG, "old logs mailed to %s\n", log->logAddress); } else { message(MESS_DEBUG, "old logs are removed\n"); } for (i = 0; i < log->numFiles; i++) { logHasErrors[i] = findNeedRotating(log, i); hasErrors |= logHasErrors[i]; /* sure is a lot of findStating going on .. */ if ((findState(log->files[i]))->doRotate) numRotated++; } if (log->first) { if (!numRotated) { message(MESS_DEBUG, "not running first action script, " "since no logs will be rotated\n"); } else { message(MESS_DEBUG, "running first action script\n"); if (runScript(log->pattern, log->first)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error running first action script " "for %s\n", log->pattern); hasErrors = 1; /* finish early, firstaction failed, affects all logs in set */ return hasErrors; } } } state = malloc(log->numFiles * sizeof(struct logState *)); rotNames = malloc(log->numFiles * sizeof(struct logNames *)); for (j = 0; (!(log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS) && j < log->numFiles) || ((log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS) && j < 1); j++) { for (i = j; ((log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS) && i < log->numFiles) || (!(log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS) && i == j); i++) { state[i] = findState(log->files[i]); rotNames[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct logNames)); memset(rotNames[i], 0, sizeof(struct logNames)); logHasErrors[i] |= prerotateSingleLog(log, i, state[i], rotNames[i]); hasErrors |= logHasErrors[i]; } if (log->pre && (! ( (logHasErrors[j] && !(log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS)) || (hasErrors && (log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS)) ) )) { if (!numRotated) { message(MESS_DEBUG, "not running prerotate script, " "since no logs will be rotated\n"); } else { message(MESS_DEBUG, "running prerotate script\n"); if (runScript(log->pattern, log->pre)) { if (log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS) message(MESS_ERROR, "error running shared prerotate script " "for '%s'\n", log->pattern); else { message(MESS_ERROR, "error running non-shared prerotate script " "for %s of '%s'\n", log->files[j], log->pattern); } logHasErrors[j] = 1; hasErrors = 1; } } } for (i = j; ((log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS) && i < log->numFiles) || (!(log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS) && i == j); i++) { if (! ( (logHasErrors[i] && !(log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS)) || (hasErrors && (log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS)) ) ) { logHasErrors[i] |= rotateSingleLog(log, i, state[i], rotNames[i]); hasErrors |= logHasErrors[i]; } } if (log->post && (! ( (logHasErrors[j] && !(log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS)) || (hasErrors && (log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS)) ) )) { if (!numRotated) { message(MESS_DEBUG, "not running postrotate script, " "since no logs were rotated\n"); } else { message(MESS_DEBUG, "running postrotate script\n"); if (runScript(log->pattern, log->post)) { if (log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS) message(MESS_ERROR, "error running shared postrotate script " "for '%s'\n", log->pattern); else { message(MESS_ERROR, "error running non-shared postrotate script " "for %s of '%s'\n", log->files[j], log->pattern); } logHasErrors[j] = 1; hasErrors = 1; } } } for (i = j; ((log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS) && i < log->numFiles) || (!(log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS) && i == j); i++) { if (! ( (logHasErrors[i] && !(log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS)) || (hasErrors && (log->flags & LOG_FLAG_SHAREDSCRIPTS)) ) ) { logHasErrors[i] |= postrotateSingleLog(log, i, state[i], rotNames[i]); hasErrors |= logHasErrors[i]; } } } for (i = 0; i < log->numFiles; i++) { free(rotNames[i]->firstRotated); free(rotNames[i]->disposeName); free(rotNames[i]->finalName); free(rotNames[i]->dirName); free(rotNames[i]->baseName); free(rotNames[i]); } free(rotNames); free(state); if (log->last) { if (!numRotated) { message(MESS_DEBUG, "not running last action script, " "since no logs will be rotated\n"); } else { message(MESS_DEBUG, "running last action script\n"); if (runScript(log->pattern, log->last)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error running last action script " "for %s\n", log->pattern); hasErrors = 1; } } } return hasErrors; } static int writeState(char *stateFilename) { struct logState *p; FILE *f; char *chptr; int i; f = fopen(stateFilename, "w"); if (!f) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error creating state file %s: %s\n", stateFilename, strerror(errno)); return 1; } fprintf(f, "logrotate state -- version 2\n"); for (i = 0; i < hashSize; i++) { for (p = states[i]->head.lh_first; p != NULL; p = p->list.le_next) { fputc('"', f); for (chptr = p->fn; *chptr; chptr++) { switch (*chptr) { case '"': fputc('\\', f); } fputc(*chptr, f); } fputc('"', f); fprintf(f, " %d-%d-%d\n", p->lastRotated.tm_year + 1900, p->lastRotated.tm_mon + 1, p->lastRotated.tm_mday); } } fclose(f); return 0; } static int readState(char *stateFilename) { FILE *f; char buf[1024]; const char **argv; int argc; int year, month, day; int i; int line = 0; int error; struct logState *st; time_t lr_time; struct stat f_stat; error = stat(stateFilename, &f_stat); if ((error && errno == ENOENT) || (!error && f_stat.st_size == 0)) { /* create the file before continuing to ensure we have write access to the file */ f = fopen(stateFilename, "w"); if (!f) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error creating state file %s: %s\n", stateFilename, strerror(errno)); return 1; } fprintf(f, "logrotate state -- version 2\n"); fclose(f); return 0; } else if (error) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error stat()ing state file %s: %s\n", stateFilename, strerror(errno)); return 1; } f = fopen(stateFilename, "r"); if (!f) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error opening state file %s: %s\n", stateFilename, strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, f)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "error reading top line of %s\n", stateFilename); fclose(f); return 1; } if (strcmp(buf, "logrotate state -- version 1\n") && strcmp(buf, "logrotate state -- version 2\n")) { fclose(f); message(MESS_ERROR, "bad top line in state file %s\n", stateFilename); return 1; } line++; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, f)) { argv = NULL; line++; i = strlen(buf); if (buf[i - 1] != '\n') { message(MESS_ERROR, "line %d too long in state file %s\n", line, stateFilename); fclose(f); return 1; } buf[i - 1] = '\0'; if (i == 1) continue; if (poptParseArgvString(buf, &argc, &argv) || (argc != 2) || (sscanf(argv[1], "%d-%d-%d", &year, &month, &day) != 3)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "bad line %d in state file %s\n", line, stateFilename); free(argv); fclose(f); return 1; } /* Hack to hide earlier bug */ if ((year != 1900) && (year < 1970 || year > 2100)) { message(MESS_ERROR, "bad year %d for file %s in state file %s\n", year, argv[0], stateFilename); free(argv); fclose(f); return 1; } if (month < 1 || month > 12) { message(MESS_ERROR, "bad month %d for file %s in state file %s\n", month, argv[0], stateFilename); free(argv); fclose(f); return 1; } /* 0 to hide earlier bug */ if (day < 0 || day > 31) { message(MESS_ERROR, "bad day %d for file %s in state file %s\n", day, argv[0], stateFilename); free(argv); fclose(f); return 1; } year -= 1900, month -= 1; if ((st = findState(argv[0])) == NULL) return 1; st->lastRotated.tm_mon = month; st->lastRotated.tm_mday = day; st->lastRotated.tm_year = year; /* fill in the rest of the st->lastRotated fields */ lr_time = mktime(&st->lastRotated); st->lastRotated = *localtime(&lr_time); free(argv); } fclose(f); return 0; } int main(int argc, const char **argv) { int force = 0; char *stateFile = STATEFILE; int rc = 0; int arg; const char **files; poptContext optCon; struct logInfo *log; int state_file_ok = 1; struct poptOption options[] = { {"debug", 'd', 0, 0, 'd', "Don't do anything, just test (implies -v)"}, {"force", 'f', 0, &force, 0, "Force file rotation"}, {"mail", 'm', POPT_ARG_STRING, &mailCommand, 0, "Command to send mail (instead of `" DEFAULT_MAIL_COMMAND "')", "command"}, {"state", 's', POPT_ARG_STRING, &stateFile, 0, "Path of state file", "statefile"}, {"verbose", 'v', 0, 0, 'v', "Display messages during rotation"}, POPT_AUTOHELP {0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; logSetLevel(MESS_NORMAL); setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); optCon = poptGetContext("logrotate", argc, argv, options, 0); poptReadDefaultConfig(optCon, 1); poptSetOtherOptionHelp(optCon, "[OPTION...] "); while ((arg = poptGetNextOpt(optCon)) >= 0) { switch (arg) { case 'd': debug = 1; /* fallthrough */ case 'v': logSetLevel(MESS_DEBUG); break; } } if (arg < -1) { fprintf(stderr, "logrotate: bad argument %s: %s\n", poptBadOption(optCon, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS), poptStrerror(rc)); poptFreeContext(optCon); return 2; } files = poptGetArgs((poptContext) optCon); if (!files) { fprintf(stderr, "logrotate " VERSION " - Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Red Hat, Inc.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "This may be freely redistributed under the terms of " "the GNU Public License\n\n"); poptPrintUsage(optCon, stderr, 0); poptFreeContext(optCon); exit(1); } #ifdef WITH_SELINUX selinux_enabled = (is_selinux_enabled() > 0); selinux_enforce = security_getenforce(); #endif TAILQ_INIT(&logs); if (readAllConfigPaths(files)) { poptFreeContext(optCon); exit(1); } poptFreeContext(optCon); nowSecs = time(NULL); if (allocateHash() != 0) return 1; if (readState(stateFile)) { state_file_ok = 0; /* exit(1); */ } message(MESS_DEBUG, "\nHandling %d logs\n", numLogs); for (log = logs.tqh_first; log != NULL; log = log->list.tqe_next) rc |= rotateLogSet(log, force); if (!debug && state_file_ok) rc |= writeState(stateFile); if (!state_file_ok) { message(MESS_ERROR, "could not read state file, " "will not attempt to write into it\n"); rc = 1; } return (rc != 0); }