Installation instructions for IBM AIX using the xlC compiler

First note that deal.II does not work with neither IBM xlC compiler version 5.0 nor 6.0, i.e. the compiler from the Visual Age for C++ package. We have tried to make it run and have fixed as many places as possible in order to reduce the number of errors, but have not been able to work around some problems.

xlC 5.0 has large problems mainly in the following areas:

At this point, I gave up. In summary, there may have only been half a dozen bugs in the compiler that were triggered several hundred times, but as long as these are not fixed in the compiler itself, I see no way to use xlC for deal.II. Nevertheless, as gcc also runs on this platform, there is an alternative which you can fall back on.

xlC version 6.0 does fare a little better, but there are still far too many places to make things work.