************ ************************* Hamcrest ************************* ************ --[ What is Hamcrest? ]------------------------------------- Hamcrest is a library of matchers, which can be combined in to create flexible expressions of intent in tests. --[ Binaries ]----------------------------------------------- Depending on how you intend to use Hamcrest, you should use different Jars. * [hamcrest-core.jar] This is the core API to be used by third-party framework providers. This includes the a foundation set of matcher implementations for common operations. This API is stable and will rarely change. You will need this library as a minimum. * [hamcrest-library.jar] The ever-growing library of Matcher implementations. This will grow between releases. * [hamcrest-generator.jar] A tool to allow many Matcher implementations to be combined into a single class so users don't have to remember many classes/packages to import. Generates code. * [hamcrest-integration.jar] Provides integration between Hamcrest and other testing tools, including JUnit (3 and 4), TestNG, jMock and EasyMock. Alternatively, if you don't care: * [hamcrest-all.jar] Includes all of the above. For convenience, all the Jars also include source code. --[ Dependencies ]------------------------------------------- All libraries in the 'lib' directory are used at build time, or are optional extras used for tighter integration with third party libraries. ALL OF THE DEPENDENCIES ARE OPTIONAL. --[ Documentation ]------------------------------------------ Documentation can be found at: http://hamcrest.org/ --[ Source ]------------------------------------------------- The complete source for Hamcrest is bundled. This includes: * Matcher core classes [src/core] * Matcher libary [src/library] * Matcher integrations [src/integration] * Syntactic sugar generator [src/generator] * Unit tests [src/unit-test] * Ant build file [build.xml] * Dependencies [lib] To build, please read BUILDING.txt ------------------------------------------------------------- Developers: - Joe Walnes - Nat Pryce - Steve Freeman Contributors: - Robert Chatley - Tom White - Neil Dunn - Dan North - Magne Rasmussen - David Saff Also, thanks to everyone who has worked on DynaMock, nMock, jMock, EasyMock and MiniMock! These libraries inspired Hamcrest.