static char cvsid[] = "$Header: /Users/phelps/cvs/prj/RosettaMan/rman.c,v 1.154 2003/07/26 19:00:48 phelps Exp $"; /* PolyglotMan by Thomas A. Phelps ( accept man pages as formatted by (10) Hewlett-Packard HP-UX, AT&T System V, SunOS, Sun Solaris, OSF/1, DEC Ultrix, SGI IRIX, Linux, FreeBSD, SCO output as (9) printable ASCII, section headers only, TkMan, [tn]roff, HTML, LaTeX, LaTeX2e, RTF, Perl pod, MIME, DocBook XML written March 24, 1993 bs2tk generalized into RosettaMan November 4-5, 1993 source interpretation added September 24, 1996 renamed PolyglotMan due to lawsuit by Rosetta, Inc. August 8, 1997 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*** make #define's into consts? => can't because compilers not smart enough ***/ /* maximum number of tags per line */ #define MAXTAGS 50*100 #define MAXBUF 2*5000 #define MAXLINES 20000 #define MAXTOC 500 #define xputchar(c) (fcharout? putchar(c): (c)) #define sputchar(c) (fcharout? plain[sI++]=(char)c: (char)(c)) #define stagadd(tag) tagadd(tag,sI,0) enum { c_dagger='\xa7', c_bullet='\xb7', c_plusminus='\xb1' }; /*** tag management ***/ enum tagtype { NOTAG, TITLE, ITALICS, BOLD, SYMBOL, SMALLCAPS, BOLDITALICS, MONO, MANREF }; /* MANREF last */ struct { enum tagtype type; int first; int last; } tags[MAXTAGS], tagtmp; int tagc=0; struct { char *text; int type; int line; } toc[MAXTOC]; int tocc=0; /* characters in this list automatically prefixed by a backslash (set in output format function */ char *escchars=""; char *vollist = VOLLIST; const char *manvalid = "._-+:"; /* in addition to alphanumerics, valid characters to find in a man page name */ char *manrefname; char *manrefsect; enum command { /*BEGINCHARTAGS,*/ CHARTAB='\t', CHARPERIOD='.', CHARLSQUOTE='`', CHARRSQUOTE='\'', CHARGT='>', CHARLT='<', CHARAMP='&', CHARBACKSLASH='\\', CHARDASH='-', CHARHAT='^', CHARVBAR='|', CHARNBSP=0xa0, CHARCENT=0xa2, CHARSECT=0xa7, CHARCOPYR=0xa9, CHARNOT=0xac, CHARDAGGER=0xad, CHARREGTM=0xae, CHARDEG=0xb0, CHARPLUSMINUS=0xb1, CHARACUTE=0xb4, CHARBULLET=0xb7, CHAR14=0xbc, CHAR12=0xbd, CHAR34=0xbe, CHARMUL=0xd7, CHARDIV=0xf7, CHANGEBAR=0x100, CHARLQUOTE, CHARRQUOTE, /*ENDCHARTAGS,*/ /*BEGINFONTTAGS,*/ BEGINBOLD, ENDBOLD, BEGINITALICS, ENDITALICS, BEGINBOLDITALICS, ENDBOLDITALICS, BEGINSC, ENDSC, BEGINY, ENDY, BEGINCODE, ENDCODE, BEGINMANREF, ENDMANREF, FONTSIZE, /*ENDFONTTAGS*/ /*BEGINLAYOUTTAGS,*/ ITAB, BEGINCENTER, ENDCENTER, HR, /*ENDLAYOUTTAGS,*/ /*BEGINSTRUCTTAGS,*/ BEGINDOC, ENDDOC, BEGINCOMMENT, ENDCOMMENT, COMMENTLINE, BEGINBODY, ENDBODY, BEGINHEADER, ENDHEADER, BEGINFOOTER, ENDFOOTER, BEGINLINE, ENDLINE, SHORTLINE, BEGINSECTION, ENDSECTION, BEGINSUBSECTION, ENDSUBSECTION, BEGINSECTHEAD, ENDSECTHEAD, BEGINSUBSECTHEAD, ENDSUBSECTHEAD, BEGINBULPAIR, ENDBULPAIR, BEGINBULLET, ENDBULLET, BEGINBULTXT, ENDBULTXT, BEGINTABLE, ENDTABLE, BEGINTABLELINE, ENDTABLELINE, BEGINTABLEENTRY, ENDTABLEENTRY, BEGININDENT, ENDINDENT, BEGINCODEBLOCK, ENDCODEBLOCK, BEGINDIFFA, ENDDIFFA, BEGINDIFFD, ENDDIFFD /*,*//*ENDSTRUCTTAGS,*/ }; const char *tcltkOP[] = { "Command-Line Name", "Database Name", "Database Class" }; /* characters that need special handling in any output format, *more than just a backslash* */ /* characters in this list need a corresponding case statement in each output format */ /*char *trouble="\t.`'><&\\^|-\xa7\xb7\xb1";*/ const unsigned char trouble[]= { CHARTAB, CHARPERIOD, CHARLSQUOTE, CHARRSQUOTE, CHARGT, CHARLT, CHARAMP, CHARBACKSLASH, CHARDASH, CHARHAT, CHARVBAR, CHARCENT, CHARSECT, CHARCOPYR, CHARNOT, CHARDAGGER, CHARREGTM, CHARDEG, CHARPLUSMINUS, CHARACUTE, CHARBULLET, CHAR14, CHAR12, CHAR34, CHARMUL, CHARDIV, 0 }; enum command tagbeginend[][2] = { /* parallel to enum tagtype */ { -1,-1 }, { -1,-1 }, { BEGINITALICS, ENDITALICS }, { BEGINBOLD, ENDBOLD }, { BEGINY, ENDY }, { BEGINSC, ENDSC }, { BEGINBOLDITALICS, ENDBOLDITALICS }, { -1,-1 }, { BEGINMANREF, ENDMANREF } }; void (*fn)(enum command) = NULL; enum command prevcmd = BEGINDOC; /*** globals ***/ int fSource=-1; /* -1 => not determined yet */ int finlist=0; int fDiff=0; FILE *difffd; char diffline[MAXBUF]; char diffline2[MAXBUF]; char *message = NULL; int fontdelta=0; int intArg; int fPara=0; /* line or paragraph groupings of text */ int fSubsections=0; /* extract subsection titles too? */ int fChangeleft=0; /* move change bars to left? (-1 => delete them) */ int fReflow=0; int fURL=0; /* scan for URLs too? */ /*int fMan=1; /* invoke agressive man page filtering? */ int fQS=0; /* squeeze out spaces (scnt and interword)? */ int fIQS=0; /* squeeze out initial spaces (controlled separately from fQS) */ int fILQS=0; /* squeeze out spaces for usual indent */ int fHeadfoot=0; /* show canonical header and footer at bottom? */ int falluc=0; int itabcnt=0; int fQuiet=0; int fTclTk=0; /* patterns observed in section heads that don't conform to first-letter-uppercase-rest-lowercase pattern (stay all uc, or go all lc, or have subsequent uc) */ int lcexceptionslen = -1; /* computed by system */ char *lcexceptions[] = { /* new rule: double/all consonants == UC? */ /* articles, verbs, conjunctions, prepositions, pronouns */ "a", "an", "the", "am", "are", "is", "were", "and", "or", "by", "for", "from", "in", "into", "it", "of", "on", "to", "with", "that", "this", /* terms */ "API", "CD", "GUI", "UI", /*I/O=>I/O already*/ "ID", "IDs", "OO", "IOCTLs", "IPC", "RPC", /* system names */ "AWK", "cvs", "rcs", "GL", "vi", "PGP", "QuickTime", "DDD", "XPG/3", "NFS", "NIS", "NIS+", "AFS", "UNIX", "SysV", "XFree86", "ICCCM", "MH", "MIME", "TeX", "LaTeX", "PicTeX", "PostScript", "EPS", "EPSF", "EPSI", "HTML", "URL", "WWW", /* institution names */ "ANSI", "CERN", "GNU", "ISO", "NCSA", /* Sun-specific */ "MT-Level", "SPARC", NULL }; int TabStops=8; int hanging=0; /* location of hanging indent (if ==0, none) */ enum { NAME, SYNOPSIS, DESCRIPTION, SEEALSO, FILES, AUTHOR, RANDOM/*last!*/ }; char *sectheadname[] = { "NAME:NOMBRE", "SYNOPSIS", "DESCRIPTION:INTRODUCTION", "SEE ALSO:RELATED INFORMATION", "FILES", "AUTHOR:AUTHORS", "RANDOM" }; int sectheadid = RANDOM; int oldsectheadid = RANDOM; int fCodeline=0; int fNOHY=0; /* re-linebreak so no words are hyphenated; not used by TkMan, but gotta keep for people converting formatted text */ int fNORM=0; /* normalize? initial space => tabs, no changebars, exactly one blank line between sections */ const char TABLEOFCONTENTS[] = "Table of Contents"; const char HEADERANDFOOTER[] = "Header and Footer"; char manName[80] = "man page"; char manSect[10] = "1"; const char PROVENANCE[] = "manual page source format generated by PolyglotMan v" POLYGLOTMANVERSION; const char HOME[] = "available at"; const char horizontalrule[] = "------------------------------------------------------------"; const int LINEBREAK = 70; int linelen = 0; /* length of result in plain[] */ int spcsqz; /* number of spaces squeezed out */ int ccnt = 0; /* # of changebars */ int scnt, scnt2; /* counts of initial spaces in line */ int s_sum, s_cnt; int bs_sum, bs_cnt; int ncnt=0, oncnt=0; /* count of interline newlines */ int CurLine=1; int AbsLine=1-1; /* absolute line number */ int indent=0; /* global indentation */ int lindent=0; /* usual local indent */ int auxindent=0; /* aux indent */ int I; /* index into line/paragraph */ int fcharout=1; /* show text or not */ char lookahead; /*int tabgram[MAXBUF];*/ /* histogram of first character positions */ char buf[MAXBUF]; char plain[MAXBUF]; /* current text line with control characters stripped out */ char hitxt[MAXBUF]; /* highlighted text (available at time of BEGIN signal */ char header[MAXBUF]; /* complete line */ char header2[MAXBUF]; /* SGIs have two lines of headers and footers */ char header3[MAXBUF]; /* GNU and some others have a third! */ char footer[MAXBUF]; char footer2[MAXBUF]; #define CRUFTS 5 char *cruft[CRUFTS] = { header, header2, header3, footer, footer2 }; char *File, *in; /* File = pointer to full file contents, in = current file pointer */ char *argv0; int finTable=0; char tableSep='\0'; /*\t';*/ /*int fTable=0; int fotable=0;*/ char *tblcellformat; int tblcellspan; /*int tblspanmax;*/ int listtype=-1; /* current list type bogus to begin with */ enum listtypes { DL, OL, UL }; int fIP=0; /*** utility functions ***/ /* case insensitive versions of strcmp and strncmp */ int stricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) { assert(s1!=NULL && s2!=NULL); /*strincmp(s1, s2, strlen(s1)+1);*/ while (tolower(*s1)==tolower(*s2)) { if (*s1=='\0' /*&& *s2=='\0'*/) return 0; s1++; s2++; } if (tolower(*s1)0); while (n>0 && tolower(*s1)==tolower(*s2)) { n--; s1++; s2++; } if (n==0) return 0; else if (tolower(*s1)=-1 && end<=255); assert(sen==0 || sen==1); if (*l==':') l++; /* tolerate a leading colon */ /* invariant: c and v point to start of strings to compare */ while (*l) { assert(l==list || l[-1]==':'); for (c=candidate; *c && *l; c++,l++) if ((sen && *c!=*l) || (!sen && tolower(*c)!=tolower(*l))) break; /* if candidate matches a valid one as far as valid goes, it's a keeper */ if ((*l=='\0' || *l==':') && (*c==end || end==-1)) { if (*c=='\b') { c2 = c[-1]; while (*c=='\b' && c[1]==c2) c+=2; } /* no volume qualifiers with digits */ if (!isdigit(*c)) return 1; } /* bump to start of next valid */ while (*l && *l++!=':') /* nada */; } return 0; } int strcoloncmp(char *candidate, int end, const char *list) { int sen=1; const char *l = list; assert(candidate!=NULL && list!=NULL); assert(end>=-1 && end<=255); if (*l=='=') l++; else end=-1; if (*l=='i') { sen=0; l++; } return strcoloncmp2(candidate, end, l, sen); } /* strdup not universally available */ char * mystrdup(char *p) { char *q; if (p==NULL) return NULL; q = malloc(strlen(p)+1); /* +1 gives space for \0 that is not reported by strlen */ if (q!=NULL) strcpy(q,p); return q; } /* given line of text, return "casified" version in place: if word in exceptions list, return exception conversion else uc first letter, lc rest */ void casify(char *p) { char tmpch, *q, **exp; int fuc; for (fuc=1; *p; p++) { if (isspace(*p) || strchr("&/",*p)!=NULL) fuc=1; else if (fuc) { /* usually */ if (p[1] && isupper(p[1]) /*&& p[2] && isupper(p[2])*/) fuc=0; /* check for exceptions */ for (q=p; *q && !isspace(*q); q++) /*nada*/; tmpch = *q; *q='\0'; exp = (char **)bsearch(&p, lcexceptions, lcexceptionslen, sizeof(char *), lcexceptionscmp); *q = tmpch; if (exp!=NULL) { for (q=*exp; *q; q++) *p++=*q; fuc = 1; } } else *p=tolower(*p); } } /* add an attribute tag to a range of characters */ void tagadd(int /*enum tagtype--abused in source parsing*/ type, int first, int last) { assert(type!=NOTAG); if (tagc0); assert(type==BEGINSECTION || type==BEGINSUBSECTION); if (tocc'"; while (*p==' ') p++; if (strincmp(p,"http",4)==0) { href="%s"; manrefname = p; p+=4; while (*p && !isspace(*p) && !strchr(nonhref,*p)) p++; } else { href = manRef; manrefname = p; while (*p && *p!=' ' && *p!='(') p++; *p++='\0'; while (*p==' ' || *p=='(') p++; p0=p; while (*p && *p!=')') p++; manrefsect = p0; } *p='\0'; } /* * OUTPUT FORMATS */ void formattedonly(void) { fprintf(stderr, "The output formats for Tk and TkMan require nroff-formatted input\n"); exit(1); } /* * DefaultFormat -- in weak OO inheritance, top of hierarchy for everybody */ void DefaultFormat(enum command cmd) { int i; switch (cmd) { case ITAB: for (i=0; i=2 && ((c=='-' || c=='%' || c=='\\' || c=='$' /**/ /* not much talk of money in man pages so reasonable */) && (isalnum(plain[1]) /*<= plain[1]!='-'*//*no dash*/ || ncnt/*GNU long option*/) && plain[1]!=' ') ) clo[clocnt++] = CurLine; /* would like to require second letter to be a capital letter to cut down on number of matches, but command names usually start with lowercase letter maybe use a uppercase requirement as secondary strategy, but probably not */ if ((ncnt || lastsect) && linelen>0 && scnt>0 && scnt<=7/*used to be <=5 until groff spontaneously started putting in 7*/) para[paracnt++] = CurLine; lastsect=0; /* rebus too, instead of search through whole Tk widget */ if (rebuspatcnt && scnt>=5 /* not sect or subsect heads */) { for (p=plain; *p && *p!=' '; p++) /*empty*/; /* never first word */ while (*p) { for (i=0; i50) && (abs(scnt-lastscnt)<=1 || abs(scnt-hanging)<=1)) { finflow=1; putchar(' '); } else { Tk(ENDLINE); /*if ((CurLine&0x3f)==0x3f) printf("\"\nupdate idletasks\n$t insert end \""); blows up some Tk text buffer, apparently, on long lines*/ if ((CurLine&0x1f)==0x1f) printf("\"\nupdate idletasks\n$t insert end \""); finflow=0; /*if (fCodeline) printf("CODE");*/ } lastlinelen=linelen; lastscnt=scnt; break; case ENDLINE: /* don't call Tk(ENDLINE) */ break; default: /* if not caught above, it's the same as Tk */ Tk(cmd); } } /* * ASCII */ void ASCII(enum command cmd) { int i; switch (cmd) { case ENDDOC: if (fHeadfoot) { printf("\n%s\n", HEADERANDFOOTER); for (i=0; i"); break; case BEGINBULLET: printf("\n=item "); break; case ENDBULLET: printf("\n\n"); fcharout=0; break; case BEGINBULTXT: fcharout=1; auxindent=hanging; break; case ENDBULTXT: auxindent=0; break; case ENDDOC: case BEGINBODY: case ENDBODY: case BEGINHEADER: case ENDHEADER: case BEGINFOOTER: case ENDFOOTER: case BEGINSECTION: case ENDSECTION: case BEGINSUBSECTION: case ENDSUBSECTION: case BEGINBULPAIR: case ENDBULPAIR: case SHORTLINE: case BEGINTABLE: case ENDTABLE: case BEGINTABLELINE: case ENDTABLELINE: case BEGINTABLEENTRY: case ENDTABLEENTRY: case BEGININDENT: case ENDINDENT: case FONTSIZE: case BEGINBOLDITALICS: case ENDBOLDITALICS: case BEGINY: case ENDY: case BEGINSC: case ENDSC: /* nothing */ break; default: DefaultLine(cmd); } } void Sections(enum command cmd) { switch (cmd) { case ENDSECTHEAD: case ENDSUBSECTHEAD: putchar('\n'); case BEGINDOC: fcharout=0; break; case BEGINCOMMENT: fcharout=0; break; case ENDCOMMENT: fcharout=1; break; case COMMENTLINE: break; case BEGINSUBSECTHEAD: printf(" "); /* no break */ case BEGINSECTHEAD: fcharout=1; break; case CHARRQUOTE: case CHARLQUOTE: xputchar('"'); break; case CHARLSQUOTE: xputchar('`'); break; case CHARRSQUOTE: case CHARACUTE: xputchar('\''); break; case BEGINTABLE: case ENDTABLE: case BEGINTABLELINE: case ENDTABLELINE: case BEGINTABLEENTRY: case ENDTABLEENTRY: case BEGININDENT: case ENDINDENT: case FONTSIZE: break; case CHARPERIOD: case CHARTAB: case CHARDASH: case CHARBACKSLASH: case CHARLT: case CHARGT: case CHARHAT: case CHARVBAR: case CHARAMP: case CHARNBSP: xputchar(cmd); break; case CHARDAGGER: xputchar('+'); break; case CHARBULLET: xputchar('*'); break; case CHARPLUSMINUS: xputchar('+'); xputchar('-'); break; case CHARCENT: xputchar('c'); break; case CHARSECT: xputchar('S'); break; case CHARCOPYR: xputchar('('); xputchar('C'); xputchar(')'); break; case CHARNOT: xputchar('~'); break; case CHARREGTM: xputchar('('); xputchar('R'); xputchar(')'); break; case CHARDEG: xputchar('o'); break; case CHAR14: xputchar('1'); xputchar('/'); xputchar('4'); break; case CHAR12: xputchar('1'); xputchar('/'); xputchar('2'); break; case CHAR34: xputchar('3'); xputchar('/'); xputchar('4'); break; case CHARMUL: xputchar('X'); break; case CHARDIV: xputchar('/'); break; case ITAB: DefaultLine(cmd); break; default: /* nothing */ break; } } void Roff(enum command cmd) { switch (cmd) { case BEGINDOC: I=1; printf(".TH %s %s \"generated by PolyglotMan\" UCB\n", manName, manSect); printf(".\\\" %s,\n", PROVENANCE); printf(".\\\" %s\n", HOME); CurLine=1; break; case BEGINBODY: printf(".LP\n"); break; case BEGINCOMMENT: case ENDCOMMENT: break; case COMMENTLINE: printf("'\\\" "); break; case BEGINSECTHEAD: printf(".SH "); break; case BEGINSUBSECTHEAD:printf(".SS "); break; case BEGINBULPAIR: printf(".IP "); break; case SHORTLINE: printf("\"); break; case BEGINBOLD: printf("\\fB"); break; /* \n.B -- grr! */ case ENDCODE: case ENDBOLD: printf("\\fR"); break; /* putchar('\n'); */ case BEGINITALICS: printf("\\fI"); break; case ENDITALICS: printf("\\fR"); break; case BEGINCODE: case BEGINBOLDITALICS:printf("\\f4"); break; case ENDBOLDITALICS: printf("\\fR"); break; case CHARLQUOTE: printf("\\*(rq"); break; case CHARRQUOTE: printf("\\*(lq"); break; case CHARNBSP: printf("\\|"); break; case CHARLSQUOTE: putchar('`'); break; case CHARRSQUOTE: putchar('\''); break; case CHARPERIOD: if (I==1) printf("\\&"); putchar('.'); I++; break; case CHARDASH: printf("\\-"); break; case CHARTAB: case CHARLT: case CHARGT: case CHARHAT: case CHARVBAR: case CHARAMP: putchar(cmd); break; case CHARBULLET: printf("\\(bu"); break; case CHARDAGGER: printf("\\(dg"); break; case CHARPLUSMINUS: printf("\\(+-"); break; case CHANGEBAR: putchar('|'); break; case CHARCENT: printf("\\(ct"); break; case CHARSECT: printf("\\(sc"); break; case CHARCOPYR: printf("\\(co"); break; case CHARNOT: printf("\\(no"); break; case CHARREGTM: printf("\\(rg"); break; case CHARDEG: printf("\\(de"); break; case CHARACUTE: printf("\\(aa"); break; case CHAR14: printf("\\(14"); break; case CHAR12: printf("\\(12"); break; case CHAR34: printf("\\(34"); break; case CHARMUL: printf("\\(mu"); break; case CHARDIV: printf("\\(di"); break; case HR: /*printf("\n%s\n", horizontalrule);*/ break; case CHARBACKSLASH: printf("\\\\"); break; /* correct? */ case BEGINLINE: /*for (i=0; i    "); break; case CHARLQUOTE: printf("“"); break; case CHARRQUOTE: printf("”"); break; case CHARLSQUOTE: printf("‘"); break; case CHARRSQUOTE: printf("’"); break; case CHARPERIOD: case CHARDASH: case CHARBACKSLASH: case CHARVBAR: /*printf("¦"); -- broken bar no good */ case CHARHAT: putchar(cmd); break; case CHARDAGGER: printf("†"); break; case CHARBULLET: if (I>0 || !finlist) printf("·"/*"·"*//*§--middot hardly visible*/); break; case CHARPLUSMINUS: printf("±"); break; case CHARGT: printf(">"); break; case CHARLT: printf("<"); break; case CHARAMP: printf("&"); break; case CHARCENT: printf("¢"); break; case CHARSECT: printf("§"); break; case CHARCOPYR: printf("©"); break; case CHARNOT: printf("¬"); break; case CHARREGTM: printf("®"); break; case CHARDEG: printf("°"); break; case CHARACUTE: printf("´"); break; case CHAR14: printf("¼"); break; case CHAR12: printf("½"); break; case CHAR34: printf("¾"); break; case CHARMUL: printf("×"); break; case CHARDIV: printf("÷"); break; default: break; } /* while in pre mode... */ if (pre) { switch (cmd) { case ENDLINE: I=0; CurLine++; if (!fPara && scnt) printf("
"); printf("\n"); break; case ENDTABLE: if (fSource) { printf("\n"); } else { printf("
\n"); pre=0; fQS=fIQS=fPara=1; } break; case ENDCODEBLOCK: printf(""); pre=0; break; case SHORTLINE: case ENDBODY: printf("\n"); break; default: /* nothing */ break; } return; } /* usual operation */ switch (cmd) { case BEGINDOC: /* escchars = ... => HTML doesn't backslash-quote metacharacters */ printf("\n", PROVENANCE); printf("\n\n", HOME); printf("\n\n"); /* printf("\n");*/ /* better title possible? */ printf(""); printf(manTitle, manName, manSect); printf("\n"); printf("\n\n"); printf("%s

\n", TABLEOFCONTENTS); I=0; break; case ENDDOC: /* header and footer wanted? */ printf("

\n"); if (fHeadfoot) { printf("


\n", HEADERANDFOOTER); for (i=0; i\n", cruft[i]); } if (!tocc) { /*printf("\n

ERROR: Empty man page

\n");*/ } else { printf("\n

\n"); printf("%s

\n", TABLEOFCONTENTS); printf("

    \n"); for (i=0, lasttoc=BEGINSECTION; i\n"); else printf("
\n"); } printf("
  • %s
  • \n", i, i, toc[i].text); } if (lasttoc==BEGINSUBSECTION) printf(""); printf("\n"); } printf("\n\n"); break; case BEGINBODY: printf("

    \n"); break; case ENDBODY: break; case BEGINCOMMENT: printf("\n\n"); break; case COMMENTLINE: break; case BEGINSECTHEAD: printf("\n

    ", tocc, tocc); break; case ENDSECTHEAD: printf("

    \n"); /* useful extraction from FILES, ENVIRONMENT? */ break; case BEGINSUBSECTHEAD: printf("\n

    ", tocc, tocc); break; case ENDSUBSECTHEAD: printf("

    \n"); break; case BEGINSECTION: break; case ENDSECTION: if (sectheadid==NAME && message!=NULL) printf(message); break; case BEGINSUBSECTION: break; case ENDSUBSECTION: break; case BEGINBULPAIR: if (listtype==OL) printf("\n
      \n"); else if (listtype==UL) printf("\n
        \n"); else printf("\n
        \n"); break; case ENDBULPAIR: if (listtype==OL) printf("\n
    \n"); else if (listtype==UL) printf("\n\n"); else printf("\n"); break; case BEGINBULLET: if (listtype==OL || listtype==UL) fcharout=0; else printf("\n
    "); break; case ENDBULLET: if (listtype==OL || listtype==UL) fcharout=1; else printf("
    "); break; case BEGINBULTXT: if (listtype==OL || listtype==UL) printf("
  • "); else printf("\n
    "); break; case ENDBULTXT: if (listtype==OL || listtype==UL) printf("
  • "); else printf("\n"); break; case BEGINLINE: /* if (ncnt) printf("

    \n"); -- if haven't already generated structural tag */ if (ncnt) printf("\n

    "); /* trailing spaces already trimmed off, so look for eol now */ if (fCodeline) { printf(""); for (i=0; i
    "); fCodeline=0; } I=0; CurLine++; if (!fPara && scnt) printf("
    "); printf("\n"); break; case SHORTLINE: if (fCodeline) { printf("
    "); fCodeline=0; } if (!fIP) printf("
    \n"); break; case BEGINTABLE: if (fSource) { /*printf("

    \n");*/ printf("
    \n"); } else { printf("
    \n"); pre=1; fQS=fIQS=fPara=0;
    	   case ENDTABLE:
    		if (fSource) {
    \n"); } else { printf("
    \n"); pre=0; fQS=fIQS=fPara=1; } break; case BEGINTABLELINE: printf(""); break; case ENDTABLELINE: printf("\n"); break; case BEGINTABLEENTRY: printf("1) printf(" colspan=%d", tblcellspan); printf("'>"); break; case ENDTABLEENTRY: printf(""); break; /* something better with CSS */ case BEGININDENT: printf("
    "); break; case ENDINDENT: printf("
    \n"); break; case FONTSIZE: /* HTML font step sizes are bigger than troff's */ if ((fontdelta+=intArg)!=0) printf("", (intArg>0)?'+':'-'); else printf("\n"); break; case BEGINBOLD: printf(""); break; case ENDBOLD: printf(""); break; case BEGINITALICS: printf(""); break; case ENDITALICS: printf(""); break; case BEGINBOLDITALICS: case BEGINCODE: printf(""); break; case ENDBOLDITALICS: case ENDCODE: printf(""); break; case BEGINCODEBLOCK: printf("
    "); pre=1; break;	/* wrong for two-column lists in kermit.1, pine.1, perl4.1 */
    	   case ENDCODEBLOCK:	printf("
    "); pre=0; break; case BEGINCENTER: printf("
    "); break; case ENDCENTER: printf("
    "); break; case BEGINMANREF: manrefextract(hitxt); if (fmanRef) { printf(""); } else printf(""); break; case ENDMANREF: if (fmanRef) printf("\n"); else printf(""); break; case HR: printf("\n
    \n"); break; /* U (was B, I), strike -- all temporary until HTML 4.0's INS and DEL widespread */ case BEGINDIFFA: printf(""); break; case ENDDIFFA: printf(""); break; case BEGINDIFFD: printf(""); break; case ENDDIFFD: printf(""); break; case BEGINSC: case ENDSC: case BEGINY: case ENDY: case BEGINHEADER: case ENDHEADER: case BEGINFOOTER: case ENDFOOTER: case CHANGEBAR: /* nothing */ break; default: DefaultPara(cmd); } } /* * DocBook XML * improvements by Aaron Hawley applied 2003 June 5 * * N.B. The framework for XML is in place but not done. If you * are familiar with the DocBook DTD, however, it shouldn't be * too difficult to finish it. If you do so, please send your * code to me so that I may share the wealth in the next release. */ const char *DOCBOOKPATH = ""; void XML(enum command cmd) { static int pre=0; int i; int lasttoc; char *p; static int fRefEntry=0; static int fRefPurpose=0; /*static char *bads => XML doesn't backslash-quote metacharacters */ /* */ /* always respond to these signals */ switch (cmd) { case CHARLQUOTE: case CHARRQUOTE: printf("""); break; case CHARBULLET: printf("•"); break; case CHARDAGGER: printf("†"); break; case CHARPLUSMINUS: printf("±"); break; case CHARCOPYR: printf("©"); break; case CHARNOT: printf("¬"); break; case CHARMUL: printf("×"); break; case CHARDIV: printf("÷"); break; case CHARAMP: printf("&"); break; case CHARDASH: if (sectheadid==NAME && !fRefPurpose) { printf(""); fRefPurpose=1; } else putchar('-'); break; case CHARBACKSLASH: putchar('\\'); break; case CHARGT: printf(">"); break; case CHARLT: printf("<"); break; case CHARLSQUOTE: case CHARRSQUOTE: case CHARPERIOD: case CHARTAB: case CHARHAT: case CHARVBAR: case CHARNBSP: case CHARCENT: case CHARSECT: case CHARREGTM: case CHARDEG: case CHARACUTE: case CHAR14: case CHAR12: case CHAR34: putchar(cmd); break; default: break; } /* while in pre mode... */ if (pre) { switch (cmd) { case ENDLINE: I=0; CurLine++; if (!fPara && scnt) putchar(' '); break; case ENDTABLE: if (fSource) printf("\n"); else { printf("\n"); pre=0; fQS=fIQS=fPara=1; } break; default: /* nothing */ break; } return; } /* usual operation */ switch (cmd) { case BEGINDOC: printf("\n\n", DOCBOOKPATH); printf("\n"); printf("\n\n",HOME); /* better title possible? */ for (p=manName; *p; p++) *p = tolower(*p); printf("\n", manName, manSect); printf("\n%s\n", manName); printf("%s\n\n\n", manSect); I=0; break; case ENDDOC: /* header and footer wanted? */ if (fHeadfoot) { printf("\n\n%s\n", HEADERANDFOOTER); for (i=0; i%s\n", cruft[i]); printf("\n"); } /* table of contents, such as found in HTML, can be generated automatically by XML software */ printf("\n"); break; case BEGINBODY: if (fPara) printf("\n"); printf(""); fPara = 1; break; case ENDBODY: if (fRefPurpose) { printf(""); fRefPurpose=0; } else { printf("\n"); fPara=0; } break; case BEGINCOMMENT: printf("\n\n"); break; case COMMENTLINE: break; case BEGINSECTHEAD: case BEGINSUBSECTHEAD: if (sectheadid != NAME && sectheadid != SYNOPSIS) printf(""); break; case ENDSECTHEAD: case ENDSUBSECTHEAD: if (sectheadid == NAME) printf("<refname>"); else if (sectheadid == SYNOPSIS) {} else { printf("\n"); fPara=1; } break; case BEGINSECTION: if (sectheadid==NAME) printf("\n"); /*printf(""); -- do lotsa parsing here for RefName, RefPurpose*/ else if (sectheadid==SYNOPSIS) printf("\n\n"); else printf("\n\n"); break; case ENDSECTION: if (sectheadid==NAME) { if (fRefPurpose) { printf(""); fRefPurpose=0; } printf("\n\n\n"); } else if (sectheadid==SYNOPSIS) printf("\n\n\n"); else { if (fPara) { printf("\n"); fPara=0; } printf("\n\n"); } break; case BEGINSUBSECTION: printf("\n"); break; case ENDSUBSECTION: printf("\n"); break; /* need to update this for enumerated and plain lists */ case BEGINBULPAIR: printf("\n"); break; case ENDBULPAIR: printf("\n"); break; case BEGINBULLET: printf(""); break; case ENDBULLET: printf("\n"); break; case BEGINBULTXT: printf("\n"); break; case ENDBULTXT: printf("\n\n"); break; case BEGINLINE: /* remember, get BEGINBODY call at start of paragraph */ if (fRefEntry) { if (fRefPurpose) { for (p=plain; *p!='-'; p++) { /* nothing?! */ } } } break; case ENDLINE: /*if (fCodeline) { fIQS=1; fCodeline=0; }*/ if (fCodeline) { printf(""); fCodeline=0; } /* */ I=0; CurLine++; if (!fPara && scnt) printf(""); else putchar(' '); break; case SHORTLINE: if (fCodeline) { printf(""); fCodeline=0; } if (!fIP && !fPara) printf("\n"); break; case BEGINTABLE: if (fSource) printf("\n"); else { printf("\n"); pre=1; fQS=fIQS=fPara=0; } break; case ENDTABLE: if (fSource) printf("
    \n"); else { printf("\n"); pre=0; fQS=fIQS=fPara=1; } break; case BEGINTABLELINE: printf(""); break; case ENDTABLELINE: printf("\n"); break; case BEGINTABLEENTRY: printf(""); break; case ENDTABLEENTRY: printf(""); break; case BEGININDENT: case ENDINDENT: case FONTSIZE: break; /* have to make some guess about bold and italics */ case BEGINBOLD: printf(""); break; case ENDBOLD: printf(""); break; case BEGINITALICS: printf(""); break; /* could be literal or arg */ case ENDITALICS: printf(""); break; case BEGINBOLDITALICS: case BEGINCODE: printf(""); break; case ENDBOLDITALICS: case ENDCODE: printf(""); break; case BEGINMANREF: manrefextract(hitxt); if (fmanRef) { printf(""); } break; case ENDMANREF: if (fmanRef) printf(""); break; case HR: case BEGINSC: case ENDSC: case BEGINY: case ENDY: case BEGINHEADER: case ENDHEADER: case BEGINFOOTER: case ENDFOOTER: case CHANGEBAR: /* nothing */ break; default: DefaultPara(cmd); } } /* generates MIME compliant to RFC 1563 */ void MIME(enum command cmd) { static int pre=0; int i; /* always respond to these signals */ switch (cmd) { case CHARDASH: case CHARAMP: case CHARPERIOD: case CHARTAB: putchar(cmd); break; case CHARLSQUOTE: putchar('`'); break; case CHARACUTE: case CHARRSQUOTE: putchar('\''); break; case CHARBULLET: putchar('*'); break; case CHARDAGGER: putchar('|'); break; case CHARPLUSMINUS: printf("+-"); break; case CHARNBSP: putchar(' '); break; case CHARCENT: putchar('c'); break; case CHARSECT: putchar('S'); break; case CHARCOPYR: printf("(C)"); break; case CHARNOT: putchar('~'); break; case CHARREGTM: printf("(R)"); break; case CHARDEG: putchar('o'); break; case CHAR14: printf("1/4"); break; case CHAR12: printf("1/2"); break; case CHAR34: printf("3/4"); break; case CHARMUL: putchar('X'); break; case CHARDIV: putchar('/'); break; case CHARLQUOTE: case CHARRQUOTE: putchar('"'); break; case CHARBACKSLASH: /* these should be caught as escaped chars */ case CHARGT: case CHARLT: assert(1); break; default: break; } /* while in pre mode... */ if (pre) { switch (cmd) { case ENDLINE: I=0; CurLine++; if (!fPara && scnt) printf("\n\n"); break; case ENDTABLE: printf("\n\n"); pre=0; fQS=fIQS=fPara=1; break; default: /* nothing */ break; } return; } /* usual operation */ switch (cmd) { case BEGINDOC: printf("Content-Type: text/enriched\n"); printf("Text-Width: 60\n"); escchars = "<>\\"; I=0; break; case ENDDOC: /* header and footer wanted? */ printf("\n\n"); if (fHeadfoot) { printf("\n"); MIME(BEGINSECTHEAD); printf("%s",HEADERANDFOOTER); MIME(ENDSECTHEAD); for (i=0; i\n"); printf("%s\n%s\n", PROVENANCE, HOME); printf("\n\n"); */ /* printf("\n

    \n"); printf("%s

    \n", TABLEOFCONTENTS); printf("

      \n"); for (i=0, lasttoc=BEGINSECTION; i\n"); else printf("
    \n"); } printf("
  • %s
  • \n", i, i, toc[i].text); } if (lasttoc==BEGINSUBSECTION) printf(""); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); */ break; case BEGINBODY: printf("\n\n"); break; case ENDBODY: break; case BEGINCOMMENT: fcharout=0; break; case ENDCOMMENT: fcharout=1; break; case COMMENTLINE: break; case BEGINSECTHEAD: printf("\n"); /*A NAME=\"sect%d\" HREF=\"#toc%d\">

    ", tocc, tocc);*/ break; case ENDSECTHEAD: printf("\n\n"); /* useful extraction from files, environment? */ break; case BEGINSUBSECTHEAD: printf(""); /*\n

    ", tocc, tocc);*/ break; case ENDSUBSECTHEAD: printf("\n\n"); break; case BEGINSECTION: case BEGINSUBSECTION: break; case ENDSECTION: case ENDSUBSECTION: printf("\n"); break; case BEGINBULPAIR: break; case ENDBULPAIR: break; case BEGINBULLET: printf(""); break; case ENDBULLET: printf("\t"); break; case BEGINBULTXT: case BEGININDENT: printf(""); break; case ENDBULTXT: case ENDINDENT: printf("\n"); break; case FONTSIZE: if ((fontdelta+=intArg)==0) { if (intArg>0) printf(""); else printf(""); } else { if (intArg>0) printf(""); else printf(""); } break; case BEGINLINE: /*if (ncnt) printf("\n\n");*/ break; case ENDLINE: I=0; CurLine++; printf("\n"); break; case SHORTLINE: if (!fIP) printf("\n\n"); break; case BEGINTABLE: printf("\n"); pre=1; fQS=fIQS=fPara=0; break; case ENDTABLE: printf("\n"); pre=0; fQS=fIQS=fPara=1; break; case BEGINTABLELINE: case ENDTABLELINE: case BEGINTABLEENTRY: case ENDTABLEENTRY: break; /* could use a new list type */ case BEGINBOLD: printf(""); break; case ENDBOLD: printf(""); break; case BEGINITALICS: printf(""); break; case ENDITALICS: printf(""); break; case BEGINCODE: case BEGINBOLDITALICS:printf(""); break; case ENDCODE: case ENDBOLDITALICS: printf(""); break; case BEGINMANREF: printf("blue"); /* how to make this hypertext? manrefextract(hitxt); if (fmanRef) { printf("\n"); } else printf(""); break; */ break; case ENDMANREF: printf(""); break; case HR: printf("\n\n%s\n\n", horizontalrule); break; case BEGINSC: case ENDSC: case BEGINY: case ENDY: case BEGINHEADER: case ENDHEADER: case BEGINFOOTER: case ENDFOOTER: case CHANGEBAR: /* nothing */ break; default: DefaultPara(cmd); } } /* * LaTeX */ void LaTeX(enum command cmd) { switch (cmd) { case BEGINDOC: escchars = "$&%#_{}"; /* and more to come? */ printf("%% %s,\n", PROVENANCE); printf("%% %s\n\n", HOME); /* definitions */ printf( "\\documentstyle{article}\n" "\\def\\thefootnote{\\fnsymbol{footnote}}\n" "\\setlength{\\parindent}{0pt}\n" "\\setlength{\\parskip}{0.5\\baselineskip plus 2pt minus 1pt}\n" "\\begin{document}\n" ); I=0; break; case ENDDOC: /* header and footer wanted? */ printf("\n\\end{document}\n"); break; case BEGINBODY: printf("\n\n"); break; case ENDBODY: break; case BEGINCOMMENT: case ENDCOMMENT: break; case COMMENTLINE: printf("%% "); break; case BEGINSECTION: break; case ENDSECTION: break; case BEGINSECTHEAD: printf("\n\\section{"); tagc=0; break; case ENDSECTHEAD: printf("}"); /* if (CurLine==1) printf("\\footnote{" "\\it conversion to \\LaTeX\ format by PolyglotMan " "available via anonymous ftp from {\\tt}}" ); */ /* useful extraction from files, environment? */ printf("\n"); break; case BEGINSUBSECTHEAD:printf("\n\\subsection{"); break; case ENDSUBSECTHEAD: printf("}"); break; case BEGINSUBSECTION: break; case ENDSUBSECTION: break; case BEGINBULPAIR: printf("\\begin{itemize}\n"); break; case ENDBULPAIR: printf("\\end{itemize}\n"); break; case BEGINBULLET: printf("\\item ["); break; case ENDBULLET: printf("] "); break; case BEGINLINE: /*if (ncnt) printf("\n\n");*/ break; case ENDLINE: I=0; putchar('\n'); CurLine++; break; case BEGINTABLE: printf("\\begin{verbatim}\n"); break; case ENDTABLE: printf("\\end{verbatim}\n"); break; case BEGINTABLELINE: case ENDTABLELINE: case BEGINTABLEENTRY: case ENDTABLEENTRY: break; case BEGININDENT: case ENDINDENT: case FONTSIZE: break; case SHORTLINE: if (!fIP) printf("\n\n"); break; case BEGINBULTXT: break; case ENDBULTXT: putchar('\n'); break; case CHARLQUOTE: printf("``"); break; case CHARRQUOTE: printf("''"); break; case CHARLSQUOTE: case CHARRSQUOTE: case CHARPERIOD: case CHARTAB: case CHARDASH: case CHARNBSP: putchar(cmd); break; case CHARBACKSLASH: printf("$\\backslash$"); break; case CHARGT: printf("$>$"); break; case CHARLT: printf("$<$"); break; case CHARHAT: printf("$\\char94{}$"); break; case CHARVBAR: printf("$|$"); break; case CHARAMP: printf("\\&"); break; case CHARBULLET: printf("$\\bullet$ "); break; case CHARDAGGER: printf("\\dag "); break; case CHARPLUSMINUS: printf("\\pm "); break; case CHARCENT: printf("\\hbox{\\rm\\rlap/c}"); break; case CHARSECT: printf("\\S "); break; case CHARCOPYR: printf("\\copyright "); break; case CHARNOT: printf("$\\neg$"); break; case CHARREGTM: printf("(R)"); break; case CHARDEG: printf("$^\\circ$"); break; case CHARACUTE: putchar('\''); break; case CHAR14: printf("$\\frac{1}{4}$"); break; case CHAR12: printf("$\\frac{1}{2}$"); break; case CHAR34: printf("$\\frac{3}{4}$"); break; case CHARMUL: printf("\\times "); break; case CHARDIV: printf("\\div "); break; case BEGINCODE: case BEGINBOLD: printf("{\\bf "); break; case BEGINSC: printf("{\\sc "); break; case BEGINITALICS: printf("{\\it "); break; case BEGINBOLDITALICS:printf("{\\bf\\it "); break; case BEGINMANREF: printf("{\\sf "); break; case ENDCODE: case ENDBOLD: case ENDSC: case ENDITALICS: case ENDBOLDITALICS: case ENDMANREF: putchar('}'); break; case HR: /*printf("\n%s\n", horizontalrule);*/ break; case BEGINY: case ENDY: case BEGINHEADER: case ENDHEADER: case BEGINFOOTER: case ENDFOOTER: case CHANGEBAR: /* nothing */ break; default: DefaultPara(cmd); } } void LaTeX2e(enum command cmd) { switch (cmd) { /* replace selected commands ... */ case BEGINDOC: escchars = "$&%#_{}"; printf("%% %s,\n", PROVENANCE); printf("%% %s\n\n", HOME); /* definitions */ printf( "\\documentclass{article}\n" "\\def\\thefootnote{\\fnsymbol{footnote}}\n" "\\setlength{\\parindent}{0pt}\n" "\\setlength{\\parskip}{0.5\\baselineskip plus 2pt minus 1pt}\n" "\\begin{document}\n" ); I=0; break; case BEGINCODE: case BEGINBOLD: printf("\\textbf{"); break; case BEGINSC: printf("\\textsc{"); break; case BEGINITALICS: printf("\\textit{"); break; case BEGINBOLDITALICS:printf("\\textbf{\\textit{"); break; case BEGINMANREF: printf("\\textsf{"); break; case ENDBOLDITALICS: printf("}}"); break; /* ... rest same as old LaTeX */ default: LaTeX(cmd); } } /* * Rich Text Format (RTF) */ /* RTF could use more work */ void RTF(enum command cmd) { switch (cmd) { case BEGINDOC: escchars = "{}"; /* definitions */ printf( /* fonts */ "{\\rtf1\\deff2 {\\fonttbl" "{\\f20\\froman Times;}{\\f150\\fnil I Times Italic;}" "{\\f151\\fnil B Times Bold;}{\\f152\\fnil BI Times BoldItalic;}" "{\\f22\\fmodern Courier;}{\\f23\\ftech Symbol;}" "{\\f135\\fnil I Courier Oblique;}{\\f136\\fnil B Courier Bold;}{\\f137\\fnil BI Courier BoldOblique;}" "{\\f138\\fnil I Helvetica Oblique;}{\\f139\\fnil B Helvetica Bold;}}" "\n" /* style sheets */ "{\\stylesheet{\\li720\\sa120 \\f20 \\sbasedon222\\snext0 Normal;}" "{\\s2\\sb200\\sa120 \\b\\f3\\fs20 \\sbasedon0\\snext2 section head;}" "{\\s3\\li180\\sa120 \\b\\f20 \\sbasedon0\\snext3 subsection head;}" "{\\s4\\fi-1440\\li2160\\sa240\\tx2160 \\f20 \\sbasedon0\\snext4 detailed list;}}" "\n" /* more header to come--do undefined values default to nice values? */ ); I=0; break; case ENDDOC: /* header and footer wanted? */ printf("\\par{\\f150 %s,\n%s}", PROVENANCE, HOME); printf("}\n"); break; case BEGINBODY: printf("\n\n"); break; case ENDBODY: CurLine++; printf("\\par\n"); tagc=0; break; case BEGINCOMMENT: fcharout=0; break; case ENDCOMMENT: fcharout=1; break; case COMMENTLINE: break; case BEGINSECTION: break; case ENDSECTION: printf("\n\\par\n"); break; case BEGINSECTHEAD: printf("{\\s2 "); tagc=0; break; case ENDSECTHEAD: printf("}\\par"); /* useful extraction from files, environment? */ printf("\n"); break; case BEGINSUBSECTHEAD:printf("{\\s3 "); break; case ENDSUBSECTHEAD: printf("}\\par\n"); break; case BEGINSUBSECTION: break; case ENDSUBSECTION: break; case BEGINLINE: /*if (ncnt) printf("\n\n");*/ break; case ENDLINE: I=0; putchar(' '); /*putchar('\n'); CurLine++;*/ break; case SHORTLINE: if (!fIP) printf("\\line\n"); break; case BEGINBULPAIR: printf("{\\s4 "); break; case ENDBULPAIR: printf("}\\par\n"); break; case BEGINBULLET: break; case ENDBULLET: printf("\\tab "); fcharout=0; break; case BEGINBULTXT: fcharout=1; break; case ENDBULTXT: break; case CHARLQUOTE: printf("``"); break; case CHARRQUOTE: printf("''"); break; case CHARLSQUOTE: case CHARRSQUOTE: case CHARPERIOD: case CHARTAB: case CHARDASH: case CHARBACKSLASH: case CHARGT: case CHARLT: case CHARHAT: case CHARVBAR: case CHARAMP: case CHARNBSP: case CHARCENT: case CHARSECT: case CHARCOPYR: case CHARNOT: case CHARREGTM: case CHARDEG: case CHARACUTE: case CHAR14: case CHAR12: case CHAR34: case CHARMUL: case CHARDIV: putchar(cmd); break; case CHARBULLET: printf("\\bullet "); break; case CHARDAGGER: printf("\\dag "); break; case CHARPLUSMINUS: printf("\\pm "); break; case BEGINCODE: case BEGINBOLD: printf("{\\b "); break; case BEGINSC: printf("{\\fs20 "); break; case BEGINITALICS: printf("{\\i "); break; case BEGINBOLDITALICS:printf("{\\b \\i "); break; case BEGINMANREF: printf("{\\f22 "); break; case ENDBOLD: case ENDCODE: case ENDSC: case ENDITALICS: case ENDBOLDITALICS: case ENDMANREF: putchar('}'); break; case HR: printf("\n%s\n", horizontalrule); break; case BEGINY: case ENDY: case BEGINHEADER: case ENDHEADER: case BEGINFOOTER: case ENDFOOTER: case BEGINTABLE: case ENDTABLE: case BEGINTABLELINE: case ENDTABLELINE: case BEGINTABLEENTRY: case ENDTABLEENTRY: case BEGININDENT: case ENDINDENT: case FONTSIZE: case CHANGEBAR: /* nothing */ break; default: DefaultPara(cmd); } } /* * pointers to existing tools */ void PostScript(enum command cmd) { fprintf(stderr, "Use groff or psroff to generate PostScript.\n"); exit(1); } void FrameMaker(enum command cmd) { fprintf(stderr, "FrameMaker comes with filters that convert from roff to MIF.\n"); exit(1); } /* * Utilities common to both parses */ /* level 0: DOC - need match level 1: SECTION - need match level 2: SUBSECTION | BODY | BULLETPAIR level 3: BODY (within SUB) | BULLETPAIR (within SUB) | BULTXT (within BULLETPAIR) level 4: BULTXT (within BULLETPAIR within SUBSECTION) never see: SECTHEAD, SUBSECTHEAD, BULLET */ int Psect=0, Psub=0, Pbp=0, Pbt=0, Pb=0, Pbul=0; void pop(enum command cmd) { assert(cmd==ENDINDENT || cmd==BEGINBULLET || cmd==BEGINBULTXT || cmd==BEGINBULPAIR || cmd==BEGINBODY || cmd==BEGINSECTION || cmd==BEGINSUBSECTION || cmd==ENDDOC); /* int i; int p; int match; p=cmdp-1; for (i=cmdp-1;i>=0; i--) if (cmd==cmdstack[i]) { match=i; break; } */ /* if match, pop off all up to and including match */ /* otherwise, pop off one level*/ if (Pbul) { (*fn)(ENDBULLET); Pbul=0; if (cmd==BEGINBULLET) return; } /* else close off ENDBULTXT */ if (Pbt) { (*fn)(ENDBULTXT); Pbt=0; } if (cmd==BEGINBULTXT || cmd==BEGINBULLET) return; if (Pb && cmd==BEGINBULPAIR) { (*fn)(ENDBODY); Pb=0; } /* special */ if (Pbp) { (*fn)(ENDBULPAIR); Pbp=0; } if (cmd==BEGINBULPAIR || cmd==ENDINDENT) return; if (Pb) { (*fn)(ENDBODY); Pb=0; } if (cmd==BEGINBODY) return; if (Psub) { (*fn)(ENDSUBSECTION); Psub=0; } if (cmd==BEGINSUBSECTION) return; if (Psect) { (*fn)(ENDSECTION); Psect=0; } if (cmd==BEGINSECTION) return; } void poppush(enum command cmd) { assert(cmd==ENDINDENT || cmd==BEGINBULLET || cmd==BEGINBULTXT || cmd==BEGINBULPAIR || cmd==BEGINBODY || cmd==BEGINSECTION || cmd==BEGINSUBSECTION); pop(cmd); switch (cmd) { case BEGINBULLET: Pbul=1; break; case BEGINBULTXT: Pbt=1; break; case BEGINBULPAIR: Pbp=1; break; case BEGINBODY: Pb=1; break; case BEGINSECTION: Psect=1; break; case BEGINSUBSECTION: Psub=1; break; default: if (!fQuiet) fprintf(stderr, "poppush: unrecognized code %d\n", cmd); } (*fn)(cmd); prevcmd = cmd; } /* * PREFORMATTED PAGES PARSING */ /* wrapper for getchar() that expands tabs, and sends maximum of n=40 consecutive spaces */ int getchartab(void) { static int tabexp = 0; static int charinline = 0; static int cspccnt = 0; char c; c = lookahead; if (tabexp) tabexp--; else if (c=='\n') { charinline=0; cspccnt=0; } else if (c=='\t') { tabexp = TabStops-(charinline%TabStops); if (tabexp==TabStops) tabexp=0; lookahead = c = ' '; } else if (cspccnt>=40) { if (*in==' ') { while (*in==' '||*in=='\t') in++; in--; } cspccnt=0; } if (!tabexp && lookahead) lookahead = *in++; if (c=='\b') charinline--; else charinline++; if (c==' ') cspccnt++; return c; } /* replace gets. handles hyphenation too */ char * la_gets(char *buf) { static char la_buf[MAXBUF]; /* can lookahead a full line, but nobody does now */ static int fla=0, hy=0; char *ret,*p; int c,i; assert(buf!=NULL); if (fla) { /* could avoid copying if callers used return value */ strcpy(buf,la_buf); fla=0; ret=buf; /* correct? */ } else { /*ret=gets(buf); -- gets is deprecated (since it can read too much?) */ /* could do this... ret=fgets(buf, MAXBUF, stdin); buf[strlen(buf)-1]='\0'; ... but don't want to have to rescan line with strlen, so... */ i=0; p=buf; /* recover spaces if re-linebreaking */ for (; hy; hy--) { *p++=' '; i++; } while (lookahead && (c=getchartab())!='\n' && ibuf && p[-1]=='-' && isspace(lookahead)) { p--; /* zap hyphen */ /* zap boldfaced hyphens, gr! */ while (p[-1]=='\b' && p[-2]=='-') p-=2; /* start getting next line, spaces first ... */ while (lookahead && isspace(lookahead) && lookahead!='\n') { getchartab(); hy++; } /* ... append next nonspace string to previous ... */ while (lookahead && !isspace(lookahead) && i++=3 spaces) */ int phraselen; void filterline(char *buf, char *plain) { char *p,*q,*r; char *ph; int iq; int i,j; int hl=-1, hl2=-1; int iscnt=0; /* interword space count */ int tagci; int I0; int etype; int efirst; enum tagtype tag = NOTAG; int esccode; assert(buf!=NULL && plain!=NULL); etype=NOTAG; efirst=-1; tagci=tagc; ph=phrase; phraselen=0; scnt=scnt2=0; s_sum=s_cnt=0; bs_sum=bs_cnt=0; ccnt=0; spcsqz=0; /* strip only certain \x1b's and only at very beginning of line */ for (p=buf; *p=='\x1b' && (p[1]=='8'||p[1]=='9'); p+=2) /* nop */; strcpy(plain,p); q=&plain[strlen(p)]; /*** spaces and change bars ***/ for (scnt=0,p=plain; *p==' '; p++) scnt++; /* initial space count */ if (scnt>200) scnt=130-(q-p); assert(*q=='\0'); q--; if (fChangeleft) for (; q-40>plain && *q=='|'; q--) { /* change bars */ if (fChangeleft!=-1) ccnt++; while (q-2>=plain && q[-1]=='\b' && q[-2]=='|') q-=2; /* boldface changebars! */ } /*if (q!=&plain[scnt-1])*/ /* zap trailing spaces */ for (; *q==' ' && q>plain; q--) /* nop */; /* second changebar way out east! HACK HACK HACK */ if (q-plain>100 && *q=='|') { while (*q=='|' && q>plain) { q--; if (fChangeleft!=-1) ccnt++; } while ((*q==' ' || *q=='_' || *q=='-') && q>plain) q--; } for (r=q; (*r&0xff)==CHARDAGGER; r--) *r='-'; /* convert daggers at end of line to hyphens */ if (q-plain < scnt) scnt = q-plain+1; q[1]='\0'; /* set I for tags below */ if (indent>=0 && scnt>=indent) scnt-=indent; if (!fPara && !fIQS) { if (fChangeleft) I+=(scnt>ccnt)?scnt:ccnt; else I+=scnt; } I0=I; /*** tags and filler spaces ***/ iq=0; falluc=1; for (q=plain; *p; p++) { iscnt=0; if (*p==' ') { for (r=p; *r==' '; r++) { iscnt++; spcsqz++; } s_sum+=iscnt; s_cnt++; if (iscnt>1 && !scnt2 && *p==' ') scnt2=iscnt; if (iscnt>2) { bs_cnt++; bs_sum+=iscnt; } /* keep track of large gaps */ iscnt--; /* leave last space for tail portion of loop */ /* write out spaces */ if (fQS && iscnt<3) { p=r-1; iscnt=0; } /* reduce strings of <3 spaces to 1 */ /* else if (fQS && iscnt>=3) { replace with tab? } */ else { for (i=0; iplain && q[-1]=='+') { /* bold plus/minus(!) */ q[-1]=c_plusminus; while (*p=='\b' && p[1]=='_') p+=2; continue; } else if ((*p=='_' && p[1]=='\b' && p[2]!='_' && p[3]!='\b') || (*p=='\b' && p[1]=='_')) { /* italics */ if (tag!=ITALICS && hl>=0) { tagadd(tag, hl, I+iq); hl=-1; } if (hl==-1) hl=I+iq; tag=ITALICS; p+=2; } else if (*p=='_' && p[2]==p[4] && p[1]=='\b' && p[3]=='\b' && p[2]!='_') { /* bold italics (for Solaris) */ for (p+=2; *p==p[2] && p[1]=='\b';) p+=2; if (tag!=BOLDITALICS && hl>=0) { tagadd(tag, hl, I+iq); hl=-1; } if (hl==-1) hl=I+iq; tag=BOLDITALICS; } else if (*p==p[2] && p[1]=='\b') { /* boldface */ while (*p==p[2] && p[1]=='\b') p+=2; if (tag!=BOLD && hl>=0) { tagadd(tag, hl, I+iq); hl=-1; } if (hl==-1) hl=I+iq; tag=BOLD; } else if (p[1]=='\b' && ((*p=='o' && p[2]=='+') || (*p=='+' && p[2]=='o')) ) { /* bullets */ p+=2; while (p[1]=='\b' && (*p=='o' || p[2]=='+') ) p+=2; /* bold bullets(!) */ *q++=c_bullet; iq++; continue; } else if (*p=='\b' && p>plain && p[-1]=='o' && p[1]=='+') { /* OSF bullets */ while (*p=='\b' && p[1]=='+') p+=2; /* bold bullets(!) */ q[-1]=c_bullet; p--; continue; } else if (p[1]=='\b' && *p=='+' && p[2]=='_') { /* plus/minus */ p+=2; *q++=c_plusminus; iq++; continue; } else if (p[1]=='\b' && *p=='|' && p[2]=='-') { /* dagger */ *q++=c_dagger; iq++; p+=2; continue; } else if (*p=='\b') { /* supress unattended backspaces */ continue; } else if (*p=='\x1b') { p++; if (*p=='[' && isdigit(p[1])) { /* 0/1/22/24/.../8/9/... */ esccode=0; for (p++; isdigit(*p); p++) esccode = esccode * 10 + *p - '0'; if (efirst>=0 /*&& (esccode==0 || esccode==1 || esccode==4 || esccode==22 || esccode==24) /*&& hl>=0 && hl2==-1 && tags[MAXTAGS].first=0 || isupper(p[1]) || (p[1]=='_' && p[2]!='\b') || p[1]=='&')) { if (hl==-1 && efirst==-1) { hl=I+iq; tag=SMALLCAPS; } } else { /* end of tag, one way or another */ /* collect tags in this pass, interspersed later if need be */ /* can't handle overlapping tags */ if (hl>=0) { if (hl2==-1) tagadd(tag, hl, I+iq); hl=-1; } } /** non-backspace related filtering **/ /* case statement here in place of if chain? */ /* Tk 3.x's text widget tabs too crazy if (*p==' ' && strncmp(" ",p,5)==0) { xputchar('\t'); i+=5-1; ci++; continue; } else */ /* copyright symbol: too much work for so little if (p[i]=='o' && (strncmp("opyright (C) 19",&p[i],15)==0 || strncmp("opyright (c) 19",&p[i],15)==0)) { printf("opyright \xd3 19"); tagadd(SYMBOL, ci+9, ci+10); i+=15-1; ci+=13; continue; } else */ if (*p=='(' && q>plain && (isalnum(q[-1])||strchr(manvalid/*"._-+"*/,q[-1])!=NULL) && strcoloncmp(&p[1],')',vollist) /* && p[1]!='s' && p[-1]!='`' && p[-1]!='\'' && p[-1]!='"'*/ ) { hl2=I+iq; for (r=q-1; r>=plain && (isalnum(*r)||strchr(manvalid/*"._-+:"*/,*r)!=NULL); r--) hl2--; /* else ref to a function? */ /* maybe save position of opening paren so don't highlight it later */ } else if (*p==')' && hl2!=-1) { /* don't overlap tags on man page references */ while (tagc>0 && tags[tagc-1].last>hl2) tagc--; tagadd(MANREF, hl2, I+iq+1); hl2=hl=-1; } else if (hl2!=-1) { /* section names are alphanumic or '+' for C++ */ if (!isalnum(*p) && *p!='+') hl2=-1; } /*assert(*p!='\0');*/ if (!*p) break; /* not just safety check -- check out sgmls.1 */ *q++=*p; /* falluc = falluc && (isupper(*p) || isspace(*p) || isdigit(*p) || strchr("-+&_'/()?!.,;",*p)!=NULL);*/ falluc = falluc && !islower(*p); if (!scnt2) { *ph++=*p; phraselen++; } iq+=iscnt+1; } if (hl>=0) tagadd(tag, hl, I+iq); else if (efirst>=0) tagadd(etype, efirst, I+iq); *q=*ph='\0'; linelen=iq+ccnt; /* special case for Solaris: if line has ONLY tags AND they SPAN line, convert to one tag */ fCodeline=0; if (tagc && tags[0].first==0 && tags[tagc-1].last==linelen) { fCodeline=1; j=0; /* invariant: at start of a tag */ for (i=0; fCodeline && iNOTAG && tags[i].type<=MANREF); assert(tags[i].first>=I0 && tags[i].last<=linelen+I0); assert(tags[i].first<=tags[i].last); /* verify for no overlap with other tags */ for (j=i+1; j=tags[j].last*/); } } } /* buf[] == input text (read only) plain[] == output (initial, trailing spaces stripped; tabs=>spaces; underlines, overstrikes => tag array; spaces squeezed, if requested) ccnt = count of changebars scnt = count of initial spaces linelen = length result in plain[] */ int fHead=0; int fFoot=0; void preformatted_filter(void) { const int MINRM=50; /* minimum column for right margin */ const int MINMID=20; const int HEADFOOTSKIP=20; const int HEADFOOTMAX=25; int curtag; char *p,*r; char head[MAXBUF]=""; /* first "word" */ char foot[MAXBUF]=""; int header_m=0, footer_m=0; int headlen=0, footlen=0; /* int line=1-1; */ int i,j,k,l,off; int sect=0,subsect=0,bulpair=0,osubsect=0; int title=1; int oscnt=-1; int empty=0,oempty; int fcont=0; int Pnew=0,I0; float s_avg=0.0; int spaceout; int skiplines=0; int c; /* try to keep tabeginend[][] in parallel with enum tagtype */ assert(tagbeginend[ITALICS][0]==BEGINITALICS); assert(tagbeginend[MANREF][1]==ENDMANREF); in++; /* lookahead = current character, in points to following */ /* for (i=0; i=2 && bs_cnt<=5 && ((float) bs_sum / (float) bs_cnt)>3.0)); if (finTable) { if (!fotable) (*fn)(BEGINTABLE); } else if (fotable) { (*fn)(ENDTABLE); I=I0; tagc=0; filterline(buf,plain); /* rescan first line out of table */ } #endif s_avg=(float) s_sum; if (s_cnt>=2) { /* don't count large second space gap */ if (scnt2) s_avg= (float) (s_sum - scnt2) / (float) (s_cnt-1); else s_avg= (float) (s_sum) / (float) (s_cnt); } p=plain; /* points to current character in plain */ /*** determine header and global indentation ***/ if (/*fMan && (*/!fHead || indent==-1/*)*/) { if (!linelen) continue; if (!*header) { /* check for missing first header--but this doesn't catch subsequent pages */ if (stricmp(p,"NAME")==0 || stricmp(p,"NOMBRE")==0) { /* works because line already filtered */ indent=scnt; /*filterline(buf,plain);*/ scnt=0; I=I0; fHead=1; } else { fHead=1; (*fn)(BEGINHEADER); /* grab header and its first word */ strcpy(header,p); if ((header_m=HEADFOOTSKIP)>linelen) header_m=0; strcpy(head,phrase); headlen=phraselen; la_gets(buf); filterline(buf,plain); if (linelen) { strcpy(header2,plain); if (strincmp(plain,"Digital",7)==0 || strincmp(plain,"OSF",3)==0) { fFoot=1; fSubsections=0; } } (*fn)(ENDHEADER); tagc=0; continue; } } else { /* some idiot pages have a *third* header line, possibly after a null line */ if (*header && scnt>MINMID) { strcpy(header3,p); ncnt=0; continue; } /* indent of first line ("NAME") after header sets global indent */ /* check '<' for Plan 9(?) */ if (*p!='<') { indent=scnt; I=I0; scnt=0; } else continue; } /* if (indent==-1) continue;*/ } if (!lindent && scnt) lindent=scnt; /*printf("lindent = %d, scnt=%d\n", lindent,scnt);*/ /**** for each ordinary line... *****/ /*** skip over global indentation */ oempty=empty; empty=(linelen==0); if (empty) {ncnt++; continue;} /*** strip out per-page titles ***/ if (/*fMan && (*/scnt==0 || scnt>MINMID/*)*/) { /*printf("***ncnt = %d, fFoot = %d, line = %d***", ncnt,fFoot,AbsLine);*/ if (!fFoot && !isspace(*p) && (scnt>5 || (*p!='-' && *p!='_')) && /* don't add ncnt -- AbsLine gets absolute line number */ (((ncnt>=2 && AbsLine/*+ncnt*/>=61/*was 58*/ && AbsLine/*+ncnt*/<70) || (ncnt>=4 && AbsLine/*+ncnt*/>=59 && AbsLine/*+ncnt*/<74) || (ncnt && AbsLine/*+ncnt*/>=61 && AbsLine/*+ncnt*/<=66)) && (/*lookahead!=' ' ||*/ (s_cnt>=1 && s_avg>1.1) || !falluc) ) ) { (*fn)(BEGINFOOTER); /* grab footer and its first word */ strcpy(footer,p); /* if ((footer_m=linelen-HEADFOOTSKIP)<0) footer_m=0;*/ if ((footer_m=HEADFOOTSKIP)>linelen) footer_m=0; /*grabphrase(p);*/ strcpy(foot,phrase); footlen=phraselen; /* permit variations at end, as for SGI "Page N", but keep minimum length */ if (footlen>3) footlen--; la_gets(buf); filterline(buf,plain); if (linelen) strcpy(footer2,plain); title=1; (*fn)(ENDFOOTER); tagc=0; /* if no header on first page, try again after first footer */ if (!fFoot && *header=='\0') fHead=0; /* this is dangerous */ fFoot=1; continue; } else /* a lot of work, but only for a few lines (about 4%) */ if (fFoot && (scnt==0 || scnt+indent>MINMID) && ( (headlen && strncmp(head,p,headlen)==0) || strcmp(header2,p)==0 || strcmp(header3,p)==0 || (footlen && strncmp(foot,p,footlen)==0) || strcmp(footer2,p)==0 /* try to recognize lines with dates and page numbers */ /* skip into line */ || (header_m && header_mnew paragraph, line mode=>blank lines */ /* need to chop up lines for Roff */ /*tabgram[scnt]++;*/ if (title) ncnt=(scnt!=oscnt || (/*scnt<4 &&*/ isupper(*p))); itabcnt = scnt/5; if (CurLine==1) {ncnt=0; tagc=0;} /* gobble all newlines before first text line */ sect = (scnt==0 && isupper(*p)); subsect = (fSubsections && (scnt==2||scnt==3)); if ((sect || subsect) && ncnt>1) ncnt=1; /* single blank line between sections */ (*fn)(BEGINLINE); if (/*fPara &&*/ ncnt) Pnew=1; title=0; /*ncnt=0;--moved down*/ /*if (finTable) (*fn)(BEGINTABLELINE);*/ oscnt=scnt; /*fotable=finTable;*/ /* let output modules decide what to do at the start of a paragraph if (fPara && !Pnew && (prevcmd==BEGINBODY || prevcmd==BEGINBULTXT)) { putchar(' '); I++; } */ /*** identify structural sections and notify fn */ /*if (fMan) {*/ /* bulpair = (scnt<7 && (*p==c_bullet || *p=='-'));*/ /* decode the below */ bulpair = ((!auxindent || scnt!=lindent+auxindent) /*!bulpair*/ && ((scnt>=2 && scnt2>5) || scnt>=5 || (tagc>0 && tags[0].first==scnt) ) /* scnt>=2?? */ && (((*p==c_bullet || strchr("-+.",*p)!=NULL || falluc) && (ncnt || scnt2>4)) || (scnt2-s_avg>=2 && phrase[phraselen-1]!='.') || (scnt2>3 && s_cnt==1) )); if (bulpair) { if (tagc>0 && tags[0].first==scnt) { k=tags[0].last; for (l=1; l=5 && kccnt)?(scnt-ccnt):0; if (fILQS) { if (spaceout>=lindent) spaceout-=lindent; else spaceout=0; } if (auxindent) { if (spaceout>=auxindent) spaceout-=auxindent; else spaceout=0; } if (fNORM) { if (itabcnt>0) (*fn)(ITAB); for (i=0; i<(scnt%5); i++) putchar(' '); } else printf("%*s",spaceout,""); } /*** iterate over each character in line, ***/ /*** handling underlining, tabbing, copyrights ***/ off=(!fIQS&&!fPara)?scnt:0; for (i=0, p=plain, curtag=0, fcont=0; *p; p++,i++,fcont=0) { /* interspersed presentation signals */ /* start tags in reverse order of addition (so structural first) */ if (curtag \-opt */ if (p==plain || (isspace(p[-1]) && !isspace(p[1]))) { (*fn)(CHARDASH); fcont=1; } break; } /* troublemaker characters */ c = (*p)&0xff; if (!fcont && fcharout) { if (strchr(escchars,c)!=NULL) { putchar('\\'); putchar(c); I++; } else if (strchr(trouble,c)!=NULL) { (*fn)(c); fcont=1; } else { putchar(c); I++; } } /*default:*/ if (curtag */ falluc = falluc && !islower(*in); *p++ = *in++; } if (*in) in++; *p='\0'; /* normalize commands */ p=tmpbuf; q=buf; /* copy from tmpbuf to buf */ /* no spaces between command-initiating period and command letters */ if (*p=='\'') { *p='.'; } /* what's the difference? */ if (*p=='.') { *q++ = *p++; while (isspace(*p)) p++; } /* convert lines with tabs to tables? */ fsourceTab=0; /* if comment at start of line, OK */ /* dynamically determine iff Tcl/Tk page by scanning comments */ if (*p=='\\' && *(p+1)=='"') { if (!fTclTk && strstr(p+1,"supplemental macros used in Tcl/Tk")!=NULL) fTclTk=1; p+=2; } while (*p) { if (*p=='\t') fsourceTab++; if (*p=='\\') { p++; if (*p=='n') { p++; if (*p=='(') { p++; name[0]=*p++; name[1]=*p++; name[2]='\0'; } else { name[0]=*p++; name[1]='\0'; } *q='0'; *(q+1)='\0'; /* defaults to 0, in case doesn't exist */ for (i=0; ibuf && isspace(*q)) q--; /* trim tailing whitespace */ q++; *q='\0'; } else { /* verbatim character (often a backslash) */ *q++ = '\\'; /* postpone interpretation (not the right thing but...) */ *q++ = *p++; } } else *q++ = *p++; } /* dumb Digital--later */ /*if (q-3>plain && q[-1]=='{' && q[-2]=='\\' && q[-3]==' ') q[-3]='\n';*/ /* close off buf */ *q='\0'; /*if (q>buf && q[-1]=='\\' && *in=='.') { /* append next line * /} else break;*/ break; } /*printf("*ret = |%s|\n", ret!=NULL?ret : "NULL");*/ return ret; } /* dump characters from buffer, signalling right tags along the way */ /* all this work to introduce an internal second pass to recognize man page references */ /* now for HTTP references too */ int sI=0; /* use int linelen from up top */ int fFlush=1; void source_flush(void) { int i,j; char *p,*q,*r; int c; int manoff,posn; if (!sI) return; plain[sI] = '\0'; /* flush called often enough that all man page references are at end of text to be flushed */ /* find man page ref */ if (sI>=4/*+1*/ && (plain[sI-(manoff=1)-1]==')' || plain[sI-(manoff=0)-1]==')')) { for (q=&plain[sI-manoff-1-1]; q>plain && isalnum(*q) && *q!='('; q--) /* nada */; if (*q=='(' && strcoloncmp(&q[1],')',vollist)) { r=q-1; if (*r==' ' && (sectheadid==SEEALSO || /*single letter volume */ *(q+2)==')' || *(q+3)==')')) r--; /* permitted single intervening space */ for ( ; r>=plain && (isalnum(*r) || strchr(manvalid,*r)!=NULL); r--) /* nada */; r++; if (isalpha(*r) && r= posn) tagc--;*/ /* add MANREF tags */ strcpy(hitxt,r); tagadd(BEGINMANREF, posn, 0); /* already generated other start tags, so move BEGINMANREF to start in order to be well nested (ugh) */ tagtmp = tags[tagc-1]; for (j=tagc-1; j>0; j--) tags[j]=tags[j-1]; tags[0]=tagtmp; tagadd(ENDMANREF, sI-manoff-1+1, 0); } } /* HTML hyperlinks */ } else if (fURL && sI>=4 && (p=strstr(plain,"http"))!=NULL) { i = p-plain; tagadd(BEGINMANREF, i, 0); tagtmp = tags[tagc-1]; for (j=tagc-1; j>0; j--) tags[j]=tags[j-1]; tags[0]=tagtmp; for (j=0; i=LINEBREAK && c==' ') { (*fn)(ENDLINE); linelen=0; } else { /* normal character */ xputchar(c); if (fcharout) linelen++; } /*if (linelen>=LINEBREAK && c==' ') { (*fn)(ENDLINE); linelen=0; } -- leaves space at end of line*/ } /* dump tags at end */ /*for ( ; j program code */ styles[++style] = BOLDITALICS; stagadd(BEGINBOLDITALICS); break; case '1': case '0': case 'R': case 'P': /* back to Roman */ /*sputchar(' '); -- taken out; not needed, I hope */ funwind=1; break; case '-': p++; break; } break; case '(': /* multicharacter macros */ p++; for (i=0; i can't because next line might start with a command */ supresseol=1; p++; break; case '-': /* minus sign */ sputchar(CHARDASH); p++; break; /*----------------------- } else if (*p=='^') { /* end stylings? (found in Solaris) * / p++; -------------------*/ default: /* unknown escaped character */ sputchar(*p++); } } else { /* normal character */ if (*p) sputchar(*p++); } /* unwind character formatting stack */ if (funwind) { for ( ; style>=0; style--) { if (styles[style]==BOLD) stagadd(ENDBOLD); else if (styles[style]==ITALICS) stagadd(ENDITALICS); else stagadd(ENDBOLDITALICS); } /* else error */ assert(style==-1); funwind=0; } /* check for man page reference and flush buffer if safe */ /* postpone check until after following character so catch closing tags */ if ((sI>=4+1 && plain[sI-1-1]==')') || /* (plain[sI-1]==' ' && (q=strchr(plain,' '))!=NULL && q<&plain[sI-1])) {*/ (plain[sI-1]==' ' && !isalnum(plain[sI-1-1]))) { /* regardless, flush buffer */ source_flush(); } } if (*p && *p!=' ') p++; /* skip over end character */ return p; } /* oh, for function overloading. inlined by compiler, probably */ char *source_out(char *p) { return source_out0(p,'\0'); } char * source_out_word(char *p) { char end = ' '; while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p=='"' /* || *p=='`' ? */) { end = *p; p++; } p = source_out0(p,end); /*while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++;*/ return p; } void source_struct(enum command cmd) { source_out("\\fR\\s0"); /* don't let run-on stylings run past structural units */ source_flush(); if (cmd==SHORTLINE) linelen=0; (*fn)(cmd); } #define checkcmd(str) strcmp(cmd,str)==0 int finnf=0; void source_line(char *p); void source_subfile(char *newin) { char *p; char *oldin = in; sublevel++; in = newin; while ((p=source_gets())!=NULL) { source_line(p); } in = oldin; sublevel--; } /* have to delay acquisition of list tag */ void source_list(void) { static int oldlisttype; /* OK to have just one because nested lists done with RS/RE */ char *q; int i; /* guard against empty bullet */ for (i=0, q=plain; i or other comment closer, but unlikely */ /* structural commands */ } else if (checkcmd("TH")) { /* sample: .TH CC 1 "Dec 1990" */ /* overrides command line -- should fix this */ if (!finitDoc) { while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p) { /* name */ q=strchr(p, ' '); if (q!=NULL) *q++='\0'; strcpy(manName, p); /* number */ p = q; if (p!=NULL) { while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p) { q=strchr(p,' '); if (q!=NULL) *q++='\0'; } } strcpy(manSect, p!=NULL? p: "?"); } sI=0; finitDoc=1; (*fn)(BEGINDOC); /* emit information in .TH line? */ } /* else complain about multiple definitions? */ } else if (checkcmd("SH") || checkcmd("Sh")) { /* section title */ while (indent) { source_command("RE"); } source_flush(); pop(BEGINSECTION); /* before reset sectheadid */ if (*p) { if (*p=='"') { p++; q=p; while (*q && *q!='"') q++; *q='\0'; } finnf=0; for (j=0; (sectheadid=j) leave to output format */ /* HTML handles tables but not tabs, Tk's text tabs but not tables */ /* does cause a linebreak */ stagadd(BEGINBODY); } else if (checkcmd("ce")) { /* get line count, recursively filter for that many lines */ if (sscanf(p, "%d", &i)) { source_struct(BEGINCENTER); for (; i>0 && (p=source_gets())!=NULL; i--) source_line(p); source_struct(ENDCENTER); } /* limited selection of control structures */ } else if (checkcmd("if") || (checkcmd("ie"))) { /* if cmd, if command and else on next line */ supresseol=1; ie = checkcmd("ie"); mylastif=lastif; if (*p=='!') { invcond=1; p++; } if (*p=='n') { cond=1; p++; } /* masquerading as nroff the right thing to do? */ else if (*p=='t') { cond=0; p++; } else if (*p=='(' || *p=='-' || *p=='+' || isdigit(*p)) { if (*p=='(') p++; nif0=atof(p); if (*p=='-' || *p=='+') p++; while (isdigit(*p)) p++; op = *p++; /* operator: =, >, < */ if (op==' ') { cond = (nif0!=0); } else { nif1=atoi(p); while (isdigit(*p)) p++; if (*p==')') p++; if (op=='=') cond = (nif0==nif1); else if (op=='<') cond = (nif0' -- ignore >=, <= */ cond = (nif0>nif1); } } else if (!isalpha(*p)) { /* usually quote, ^G in Digital UNIX */ /* gobble up comparators between delimiters */ delim = *p++; q = if0; while (*p!=delim) { *q++=*p++; } *q='\0'; p++; q = if1; while (*p!=delim) { *q++=*p++; } *q='\0'; p++; cond = (strcmp(if0,if1)==0); } else cond=0; /* a guess, seems to be right bettern than half the time */ if (invcond) cond=1-cond; while (isspace(*p)) p++; lastif = cond; if (strncmp(p,"\\{",2)==0) { /* rather than handle groups here, have turn on/off output flag? */ p+=2; while (isspace(*p)) p++; while (strncmp(p,".\\}",3)!=0 || strncmp(p,"\\}",2)!=0 /*Solaris*/) { if (cond) source_line(p); if ((p=source_gets())==NULL) break; } } else if (cond) source_line(p); if (ie) source_line(source_gets()); /* do else part with prevailing lastif */ lastif=mylastif; } else if (checkcmd("el")) { mylastif=lastif; /* should centralize gobbling of groups */ cond = lastif = !lastif; if (strncmp(p,"\\{",2)==0) { p+=2; while (isspace(*p)) p++; while (strncmp(p,".\\}",3)!=0 || strncmp(p,"\\}",2)!=0 /*Solaris*/) { if (cond) source_line(p); if ((p=source_gets())==NULL) break; } } else if (cond) source_line(p); lastif=mylastif; } else if (checkcmd("ig")) { /* "ignore group" */ strcpy(endig,".."); if (*p) { endig[0]='.'; strcpy(&endig[1],p); } while ((p=source_gets())!=NULL) { if (strcmp(p,endig)==0) break; if (!lastif) source_line(p); /* usually ignore line, except in one weird case */ } /* macros and substitutions */ } else if (checkcmd("de")) { /* grab key */ q=p; while (*q && !isspace(*q)) q++; *q='\0'; /* if already have a macro of that name, override it */ /* could use a good dictionary class */ for (insertat=0; insertattblspanmax) tblspanmax=i;*/ tbl[tblc++][i]=""; /* mark end */ if (*p=='.') break; } tbli=0; source_struct(BEGINTABLE); while ((p=source_gets())!=NULL) { if (strncmp(p,".TE",3)==0) break; if (*p=='.') { source_line(p); continue; } /* count number of entries on line. if >1, can use to set tableSep */ insertat=0; for (j=0; *tbl[tbli][j]; j++) if (*tbl[tbli][j]!='s') insertat++; if (!tableSep && insertat>1) if (fsourceTab) tableSep='\t'; else tableSep='@'; source_struct(BEGINTABLELINE); if (strcmp(p,"_")==0 || /* double line */ strcmp(p,"=")==0) { source_out(" "); /*stagadd(HR);*/ /* empty row -- need ROWSPAN for HTML */ continue; } for (i=0; *tbl[tbli][i] && *p; i++) { tblcellspan=1; tblcellformat = tbl[tbli][i]; if (*tblcellformat=='^') { /* vertical span => blank entry */ tblcellformat="l"; } else if (*tblcellformat=='|') { /* stagadd(VBAR); */ continue; } else if (strchr("lrcn", *tblcellformat)==NULL) { tblcellformat="l"; /*continue;*/ } while (strncmp(tbl[tbli][i+1],"s",1)==0) { tblcellspan++; i++; } source_struct(BEGINTABLEENTRY); if (toupper(tblcellformat[1])=='B') stagadd(BEGINBOLD); else if (toupper(tblcellformat[1])=='I') stagadd(BEGINITALICS); /* not supporting DEC's w() */ if (strcmp(p,"T{")==0) { /* DEC, HP */ while (strncmp(p=source_gets(),"T}",2)!=0) source_line(p); p+=2; if (*p) p++; } else { p = source_out0(p, tableSep); } if (toupper(tblcellformat[1])=='B') stagadd(ENDBOLD); else if (toupper(tblcellformat[1])=='I') stagadd(ENDITALICS); source_struct(ENDTABLEENTRY); } if (tbli+1 lines--on infinite scroll */ } void source_line(char *p) { /*stagadd(BEGINLINE);*/ char *cmd=p; if (p==NULL) return; /* bug somewhere else, but where? */ isComment = (/*checkcmd("") ||*/ checkcmd("\\\"") || /*DEC triple dot*/checkcmd("..")); if (inComment && !isComment) { source_struct(ENDCOMMENT); inComment=0; } /* special case to handle transition */ #if 0 if (*p!='.' && *p!='\'' && !finlist) { if (fsourceTab && !fosourceTab) { tblc=1; tbli=0; tableSep='\t'; tbl[0][0]=tbl[0][1]=tbl[0][2]=tbl[0][3]=tbl[0][4]=tbl[0][5]=tbl[0][6]=tbl[0][7]=tbl[0][8]="l"; source_struct(BEGINTABLE); finTable=1; } else if (!fsourceTab && fosourceTab) { source_struct(ENDTABLE); finTable=0; } fosourceTab=fsourceTab; } #endif if (*p=='.' /*|| *p=='\'' -- normalized */) { /* command == starts with "." */ p++; supresseol=1; source_command(p); } else if (!*p) { /* blank line */ /*source_command("P");*/ ncnt=1; source_struct(BEGINLINE); ncnt=0; /* empty line => paragraph break */ #if 0 } else if (fsourceTab && !finlist /* && pmode */) { /* can't handle tabs, so try tables */ source_struct(BEGINTABLE); tblcellformat = "l"; do { source_struct(BEGINTABLELINE); while (*p) { source_struct(BEGINTABLEENTRY); p = source_out0(p, '\t'); source_struct(ENDTABLEENTRY); } source_struct(ENDTABLELINE); } while ((p=source_gets())!=NULL && fsourceTab); source_struct(ENDTABLE); source_line(p); #endif } else { /* otherwise normal text */ source_out(p); if (finnf || isspace(*cmd)) source_struct(SHORTLINE); } if (!supresseol && !finnf) { source_out(" "); if (finlist) source_list(); } supresseol=0; /*stagadd(ENDLINE);*/ } void source_filter(void) { char *p = in, *q; char *oldv,*newv,*shiftp,*shiftq,*endq; int lenp,lenq; int i,on1,on2,nn1,nn2,first; int insertcnt=0, deletecnt=0, insertcnt0; int nextDiffLine=-1; char diffcmd, tmpc, tmpendq; AbsLine=0; /* just count length of macro table! */ for (i=0; macro[i].key!=NULL; i++) /*empty*/; macrocnt = i; /* dumb Digital puts \\} closers on same line */ for (p=in; (p=strstr(p," \\}"))!=NULL; p+=3) *p='\n'; sI=0; /* (*fn)(BEGINDOC); -- done at .TH or first .SH */ /* was: source_subfile(in); */ while (fDiff && fgets(diffline, MAXBUF, difffd)!=NULL) { /* requirements: no context lines, no errors in files, ... change-command: 8a12,15 or 5,7c8,10 or 5,7d3 < from-file-line < from-file-line... -- > to-file-line > to-file-line... */ for (q=diffline; ; q++) { diffcmd=*q; if (diffcmd=='a'||diffcmd=='c'||diffcmd=='d') break; } if (sscanf(diffline, "%d,%d", &on1,&on2)==1) on2=on1-1+(diffcmd=='d'||diffcmd=='c'); if (sscanf(++q, "%d,%d", &nn1,&nn2)==1) nn2=nn1-1+(diffcmd=='a'||diffcmd=='c'); deletecnt = on2-on1+1; insertcnt = nn2-nn1+1; nextDiffLine = nn1; /*assert(nextDiffLine>=AbsLine); -- can happen if inside a macro? */ if (nextDiffLine */ do { p = oldv = fgets(diffline, MAXBUF, difffd); p[strlen(p)-1]='\0'; /* fgets's \n ending => \0 */ deletecnt--; } while (deletecnt && *p=='.'); /* throw out commands in old version */ q = newv = source_gets(); insertcnt--; while (insertcnt && *q=='.') { source_line(q); insertcnt--; } if (*p=='.' || *q=='.') break; /* make larger chunk for better diff -- but still keep away from commands */ lenp=strlen(p); lenq=strlen(q); while (deletecnt && MAXBUF-lenq>80*2) { fgetc(difffd); fgetc(difffd); /* skip '<' */ if (ungetc(fgetc(difffd),difffd)=='.') break; p=&diffline[lenp]; *p++=' '; lenp++; fgets(p, MAXBUF-lenp, difffd); p[strlen(p)-1]='\0'; lenp+=strlen(p); deletecnt--; } while (insertcnt && *in!='.' && MAXBUF-lenq>80*2) { if (newv!=diffline2) { strcpy(diffline2,q); newv=diffline2; } q=source_gets(); diffline2[lenq]=' '; lenq++; strcpy(&diffline2[lenq],q); lenq+=strlen(q); insertcnt--; } /* common endings */ p = &p[strlen(oldv)]; q=&q[strlen(newv)]; while (p>oldv && q>newv && p[-1]==q[-1]) { p--; q--; } if ((p>oldv && p[-1]=='\\') || (q>newv && q[-1]=='\\')) while (*p && *q && !isspace(*p)) { p++; q++; } /* steer clear of escapes */ tmpendq=*q; *p=*q='\0'; endq=q; p=oldv; q=newv; while (*p && *q) { /* common starts */ newv=q; while (*p && *q && *p==*q) { p++; q++; } if (q>newv) { tmpc=*q; *q='\0'; source_line(newv); *q=tmpc; } /* too hard to read */ /* difference: try to find hunk of p in remainder of q */ if (strlen(p)<15 || (shiftp=strchr(&p[15],' ') /*|| shiftp-p>30*/)==NULL) break; shiftp++; /* include the space */ tmpc=*shiftp; *shiftp='\0'; shiftq=strstr(q,p); *shiftp=tmpc; /* includes space */ if (shiftq!=NULL) { /* call that part of q inserted */ tmpc=*shiftq; *shiftq='\0'; stagadd(BEGINDIFFA); source_line(q); stagadd(ENDDIFFA); source_line(" "); *shiftq=tmpc; q=shiftq; } else { /* call that part of p deleted */ shiftp--; *shiftp='\0'; /* squash the trailing space */ stagadd(BEGINDIFFD); source_line(p); stagadd(ENDDIFFD); source_line(" "); p=shiftp+1; } /*#endif*/ } if (*p) { stagadd(BEGINDIFFD); source_line(p); stagadd(ENDDIFFD); } if (*q) { stagadd(BEGINDIFFA); source_line(q); stagadd(ENDDIFFA); } if (tmpendq!='\0') { *endq=tmpendq; source_line(endq); } source_line(" "); } /* even if diffcmd=='c', could still have remaining old version lines */ first=1; while (deletecnt--) { fgets(diffline, MAXBUF, difffd); if (diffline[2]!='.') { if (first) { stagadd(BEGINDIFFD); first=0; } source_line(&diffline[2]); /* don't do commands; skip initial '<' */ } } if (!first) { stagadd(ENDDIFFD); source_line(" "); } /* skip over duplicated from old */ if (diffcmd=='c') while (insertcnt0--) fgets(diffline, MAXBUF, difffd); /* even if diffcmd=='c', could still have remaining new version lines */ first=1; nextDiffLine = AbsLine + insertcnt; while (insertcnt--) fgets(diffline, MAXBUF, difffd); /* eat duplicate text of above */ while (/*insertcnt--*/AbsLine" }, { 'S', 0, "source", "(ource of man page passed in)" }, /* autodetected */ { 'F', 0, "formatted:format", "(ormatted man page passed in)" }, /* autodetected */ { 'r', 1, "reference:manref:ref", " " }, { 'l', 1, "title", " " }, { 'V', 1, "volumes:vol", "(olume) <colon-separated list>" }, { 'U', 0, "url:urls", "(RLs as hyperlinks)" }, /* following options apply to formatted pages only */ { 'b', 0, "subsections:sub", " (show subsections)" }, { 'k', 0, "keep:head:foot:header:footer", "(eep head/foot)" }, { 'n', 1, "name", "(ame of man page) <string>" }, { 's', 1, "section:sect", "(ection) <string>" }, { 'p', 0, "paragraph:para", "(aragraph mode toggle)" }, { 't', 1, "tabstop:tabstops", "(abstops spacing) <number>" }, { 'N', 0, "normalize:normal", "(ormalize spacing, changebars)" }, { 'y', 0, "zap:nohyphens", " (zap hyphens toggle)" }, { 'K', 0, "nobreak", " (declare that page has no breaks)" }, /* autodetected */ { 'd', 1, "diff", "(iff) <file> (diff of old page source to incorporate)" }, { 'M', 1, "message", "(essage) <text> (included verbatim at end of Name section)" }, /*{ 'l', 0, "number lines", "... can number lines in a pipe" */ /*{ 'T', 0, "tables", "(able agressive parsing ON)" },*/ /* { 'c', 0, "changeleft:changebar", "(hangebarstoleft toggle)" }, -- default is perfect */ /*{ 'R', 0, "reflow", "(eflow text lines)" },*/ { 'R', 1, "rebus", "(ebus words for TkMan)" }, { 'C', 0, "TclTk", " (enable Tcl/Tk formatting)" }, /* autodetected */ /*{ 'D', 0, "debug", "(ebugging mode)" }, -- dump unrecognized macros, e.g.*/ { 'o', 0, "noop", " (no op)" }, { 'O', 0, "noop", " <arg> (no op with arg)" }, { 'q', 0, "quiet", "(uiet--don't report warnings)" }, { 'h', 0, "help", "(elp)" }, /*{ '?', 0, "help", " (help)" }, -- getopt returns '?' as error flag */ { 'v', 0, "version", "(ersion)" }, { '\0', 0, "", NULL } }; /* calculate strgetopt from options list */ for (i=0,p=strgetopt; option[i].letter!='\0'; i++) { *p++ = option[i].letter; /* check for duplicate option letters */ assert(strchr(strgetopt,option[i].letter)==&p[-1]); if (option[i].arg) *p++=':'; } *p='\0'; /* spot check construction of strgetopt */ assert(p<strgetopt+80); assert(strlen(strgetopt)>10); assert(strchr(strgetopt,'f')!=NULL); assert(strchr(strgetopt,'v')!=NULL); assert(strchr(strgetopt,':')!=NULL); /* count, sort exception strings */ for (lcexceptionslen=0; (p=lcexceptions[lcexceptionslen])!=NULL; lcexceptionslen++) /*empty*/; qsort(lcexceptions, lcexceptionslen, sizeof(char*), lcexceptionscmp); /* map long option names to single letters for switching */ /* (GNU probably has a reusable function to do this...) */ /* deep six getopt in favor of integrated long names + letters? */ argvch = malloc(argc * sizeof(char*)); p = argvbuf = malloc(argc*3 * sizeof(char)); /* either -<char>'\0' or no space used */ for (i=0; i<argc; i++) argvch[i]=argv[i]; /* need argvch[0] for getopt? */ argv0 = mystrdup(argv[0]); for (i=1; i<argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0]=='-' && argv[i][1]=='-') { if (argv[i][2]=='\0') break; /* end of options */ for (j=0; option[j].letter!='\0'; j++) { if (strcoloncmp2(&argv[i][2],'\0',option[j].longnames,0)) { argvch[i] = p; *p++ = '-'; *p++ = option[j].letter; *p++ = '\0'; if (option[j].arg) i++; /* skip arguments of options */ break; } } if (option[j].letter=='\0') fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option %s\n", argv[0], argv[i]); } } /* pass through options to set defaults for chosen format */ setFilterDefaults("ASCII"); /* default to ASCII (used by TkMan's Glimpse indexing */ /* initialize header/footer buffers (save room in binary) */ for (i=0; i<CRUFTS; i++) { *cruft[i] = '\0'; } /* automatically done, guaranteed? */ /*for (i=0; i<MAXLINES; i++) { linetabcnt[i] = 0; } */ while ((c=getopt(argc,argvch,strgetopt))!=-1) { switch (c) { case 'k': fHeadfoot=1; break; case 'b': fSubsections=1; break; /* case 'c': fChangeleft=1; break; -- obsolete */ /* case 'R': fReflow=1; break;*/ case 'n': strcpy(manName,optarg); fname=1; break; /* name & section for when using stdin */ case 's': strcpy(manSect,optarg); break; /*case 'D': docbookpath = optarg; break;*/ case 'V': vollist = optarg; break; case 'l': manTitle = optarg; break; case 'r': manRef = optarg; if (strlen(manRef)==0 || strcmp(manRef,"-")==0 || strcmp(manRef,"off")==0) fmanRef=0; break; case 't': TabStops=atoi(optarg); break; /*case 'T': fTable=1; break; -- if preformatted doesn't work, if source automatic */ case 'p': fPara=!fPara; break; case 'K': fFoot=1; break; case 'y': fNOHY=1; break; case 'N': fNORM=1; break; case 'f': /* set format */ if (setFilterDefaults(optarg)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown format: %s\n", argv0, optarg); exit(1); } break; case 'F': fSource=0; break; case 'S': fSource=1; break; case 'd': difffd = fopen(optarg, "r"); if (difffd==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open %s\n", argv0, optarg); exit(1); } /* read in a line at a time diff = filesuck(fd); fclose(fd); */ fDiff=1; break; case 'M': message = optarg; break; case 'C': fTclTk=1; break; case 'R': p = malloc(strlen(optarg)+1); strcpy(p, optarg); /* string may not be in writable address space */ oldp = ""; for (; *p; oldp=p, p++) { if (*oldp=='\0') rebuspat[rebuspatcnt++] = p; if (*p=='|') *p='\0'; } for (i=0; i<rebuspatcnt; i++) rebuspatlen[i] = strlen(rebuspat[i]); /* for strnlen() */ break; case 'q': fQuiet=1; break; case 'o': /*no op*/ break; case 'O': /* no op with arg */ break; case 'h': printf("rman"); helplen=strlen("rman"); /* linebreak options */ assert(helplen>0); for (i=0; option[i].letter!='\0'; i++) { desclen = strlen(option[i].desc); if (helplen+desclen+5 > helpbreak) { printf("\n%*s",helpispace,""); helplen=helpispace; } printf(" [-%c%s]", option[i].letter, option[i].desc); helplen += desclen+5; } if (helplen>helpispace) printf("\n"); printf("%*s [<filename>]\n",helpispace,""); exit(0); case 'v': /*case '?':*/ printf("PolyglotMan v" POLYGLOTMANVERSION " of $Date: 2003/07/26 19:00:48 $\n"); exit(0); default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: unidentified option -%c (-h for help)\n",argvch[0],c); exit(2); } } /* read from given file name(s) */ if (optind<argc) { processing = argvch[optind]; if (!fname) { /* if no name given, create from file name */ /* take name from tail of path */ if ((p=strrchr(argvch[optind],'/'))!=NULL) p++; else p=argvch[optind]; strcpy(manName,p); /* search backward from end for final dot. split there */ if ((p=strrchr(manName,'.'))!=NULL) { strcpy(manSect,p+1); *p='\0'; } } strcpy(plain,argvch[optind]); if (freopen(argvch[optind], "r", stdin)==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open %s\n", argvch[0], argvch[optind]); exit(1); } } /* need to read macros, ok if fail; from /usr/lib/tmac/an => needs to be set in Makefile, maybe a searchpath */ /* if ((macros=fopen("/usr/lib/tmac/an", "r"))!=NULL) { in = File = filesuck(macros); lookahead = File[0]; source_filter(); free(File); } */ /* suck in whole file and just operate on pointers */ in = File = filesuck(stdin); /* minimal check for roff source: first character dot command or apostrophe comment */ /* MUST initialize lookahead here, BEFORE first call to la_gets */ if (fSource==-1) { lookahead = File[0]; fSource = (lookahead=='.' || lookahead=='\'' || /*dumb HP*/lookahead=='/' /* HP needs this too but causes problems || isalpha(lookahead)--use --source flag*/); } if (fDiff && (!fSource || fn!=HTML)) { fprintf(stderr, "diff incorporation supported for man page source, generating HTML\n"); exit(1); } if (fSource) source_filter(); else preformatted_filter(); if (fDiff) fclose(difffd); /*free(File); -- let system clean up, perhaps more efficiently */ return 0; }