Package Import Robot
Ryan Kavanagh
2013-05-24 07:26:52 UTC
Revision ID:
Tags: 1.06.95-7
* New maintainer (Closes: #705771)
* Switch to Debian source format 3.0 (quilt)
* Updated copyright file with missing licenses and holders. Now in DEP-5
* Bump standards version to 3.9.4
* Bump debhelper Build-Dependency to >= 9 and switch from old-style rules
with manual calls to dh_* to modern style dh rules
* Bump compat level to 9
* Drop libreadline5-dev from Build-Depends, it no longer exists in unstable
* Add a doc-base file for bc
* Fix a typo in bc, 01_typo_in_bc.diff
* Fix hyphens used as minus signs in manpages,
* Fix array initialization bug, 03_array_initialize.diff (Closes: #671513,
* Revert all inline patches and introduce them as logical quilt patches
+ Set the info dircategory to Math, 04_info_dircategory.diff
+ Notice read/write errors on input and output,
* clean target now conforms to Debian Policy §4.9, "must undo any effects
that the build target may have had [...]"
* Added Vcs-Git/Vcs-Browser entries to debian/control
* Reintroduce the missing 1.06.94-3.1 changelog entry
* Get rid of postinst/postrm files, they were unneeded