// FrameWindow.C // X does not echo back the window-map events (it probably should when // override_redirect is off). Unfortunately this means you have to use // this subclass if you want a "normal" fltk window, it will force a // Frame to be created and destroy it upon hide. // Warning: modal() does not work! Don't turn it on as it screws up the // interface with the window borders. You can use set_non_modal() to // disable the iconize box but the window manager must be written to // not be modal. #include #include "FrameWindow.H" #include "Frame.H" extern int dont_set_event_mask; void FrameWindow::show() { if (shown()) {Fl_Window::show(); return;} Fl_Window::show(); dont_set_event_mask = 1; frame = new Frame(fl_xid(this)); dont_set_event_mask = 0; } void FrameWindow::hide() { if (shown()) { Fl_Window::hide(); delete frame; } } int FrameWindow::handle(int e) { if (Fl_Window::handle(e)) return 1; // make Esc close the window: if (e == FL_SHORTCUT && Fl::event_key()==FL_Escape) { do_callback(); return 1; } return 0; }