/* ecc-mul-a.c */ /* nettle, low-level cryptographics library * * Copyright (C) 2013 Niels Möller * * The nettle library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * The nettle library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with the nettle library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02111-1301, USA. */ /* Development of Nettle's ECC support was funded by the .SE Internet Fund. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include "ecc.h" #include "ecc-internal.h" mp_size_t ecc_mul_a_itch (const struct ecc_curve *ecc) { /* Binary algorithm needs 6*ecc->size + scratch for ecc_add_jja. Current total is 12 ecc->size, at most 864 bytes. Window algorithm needs (3<size for the table, 3*ecc->size for a temporary point, and scratch for ecc_add_jjj. */ return ECC_MUL_A_ITCH (ecc->size); } #if ECC_MUL_A_WBITS == 0 void ecc_mul_a (const struct ecc_curve *ecc, int initial, mp_limb_t *r, const mp_limb_t *np, const mp_limb_t *p, mp_limb_t *scratch) { #define tp scratch #define pj (scratch + 3*ecc->size) #define scratch_out (scratch + 6*ecc->size) int is_zero; unsigned i; ecc_a_to_j (ecc, initial, pj, p); mpn_zero (r, 3*ecc->size); for (i = ecc->size, is_zero = 1; i-- > 0; ) { mp_limb_t w = np[i]; mp_limb_t bit; for (bit = (mp_limb_t) 1 << (GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1); bit > 0; bit >>= 1) { int digit; ecc_dup_jj (ecc, r, r, scratch_out); ecc_add_jja (ecc, tp, r, pj, scratch_out); digit = (w & bit) > 0; /* If is_zero is set, r is the zero point, and ecc_add_jja produced garbage. */ cnd_copy (is_zero, tp, pj, 3*ecc->size); is_zero &= ~digit; /* If we had a one-bit, use the sum. */ cnd_copy (digit, r, tp, 3*ecc->size); } } } #else /* ECC_MUL_A_WBITS > 1 */ #define TABLE_SIZE (1U << ECC_MUL_A_WBITS) #define TABLE_MASK (TABLE_SIZE - 1) #define TABLE(j) (table + (j) * 3*ecc->size) static void table_init (const struct ecc_curve *ecc, mp_limb_t *table, unsigned bits, int initial, const mp_limb_t *p, mp_limb_t *scratch) { unsigned size = 1 << bits; unsigned j; mpn_zero (TABLE(0), 3*ecc->size); ecc_a_to_j (ecc, initial, TABLE(1), p); for (j = 2; j < size; j += 2) { ecc_dup_jj (ecc, TABLE(j), TABLE(j/2), scratch); ecc_add_jja (ecc, TABLE(j+1), TABLE(j), TABLE(1), scratch); } } void ecc_mul_a (const struct ecc_curve *ecc, int initial, mp_limb_t *r, const mp_limb_t *np, const mp_limb_t *p, mp_limb_t *scratch) { #define tp scratch #define table (scratch + 3*ecc->size) mp_limb_t *scratch_out = table + (3*ecc->size << ECC_MUL_A_WBITS); int is_zero = 0; /* Avoid the mp_bitcnt_t type for compatibility with older GMP versions. */ unsigned blocks = (ecc->bit_size + ECC_MUL_A_WBITS - 1) / ECC_MUL_A_WBITS; unsigned bit_index = (blocks-1) * ECC_MUL_A_WBITS; mp_size_t limb_index = bit_index / GMP_NUMB_BITS; unsigned shift = bit_index % GMP_NUMB_BITS; mp_limb_t w, bits; table_init (ecc, table, ECC_MUL_A_WBITS, initial, p, scratch_out); w = np[limb_index]; bits = w >> shift; if (limb_index < ecc->size - 1) bits |= np[limb_index + 1] << (GMP_NUMB_BITS - shift); assert (bits < TABLE_SIZE); sec_tabselect (r, 3*ecc->size, table, TABLE_SIZE, bits); is_zero = (bits == 0); for (;;) { unsigned j; if (shift >= ECC_MUL_A_WBITS) { shift -= ECC_MUL_A_WBITS; bits = w >> shift; } else { if (limb_index == 0) { assert (shift == 0); break; } bits = w << (ECC_MUL_A_WBITS - shift); w = np[--limb_index]; shift = shift + GMP_NUMB_BITS - ECC_MUL_A_WBITS; bits |= w >> shift; } for (j = 0; j < ECC_MUL_A_WBITS; j++) ecc_dup_jj (ecc, r, r, scratch_out); bits &= TABLE_MASK; sec_tabselect (tp, 3*ecc->size, table, TABLE_SIZE, bits); cnd_copy (is_zero, r, tp, 3*ecc->size); ecc_add_jjj (ecc, tp, tp, r, scratch_out); /* Use the sum when valid. ecc_add_jja produced garbage if is_zero != 0 or bits == 0, . */ cnd_copy (bits & (is_zero - 1), r, tp, 3*ecc->size); is_zero &= (bits == 0); } #undef table #undef tp } #endif /* ECC_MUL_A_WBITS > 1 */