ConCavity v0.1 -- 12/04/09 -- Last Update: 11/05/10 Copyright (c) 2009 John A. Capra and Thomas Funkhouser. Thank you for downloading ConCavity. The ConCavity algorithm is described in: Predicting Protein Ligand Binding Sites by Combining Evolutionary Sequence Conservation and 3D Structure Capra JA, Laskowski RA, Thornton JM, Singh M, and Funkhouser TA. PLoS Comput Biol 5(12). If you use this program, please cite the paper. More information about the project and precomputed predictions for nearly all structures in the PQS (PDB) can be found at the supporting web site: The program is free software distributed under the GNU Public License (GPL) (see COPYING). --- Revision History --- 12/15/10 - Fixed string conversion bug under GCC 4.4. 11/05/10 - Added pocket number data to -print_pdb_grid output. - Updated README.txt. 12/04/09 - Fixed Mac OS freeglut compilation error. --- Installation --- The root directory contains all code for the ConCavity program. There are several subdirectories: pkgs - source and include files for all packages (software libraries used by ConCavity). apps - source files for concavity and related programs. lib - archive library (.lib) files. bin - executable files. scripts - make files. examples - example data and result files If you are using Mac OS X, linux, or cygwin and have gcc installed, you should be able to compile the code by typing "make clean; make" in this directory. The scripts file has the basic Makefiles which could be edited for other operating systems and compilers. After compiling the code, concavity should be in the appropriate subdirectory of bin/. concavity is the main program for predicting binding sites. You can either add this directory to your PATH or move concavity to a directory in your PATH. --- Quick Start --- concavity takes as input a PDB format protein structure and (optionally) files that characterize the evolutionary sequence conservation of the chains in the structure file. A sample PQS structure file (1G6C.pdb) can be found in the examples/ directory. Conservation files for this structure are in the examples/conservation_data/ directory. The simplest way to predict binding sites is to type (in the examples/ directory): $concavity -conservation conservation_data/1G6C 1G6C.pdb test1 This will run concavity with default values (equivalent to ConCavity_L in the paper) on the structure 1G6C.pdb and consider the conservation values found in conservation_data/. This set of predictions will be called "test1". This produces the following default result files: - residue ligand binding predictions for each chain: 1G6C_A_test1.scores 1G6C_B_test1.scores 1G6C_C_test1.scores 1G6C_D_test1.scores - residue ligand binding predictions in a PDB format file (residue scores placed in the temp. factor field): 1G6C_test1_residue.pdb - pocket prediction locations in a DX format file: 1G6C_test1.dx - pymol script to visualize the predictions: 1G6C_test1.pml To visualize the predictions in PyMol (it if is installed on your system), load the script by typing "pymol 1G6C_test1.pml" at the prompt or by loading it through the pymol interface. The PDB and DX files can be input into other molecular viewers if preferred. Several additional output formats are available; see below. Note that the residue numbering in the .scores files may not match that of the PDB file. --- More Usage Examples --- concavity has many features. We only describe the basic options needed to predict binding sites using the methods described in the paper. A complete manual is being written, and you can always wade through the code. Most options are listed at the top of concavity.C. The ConCavity approach proceeds in three conceptual steps: grid creation, pocket extraction, and residue mapping (see Methods in paper). First, the structural and evolutionary properties of the protein are used to create a regular 3D grid surrounding the protein in which the score associated with each grid point represents an estimated likelihood that it overlaps a bound ligand atom. Second, groups of contiguous, high-scoring grid points are clustered to extract pockets that adhere to given shape and size constraints. Finally, every protein residue is scored with an estimate of how likely it is to bind to a ligand based on its proximity to extracted pockets Each of the algorithms described for these steps is implemented in concavity. For example to score the structure 1G6C.pdb with ConCavity_Pocketfinder, Search, and Blur, you'd type: $concavity -conservation /conservation_data/1G6C -grid_method pocketfinder -extraction_method search -res_map_method blur 1G6C.pdb cc-pocketfinder_search_blur The possible options for each method selection parameter: -grid_method: ligsite, surfnet, pocketfinder, custom -extraction_method: search, topn, custom -res_map_method: blur, dist, dist-thresh, custom Each of these algorithms is described in the text, and each has a number of additional parameters that change their behavior. The "custom" option allows you to set the values of all parameters for each step yourself. The presets (e.g. ligsite, search, blur) may override values you set on the command line, so use "custom" to have complete control. For a full list of these options, see the top of concavity.C. If the "-conservation" option is not given, then conservation information is not considered. Note that there are separate conservation files for each protein chain in the structure, and the input to the -conservation option is the prefix of these files. Pre-computed conservation files available for almost the entire PQS on the ConCavity web site. If you'd like to compute sequence conservation values for your own alignments, we recommend the JSD algorithm: There are also several output format options. Pocket prediction grid values can be output in the following formats: - DX format (using -print_grid_dx 1) - PDB format (-print_grid_pdb 1) - raw text (-print_grid_txt 1) The residue predictions are output as a text file with a list of residue positions and scores, and as a PDB file with the residue scores mapped to the temp. factor field and pocket numbers to the residue sequence field.. We primarily use PyMol and Chimera for visualization, but the range of output formats means you should be able to import the data into most structural analysis program. Let us know if there are other output formats you'd like to see. Other options we commonly use are "-v" for verbose mode, "-spacing " to set the grid spacing, and "-resolution " to set the grid resolution. Please let us know if you have any questions, and check back soon for updates. - Tony Capra ( 12/15/10