Bazaar Package Importer
Bhavani Shankar
2010-11-21 12:09:27 UTC
(6.1.12 sid)
Revision ID:
Tags: 1.4.28-2ubuntu1
* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- debian/control:
+ libgamin-dev rather than libfam-dev to fix startup warning.
+ debhelper Build-depends bumped to (>= 7.0.50) for
overrides in rules file.
- debian/index.html: s/Debian/Ubuntu/g branding on the default page.
- Added a UFW profile set:
+ debian/lighttpd.dirs: added etc/ufw/applications.d
+ debian/rules: install the ufw profile.
+ debian/control: Suggests on ufw.
- Add lighttpd-dev package:
+ debian/control: Added lighttpd-dev package; Build-depends on
automake, libtool
+ debian/lighttpd-dev.install: Added.
- debian/rules:
+ Add override_dh_installinit to set "defaults 91 09" to not start
before apache2 but in the same runlevel with the same priority.
- debian/patches/build-dev-package.patch: Updated
- debian/lighttpd.conf: Comment 'use-ipv6.pl' by default, which causes
failure to bind port in ipv4 (LP: #551211)