The icons are mostly derived work from other icons. As such they are licensed accordingly to the original license: Project License File ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Project LGPL image_LICENSE_CP.txt Eclipse Eclipse Public License image_LICENSE_Eclipse.txt Enthought BSD 3-Clause LICENSE.txt GV (Gael Varoquaux) Public Domain N/A NASA Public Domain N/A Nuvola LGPL image_LICENSE_Nuvola.txt OOo LGPL image_LICENSE_OOo.txt Rick Marin Public Domain N/A US Government Public Domain N/A Unless stated in this file, icons are the work of Enthought, and are released under a 3 clause BSD license. Files and original authors: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- enable/images: 0_weight.gif | Enthought 1_weight.gif | Enthought 2_weight.gif | Enthought 3_weight.gif | Enthought 4_weight.gif | Enthought 5_weight.gif | Enthought 6_weight.gif | Enthought 7_weight.gif | Enthought 8_weight.gif | Enthought bottom_center_position.gif | Enthought bottom_left_position.gif | Enthought bottom_right_position.gif | Enthought center_align.gif | Enthought center_left_position.gif | Enthought center_position.gif | Enthought center_right_position.gif | Enthought left_align.gif | Enthought right_align.gif | Enthought top_center_position.gif | Enthought top_left_position.gif | Enthought top_right_position.gif | Enthought enable/image/images: colorchip.png | Enthought image.png | Enthought inspector.png | Crystal Project enable/savage/traits/ui/wx/data: button_toggle.svg | Enthought examples/enable: deepfield.jpg | NASA examples/savage: edit-copy.svg | Oxygen, CC 3.0 and GPL edit-paste.svg | Oxygen, CC 3.0 and GPL examples/kiva/agg/examples: serengeti.jpg | Rick Marin finger1.gif | US Government finger2.gif | US Government integrationtests/kiva/agg: doubleprom_soho_full.jpg | NASA