########### requirements ############### cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6) find_package (PkgConfig) include (CheckLibraryExists) include (CheckIncludeFiles) include (CheckFunctionExists) include (CheckSymbolExists) include ("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_modules/GNUInstallDirs.cmake") ########### project ############### project ("cairo-dock-plugins") set (VERSION "3.3.2") add_definitions (-std=c99 -Wall -Werror-implicit-function-declaration) # -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wuninitialized -Werror-implicit-function-declaration -Wstrict-prototypes -Wreturn-type -Wparentheses -Warray-bounds) if (NOT DEFINED CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) add_definitions (-O3) endif() add_definitions (-DGL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES="1") ############ sources tarball ############# set (CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR "TGZ") set (CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}-${VERSION}") set (CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES "/build/;/.bzr/;bzrignore$;/misc/;~$;${CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES}") include (CPack) add_custom_target(dist COMMAND ${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM} package_source) add_custom_target(dist-bzr COMMAND bzr export ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) ############ uninstall ############# configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake IMMEDIATE @ONLY) add_custom_target (uninstall "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -P "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake") ########### global variables ############### if( WIN32 ) message(FATAL_ERROR "Cairo-Dock requires an air-conditioned room. Please close Windows!") endif( WIN32 ) set (PACKAGE ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}) set (GETTEXT_PACKAGE ${PACKAGE}) if ("${PACKAGEMENT}" STREQUAL "") ## do not check if we're using the same version when packaging the application (e.g. if we just want to generate a tarball of a previous version) # we need GLDI which contains most global var: check it now to avoid many errors with regex pkg_check_modules (GLDI REQUIRED gldi=${VERSION}) if (NOT GLDI_FOUND) execute_process( COMMAND pkg-config --modversion gldi # 2.2.0-3 OUTPUT_VARIABLE dock_version) if (NOT "${PACKAGEMENT}" STREQUAL "") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\n" "" dock_version ${dock_version}) endif () MESSAGE (FATAL_ERROR "Error: version mismatch with the core: ${VERSION} <> ${dock_version}") endif () endif () set (dock_version ${VERSION}) # should be the same except if PACKAGEMENT is set # get plug-ins install dir execute_process( COMMAND pkg-config gldi --variable=pluginsdir # /usr/lib/cairo-dock # or /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cairo-dock OUTPUT_VARIABLE pluginsdir) STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\n" "" pluginsdir ${pluginsdir}) # remove the \n # get plug-ins data dir execute_process( COMMAND pkg-config gldi --variable=pluginsdatadir # /usr/share/cairo-dock/plug-ins OUTPUT_VARIABLE pluginsdatadir) STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\n" "" pluginsdatadir ${pluginsdatadir}) # get prefix dir execute_process( COMMAND pkg-config gldi --variable=prefix # /usr/share/cairo-dock/plug-ins OUTPUT_VARIABLE prefix) STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\n" "" prefix ${prefix}) # get GTK version (must be the same as the core, as GTK2 and GTK3 can't coexist at runtime) execute_process( COMMAND pkg-config gldi --variable=gtkversion # 2 or 3 OUTPUT_VARIABLE gtkversion) STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\n" "" gtkversion ${gtkversion}) # check that installation dir matches with the core GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(libdir "${pluginsdir}/.." ABSOLUTE) # /usr/lib # or /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(datadir "${pluginsdatadir}/../.." ABSOLUTE) # /usr/share if (NOT "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" STREQUAL "${prefix}" OR NOT "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" STREQUAL "${libdir}" OR NOT "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}" STREQUAL "${datadir}") message (STATUS "It seems that the current CMAKE_INSTALL_{PREFIX,LIBDIR,DATAROOTDIR} flags are not the same that you have used with the core.") message (STATUS " It will be replaced by this value: ${prefix}") message (WARNING "Plug-ins should be installed in the same directory as the core, that is to say in ${pluginsdir}") set (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${prefix}") #set (libdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${libname}/cairo-dock") endif() # set internationalisation set (GETTEXT_PLUGINS "cairo-dock-plugins") set (localedir "${prefix}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALEDIR}") set (gaugesdir "${datadir}/cairo-dock/gauges") set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_modules/") # additionnal FindPackage files set (MODULES_MISSING "") set (MODULES_INTEGRATION_MISSING "") set (PROGRAMS_MISSING "") ########### Misc ############### macro (enable_if_not_defined MODULE1) if (NOT DEFINED ${MODULE1}) # true if not defined set (${MODULE1} TRUE) endif () endmacro (enable_if_not_defined) ########## Config ############### enable_if_not_defined (force-icon-in-menus) if (force-icon-in-menus) # we believe that not showing icons in the menus by default is a terrible idea; unfortunately, it's not easily undoable for an end-user; so until this is fixed by a big player (Gnome, Ubuntu or other), we'll force the display, unless "-Dforce-icon-in-menus=yes" is provided in the cmake command. add_definitions (-DCAIRO_DOCK_FORCE_ICON_IN_MENUS=1) else() add_definitions (-DCAIRO_DOCK_FORCE_ICON_IN_MENUS=0) endif() ########### dependancies ############### message ("") message (STATUS "=====================") message (STATUS "Check dependencies...") message (STATUS "=====================") message ("") pkg_check_modules ("PACKAGE" REQUIRED "gldi") # we check first the common libs that most plug-ins would need: basically, all the libs used by the core. STRING (REGEX REPLACE "gldi;" "" PACKAGE_LIBRARIES "${PACKAGE_LIBRARIES}") # but we don't want to link to gldi, since we are dl-opened by it. # add_definitions (-DGTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED="1") ############# GLIB ################# pkg_check_modules (GLIB glib-2.0) STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\\..*" "" GLIB_MAJOR "${GLIB_VERSION}") # 2.28.3 => 2 STRING (REGEX REPLACE "[0-9]*\\.([^ ]+)" "\\1" GLIB_MINOR "${GLIB_VERSION}") # 2.28.3 => 2.28 STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\\.[0-9]*" "" GLIB_MINOR "${GLIB_MINOR}") # 2.28 => 28 STRING (REGEX REPLACE ".*\\." "" GLIB_NANO "${GLIB_VERSION}") # 2.28.3 => 3 STRING (REGEX REPLACE "-.*" "" GLIB_NANO "${GLIB_NANO}") ############# SHARED-FILES ################# set (shared_filesdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/shared-files") add_subdirectory (shared-files) ############# STATIC LIBRARIES ################ message (STATUS "> Static Libraries:") ############# GVFS-INTEGRATION ################ message (STATUS "> GVFS-Integration:") pkg_check_modules ("LIBGIO" "gio-2.0") ## GIO is used by a few applets: do not offer the possibility to not disable it add_subdirectory (gvfs-integration) ############# INDICATOR-APPLET ################# message (STATUS "> Indicator-Applet:") enable_if_not_defined (enable-dbusmenu-support) if (enable-dbusmenu-support) # Note: the names of dbusmenu-glib, dbusmenu-gtk and indicator have changed... ## DBusMenu Glib set (DBUSMENU_MODULE dbusmenu-glib-0.4) pkg_check_modules (DBUSMENU ${DBUSMENU_MODULE}) if (NOT DBUSMENU_FOUND) set (DBUSMENU_MODULE dbusmenu-glib) pkg_check_modules (DBUSMENU ${DBUSMENU_MODULE}) set (INDICATOR_APPLICATIONADDED_HAS_HINT 0) # doesn't have 'hint' with old version else () set (INDICATOR_APPLICATIONADDED_HAS_HINT 1) # now the ApplicationAdded signal (Status-Notifier) has a new parameter (hint) => https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-application/name-hints/+merge/67213 endif() ## DBusMenu Gtk if (gtkversion EQUAL 2) set (DBUSMENU_GTK_MODULE dbusmenu-gtk-0.4) else() set (DBUSMENU_GTK_MODULE dbusmenu-gtk3-0.4) endif() pkg_check_modules (DBUSMENU_GTK ${DBUSMENU_GTK_MODULE}) if (NOT DBUSMENU_GTK_FOUND) if (gtkversion EQUAL 2) set (DBUSMENU_GTK_MODULE dbusmenu-gtk) else() set (DBUSMENU_GTK_MODULE dbusmenu-gtk3) endif() pkg_check_modules (DBUSMENU_GTK ${DBUSMENU_GTK_MODULE}) endif() endif() ## Indicator enable_if_not_defined (enable-indicator-support) if (enable-indicator-support) if (gtkversion EQUAL 2) set (INDICATOR_APPLET_MODULE indicator-0.4) else() set (INDICATOR_APPLET_MODULE indicator3-0.4) endif() pkg_check_modules (INDICATOR_APPLET ${INDICATOR_APPLET_MODULE}) if (INDICATOR_APPLET_FOUND) set (INDICATOR_NEW_VERSION TRUE) # oneiric and newer else() if (gtkversion EQUAL 2) set (INDICATOR_APPLET_MODULE indicator) else() set (INDICATOR_APPLET_MODULE indicator3) endif() pkg_check_modules (INDICATOR_APPLET ${INDICATOR_APPLET_MODULE}) endif() endif() ## libido enable_if_not_defined (enable-libido-support) if (enable-libido-support) if (gtkversion EQUAL 2) set (IDO_MODULE libido-0.1) else() set (IDO_MODULE libido3-0.1) endif() pkg_check_modules (IDO ${IDO_MODULE}) if (IDO_FOUND) STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\\..*" "" IDO_MAJOR "${IDO_VERSION}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "[0-9]*\\.([^ ]+)" "\\1" IDO_MINOR "${IDO_VERSION}") # 0.1.7 => 1.7 STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\\.[0-9]*" "" IDO_MINOR "${IDO_MINOR}") if (${IDO_MAJOR} GREATER 13 OR ${IDO_MAJOR} EQUAL 13 AND ${IDO_MINOR} GREATER 9) set (INDICATOR_NG 1) endif() endif() endif() ## Extract versions of DBusMenu if (DBUSMENU_FOUND AND DBUSMENU_GTK_FOUND) STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\\..*" "" DBUSMENU_MAJOR "${DBUSMENU_VERSION}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "[0-9]*\\.([^ ]+)" "\\1" DBUSMENU_MINOR "${DBUSMENU_VERSION}") # 0.1.7 => 1.7 STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\\.[0-9]*" "" DBUSMENU_MINOR "${DBUSMENU_MINOR}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE ".*\\." "" DBUSMENU_NANO "${DBUSMENU_VERSION}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "-.*" "" DBUSMENU_NANO "${DBUSMENU_NANO}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\\..*" "" DBUSMENU_GTK_MAJOR "${DBUSMENU_GTK_VERSION}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "[0-9]*\\.([^ ]+)" "\\1" DBUSMENU_GTK_MINOR "${DBUSMENU_GTK_VERSION}") # 0.1.7 => 1.7 STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\\.[0-9]*" "" DBUSMENU_GTK_MINOR "${DBUSMENU_GTK_MINOR}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE ".*\\." "" DBUSMENU_GTK_NANO "${DBUSMENU_GTK_VERSION}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "-.*" "" DBUSMENU_GTK_NANO "${DBUSMENU_GTK_NANO}") if (${DBUSMENU_GTK_MAJOR} GREATER 0 OR ${DBUSMENU_GTK_MINOR} GREATER 5 OR (${DBUSMENU_GTK_MINOR} EQUAL 5 AND ${DBUSMENU_GTK_NANO} GREATER 89)) set (DBUSMENU_GTK3_NEW 1) set (INDICATOR_APPLICATIONADDED_HAS_TITLE 1) # Status-Notifier: new parameter "Title" in the "added" signal since Precise else() set (INDICATOR_APPLICATIONADDED_HAS_TITLE 0) endif() endif() ## Extract version of indicator if (INDICATOR_APPLET_FOUND) STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\\..*" "" INDICATOR_MAJOR "${INDICATOR_APPLET_VERSION}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "[0-9]*\\.([^ ]+)" "\\1" INDICATOR_MINOR "${INDICATOR_APPLET_VERSION}") # 0.1.7 => 1.7 STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\\.[0-9]*" "" INDICATOR_MINOR "${INDICATOR_MINOR}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE ".*\\." "" INDICATOR_NANO "${INDICATOR_APPLET_VERSION}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "-.*" "" INDICATOR_NANO "${INDICATOR_NANO}") if (${INDICATOR_MAJOR} GREATER 0 OR ${INDICATOR_MINOR} GREATER 4 OR (${INDICATOR_MINOR} EQUAL 4 AND ${INDICATOR_NANO} GREATER 89)) set (SOUND_SERVICE_VERSION 1) # Sound-Menu: new DBus path set (INDICATOR_MESSAGES_HAS_LOZENGE 1) # Messaging Menu has 'right-is-lozenge' else() # older than Precise. set (SOUND_SERVICE_VERSION 0) set (INDICATOR_MESSAGES_HAS_LOZENGE 0) endif() if (INDICATOR_NEW_VERSION) # oneiric and newer if (gtkversion EQUAL 2) execute_process( COMMAND pkg-config --variable=iconsdir indicator-0.4 OUTPUT_VARIABLE INDICATORICONSDIR) else() execute_process( COMMAND pkg-config --variable=iconsdir indicator3-0.4 OUTPUT_VARIABLE INDICATORICONSDIR) execute_process( COMMAND pkg-config --variable=indicatordir indicator3-0.4 OUTPUT_VARIABLE INDICATORDIR) STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\n" "" INDICATORDIR ${INDICATORDIR}) set (with_indicator3 yes) message (STATUS " Indicators: with Indicator3 support") endif() else() if (gtkversion EQUAL 2) execute_process( COMMAND pkg-config --variable=iconsdir indicator OUTPUT_VARIABLE INDICATORICONSDIR) else() execute_process( COMMAND pkg-config --variable=iconsdir indicator3 OUTPUT_VARIABLE INDICATORICONSDIR) endif() endif() STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\n" "" INDICATORICONSDIR "${INDICATORICONSDIR}") # la commande rajoute un retour chariot ... if (with_indicator3) add_subdirectory (Indicator-applet3) endif() ## DBusMenu is needed for Indicator-applet if (DBUSMENU_FOUND AND DBUSMENU_GTK_FOUND) add_subdirectory (Indicator-applet) set (with_indicator "yes") endif() endif() if (NOT DBUSMENU_FOUND OR NOT DBUSMENU_GTK_FOUND OR NOT INDICATOR_APPLET_FOUND) message (WARNING "These modules are required to compile Indicators applet (MeMenu, Messaging-Menu, Sound-Control, Status-Notifier and Global-Menu): ${INDICATOR_APPLET_MODULE}(-0.4), ${IDO_MODULE}, ${DBUSMENU_MODULE}(-0.4), ${DBUSMENU_GTK_MODULE}(-0.4)") set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} ${INDICATOR_APPLET_MODULE}(-0.4) (${IDO_MODULE}) ${DBUSMENU_MODULE}(-0.4) ${DBUSMENU_GTK_MODULE}(-0.4)") endif() ############# INDICATOR-NAME ################# message (STATUS "> Indicator Names:") set (INDICATOR_OLD_NAMES 0) if (force_old_indicator_names) set (INDICATOR_OLD_NAMES 1) message (STATUS " Indicators: use old Ayatana Dbus names (forced)") #~ elseif ("${DISTRO_ID}" STREQUAL "Ubuntu") #~ STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\\..*" "" DISTRO_RELEASE_MAJOR ${DISTRO_RELEASE}) #~ # message (STATUS "DISTRO_RELEASE_MAJOR: ${DISTRO_RELEASE_MAJOR}") #~ if (${DISTRO_RELEASE_MAJOR} LESS 11) # from 11.04, new names are used. #~ set (INDICATOR_OLD_NAMES 1) #~ message (STATUS " Indicators: use old Ayatana Dbus names") #~ endif() elseif (INDICATOR_APPLET_FOUND) if (NOT (${INDICATOR_MAJOR} GREATER 0 OR ${INDICATOR_MINOR} GREATER 3 OR (${INDICATOR_MINOR} EQUAL 3 AND ${INDICATOR_NANO} GREATER 20))) set (INDICATOR_OLD_NAMES 1) # maverick or older message (STATUS " Indicators: use old Ayatana Dbus names") endif() endif() ############# DISTRIBUTION ################# message (STATUS "> Distribution:") # We try to detect if the user is on Ubuntu to know which bus we have to use... execute_process( COMMAND lsb_release -i OUTPUT_VARIABLE DISTRO_ID) # -> "Distributor ID: Ubuntu" if (NOT "${DISTRO_ID}" STREQUAL "") # this tool isn't available on all distributions STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\n" "" DISTRO_ID ${DISTRO_ID}) # retour chariot STRING (REGEX REPLACE ".*: *\t*" "" DISTRO_ID ${DISTRO_ID}) execute_process( COMMAND lsb_release -r OUTPUT_VARIABLE DISTRO_RELEASE) # -> "Release: 10.10" STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\n" "" DISTRO_RELEASE ${DISTRO_RELEASE}) # retour chariot STRING (REGEX REPLACE ".*: *\t*" "" DISTRO_RELEASE ${DISTRO_RELEASE}) else() # on Ubuntu deb builders, lsb_release isn't available but we can have a look to /etc/issue.net get_filename_component(ISSUE_NET "/etc/issue.net" ABSOLUTE) if (EXISTS ${ISSUE_NET}) # to not have an error with cat execute_process( COMMAND cat ${ISSUE_NET} OUTPUT_VARIABLE DISTRO_RELEASE) # -> Ubuntu 10.10 || Ubuntu natty (development branch) if (NOT "${DISTRO_RELEASE}" STREQUAL "") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\n" "" DISTRO_RELEASE ${DISTRO_RELEASE}) # retour chariot STRING (REGEX REPLACE " (.+)" "" DISTRO_ID ${DISTRO_RELEASE}) if ("${DISTRO_ID}" STREQUAL "Ubuntu") STRING (REGEX REPLACE ".[(]development branch[)]" "" DISTRO_RELEASE ${DISTRO_RELEASE}) STRING (REGEX REPLACE ".LTS" "" DISTRO_RELEASE ${DISTRO_RELEASE}) # Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS STRING (REGEX REPLACE "(.+) " "" DISTRO_RELEASE ${DISTRO_RELEASE}) if ("${DISTRO_RELEASE}" STREQUAL "natty") set (DISTRO_RELEASE "11.04") elseif ("${DISTRO_RELEASE}" STREQUAL "oneiric") set (DISTRO_RELEASE "11.10") elseif ("${DISTRO_RELEASE}" STREQUAL "precise") set (DISTRO_RELEASE "12.04") endif() endif() endif() endif() endif() if (NOT "${DISTRO_ID}" STREQUAL "") message (STATUS " DISTRO_ID: ${DISTRO_ID}, DISTRO_RELEASE: ${DISTRO_RELEASE}") endif() GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(DEBIAN_VERSION /etc/debian_version ABSOLUTE) if (EXISTS ${DEBIAN_VERSION}) set (DEBIAN_PKG_MANAGERS "/usr/bin/apt-get /usr/bin/dpkg /usr/bin/aptitude") endif() ############# SHARED LIBRARIES ########### message (STATUS "> Shared Libraries:") ############# ALSA_MIXER ################# message (STATUS "> AlsaMixer:") set (with_alsa no) set (with_soundmenu no) enable_if_not_defined (enable-alsa-mixer) if (enable-alsa-mixer) pkg_check_modules (ALSA_MIXER_PACKAGE alsa) if (NOT ALSA_MIXER_PACKAGE_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find alsa; Cairo-Dock won't be built with AlsaMixer applet.") message (WARNING "This module is required to compile AlsaMixer applet: alsa") set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} alsa") else() set (GETTEXT_ALSA_MIXER ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_ALSA_MIXER "2.1.4") set (PACKAGE_ALSA_MIXER "cd-AlsaMixer") set (with_alsa yes) set (alsa_mixerdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/AlsaMixer") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/alsaMixer/data/AlsaMixer.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/alsaMixer/data/AlsaMixer.conf) if (with_indicator3) set (INDICATOR_SOUNDMENU_WITH_IND3 TRUE) # If it's supported, it's maybe better to use it set (with_soundmenu yes) elseif (with_indicator AND IDO_FOUND AND "${INDICATOR_OLD_NAMES}" STREQUAL "0") set (with_soundmenu yes) endif() add_subdirectory ("alsaMixer") endif() endif() ############# ANIMATED ICONS ################# message (STATUS "> Animated Icons:") set (GETTEXT_ANIMATED_ICONS ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_ANIMATED_ICONS "1.0.12") set (PACKAGE_ANIMATED_ICONS "cd-Animated-icons") set (animated_iconsdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Animated-icons") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Animated-icons/data/Animated-icons.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Animated-icons/data/Animated-icons.conf) add_subdirectory (Animated-icons) ############# CAIRO_PENGUIN ################# message (STATUS "> Cairo Penguin:") set (GETTEXT_CAIRO_PENGUIN ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_CAIRO_PENGUIN "1.1.12") set (PACKAGE_CAIRO_PENGUIN "cd-Cairo-Penguin") set (cairo_penguinuserdirname "Cairo-Penguin") set (cairo_penguindatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Cairo-Penguin") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Cairo-Penguin/data/Cairo-Penguin.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Cairo-Penguin/data/Cairo-Penguin.conf) add_subdirectory (Cairo-Penguin) ############# CLIPPER ################# message (STATUS "> Clipper:") set (GETTEXT_CLIPPER ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_CLIPPER "1.1.8") set (PACKAGE_CLIPPER "cd-Clipper") set (Clipperdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Clipper") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Clipper/data/Clipper.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Clipper/data/Clipper.conf) add_subdirectory (Clipper) ############# CLOCK ################# message (STATUS "> Clock:") enable_if_not_defined (enable-ical-support) set (with_ical no) if (enable-ical-support) pkg_check_modules ("LIBICAL_PACKAGE" "libical") if (NOT LIBICAL_PACKAGE_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find libical; Clock plugin won't be built with iCal support.") message (WARNING "This module is required to compile Clock applet with iCal support: libical") set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} libical") else () set (with_ical yes) endif() endif() set (GETTEXT_CLOCK ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_CLOCK "2.2.2") set (PACKAGE_CLOCK "cd-clock") set (clockuserdirname "clock") set (clockdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/clock") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/clock/data/clock.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/clock/data/clock.conf) add_subdirectory (clock) ############# COMPOSITE_MANAGER ################# message (STATUS "> Composite Manager:") set (GETTEXT_COMPOSITE_MANAGER ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_COMPOSITE_MANAGER "1.0.3") set (PACKAGE_COMPOSITE_MANAGER "cd-Composite-Manager") set (composite_managerdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Composite-Manager") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Composite-Manager/data/Composite-Manager.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Composite-Manager/data/Composite-Manager.conf) add_subdirectory (Composite-Manager) ############# DBUS ################# message (STATUS "> DBus:") set (with_python no) set (with_python2 no) set (with_python3 no) enable_if_not_defined (enable-python-interface) if (enable-python-interface) message (STATUS " * Python:") # find python executables find_program (PYTHON2_EXECUTABLE python2) # if both python2&3 are installed, usually we will have 'python2' and 'python3' available (one of them being a link to 'python') if (PYTHON2_EXECUTABLE AND EXISTS ${PYTHON2_EXECUTABLE}) set (PYTHON2_FOUND TRUE) set (with_python2 yes) endif() find_program (PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE python3) if (PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE AND EXISTS ${PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE}) set (PYTHON3_FOUND TRUE) set (with_python3 yes) endif() if (NOT PYTHON2_FOUND OR NOT PYTHON3_FOUND) # if we didn't find one of them, find_program (PYTHON_EXECUTABLE python) if (PYTHON_EXECUTABLE AND EXISTS ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "from __future__ import print_function; import sys; print(sys.version)" OUTPUT_VARIABLE PYTHON_VERSION) STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\\..*" "" PYTHON_VERSION ${PYTHON_VERSION}) message (STATUS " Python Version: ${PYTHON_VERSION}") if ("${PYTHON_VERSION}" STREQUAL "2") set (PYTHON2_EXECUTABLE ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}) set (PYTHON2_FOUND TRUE) set (with_python2 yes) elseif ("${PYTHON_VERSION}" STREQUAL "3") set (PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}) set (PYTHON3_FOUND TRUE) set (with_python3 yes) endif() endif() endif() # see if we found anything if (NOT PYTHON2_FOUND AND NOT PYTHON3_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find Python, won't install Python interface.") message (WARNING "This program is required to compile DBus applet with Python interface: python (version 2)") set (PROGRAMS_MISSING "${PROGRAMS_MISSING} python") else() message (STATUS " Python executable program(s): ${PYTHON2_EXECUTABLE} ; ${PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE}") if (EXISTS ${DEBIAN_VERSION}) message (STATUS " will use '--install-layout deb' with 'python setup.py install'") set (DEBIAN_INSTALL_LAYOUT "--install-layout deb") endif() set (with_python yes) endif() endif() enable_if_not_defined (enable-ruby-interface) if (enable-ruby-interface) message (STATUS " * Ruby:") # find_package(Ruby) found libs of ruby-dev but we only need a directory where we can install ruby libs. find_program (RUBY_EXECUTABLE ruby) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print RbConfig::CONFIG['rubylibdir']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_LIB_DIR) message (STATUS " Ruby library dir: ${RUBY_LIB_DIR}") if ("${RUBY_LIB_DIR}" STREQUAL "" OR "${RUBY_LIB_DIR}" STREQUAL "nil") message (STATUS "Could not find ruby libs, won't install Ruby interface.") message (WARNING "This program is required to compile DBus applet with Ruby interface: ruby") set (PROGRAMS_MISSING "${PROGRAMS_MISSING} ruby") set (with_ruby no) else() # /usr/lib/ruby/1.8 or /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1 string (REGEX REPLACE "lib/ruby/[0-9].[0-9]?.+" "" RUBY_LIB_DIR_INSTALL "${RUBY_LIB_DIR}") string (REGEX REPLACE "${RUBY_LIB_DIR_INSTALL}" "" RUBY_LIB_DIR_INSTALL "${RUBY_LIB_DIR}") set (RUBY_LIB_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${RUBY_LIB_DIR_INSTALL}") message (STATUS " will be installed in: ${RUBY_LIB_DIR}") set (RUBY_FOUND "TRUE") set (with_ruby yes) endif() endif() set (with_mono no) enable_if_not_defined (enable-mono-interface) if (enable-mono-interface) message (STATUS " * Mono:") #find_package (Mono) find_program (GMCS_EXECUTABLE gmcs) if (NOT GMCS_EXECUTABLE OR NOT EXISTS ${GMCS_EXECUTABLE}) message (STATUS "Could not find Mono compiler gmcs, won't build Mono interface.") else() pkg_check_modules (MONO_PACKAGE glib-sharp-2.0 ndesk-dbus-1.0 ndesk-dbus-glib-1.0) if (NOT MONO_PACKAGE_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find glib-sharp-2.0, ndesk-dbus-1.0 or ndesk-dbus-glib-1.0; won't be built Mono interface.") message (WARNING "These modules are required to compile DBus applet with Mono interface: glib-sharp-2.0, ndesk-dbus-1.0 and ndesk-dbus-glib-1.0") set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} glib-sharp-2.0 ndesk-dbus-1.0 ndesk-dbus-glib-1.0") else() set (MONO_FOUND TRUE) set (with_mono yes) endif() endif() endif() set (with_vala no) set (with_valac no) enable_if_not_defined (enable-vala-interface) if (enable-vala-interface) message (STATUS " * Vala:") # Valac is only required to convert vala files to C files. # So we can directly use produced files (c, h, vapi) without using valac. set (with_vala yes) set (with_valac no) find_program (VALAC_EXE valac) message (STATUS " Path to valac: ${VALAC_EXE}") enable_if_not_defined (enable-vala-support) if (NOT enable-vala-support) set (with_vala no) # Glib < 2.26 elseif (${GLIB_MAJOR} LESS 3 AND ${GLIB_MINOR} LESS 26) set (with_vala no) elseif (VALAC_EXE AND EXISTS ${VALAC_EXE}) # now it works with 0.10 and 0.11 (= next 0.12) # $VALAC_EXE may be the correct path, even if valac is not installed ! execute_process(COMMAND ${VALAC_EXE} "--version" OUTPUT_VARIABLE "VALA_VERSION") string(REPLACE "Vala" "" "VALA_VERSION" ${VALA_VERSION}) string(STRIP ${VALA_VERSION} "VALA_VERSION") message (STATUS " Vala version: ${VALA_VERSION}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\\..*" "" VALA_MAJOR "${VALA_VERSION}") # message (STATUS "VALA_MAJOR : ${VALA_MAJOR}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "[0-9]*\\.([^ ]+)" "\\1" VALA_MINOR "${VALA_VERSION}") # 0.1.7 => 1.7 STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\\.[0-9]*" "" VALA_MINOR "${VALA_MINOR}") # message (STATUS "VALA_MINOR : ${VALA_MINOR}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE ".*\\." "" VALA_NANO "${VALA_VERSION}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "-.*" "" VALA_NANO "${VALA_NANO}") # message (STATUS "VALA_NANO : ${VALA_NANO}") if (${VALA_MAJOR} GREATER 0 OR ${VALA_MINOR} GREATER 9) # vala >= 0.10 # AND (${VALA_MAJOR} LESS 1 AND ${VALA_MINOR} LESS 13)) # and <= 0.12 message (STATUS " Vala compiler OK (>= 0.10).")# and <= 0.12).") set (VALAC_FOUND TRUE) set (with_valac yes) else() message (STATUS " Vala compiler is too old (0.10 required) or too new (> 0.12), won't build Vala interface.") endif() else() message (STATUS "Could not find ValaC, won't build Vala interface with the version of your distribution.") message (WARNING "This program is required to compile DBus applet with Vala interface: valac (version > 0.10)") set (PROGRAMS_MISSING "${PROGRAMS_MISSING} valac") endif() endif() set (GETTEXT_DBUS ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_DBUS "1.2.2") set (PACKAGE_DBUS "cd-Dbus") set (dbusdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Dbus") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Dbus/data/Dbus.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Dbus/data/Dbus.conf) add_subdirectory (Dbus) ############# DESKLET_RENDERING ################# message (STATUS "> Desklet Rendering:") set (GETTEXT_DESKLET_RENDERING ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_DESKLET_RENDERING "1.5.7") set (PACKAGE_DESKLET_RENDERING "cd-desklet-rendering") set (desklet_renderingdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/desklet-rendering") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/desklet-rendering/data/desklet-rendering.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/desklet-rendering/data/desklet-rendering.conf) add_subdirectory (desklet-rendering) ############# DIALOG_RENDERING ################# message (STATUS "> Dialog Rendering:") set (GETTEXT_DIALOG_RENDERING ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_DIALOG_RENDERING "0.5.2") set (PACKAGE_DIALOG_RENDERING "cd-dialog-rendering") set (dialog_renderingdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/dialog-rendering") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/dialog-rendering/data/dialog-rendering.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dialog-rendering/data/dialog-rendering.conf) add_subdirectory (dialog-rendering) ############# DISKS ################# set (with_disks no) # unstable if (enable-disks) message (STATUS "> Disks:") set (GETTEXT_DISKS ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_DISKS "0.0.6") set (PACKAGE_DISKS "cd-disks") set (with_disks yes) set (disksdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Disks") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Disks/data/Disks.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Disks/data/Disks.conf) add_subdirectory ("Disks") endif() ############# DND2SHARE ################# message (STATUS "> DND2Share:") set (GETTEXT_DND2SHARE ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_DND2SHARE "1.0.10") set (PACKAGE_DND2SHARE "cd-dnd2share") set (dnd2sharedatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/dnd2share") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/dnd2share/data/dnd2share.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dnd2share/data/dnd2share.conf) add_subdirectory (dnd2share) ############# DOCK RENDERING ################# message (STATUS "> Dock Rendering:") set (GETTEXT_RENDERING ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_RENDERING "1.5.10") set (PACKAGE_RENDERING "cd-rendering") set (renderingdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/rendering") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/dock-rendering/data/rendering.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dock-rendering/data/rendering.conf) add_subdirectory (dock-rendering) ############# DONCKY ################# set (with_doncky no) # unstable if (enable-doncky) message (STATUS "> Doncky:") set (GETTEXT_DONCKY ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_DONCKY "0.0.8") set (PACKAGE_DONCKY "cd-doncky") set (with_doncky yes) set (donckydatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Doncky") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Doncky/data/Doncky.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Doncky/data/Doncky.conf) add_subdirectory (Doncky) endif() ############# DROP INDICATOR ################# message (STATUS "> Drop Indicator:") set (GETTEXT_DROP_INDICATOR ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_DROP_INDICATOR "1.1.6") set (PACKAGE_DROP_INDICATOR "cd-drop_indicator") set (drop_indicatordatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/drop-indicator") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/drop-indicator/data/drop_indicator.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/drop-indicator/data/drop_indicator.conf) add_subdirectory (drop-indicator) ############# DUSTBIN ################# message (STATUS "> Dustbin:") set (GETTEXT_DUSTBIN ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_DUSTBIN "2.3.5") set (PACKAGE_DUSTBIN "cd-dustbin") set (dustbinuserdirname "dustbin") set (dustbindatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/dustbin") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/dustbin/data/dustbin.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dustbin/data/dustbin.conf) add_subdirectory (dustbin) ############# FOLDERS ################# message (STATUS "> Folders:") set (GETTEXT_FOLDERS ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_FOLDERS "0.2.5") set (PACKAGE_FOLDERS "cd-Folders") set (foldersdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Folders") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Folders/data/Folders.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Folders/data/Folders.conf) add_subdirectory (Folders) ############# GLOBAL-MENU ################# set (with_global_menu no) # unstable if (enable-global-menu AND "${INDICATOR_OLD_NAMES}" STREQUAL "0" AND DBUSMENU_FOUND AND DBUSMENU_GTK_FOUND) # currently only supported with new name of the indicator module and with newer version of dbusmenu message (STATUS "> Global-Menu:") set (GETTEXT_GLOBAL_MENU ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_GLOBAL_MENU "0.1.2") set (PACKAGE_GLOBAL_MENU "cd-Global-Menu") set (with_global_menu yes) set (global_menudatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Global-Menu") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Global-Menu/data/Global-Menu.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Global-Menu/data/Global-Menu.conf) add_subdirectory (Global-Menu) endif() ############# GMENU ################# message (STATUS "> GMenu:") set (with_gmenu no) enable_if_not_defined (enable-gmenu) if (enable-gmenu) set (GMENU_MODULE "libgnome-menu-3.0") set (GMENU_MODULE_OLD "libgnome-menu") pkg_check_modules (GMENU_PACKAGE ${GMENU_MODULE}) if (NOT GMENU_PACKAGE_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find ${GMENU_MODULE}; trying with an old version...") pkg_check_modules (GMENU_PACKAGE ${GMENU_MODULE_OLD}) set(GMENU_OLD 1) endif() if (NOT GMENU_PACKAGE_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find ${GMENU_MODULE} nor ${GMENU_MODULE_OLD}; Cairo-Dock won't be built with GMenu applet.") message (WARNING "This module is required to compile GMenu applet: ${GMENU_MODULE} (or ${GMENU_MODULE_OLD})") set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} ${GMENU_MODULE}") else() set (GETTEXT_GMENU ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) if (GMENU_OLD) set (VERSION_GMENU "1.1.11") set(GMENU_SRC "GMenu-old") set (with_gmenu "yes (old version)") else() set (VERSION_GMENU "2.0.0") set(GMENU_SRC "GMenu") set (with_gmenu "yes (new version)") endif() set (PACKAGE_GMENU "cd-GMenu") set (gmenudatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/GMenu") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${GMENU_SRC}/data/GMenu.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${GMENU_SRC}/data/GMenu.conf) add_subdirectory (${GMENU_SRC}) endif() endif() ############# GNOME-INTEGRATION ################# message (STATUS "> Gnome-Integration:") set (with_gnome_integration no) enable_if_not_defined (enable-gnome-integration) if (enable-gnome-integration) pkg_check_modules (GNOME_INTEGRATION gio-2.0) if (NOT GNOME_INTEGRATION_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find gio; Cairo-Dock won't be built with Gnome>=2.22 support.") message (STATUS "This module is required to compile Gnome-Integration applet: gio-2.0") set (MODULES_INTEGRATION_MISSING "${MODULES_INTEGRATION_MISSING} gio-2.0") else() set (GETTEXT_GNOME_INTEGRATION ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_GNOME_INTEGRATION "1.0.4") set (PACKAGE_GNOME_INTEGRATION "cd_gnome-integration") set (with_gnome_integration yes) set (gnome_integrationdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/gnome-integration") add_subdirectory ("gnome-integration") endif() endif() ############# GNOME-INTEGRATION-OLD ################# set (with_gnome_integration_old no) # deprecated if (enable-old-gnome-integration) message (STATUS "> Gnome-Integration:") message (WARNING "This applet is deprecated") pkg_check_modules (OLD_GNOME_INTEGRATION gnome-vfs-2.0 libgnomeui-2.0) if (NOT OLD_GNOME_INTEGRATION_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find gnome-vfs and/or gnomeui; Cairo-Dock won't be built with Gnome<2.22 support.") message (STATUS "These modules are required to compile Gnome-Integration-Old applet: gnome-vfs-2.0 libgnomeui-2.0") set (MODULES_INTEGRATION_MISSING "${MODULES_INTEGRATION_MISSING} gnome-vfs-2.0 libgnomeui-2.0") else() set (GETTEXT_GNOME_INTEGRATION_OLD ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_GNOME_INTEGRATION_OLD "1.0.5") set (PACKAGE_GNOME_INTEGRATION_OLD "cd_gnome-integration-old") set (with_gnome_integration_old yes) set (gnome_integration_olddatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/gnome-integration-old") add_subdirectory ("gnome-integration-old") endif() endif() ############# ICON EFFECTS ################# message (STATUS "> Icon Effects:") set (GETTEXT_ICON_EFFECTS ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_ICON_EFFECTS "1.2.5") set (PACKAGE_ICON_EFFECTS "cd-icon-effect") set (icon_effectsdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/icon-effect") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/icon-effect/data/icon-effect.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/icon-effect/data/icon-effect.conf) add_subdirectory (icon-effect) ############# IMPULSE ################# set (with_impulse no) message (STATUS "> Impulse:") enable_if_not_defined (enable-impulse) if (enable-impulse) pkg_check_modules (LIBPULSE libpulse) pkg_check_modules (FFTW3 fftw3) # optional, not advised for distributions packages (it's not a small dependence...) if (NOT LIBPULSE_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find libpulse; Cairo-Dock won't be built with Impulse applet.") message (WARNING "These modules are required to compile Impulse applet: libpulse (and fftw3 - optional)") set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} libpulse") else() set (GETTEXT_IMPULSE ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_IMPULSE "0.0.6") set (PACKAGE_IMPULSE "cd-Impulse") set (with_impulse yes) set (impulsedatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Impulse") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Impulse/data/Impulse.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Impulse/data/Impulse.conf) add_subdirectory (Impulse) endif() endif() ############# INDICATOR_GENERIC ################# set (with_indicator_generic no) if (with_indicator3) message (STATUS "> Indicator-Generic:") set (GETTEXT_INDICATOR_GENERIC ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_INDICATOR_GENERIC "0.0.1") set (PACKAGE_INDICATOR_GENERIC "cd-Indicator-Generic") set (with_indicator_generic yes) set (indicator_genericdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Indicator-Generic") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Indicator-Generic/data/Indicator-Generic.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Indicator-Generic/data/Indicator-Generic.conf) add_subdirectory (Indicator-Generic) endif() ############# ILLUSION ################# message (STATUS "> Illusion:") set (GETTEXT_ILLUSION ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_ILLUSION "1.0.8") set (PACKAGE_ILLUSION "cd-illusion") set (illusiondatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/illusion") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/illusion/data/illusion.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/illusion/data/illusion.conf) add_subdirectory (illusion) ############# KDE-INTEGRATION ################# message (STATUS "> KDE-Integration:") set (with_kde_integration no) enable_if_not_defined (enable-kde-integration) set (with_kde_integration2 no) # highly unstable if (enable-kde-integration2) #find_package(KDE4) find_package(Qt4) if (QT4_FOUND) message (STATUS " * Qt Includes: ${QT_INCLUDES}") message (STATUS " * Qt Definitions: ${QT_DEFINITIONS}") message (STATUS " * QtCore Library: ${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY} / ${PACKAGE_LIBRARIES}") else() message (STATUS " * Qt unavailable") endif() find_path(KDECORE_INCLUDE_DIR "kdecore_export.h") find_library(KDECORE_LIBRARY NAMES "kdecore") GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(KDECORE_LIBRARY ${KDECORE_LIBRARY} PATH) find_path(KIO_INCLUDE_DIR "kio_export.h" PATH_SUFFIXES "kio") find_library(KIO_LIBRARY NAMES "kio") GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(KIO_LIBRARY ${KIO_LIBRARY} PATH) find_path(KDE_INCLUDE_DIR "KDirWatch" PATH_SUFFIXES "KDE") if (NOT KDECORE_LIBRARY) message (STATUS " * KDECORE Dir: ${KDECORE_INCLUDE_DIR}") message (STATUS " * KDECORE Library: ${KDECORE_LIBRARY}") else() message (STATUS " * KDECORE unavailable") endif() if (NOT KIO_LIBRARY) message (STATUS " * KIO Dir: ${KIO_INCLUDE_DIR}") message (STATUS " * KIO Library: ${KIO_LIBRARY}") else() message (STATUS " * KIO unavailable") endif() if (NOT KDE_LIBRARY) ## always empty? message (STATUS " * KDE4 Dir: ${KDE_INCLUDE_DIR}") message (STATUS " * KDE4 Library: ${KDE_LIBRARY}") else() message (STATUS " * KDE4 unavailable") endif() if (QT4_FOUND AND KDECORE_INCLUDE_DIR AND KDECORE_LIBRARY AND KIO_INCLUDE_DIR AND KIO_LIBRARY AND KDE_INCLUDE_DIR) message (STATUS " KDE: OK") set (VERSION_KDE_INTEGRATION "0.0.4") set (PACKAGE_KDE_INTEGRATION "cd_kde-integration") set (with_kde_integration2 yes) set (kde_integrationdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/kde-integration2") add_subdirectory ("kde-integration2") else() message (STATUS "Could not find kde libs; Cairo-Dock won't be built with KDE support.") message (STATUS "These libraries are required to compile KDE experimental applet: kdecore, kio, kde4") set (MODULES_INTEGRATION_MISSING "${MODULES_INTEGRATION_MISSING} kdecore, kio, kde4") endif() elseif (enable-kde-integration) pkg_check_modules (KDE_INTEGRATION gio-2.0) message (STATUS " KDE_INTEGRATION_FOUND: ${KDE_INTEGRATION_FOUND}") if (NOT KDE_INTEGRATION_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find gio; Cairo-Dock won't be built with KDE support.") message (STATUS "This module is required to compile KDE-Integration applet: gio-2.0") set (MODULES_INTEGRATION_MISSING "${MODULES_INTEGRATION_MISSING} gio-2.0") else() set (GETTEXT_KDE_INTEGRATION ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_KDE_INTEGRATION "1.0.4") set (PACKAGE_KDE_INTEGRATION "cd_kde-integration") set (with_kde_integration yes) set (kde_integrationdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/kde-integration") add_subdirectory ("kde-integration") endif() endif() ############# KEYBOARD_INDICATOR ################# message (STATUS "> Keyboard-Indicator:") set (with_keyboard_indicator no) enable_if_not_defined (enable-keyboard-indicator) if (enable-keyboard-indicator) pkg_check_modules (KEYBOARD_INDICATOR_PACKAGE libxklavier) if (NOT KEYBOARD_INDICATOR_PACKAGE_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find libxklavier; Cairo-Dock won't be built with keyboard-indicator applet.") message (WARNING "This module is required to compile Keyboard-Indicator applet: libxklavier") set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} libxklavier") else() set (GETTEXT_KEYBOARD_INDICATOR ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_KEYBOARD_INDICATOR "1.1.9") set (PACKAGE_KEYBOARD_INDICATOR "cd-keyboard-indicator") set (with_keyboard_indicator yes) set (keyboard_indicatordatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/keyboard-indicator") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/keyboard-indicator/data/keyboard-indicator.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/keyboard-indicator/data/keyboard-indicator.conf) add_subdirectory ("keyboard-indicator") endif() endif() ############# LOGOUT ################# message (STATUS "> Logout:") enable_if_not_defined (enable-upower-support) if (enable-upower-support) pkg_check_modules (UPOWER upower-glib) # useful for Powermanager too. endif() if (UPOWER_FOUND) set (with_upower_support yes) else() set (with_upower_support no) message (STATUS "Could not find upower-glib; Logout and PowerManager plugin won't be built with UPower support.") message (WARNING "This module is required to compile LogOut and PowerManager applet with UPower support: upower-glib") set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} upower-glib") endif() set (GETTEXT_LOGOUT ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_LOGOUT "2.0.3") set (PACKAGE_LOGOUT "cd-logout") set (logoutdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/logout") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/logout/data/logout.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/logout/data/logout.conf) add_subdirectory (logout) ############# MAIL ################# message (STATUS "> Mail:") set (with_mail no) # find the compilation flags enable_if_not_defined (enable-mail) if (enable-mail) find_program (LIBETPAN_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE libetpan-config) execute_process( COMMAND ${LIBETPAN_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} --cflags OUTPUT_VARIABLE MAIL_PACKAGE_CFLAGS) if (NOT "${MAIL_PACKAGE_CFLAGS}" STREQUAL "" AND NOT "${MAIL_PACKAGE_CFLAGS}" STREQUAL "\n") # if there is a problem with the previous, we don't want to have a lot of errors STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\n" "" TMP_VARIABLE "${MAIL_PACKAGE_CFLAGS}") # to not skip the last option STRING (REGEX MATCHALL "(^| )-I[^ ]+( |$)" TMP_VARIABLE "${TMP_VARIABLE}") # first extract the "-I" options STRING (REGEX REPLACE ";" "" TMP_VARIABLE "${TMP_VARIABLE}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE " $" "" TMP_VARIABLE "${TMP_VARIABLE}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "^ " "" TMP_VARIABLE "${TMP_VARIABLE}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE " " " " TMP_VARIABLE "${TMP_VARIABLE}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "-I([^ ]+)" "\\1" MAIL_PACKAGE_INCLUDE_DIRS "${TMP_VARIABLE}") # then remove the "-I" string endif() # find the link flags execute_process( COMMAND ${LIBETPAN_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} --libs OUTPUT_VARIABLE MAIL_PACKAGE_LIBS) if (NOT "${MAIL_PACKAGE_LIBS}" STREQUAL "") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "\n" "" MAIL_PACKAGE_LIBS "${MAIL_PACKAGE_LIBS}") # find the link libraries STRING (REGEX MATCHALL "(^| )-l[^ ]+( |$)" TMP_VARIABLE "${MAIL_PACKAGE_LIBS}") # extract the "-l" options (only if it's separated by two blank spaces or the end/beginning of the line => -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu) STRING (REGEX REPLACE ";" "" TMP_VARIABLE "${TMP_VARIABLE}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "^ " "" TMP_VARIABLE "${TMP_VARIABLE}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE " " " " TMP_VARIABLE "${TMP_VARIABLE}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE " $" "" MAIL_PACKAGE_LIBRARIES "${TMP_VARIABLE}") # find the link directories STRING (REGEX MATCHALL "(^| )-L[^ ]+( |$)" TMP_VARIABLE "${MAIL_PACKAGE_LIBS}") # extract the "-L" options STRING (REGEX REPLACE ";" "" TMP_VARIABLE "${TMP_VARIABLE}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE " $" "" TMP_VARIABLE "${TMP_VARIABLE}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "^ " "" TMP_VARIABLE "${TMP_VARIABLE}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE " " " " TMP_VARIABLE "${TMP_VARIABLE}") STRING (REGEX REPLACE "-L([^ ]+)" "\\1" MAIL_PACKAGE_LIBRARY_DIRS "${TMP_VARIABLE}") # then remove the "-L" string endif() if ("${MAIL_PACKAGE_LIBS}" STREQUAL "") message (STATUS "warning : Could not find libetpan; Cairo-Dock won't be built with Mail applet.") message (WARNING "This module is required to compile Mail applet: libetpan") set (PROGRAMS_MISSING "${PROGRAMS_MISSING} libetpan-config") else() message (STATUS " libetpan found. Using the following options:") message (STATUS " Include directories: ${MAIL_PACKAGE_INCLUDE_DIRS}") message (STATUS " Link directories: ${MAIL_PACKAGE_LIBRARY_DIRS}") message (STATUS " Link libraries: ${MAIL_PACKAGE_LIBRARIES}") set (GETTEXT_MAIL ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_MAIL "1.0.13") set (PACKAGE_MAIL "cd-mail") set (maildatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/mail") set (with_mail yes) configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mail/data/mail.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mail/data/mail.conf) add_subdirectory ("mail") endif() endif() ############# MEMENU ################# set (with_me_menu no) if (INDICATOR_NEW_VERSION AND NOT enable-memenu) message (STATUS "> MeMenu: this applet has been automatically merged with Messaging-Menu") # oneiric or newer elseif (with_indicator AND IDO_FOUND) message (STATUS "> MeMenu:") set (GETTEXT_MEMENU ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_MEMENU "1.0.5") set (PACKAGE_MEMENU "cd-MeMenu") set (memenudatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/MeMenu") set (with_me_menu yes) configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/MeMenu/data/MeMenu.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/MeMenu/data/MeMenu.conf) add_subdirectory (MeMenu) endif() ############# MESSAGING_MENU ################# set (with_messaging_menu no) if (with_indicator) message (STATUS "> Messaging-Menu:") if (with_indicator3) set (INDICATOR_MESSAGES_WITH_IND3 TRUE) # If it's supported, it's maybe better to use it endif() set (GETTEXT_MESSAGING_MENU ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_MESSAGING_MENU "1.0.6") set (PACKAGE_MESSAGING_MENU "cd-Messaging-Menu") set (with_messaging_menu yes) set (messaging_menudatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Messaging-Menu") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Messaging-Menu/data/Messaging-Menu.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Messaging-Menu/data/Messaging-Menu.conf) add_subdirectory (Messaging-Menu) endif() ############# MOTION BLUR ################# message (STATUS "> Motion Blur:") set (GETTEXT_MOTION_BLUR ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_MOTION_BLUR "1.0.5") set (PACKAGE_MOTION_BLUR "cd-motion_blur") set (motion_blurdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/motion-blur") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/motion-blur/data/motion_blur.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/motion-blur/data/motion_blur.conf) add_subdirectory (motion-blur) ############# MUSICPLAYER ################# message (STATUS "> MusicPlayer:") set (GETTEXT_MUSICPLAYER ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_MUSICPLAYER "2.0.3") set (PACKAGE_MUSICPLAYER "cd-musicPlayer") set (musicplayerdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/musicPlayer") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/musicPlayer/data/musicPlayer.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/musicPlayer/data/musicPlayer.conf) add_subdirectory (musicPlayer) ############# NETSPEED ################# message (STATUS "> NetSpeed:") set (GETTEXT_NETSPEED ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_NETSPEED "1.2.11") set (PACKAGE_NETSPEED "cd-netspeed") set (netspeeddatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/netspeed") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/netspeed/data/netspeed.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/netspeed/data/netspeed.conf) add_subdirectory (netspeed) ############# NETWORK_MONITOR ################# set (with_network_monitor no) # unstable if (enable-network-monitor) message (STATUS "> Network Monitor:") set (GETTEXT_NETWORK_MONITOR ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_NETWORK_MONITOR "0.2.9") set (PACKAGE_NETWORK_MONITOR "cd-network-monitor") set (with_network_monitor yes) set (network_monitordatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Network-Monitor") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Network-Monitor/data/Network-Monitor.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Network-Monitor/data/Network-Monitor.conf) add_subdirectory (Network-Monitor) endif() ############# POWERMANAGER ################# message (STATUS "> PowerManager:") set (GETTEXT_POWERMANAGER ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_POWERMANAGER "1.3.11") set (PACKAGE_POWERMANAGER "cd-powermanager") set (powermanagerdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/powermanager") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/powermanager/data/powermanager.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/powermanager/data/powermanager.conf) add_subdirectory (powermanager) ############# QUICK BROWSER ################# message (STATUS "> Quick Browser:") set (GETTEXT_QUICK_BROWSER ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_QUICK_BROWSER "1.0.12") set (PACKAGE_QUICK_BROWSER "cd-quick-browser") set (quick_browserdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/quick_browser") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/quick-browser/data/quick-browser.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/quick-browser/data/quick-browser.conf) add_subdirectory (quick-browser) ############# RECENT-EVENTS ################# message (STATUS "> Recent-Events:") set (with_recent_events no) enable_if_not_defined (enable-recent-events) if (enable-recent-events) pkg_check_modules (RECENT_EVENTS zeitgeist-2.0) if (NOT RECENT_EVENTS_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find 'zeitgeist-2.0'; trying with an old version 'zeitgeist-1.0'...") pkg_check_modules (RECENT_EVENTS zeitgeist-1.0) set (ZEITGEIST_1_0 1) endif() if (NOT RECENT_EVENTS_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find libzeitgeist; Cairo-Dock won't be built with Zeitgeist support.") message (WARNING "This module is required to compile Recent-Events applet: zeitgeist-x.0") set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} zeitgeist-x.0") else() set (GETTEXT_RECENT_EVENTS ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_RECENT_EVENTS "1.0.3") set (PACKAGE_RECENT_EVENTS "cd-Recent-Events") if (ZEITGEIST_1_0) set (with_recent_events "yes (zeitgeist 1.0)") else() set (with_recent_events "yes (zeitgeist 2.0)") endif() set (recent_eventsdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Recent-Events") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Recent-Events/data/Recent-Events.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Recent-Events/data/Recent-Events.conf) add_subdirectory ("Recent-Events") endif() endif() ############# REMOTE_CONTROL ################# message (STATUS "> Remote Control:") set (GETTEXT_REMOTE_CONTROL ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_REMOTE_CONTROL "1.0.2") set (PACKAGE_REMOTE_CONTROL "cd-Remote-Control") set (remote_controldatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Remote-Control") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Remote-Control/data/Remote-Control.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Remote-Control/data/Remote-Control.conf) add_subdirectory (Remote-Control) ############# RSSREADER ################# message (STATUS "> RSSreader:") set (GETTEXT_RSS_READER ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_RSS_READER "1.0.7") set (PACKAGE_RSS_READER "cd-rssreader") set (rss_readerdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/RSSreader") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/RSSreader/data/RSSreader.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/RSSreader/data/RSSreader.conf) add_subdirectory (RSSreader) ############# SCOOBY_DO ################# set (with_scooby_do no) # unstable if (enable-scooby-do) message (STATUS "> Scooby-Do:") set (GETTEXT_SCOOBY_DO ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_SCOOBY_DO "0.1.3") set (PACKAGE_SCOOBY_DO "cd-scooby-do") set (with_scooby_do yes) set (scooby_dodatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Scooby-Do") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Scooby-Do/data/Scooby-Do.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Scooby-Do/data/Scooby-Do.conf) add_subdirectory (Scooby-Do) endif() ############# SCREENSHOT ################# message (STATUS "> Screenshot:") set (GETTEXT_SCREENSHOT ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_SCREENSHOT "0.0.1") set (PACKAGE_SCREENSHOT "cd-Screenshot") set (screenshotdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Screenshot") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Screenshot/data/Screenshot.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Screenshot/data/Screenshot.conf) add_subdirectory (Screenshot) ############# SHORTCUTS ################# message (STATUS "> Shortcuts:") set (GETTEXT_SHORTCUTS ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_SHORTCUTS "1.3.5") set (PACKAGE_SHORTCUTS "cd-shortcuts") set (shortcutsdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/shortcuts") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/shortcuts/data/shortcuts.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/shortcuts/data/shortcuts.conf) add_subdirectory (shortcuts) ############# SHOW DESKTOP ################# message (STATUS "> ShowDesktop:") enable_if_not_defined (enable-xrandr-support) if (enable-xrandr-support) pkg_check_modules (SHOW_DESKTOP_XRANDR xrandr) if (NOT SHOW_DESKTOP_XRANDR_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find xrandr; ShowDesktop won't be built with screen resolution abilities.") message (WARNING "This module is required to compile ShowDesktop applet with xRandr support: xrandr") set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} xrandr") set (with_xrandr no) else () set (with_xrandr yes) endif() endif() set (GETTEXT_SHOW_DESKTOP ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_SHOW_DESKTOP "1.2.8") set (PACKAGE_SHOW_DESKTOP "cd-showDesktop") set (show_desktopdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/showDesktop") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/showDesktop/data/showDesktop.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/showDesktop/data/showDesktop.conf) add_subdirectory (showDesktop) ############# SHOW MOUSE ################# message (STATUS "> Show Mouse:") set (GETTEXT_SHOW_MOUSE ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_SHOW_MOUSE "1.0.5") set (PACKAGE_SHOW_MOUSE "cd-show_mouse") set (show_mousedatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/show_mouse") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/show-mouse/data/show_mouse.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/show-mouse/data/show_mouse.conf) add_subdirectory (show-mouse) ############# SLIDER ################# message (STATUS "> Slider:") set (with_exif no) enable_if_not_defined (enable-exif-support) if (enable-exif-support) pkg_check_modules (EXIF libexif) if (NOT EXIF_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find libexif; Slider won't be able to rotate the images accordingly to their exif data.") message (WARNING "This module is required to compile Slider applet with Exif support: libexif") set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} libexif") else () set (with_exif yes) endif() endif() set (GETTEXT_SLIDER ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_SLIDER "2.0.14") set (PACKAGE_SLIDER "cd-slider") set (sliderdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/slider") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/slider/data/slider.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/slider/data/slider.conf) add_subdirectory (slider) ############# SOUND_EFFECTS ################# set (with_sound_effects no) enable_if_not_defined (enable-sound-effects) if (enable-sound-effects) pkg_check_modules (ALSA_PACKAGE alsa) if (NOT ALSA_PACKAGE_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find alsa; Cairo-Dock won't be built with Sound-Effect applet.") message (WARNING "This module is required to compile Sound-Effect applet: alsa") set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} alsa") else() message (STATUS "> Sound-Effects:") set (GETTEXT_SOUND_EFFECTS ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_SOUND_EFFECTS "0.0.1") set (PACKAGE_SOUND_EFFECTS "cd-Sound-Effects") set (with_sound_effects yes) set (sound_effectsdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Sound-Effects") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Sound-Effects/data/Sound-Effects.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Sound-Effects/data/Sound-Effects.conf) add_subdirectory (Sound-Effects) endif() endif() ############# STACK ################# message (STATUS "> Stack:") set (GETTEXT_STACK ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_STACK "0.3.5") set (PACKAGE_STACK "cd-stack") set (stackdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/stack") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/stack/data/stack.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/stack/data/stack.conf) add_subdirectory (stack) ############# STATUS NOTIFIER ################# message (STATUS "> Status Notifier:") if (NOT DBUSMENU_GTK_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find Status-Notifier libs; Cairo-Dock won't be built with Status-Notifier support.") message (WARNING "This module is required to compile Status Notifier applet: ${DBUSMENU_GTK_MODULE}(-0.4)") # set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} dbusmenu-gtk(-0.4)") # it should already be in the list. set (with_status_notifier no) else() if (force_indicator_applicationadded_have_hint) set (INDICATOR_APPLICATIONADDED_HAS_HINT 1) elseif (DEFINED force_indicator_applicationadded_have_hint) set (INDICATOR_APPLICATIONADDED_HAS_HINT 0) endif() message (STATUS " Used old DBus name = ${INDICATOR_OLD_NAMES}") message (STATUS " ApplicationAdded signal has 'Hint' = ${INDICATOR_APPLICATIONADDED_HAS_HINT}") message (STATUS " ApplicationAdded signal has 'Title' = ${INDICATOR_APPLICATIONADDED_HAS_TITLE}") set (GETTEXT_STATUS_NOTIFIER ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_STATUS_NOTIFIER "0.1.8") set (PACKAGE_STATUS_NOTIFIER "cd-status-notifier") set (with_status_notifier yes) set (status_notifierdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Status-Notifier") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Status-Notifier/data/Status-Notifier.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Status-Notifier/data/Status-Notifier.conf) add_subdirectory (Status-Notifier) endif() ############# SWITCHER ################# message (STATUS "> Switcher:") set (GETTEXT_SWITCHER ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_SWITCHER "2.2.0") set (PACKAGE_SWITCHER "cd-switcher") set (switcherdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/switcher") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/switcher/data/switcher.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/switcher/data/switcher.conf) add_subdirectory (switcher) ############# SYSTEM MONITOR ################# message (STATUS "> System Monitor:") enable_if_not_defined (enable-sensors-support) if (enable-sensors-support) find_package (Sensors) if (NOT SENSORS_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find libsensors; System-Monitor won't be able to monitor fan speed and CPU temperature.") message (WARNING "This package is required to compile System Monitor applet with Sensors support: sensors") set (PROGRAMS_MISSING "${PROGRAMS_MISSING} sensors") set (with_sensors no) else () set (with_sensors yes) endif() endif() set (GETTEXT_SYSTEM_MONITOR ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_SYSTEM_MONITOR "1.0.13") set (PACKAGE_SYSTEM_MONITOR "cd-system-monitor") set (system_monitordatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/System-monitor") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/System-Monitor/data/System-Monitor.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/System-Monitor/data/System-Monitor.conf) add_subdirectory (System-Monitor) ############# SYSTRAY ################# message (STATUS "> Systray:") set (GETTEXT_SYSTRAY ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_SYSTRAY "0.2.6") set (PACKAGE_SYSTRAY "cd-systray") set (systraydatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/systray") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/systray/data/systray.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/systray/data/systray.conf) add_subdirectory (systray) ############# TERMINAL ################# message (STATUS "> Terminal:") enable_if_not_defined (enable-terminal) if (enable-terminal) if (gtkversion EQUAL 2) set (TERMINAL_MODULE vte) else() set (TERMINAL_MODULE vte-2.90) endif() pkg_check_modules (TERMINAL_PACKAGE ${TERMINAL_MODULE}) if (NOT TERMINAL_PACKAGE_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find ${TERMINAL_MODULE}; Cairo-Dock won't be built with terminal applet.") message (WARNING "This module is required to compile Terminal applet: ${TERMINAL_MODULE}") set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} ${TERMINAL_MODULE}") set (with_terminal no) else() set (GETTEXT_TERMINAL ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_TERMINAL "1.0.14") set (PACKAGE_TERMINAL "cd-terminal") set (with_terminal yes) set (terminaldatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/terminal") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/terminal/data/terminal.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/terminal/data/terminal.conf) add_subdirectory (terminal) endif() endif() ############# TOMBOY ################# message (STATUS "> Tomboy:") set (GETTEXT_TOMBOY ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_TOMBOY "1.3.5") set (PACKAGE_TOMBOY "cd-tomboy") set (tomboydatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/tomboy") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tomboy/data/tomboy.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/tomboy/data/tomboy.conf) add_subdirectory (tomboy) ############# TOONS ################# message (STATUS "> Toons:") set (GETTEXT_TOONS ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_TOONS "1.0.14") set (PACKAGE_TOONS "cd-Toons") set (toonsdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Toons") set (toonsuserdirname "Toons") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Toons/data/Toons.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Toons/data/Toons.conf) add_subdirectory (Toons) ############# WEATHER ################# message (STATUS "> Weather:") set (GETTEXT_WEATHER ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_WEATHER "1.2.15") set (PACKAGE_WEATHER "cd-weather") set (weatherdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/weather") set (weatheruserdirname "weather") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/weather/data/weather.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/weather/data/weather.conf) add_subdirectory (weather) ############# WEBLETS ################# message (STATUS "> Weblets:") set (with_weblets no) enable_if_not_defined (enable-weblets) if (enable-weblets) if (gtkversion EQUAL 2) set (WEBKIT_MODULE webkit-1.0) else() set (WEBKIT_MODULE webkitgtk-3.0) endif() pkg_check_modules (WEBKIT ${WEBKIT_MODULE}) if (NOT WEBKIT_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find ${WEBKIT_MODULE}; Cairo-Dock won't be built with Weblets applet.") message (WARNING "This module is required to compile Weblets applet: ${WEBKIT_MODULE}") set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} ${WEBKIT_MODULE}") else() set (GETTEXT_WEBLETS ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_WEBLETS "0.0.14") set (PACKAGE_WEBLETS "cd-weblets") set (webletsdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/weblets") set (with_weblets yes) configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/weblets/data/weblets.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/weblets/data/weblets.conf) add_subdirectory ("weblets") endif() endif() ############# WIFI ################# message (STATUS "> WiFi:") set (GETTEXT_WIFI ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_WIFI "1.3.2") set (PACKAGE_WIFI "cd-wifi") set (wifidatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/wifi") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/wifi/data/wifi.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/wifi/data/wifi.conf) add_subdirectory (wifi) ############# XFCE-INTEGRATION ################# message (STATUS "> XFCE-Integration:") set (with_xfce_integration no) enable_if_not_defined (enable-xfce-integration) if (enable-xfce-integration) pkg_check_modules (XFCE_INTEGRATION_THUNAR QUIET thunar-vfs-1) # thunar-vfs is not used if gvfs (gio) is available pkg_check_modules (XFCE_INTEGRATION_GVFS gio-2.0) if (XFCE_INTEGRATION_THUNAR_FOUND AND XFCE_INTEGRATION_GVFS_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could find neither thunar-vfs or libgio-2.0; Cairo-Dock won't be built with XFCE support.") message (STATUS "This module is required to compile XFCE-Integration applet: gio-2.0 (or thunar-vfs-1)") set (MODULES_INTEGRATION_MISSING "${MODULES_INTEGRATION_MISSING} gio-2.0") else() set (GETTEXT_XFCE_INTEGRATION ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_XFCE_INTEGRATION "1.0.4") set (PACKAGE_XFCE_INTEGRATION "cd_xfce-integration") set (with_xfce_integration yes) set (xfce_integrationdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/xfce-integration") add_subdirectory ("xfce-integration") endif() endif() ############# XGAMMA ################# message (STATUS "> XGamma:") enable_if_not_defined (enable-xgamma) if (enable-xgamma) pkg_check_modules (XGAMMA_PACKAGE x11 xxf86vm) if (NOT XGAMMA_PACKAGE_FOUND) message (STATUS "Could not find xxf86vm; Cairo-Dock won't be built with Xgamma applet.") message (WARNING "These modules are required to compile XGamma applet: x11 and xxf86vm") set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} x11 xxf86vm") set (with_xgamma no) else() set (GETTEXT_XGAMMA ${GETTEXT_PLUGINS}) set (VERSION_XGAMMA "1.2.4") set (PACKAGE_XGAMMA "cd-Xgamma") set (with_xgamma yes) set (xgammadatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/Xgamma") configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Xgamma/data/Xgamma.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Xgamma/data/Xgamma.conf) add_subdirectory ("Xgamma") endif() endif() message ("") message (STATUS "===============") message (STATUS "Language build:") message (STATUS "===============") message ("") add_subdirectory (po) message ("") message (STATUS "===============") message (STATUS "Plug-ins build:") message (STATUS "===============") message ("") message (STATUS "Stable:") message (STATUS " Integration plug-ins:") message (STATUS " - with Gnome support: ${with_gnome_integration}") message (STATUS " - with KDE support: ${with_kde_integration}") message (STATUS " - with XFCE support: ${with_xfce_integration}") message (STATUS " Plug-ins:") message (STATUS " - with Alsa-Mixer applet: ${with_alsa}") message (STATUS " - with GMenu applet: ${with_gmenu}") message (STATUS " - with Impulse applet: ${with_impulse}") message (STATUS " - with Indicator-Generic applet: ${with_indicator_generic}") message (STATUS " - with Keyboard-indicator applet: ${with_keyboard_indicator}") message (STATUS " - with Mail applet: ${with_mail}") if (NOT INDICATOR_NEW_VERSION OR enable-memenu) # oneiric or newer message (STATUS " - with Me-Menu applet applet: ${with_me_menu}") endif() message (STATUS " - with Messaging-Menu applet: ${with_messaging_menu}") message (STATUS " - with Recent-Events applet: ${with_recent_events}") message (STATUS " - with Sound Effects applet: ${with_sound_effects}") message (STATUS " - with Status-Notifier applet: ${with_status_notifier}") message (STATUS " - with Terminal applet: ${with_terminal}") message (STATUS " - with Weblets applet: ${with_weblets}") message (STATUS " - with Xgamma applet: ${with_xgamma}") message (STATUS "Add On:") message (STATUS " - with Sound-Menu support: ${with_soundmenu}") message (STATUS " - with Screen Resolution support: ${with_xrandr}") message (STATUS " - with Sensors support: ${with_sensors}") message (STATUS " - with UPower support: ${with_upower_support}") message (STATUS " - with iCal support: ${with_ical}") message (STATUS " - with Exif support: ${with_exif}") message (STATUS "Third Party Interfaces:") message (STATUS " - with Python2 interface: ${with_python2}") message (STATUS " - with Python3 interface: ${with_python3}") message (STATUS " - with Ruby interface: ${with_ruby}") message (STATUS " - with Mono interface: ${with_mono}") message (STATUS " - with Vala interface: ${with_vala}") message (STATUS " - with Vala Translator (valac): ${with_valac}") message (STATUS "Unstable:") message (STATUS " - with Global-Menu applet: ${with_global_menu}") message (STATUS " - with Disks applet: ${with_disks}") message (STATUS " - with Doncky applet: ${with_doncky}") message (STATUS " - with KDE experimental support: ${with_kde_integration2}") message (STATUS " - with Network-Monitor applet: ${with_network_monitor}") message (STATUS " - with Scooby-Do applet: ${with_scooby_do}") message (STATUS "Deprecated:") message (STATUS " - with old Gnome support: ${with_gnome_integration_old}") if (NOT "${MODULES_MISSING}" STREQUAL "") message ("") message (STATUS "WARNING: It seems that one (or more) module(s) is (are) missing:${MODULES_MISSING}") message (STATUS "It can be interesting to install them (especially if you're a maintainer of Cairo-Dock's packages).") endif () if (NOT "${PROGRAMS_MISSING}" STREQUAL "") message ("") message (STATUS "WARNING: It seems that one (or more) program(s) or package(s) is (are) missing:${PROGRAMS_MISSING}") message (STATUS "It can be interesting to install them (especially if you're a maintainer of Cairo-Dock's packages).") endif () if (NOT "${MODULES_INTEGRATION_MISSING}" STREQUAL "") message ("") message (STATUS "WARNING: It seems that one (or more) module(s) for the integration with the system is (are) missing:${MODULES_INTEGRATION_MISSING}") message (STATUS "It's maybe not required for the user but it's recommended to install them if you're a maintainer of Cairo-Dock's packages.") endif () message ("")