/***** ** ** Module Header ******************************************************* ** ** ** ** Modules Revision 3.0 ** ** Providing a flexible user environment ** ** ** ** File: ModuleCmd_Switch.c ** ** First Edition: 1991/10/23 ** ** ** ** Authors: John Furlan, jlf@behere.com ** ** Jens Hamisch, jens@Strawberry.COM ** ** ** ** Description: Switches two modulefiles such that the paths are ** ** switched in-place. ** ** ** ** Exports: ModuleCmd_Switch ** ** ** ** Notes: ** ** ** ** ************************************************************************ ** ****/ /** ** Copyright *********************************************************** ** ** ** ** Copyright 1991-1994 by John L. Furlan. ** ** see LICENSE.GPL, which must be provided, for details ** ** ** ** ************************************************************************ **/ static char Id[] = "@(#)$Id: ModuleCmd_Switch.c,v 2010/11/11 18:23:18 rkowen Exp $"; static void *UseId[] = { &UseId, Id }; /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** HEADERS **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ #include "modules_def.h" /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** LOCAL DATATYPES **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** not applicable **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** CONSTANTS **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** not applicable **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** MACROS **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** not applicable **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** LOCAL DATA **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ static char module_name[] = "ModuleCmd_Switch.c"; /** File name of this module **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** PROTOTYPES **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** not applicable **/ /*++++ ** ** Function-Header ***************************************************** ** ** ** ** Function: ModuleCmd_Switch ** ** ** ** Description: Execution of the module-command 'switch' ** ** ** ** First Edition: 1991/10/23 ** ** ** ** Parameters: Tcl_Interp *interp Attached Tcl Interp. ** ** int argc Number of arguments ** ** char *argv[] Argument list ** ** ** ** Result: int TCL_ERROR Failure ** ** TCL_OK Successful operation ** ** ** ** Attached Globals: g_flags Controlling the callback ** ** functions. ** ** g_specified_module The module name from the ** ** command line. ** ** g_current_module The module which is handled ** ** by the current command ** ** ** ** ************************************************************************ ** ++++*/ int ModuleCmd_Switch( Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char *argv[]) { char *oldmodule, *newmodule, *realname, *oldfile, *newfile, *oldname, *newname, *oldmodule_buffer = (char *) NULL; int ret_val = TCL_OK; #if WITH_DEBUGGING_MODULECMD fprintf( stderr, "ModuleCmd_Switch(%d):DEBUG: Starting\n", __LINE__); #endif /** ** allocate buffer memory **/ if ((char *) NULL == (oldfile = stringer(NULL, MOD_BUFSIZE, NULL))) if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) goto unwind0; if ((char *) NULL == (newfile = stringer(NULL, MOD_BUFSIZE, NULL))) if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) goto unwind1; if ((char *) NULL == (oldname = stringer(NULL, MOD_BUFSIZE, NULL))) if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) goto unwind2; if ((char *) NULL == (newname = stringer(NULL, MOD_BUFSIZE, NULL))) if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) goto unwind3; /** ** Parameter check. the required syntax is: ** module switch [ ] ** If is not specified, then the pathname of is assumed. **/ if( argc == 1) { newmodule = argv[0]; if((char *) NULL == (oldmodule_buffer = stringer(NULL,0,newmodule,NULL))) if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) goto unwind4; /* starting from the end of the module name, find the first * forward slash and replace with null */ if ((oldmodule = strrchr(oldmodule_buffer, '/'))) { *oldmodule = 0; } oldmodule = oldmodule_buffer; } else if( argc == 2) { oldmodule = argv[0]; newmodule = argv[1]; } else { if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_USAGE, LOC, "switch oldmodule newmodule", NULL)) return( TCL_ERROR); /** ------- EXIT (FAILURE) --------> **/ } /** ** Set the name of the module specified on the command line **/ g_specified_module = oldmodule; /** ** First try to find a match for the modulefile out of the LOADEDMODULES. **/ if( !IsLoaded( interp, oldmodule, &realname, oldfile)) if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_NOTLOADED, LOC, oldmodule, NULL)) goto unwind4; /** ** If we have another name to try, try finding it on disk. **/ if( realname) ret_val = Locate_ModuleFile( interp, realname, oldname, oldfile); /** ** If we've made it this far without finding a file, then look using the ** exact name the user gave me -- i.e. the old method. **/ if( ret_val == TCL_ERROR) { if( TCL_ERROR == (ret_val = Locate_ModuleFile( interp, oldmodule, oldname, oldfile))) if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_LOCATE, LOC, oldmodule, NULL)) goto unwind4; /** ** OK, this one is known. Is it loaded, too? **/ if( !IsLoaded( interp, oldname, NULL, oldfile)) if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_NOTLOADED, LOC, oldmodule, NULL)) goto unwind4; } /** ** Set the name of the module specified on the command line **/ g_specified_module = newmodule; /** ** Now try to find the new file to swap with. **/ if( TCL_ERROR == (ret_val = Locate_ModuleFile( interp, newmodule, newname, newfile))) if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_LOCATE, LOC, newmodule, NULL)) goto unwind4; ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_VERBOSE, LOC, "Switching '$1' to '$2'", oldmodule, newmodule, NULL); /** ** We'll remove the current modulefile with the SWITCH1 state set. ** This means that instead of really removing the paths, markers will ** be put in its place for later use. **/ g_flags |= (M_REMOVE | M_SWSTATE1); g_specified_module = oldmodule; g_current_module = oldname; if( Read_Modulefile( interp, oldfile) == 0) Update_LoadedList( interp, oldname, oldfile); else { ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_VERBOSE, LOC, "failed", NULL); goto unwind4; } g_flags &= ~(M_REMOVE | M_SWSTATE1); /** ** Move on to state SWITCH2. This loads the modulefile at the append ** and prepend markers. **/ g_flags |= M_SWSTATE2; g_specified_module = newmodule; g_current_module = newname; if( Read_Modulefile( interp, newfile) == 0) Update_LoadedList( interp, newname, newfile); else { ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_VERBOSE, LOC, "failed", NULL); goto unwind4; } g_flags &= ~M_SWSTATE2; /** ** This actually unsets environment variables and gets rid of the ** markers. **/ g_flags |= (M_REMOVE | M_SWSTATE3); g_specified_module = oldmodule; g_current_module = oldname; if( Read_Modulefile( interp, oldfile) == 0) Update_LoadedList( interp, newname, newfile); else { ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_VERBOSE, LOC, "failed", NULL); goto unwind4; } /** ** Return on success **/ ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_VERBOSE, LOC, "done", NULL); #if WITH_DEBUGGING_MODULECMD fprintf( stderr, "ModuleCmd_Switch(%d):DEBUG: End\n", __LINE__); #endif /** ** free space ** assume don't need what's pointed to by g_current_module ** and g_specified_module **/ null_free((void *) &newname); null_free((void *) &oldname); null_free((void *) &newfile); null_free((void *) &oldfile); return( TCL_OK); /** ------- EXIT (SUCCESS) --------> **/ unwind4: if (oldmodule == oldmodule_buffer) null_free((void *) &oldmodule); null_free((void *) &newname); unwind3: null_free((void *) &oldname); unwind2: null_free((void *) &newfile); unwind1: null_free((void *) &oldfile); unwind0: return( TCL_ERROR); /** ------- EXIT (FAILURE) --------> **/ } /** End of 'ModuleCmd_Switch' **/