/***** ** ** Module Header ******************************************************* ** ** ** ** Modules Revision 3.0 ** ** Providing a flexible user environment ** ** ** ** File: cmdPath.c ** ** First Edition: 1991/10/23 ** ** ** ** Authors: John Furlan, jlf@behere.com ** ** Jens Hamisch, jens@Strawberry.COM ** ** ** ** Description: The path manipulation routines. Much of the heart of ** ** Modules is contained in this file. These routines ** ** are responsible for adding and removing directories ** ** from given PATH-like variables. ** ** ** ** Exports: cmdSetPath ** ** cmdRemovePath ** ** ** ** Notes: ** ** ** ** ************************************************************************ ** ****/ /** ** Copyright *********************************************************** ** ** ** ** Copyright 1991-1994 by John L. Furlan. ** ** see LICENSE.GPL, which must be provided, for details ** ** ** ** ************************************************************************ **/ static char Id[] = "@(#)$Id: cmdPath.c,v 2011/11/28 21:13:15 rkowen Exp $"; static void *UseId[] = { &UseId, Id }; /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** HEADERS **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ #include "modules_def.h" #ifdef HAS_SYS_PARAM_H #include #endif /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** LOCAL DATATYPES **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** not applicable **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** CONSTANTS **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ #ifdef MAXPATHLEN #define PATH_BUFLEN MAXPATHLEN #else #define PATH_BUFLEN 1024 #endif /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** MACROS **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ #define _TCLCHK(a) \ {if (*(TCL_RESULT(a))) ErrorLogger(ERR_EXEC,LOC,TCL_RESULT(a),NULL);} /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** LOCAL DATA **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ static char module_name[] = "cmdPath.c"; /** File name of this module **/ #if WITH_DEBUGGING_CALLBACK static char _proc_cmdSetPath[] = "cmdSetPath"; static char _proc_cmdRemovePath[] = "cmdRemovePath"; static char _proc_Remove_Path[] = "Remove_Path"; #endif static char buffer[ PATH_BUFLEN]; /** ************************************************************************ **/ /** PROTOTYPES **/ /** ************************************************************************ **/ static int Remove_Path( Tcl_Interp *interp, char *variable, char *item, char *sw_marker, const char *delim); /*++++ ** ** Function-Header ***************************************************** ** ** ** ** Function: cmdSetPath ** ** ** ** Description: Add the passed value (argv[2]) to the specified vari-** ** able (argv[1]). argv[0] specifies, if the variable ** ** is to be appended or prepended. Each directory in ** ** the path is checked to see whether it is already ** ** in the path. If so it is not added. ** ** (Handles options -d C, or --delim[=]C ) ** ** ** ** First Edition: 1991/10/23 ** ** ** ** Parameters: ClientData client_data ** ** Tcl_Interp *interp According Tcl interp.** ** int argc Number of arguments ** ** char *argv[] Argument array ** ** ** ** Result: int TCL_OK Successful completion ** ** TCL_ERROR Any error ** ** ** ** Attached Globals: g_flags These are set up accordingly before ** ** this function is called in order to ** ** control everything ** ** ** ** ************************************************************************ ** ++++*/ int cmdSetPath( ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, CONST84 char *argv[]) { Tcl_RegExp chkexpPtr; /** Regular expression for **/ /** marker checking **/ char *oldpath, /** Old value of 'var' **/ *newpath, /** New value of 'var' **/ *sw_marker = APP_SW_MARKER, /** arbitrary default **/ *startp=NULL, *endp=NULL, /** regexp match endpts **/ *qualifiedpath, /** List of dirs which aren't already in path **/ **pathlist; /** List of dirs **/ const char *delim = _colon; /** path delimiter **/ int append = 1, /** append or prepend **/ numpaths, /** number of dirs in path **/ qpathlen, /** qualifiedpath length **/ arg1 = 1, /** arg start **/ x; /** loop index **/ #if WITH_DEBUGGING_CALLBACK ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_START, LOC, _proc_cmdSetPath, NULL); #endif /** ** Whatis mode? **/ if( g_flags & (M_WHATIS | M_HELP)) goto success0; /** ** Check arguments. There should be at least 3 args: ** argv[0] - prepend/append ** ... ** argv[n-1]- varname ** argv[n] - value **/ if(argc < 3) if( OK != ErrorLogger(ERR_USAGE, LOC, argv[0], " path-variable directory", NULL)) goto unwind0; /** ** Should this guy be removed from the variable ... If yes, do so! **/ if(g_flags & M_REMOVE) return( cmdRemovePath(client_data, interp, argc, argv)); /** ----> **/ /** ** prepend or append. The default is append. **/ if( !( append = !!strncmp( argv[0], "pre", 3))) sw_marker = PRE_SW_MARKER; /** ** Non-persist mode? **/ if (g_flags & M_NONPERSIST) { return (TCL_OK); } /** ** Display only ... ok, let's do so! **/ if(g_flags & M_DISPLAY) { fprintf( stderr, "%s\t ", argv[ 0]); while( --argc) fprintf( stderr, "%s ", *++argv); fprintf( stderr, "\n"); goto success0; } /** ** Check for the delimiter option **/ if(*(argv[arg1]) == '-') { if (!strcmp(argv[arg1], "-d")) { delim = argv[arg1+1]; arg1 += 2; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg1], "--delim")) { delim = argv[arg1+1]; arg1 += 2; } else if (!strncmp(argv[arg1], "--delim=", 8)) { delim = argv[arg1]+8; arg1++; } } /** ** Get the old value of the variable. MANPATH defaults to a configure ** generated value. ** Put a \ in front of each '.' and '+'. ** (this is an intentional memory leak) **/ oldpath = EMGetEnv( interp, argv[arg1]); _TCLCHK(interp) if(!oldpath || !*oldpath) { null_free((void *) &oldpath); oldpath = !strcmp( argv[arg1], "MANPATH") ? stringer(NULL,0,DEFAULTMANPATH,NULL) : stringer(NULL,0,"",NULL); } /** ** Split the new path into its components directories so each ** directory can be checked to see whether it is already in the ** existing path. **/ if( !( pathlist = SplitIntoList( interp, (char *) argv[arg1+1], &numpaths, delim))) goto unwind0; /** ** Some space for the list of paths which ** are not already in the existing path. **/ if((char *) NULL == (qualifiedpath = stringer(NULL,0, argv[arg1+1], delim, NULL))) if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) goto unwind1; qpathlen = strlen(qualifiedpath)+1; *qualifiedpath = '\0'; /** make sure null for later **/ for( x = 0; x < numpaths; x++) { regex_quote( pathlist[x], buffer, PATH_BUFLEN); /** ** Check to see if path is already in this path variable. ** It could be at the ** beginning ... ^path: ** middle ... :path: ** end ... :path$ ** only one ... ^path$ **/ if((char *) NULL == (newpath = stringer(NULL,0, "(^", buffer, delim, ")|(",delim, buffer, delim,")|(",delim, buffer, "$)|(^", buffer, "$)",NULL))) if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) goto unwind2; chkexpPtr = Tcl_RegExpCompile(interp, newpath); _TCLCHK(interp) null_free((void *) &newpath); /** ** If the directory is not already in the path, ** add it to the qualified path. **/ if( !Tcl_RegExpExec(interp, chkexpPtr, oldpath, oldpath)) if (!stringer(qualifiedpath + strlen(qualifiedpath), qpathlen - strlen(qualifiedpath), pathlist[x], delim, NULL)) if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) goto unwind2; } /** End of loop that checks for ** already existent path **/ /** ** If all of the directories in the new path already exist, ** exit doing nothing. **/ if( ! *qualifiedpath) goto success1; /* remove trailing delimiter */ qualifiedpath[strlen(qualifiedpath) - 1] = '\0'; /** ** Some space for our newly created path. ** We size at the oldpath plus the addition. **/ if(!(newpath = stringer(NULL, strlen( oldpath) + strlen(qualifiedpath) + 2,NULL))) if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) goto unwind2; *newpath = '\0'; /** ** Easy job to do, if the old path has not been set up so far ... **/ if( !strcmp( oldpath, "")) { strcpy( newpath, qualifiedpath); /** ** Otherwise we have to take care on prepending vs. appending ... ** If there is a append or prepend marker within the variable (see ** modules_def.h) the changes are made according to this markers. Other- ** wise append and prepend will be relative to the strings begin or end. **/ } else { Tcl_RegExp markexpPtr = Tcl_RegExpCompile(interp, sw_marker); _TCLCHK(interp) strcpy( newpath, oldpath); if( Tcl_RegExpExec(interp, markexpPtr, oldpath, oldpath)) { _TCLCHK(interp) Tcl_RegExpRange(markexpPtr, 0, (CONST84 char **) &startp, (CONST84 char **) &endp); /** ** Append/Prepend marker found **/ if( append) { char ch = *startp; *startp = '\0'; strcpy(newpath, oldpath); /** ** check that newpath has a value before adding delim **/ if (strlen(newpath) > 0 && newpath[strlen(newpath)-1] != *delim) strcat(newpath, delim); strcat(newpath, qualifiedpath); if (newpath[strlen(newpath)-1] != *delim) strcat(newpath, delim); *startp = ch; strcat(newpath, startp); } else { char ch = *endp; *endp = '\0'; strcpy(newpath, oldpath); if (newpath[strlen(newpath)-1] != *delim) strcat(newpath, delim); strcat(newpath, qualifiedpath); *endp = ch; strcat(newpath, endp); } } else { /** ** No marker set **/ if(append) { strcpy(newpath, oldpath); if (newpath[strlen(newpath)-1] != *delim) strcat(newpath, delim); strcat(newpath, qualifiedpath); } else { strcpy(newpath, qualifiedpath); if (*oldpath != *delim) strcat(newpath, delim); strcat(newpath, oldpath); } } /** if( marker) **/ } /** if( strcmp) **/ /** ** Now the new value to be set resides in 'newpath'. Set it up. **/ moduleSetenv( interp, (char *) argv[arg1], newpath, 1); _TCLCHK(interp) #if WITH_DEBUGGING_CALLBACK ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_END, LOC, _proc_cmdSetPath, NULL); #endif /** ** Free resources **/ null_free((void *) &newpath); success1: null_free((void *) &oldpath); null_free((void *) &qualifiedpath); FreeList( pathlist, numpaths); success0: return( TCL_OK); /** -------- EXIT (SUCCESS) -------> **/ unwind2: null_free((void *) &qualifiedpath); unwind1: FreeList( pathlist, numpaths); unwind0: null_free((void *) &oldpath); return( TCL_ERROR); /** -------- EXIT (FAILURE) -------> **/ } /** End of 'cmdSetPath' **/ /*++++ ** ** Function-Header ***************************************************** ** ** ** ** Function:cmdRemovePath ** ** ** ** Description: Remove the passed value (argv[2]) from the specified ** ** variable (argv[1]). In case of switching this pro- ** ** cedure removes markers from the path, too. argv[0] ** ** specifies, if the append- or prepend-marker is af- ** ** fected ** ** ** ** First Edition: 1991/10/23 ** ** ** ** Parameters: ClientData client_data ** ** Tcl_Interp *interp According Tcl interp.** ** int argc Number of arguments ** ** char *argv[] Argument array ** ** ** ** Result: int TCL_OK Successful completion ** ** TCL_ERROR Any error ** ** ** ** Attached Globals: g_flags These are set up accordingly before ** ** this function is called in order to ** ** control everything ** ** ** ** ************************************************************************ ** ++++*/ int cmdRemovePath( ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, CONST84 char *argv[]) { char *sw_marker = APP_SW_MARKER, /** arbitrary default **/ **pathlist; /** List of dirs **/ const char *delim = _colon; /** path delimiter **/ int numpaths, /** number of dirs in path **/ arg1 = 1, /** arg start **/ x; /** loop index **/ #if WITH_DEBUGGING_CALLBACK ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_START, LOC, _proc_cmdRemovePath, NULL); #endif /** ** Check arguments. There should be give 3 args: ** argv[0] - prepend/append/remove-path ** ... ** argv[n-1]- varname ** argv[n] - value **/ if(argc < 3) if( OK != ErrorLogger(ERR_USAGE,LOC,argv[0],"path-variable directory", NULL)) goto unwind0; /** ** Non-persist mode? **/ if (g_flags & M_NONPERSIST) { return (TCL_OK); } /** ** Display only ... ok, let's do so! **/ if(g_flags & M_DISPLAY) { fprintf( stderr, "%s\t ", argv[ 0]); while( --argc) fprintf( stderr, "%s ", *++argv); fprintf( stderr, "\n"); goto success0; } /** ** prepend or append. The default is append. **/ if( ! strncmp( argv[0], "pre", 3)) sw_marker = PRE_SW_MARKER; /** ** For switch state3, we're looking to remove the markers. **/ if( g_flags & M_SWSTATE3) argv[arg1+1] = sw_marker; /** ** Check for the delimiter option **/ if(*(argv[arg1]) == '-') { if (!strcmp(argv[arg1], "-d")) { delim = argv[arg1+1]; arg1 += 2; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg1], "--delim")) { delim = argv[arg1+1]; arg1 += 2; } else if (!strncmp(argv[arg1], "--delim=", 8)) { delim = argv[arg1]+8; arg1++; } } /** ** Split the path into its components so each item can be removed ** individually from the variable. **/ if( !( pathlist = SplitIntoList( interp, (char *) argv[arg1+1], &numpaths, delim))) goto unwind0; /** ** Remove each item individually **/ for( x = 0; x < numpaths; x++) if(TCL_OK != Remove_Path(interp,(char *) argv[arg1],pathlist[x], sw_marker, delim)) goto unwind1; #if WITH_DEBUGGING_CALLBACK ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_END, LOC, _proc_cmdRemovePath, NULL); #endif /** ** Free resources **/ FreeList(pathlist, numpaths); success0: return( TCL_OK); /** -------- EXIT (SUCCESS) -------> **/ unwind1: FreeList(pathlist, numpaths); unwind0: return( TCL_ERROR); /** -------- EXIT (FAILURE) -------> **/ } /** End of 'cmdRemovePath' **/ /*++++ ** ** Function-Header ***************************************************** ** ** ** ** Function: Remove_Path ** ** ** ** Description: This function actually does the work of removing ** ** the item from the path. It is done this way to ** ** support multiple items (often directories) ** ** separated by colons in the variable value. ** ** ** ** First Edition: 2001/08/08 ** ** ** ** Parameters: Tcl_Interp *interp According Tcl interp.** ** char *variable Variable from which ** ** to remove item ** ** char *item Item to remove ** ** char *sw_marker Switch marker ** ** const char *delim path delimiter ** ** ** ** Result: int TCL_OK Successful completion ** ** TCL_ERROR Any error ** ** ** ** Attached Globals: g_flags These are set up accordingly before ** ** this function is called in order to ** ** control everything ** ** ** ** ************************************************************************ ** ++++*/ static int Remove_Path( Tcl_Interp * interp, char *variable, char *item, char *sw_marker, const char *delim ) { char *oldpath, /** current path **/ *olditem; /** item from path **/ int i, /** counter **/ found = 0, /** flag to indicate item was found **/ pcount = 0, /** count of items in path **/ addsep = 0, /** flag to add separator **/ marked = 0, /** flag path contains sw_marker **/ oldpathlen = 0; Tcl_DString _newpath; Tcl_DString *newpath = &_newpath; Tcl_DStringInit(newpath); /** ** Get the current value of the "PATH" environment variable **/ oldpath = (char *) EMGetEnv(interp, variable); if (!oldpath || !*oldpath) { null_free((void *) &oldpath); _TCLCHK(interp); goto success0; /** -------- EXIT (SUCCESS) -------> **/ } /* copy oldpath to not mess with the TCL value of env(PATH) */ if (!(oldpath = stringer(NULL,0, oldpath, NULL))) if (OK != ErrorLogger(ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) goto unwind0; /* get length of oldpath before it gets modified by xstrtok */ oldpathlen = strlen(oldpath); /* determine if sw_marker is in the path */ olditem = xstrtok(oldpath, delim); while (olditem) { if (!strcmp(olditem, sw_marker)) { marked = 1; } pcount++; olditem = xstrtok(NULL, delim); } /** pointer arithmetic on oldpath ** if olditem starts at terminating null string of oldpath, ** it means the last character in oldpath was ":", meaning ** the last element was the empty string. use <= to catch ** this case and process the last empty element */ for (olditem = oldpath; olditem <= oldpath + oldpathlen; olditem += strlen(olditem) + 1) { if (strcmp(olditem, item)) { /* not the droids we're looking for */ if (Tcl_DStringLength(newpath)) { if (!Tcl_DStringAppend(newpath, delim, 1)) if (OK != ErrorLogger(ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) goto unwind1; } if (!Tcl_DStringAppend(newpath, olditem, -1)) if (OK != ErrorLogger(ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) goto unwind1; } else { /* bingo! Don't add it to new path */ found++; if ((g_flags & M_SWSTATE1) && !marked) { /** ** In state1, we're actually replacing old paths with ** the markers for future appends and prepends. ** ** We only want to do this once to mark the location ** the module was formed around. **/ marked = 1; if (Tcl_DStringLength(newpath)) { if (!Tcl_DStringAppend (newpath, delim, 1)) if (OK != ErrorLogger(ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) goto unwind1; } if (!Tcl_DStringAppend(newpath, sw_marker, -1)) if (OK != ErrorLogger(ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) goto unwind1; } } } if (!found) { goto success1; } if (Tcl_DStringLength(newpath)) { /** ** Cache the set. Clear the variable from the unset table just ** in case it was previously unset. **/ store_hash_value(setenvHashTable, variable, Tcl_DStringValue(newpath)); clear_hash_value(unsetenvHashTable, variable); /** ** Store the new PATH value into the environment. **/ (void) EMSetEnv( interp, variable, Tcl_DStringValue(newpath)); _TCLCHK(interp); } else { /** ** In this case, I should go ahead and unset the variable ** from the environment because I'm removing the very last ** path. ** ** First I'm going to clear the variable from the ** setenvHashTable just in case its already been altered ** and had a significant value at the time. It's very ** possible that I'm removing the only two or three paths ** from this variable. If that's the case, then all the ** earlier paths were marked for output in this hashTable. ** ** Secondly, I actually mark the the environment variable ** to be unset when output. **/ clear_hash_value(setenvHashTable, variable); moduleUnsetenv(interp, variable); /** ** moduleUnsetenv doesn't unset the variable in the Tcl ** space because the $env variable might need to be ** used again in the modulefile for locating other ** paths. BUT, since this was a path-type environment ** variable, the user is expecting this to be empty ** after removing the only remaining path. So, I set ** the variable empty here. **/ (void) EMSetEnv( interp, variable, ""); _TCLCHK(interp); } /** ** Free what has been used and return on success **/ success1: null_free((void *)&oldpath); success0: Tcl_DStringFree(newpath); return (TCL_OK); /** -------- EXIT (SUCCESS) -------> **/ unwind1: null_free((void *)&oldpath); unwind0: Tcl_DStringFree(newpath); return (TCL_ERROR); /** -------- EXIT (FAILURE) -------> **/ } /** End of 'Remove_Path' **/